About that Glenn Greenwald “Dead Man’s Switch” claim

LGF • Views: 40,661

I was just skimming Bart Gellman’s Snowden interview again and something caught my eye:

Some news accounts have quoted U.S. government officials as saying Snowden has arranged for the automated release of sensitive documents if he is arrested or harmed. There are strong reasons to doubt that, beginning with Snowden’s insistence, to this reporter and others, that he does not want the documents published in bulk.

If Snowden were fool enough to rig a “dead man’s switch,” confidants said, he would be inviting anyone who wants the documents to kill him.

Asked about such a mechanism in the Moscow interview, Snowden made a face and declined to reply. Later, he sent an encrypted message. “That sounds more like a suicide switch,” he wrote. “It wouldn’t make sense.”

This claim about a Snowden “dead man’s switch” originated with Glenn Greenwald (though for whatever reason Gellman attributes it to “U.S. government officials” in his interview article):

Greenwald: Snowden’s Files Are Out There if ‘Anything Happens’ to Him

Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian journalist who Snowden first contacted in February, told The Daily Beast on Tuesday that Snowden “has taken extreme precautions to make sure many different people around the world have these archives to insure the stories will inevitably be published.” Greenwald added that the people in possession of these files “cannot access them yet because they are highly encrypted and they do not have the passwords.” But, Greenwald said, “if anything happens at all to Edward Snowden, he told me he has arranged for them to get access to the full archives.”

The arrangement to entrust encrypted archives of his files with others also sheds light on a cryptic statement Snowden made on June 17 during a live chat with The Guardian. In the online session he said, “All I can say right now is the U.S. government is not going to be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me. Truth is coming, and it cannot be stopped.”

A few weeks later, in his Guardian column, Greenwald linked to the above article and again referenced the “dead man’s switch”:

That Snowden has created some sort of “dead man’s switch” - whereby documents get released in the event that he is killed by the US government - was previously reported weeks ago, and Snowden himself has strongly implied much the same thing. That doesn’t mean he thinks the US government is attempting to kill him - he doesn’t - just that he’s taken precautions against all eventualities, including that one (just incidentally, the notion that a government that has spent the last decade invading, bombing, torturing, rendering, kidnapping, imprisoning without charges, droning, partnering with the worst dictators and murderers, and targeting its own citizens for assassination would be above such conduct is charmingly quaint).

So is there a “dead man’s switch” or isn’t there, or in other words, is Greenwald telling the truth or is Snowden?

Here’s one other inconsistency I noticed between the Snowden and Greenwald narratives. Again from the Gellman interview:

In a previous assignment, Snowden taught U.S. intelligence personnel how to operate securely in a “high-threat digital environment,” using a training scenario in which China was the designated threat. He declined to discuss the whereabouts of the files, but he said that he is confident he did not expose them to Chinese intelligence in Hong Kong. And he said he did not bring them to Russia.

“There’s nothing on it,” he said, turning his laptop screen toward his visitor. “My hard drive is completely blank.”

And again from Greenwald’s Guardian column linked above:

The US government has acted with wild irrationality. The current criticism of Snowden is that he’s in Russia. But the reason he’s in Russia isn’t that he chose to be there. It’s because the US blocked him from leaving: first by revoking his passport (with no due process or trial), then by pressuring its allies to deny airspace rights to any plane they thought might be carrying him to asylum (even one carrying the democratically elected president of a sovereign state), then by bullying small countries out of letting him land for re-fueling.

Given the extraordinary amount of documents he has and their sensitivity, I pointed out in the interview that it is incredibly foolish for the US government to force him to remain in Russia. From the perspective of the US government and the purported concerns about him being in Russia, that makes zero sense given the documents he has.

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1 sauceruney  Mon, Dec 30, 2013 6:47:47pm

Snowden chose to be in Russia over turning himself in. He had a choice. Greenwald creeps me out to no end with his irrationality.

2 darthstar  Mon, Dec 30, 2013 9:17:52pm

Cool. Where’s that asshole Jesus freak who went hunting Osama bin Laden in Africa with a sword?

3 Gus  Mon, Dec 30, 2013 9:37:54pm
4 William Barnett-Lewis  Mon, Dec 30, 2013 9:41:08pm

re: #1 sauceruney

Snowden chose to be in Russia over turning himself in. He had a choice. Greenwald creeps me out to no end with his irrationality.

I tend to believe he was turned by the FSB while in Switzerland and that he only ended up in Russia the way he did as a diversion. Hope he likes life there… not.

5 wheat-dogghazi  Mon, Dec 30, 2013 9:46:07pm

This part of Greenwald’s column especially bothers me:

The US government has acted with wild irrationality. The current criticism of Snowden is that he’s in Russia. But the reason he’s in Russia isn’t that he chose to be there. It’s because the US blocked him from leaving: first by revoking his passport (with no due process or trial),

Holding a US passport is not a right. It’s a privilege, and if you read the passport’s fine print, it says the passport is the property of the US government and can be revoked or recalled at any time. Therefore, Snowden was not entitled to due process or a trial, at least regarding his passport.

As for the rest of the argle-bargle about his ending up in Russia, and attempts to leave said country, most of those problems were created by Snowden himself and his handlers.

6 simoom  Mon, Dec 30, 2013 10:20:19pm

re: #5 wheat-dogghazi

As for the rest of the argle-bargle about his ending up in Russia, and attempts to leave said country, most of those problems were created by Snowden himself and his handlers.

Yup. Just before he outed himself in his first interview, he could have been anywhere on the planet, but he chose China. The extradition request and eventual revocation of his passport were an entirely predictable consequence of his actions. He made a brief attempt, through appeals to the Chinese public and gov’t, to secure asylum there, but at some point he got spooked, spent three days in the Hong Kong Russian consulate, and then went on to Russia.

7 The War TARDIS  Mon, Dec 30, 2013 10:24:46pm

OT, but can you include moving gifs in a page?

8 piratedan  Mon, Dec 30, 2013 10:26:12pm

for someone who has admitted that he violated the espionage act willingly, fled the country and has shared intelligence information with the country’s international rivals, I find it the height of hubris that these guys have any complaints about their treatment, Snowden as a former government contractor or Greenwald as an erstwhile journalist who aided and abetted the theft as a means of exposing the US for the heinous entity that it is.

I appreciate the fact that the US Government has not made a big deal out of this other than to address it when asked. Whether or not the efforts are in the public eye or not, they’ve done a decent job of not feeding the frenzy and as such, allowed GG to dig himself a deeper hole and watch the estrangement of the former partnership manifest itself in its own time.

While the theft is deplorable, I’m fairly confident that by now, the Administration has done what it can to mitigate the damage and move to other alternatives for gathering data and tracking bad guys and recalled potential assets that were hanging in the wind (at least I hope so).

I really don’t see a viable end game for GG and the Snowman, the former will continue to rant on, now that he’s slowly being outed as a monster-shouter and Snowden may simply end up with a bullet in his brain once his usefulness, either as an intelligence asset or a source of embarrassment has ended.

9 simoom  Mon, Dec 30, 2013 10:29:50pm

I didn’t include this in the main post because I wasn’t sure it had any real relevance, so I’ll drop it in down here as a point of interest. Snowden’s last known post to Arstechnica:

Buzzfeed: Edward Snowden’s Online Past Revealed

The last of his 753 posts, first discovered by Anthony DeRosa, was posted on May 21, 2012, in response to a question about creating a “Dead Man’s Switch,” a program that would automatically delete a computer’s contents if its owner failed to log in periodically. Snowden replies, “You could write one. There are also plenty of orphaned Open Source ones out there you could pick up that need to be finished, if you want a head start.” This was the first time he had posted on the forum in six months.

10 piratedan  Mon, Dec 30, 2013 10:52:09pm

OT but nifty:


the science is shaky but still would be cool if they could use real images instead of subjective extrapolations, my guess is that this will inspire the real thing.

11 Snarknado!  Mon, Dec 30, 2013 11:09:04pm

OT but at last…

Evil Neighbor running noisy converter driving me crazy. (Legal steps being taken, city involved, but the wheels of justice turn slowly.)

So, after 5.5 hours, I managed to rearrange my main room to get away from the vibration, if not the noise. At the end, I was almost too tired to shove the last piece of heavy furniture. I love books, but shifting a few hundred of them would make anyone appreciate an e-reader. My back doesn’t hurt as much as it did a couple of hours ago, I have an ugly but not too painful bruise on one foot, several invisible but painful bruises here and there, a few scratches on my hand, and my fingernails will never be clean again. Amazing how much dust builds up under stuff.

The eclair I brought home to celebrate has been consumed, feline overlord (after 5.5 hours confinement in the bathroom — I gave her my own pillows to lie on) has forgiven me — after all, it’s all the same stuff, just in different places.

I have to work out the electrical cords tomorrow, and I suddenly have a huge amount of free space in the middle of the room. If I were a mad genius designing a death ray or something, it would be just right.

Now I just hope it helps against the noise.

12 freetoken  Mon, Dec 30, 2013 11:42:36pm

I notice that the rightwing online outrage machine, a significant segment of which is now under the employ of Salem Communications, has yet to find a voice to offer up a comment on the Pew evolution poll and news today.

I wonder what is taking them so long.

We know that Eric son of Erick has long been in public denial about the centrality of creationism to the contemporary “conservative” movement.

But what about the rest? Salem Communications outlets have yet to post a rebuttal/story of some sort. Furthermore, PJMedia - quiet. I suspect eventually there will be someone commenting on it. Maybe PaleoPat will have to step up to bat and show the youngsters what needs to be done?

13 freetoken  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 12:31:47am
14 freetoken  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 12:32:34am

Here’s one for all you Pagans:

MP3 Audio

15 freetoken  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 12:37:47am

For all you traditionalists, I think this is the 6th day of Christmas, perhaps the Apodosis for some.

For Christmastide:

MP3 Audio

16 Amory Blaine  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 1:44:33am
17 urbanmeemaw  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 1:50:11am

re: #6 simoom

partnering with the worst dictators and murderers

I thought that line was hilarious given Snowald’s flight to China then Russia.

18 Targetpractice  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 2:08:19am

re: #16 Amory Blaine

‘Completely false’: Sources on ground in Benghazi challenge NYT report

Like clockwork.

“Sources on ground” = “Some people say…”

19 Kragar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 2:16:54am

trying to use my tablet using the Voice app.

well that appears to work.

and with that goodnight.

20 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 3:35:34am

re: #9 simoom

I didn’t include this in the main post because I wasn’t sure it had any real relevance, so I’ll drop it in down here as a point of interest. Snowden’s last known post to Arstechnica:

Buzzfeed: Edward Snowden’s Online Past Revealed

Snowden was still working at Dell at that time, doing NSA work and, it is believed, stealing NSA documents as well. It seems to me that I recall that, according to his girlfriend’s twitter page, they had moved to HI about that time also.


“Snowden, who was granted a year’s asylum by Russia on August 1, worked for Dell from 2009 until earlier this year, assigned as a contractor to U.S. National Security Agency facilities in the United States and Japan.

“Snowden downloaded information while employed by Dell about eavesdropping programs run by the NSA and Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters, and left an electronic footprint indicating when he accessed the documents, said the sources, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“David Frink, a spokesman for Round Rock, Texas-based Dell, declined to comment on any aspect of Snowden’s employment with the company, saying Dell’s “customer” - presumably the NSA - had asked Dell not to talk publicly about him.”

He ostensibly learned his hacking skills while at Dell, also, even spending 6 days in India, learning Java programming and “ethical” hacking. Makes me wonder, though, who actually paid for that course and its attendant expenses and why did he leave 2 days before the course was finished?


21 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 3:42:50am

Latest on train derailment and explosion at Casseslton, ND.

65% percent of town evacuated. Federal investigation underway.


22 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 3:48:31am

Happy New Year already to those on the other side of the world. : )

23 wheat-dogghazi  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 4:01:11am

re: #22 Justanotherhuman

Happy New Year already to those on the other side of the world. : )

Thanks! I still have four hours to go. The Aussies have a head start, and they’ll win the race.

24 Eventual Carrion  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 4:26:58am

Weather report for Bryan Fischer: in the 90’s in Darwin, Australia today on New Years Day.

25 A Mom Anon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 4:30:45am

Happy New Year Lizards. I for one am glad the holiday season is nearly over. Today is my oldest kid’s 30th birthday, which makes me feel a tad over the hill.

Here’s to a better New Year than this one.

26 wheat-dogghazi  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 4:31:30am

re: #24 Eventual Carrion

Weather report for Bryan Fischer: in the 90’s in Darwin, Australia today on New Years Day.

I hope that’s in Fahrenheit degrees, otherwise Darwin is cooked!

27 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave of the waffle light)  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 4:54:18am

re: #26 wheat-dogghazi

I hope that’s in Fahrenheit degrees, otherwise Darwin is cooked!

Bryan Fisher only measures in Christian units, not in secular Centigrade.

28 Shiplord Kirel  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 4:59:47am

The FSB is obviously not buying this dead-man switch story.
Proof? Snowden is still drawing breath.

29 Shiplord Kirel  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 5:00:44am

In Snowden’s case, it’s a dead snitch switch.

30 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 5:15:26am

re: #25 A Mom Anon

Happy New Year Lizards. I for one am glad the holiday season is nearly over. Today is my oldest kid’s 30th birthday, which makes me feel a tad over the hill.

Here’s to a better New Year than this one.

Want to feel younger? Both my sons are over 50 now, will be 55 and 54 in 2014.

31 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 5:18:29am

Sidney fireworks, always spectacular.

32 A Mom Anon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 5:37:04am

re: #30 Justanotherhuman

Not helping, lol. It’s this winter stuff that gets on my last nerve. Holidays, shorter days, colder, more rain than normal, can’t get out as much, no garden to keep me busy, etc. I have acute clinical depression, all of those things don’t help. I’ll just be glad when it’s next week, except missing The Teenager after I take him back to school on Sunday afternoon. Then we can move on from holiday madness back into the regular madness.

And with that, I’m off to take Princess Dog to the vet for her shots. She’s going to pout all day, lol.

33 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 5:49:41am

re: #32 A Mom Anon

Not helping, lol. It’s this winter stuff that gets on my last nerve. Holidays, shorter days, colder, more rain than normal, can’t get out as much, no garden to keep me busy, etc. I have acute clinical depression, all of those things don’t help. I’ll just be glad when it’s next week, except missing The Teenager after I take him back to school on Sunday afternoon. Then we can move on from holiday madness back into the regular madness.

And with that, I’m off to take Princess Dog to the vet for her shots. She’s going to pout all day, lol.

Yeah, I actually took down all the xmas decorations on Sunday when it was rainy and overcast.

If you’re suffering from SAD, make sure you get as much sunlight as possible, or burn your lights (hopefully w/non-incandescents), but natural sunlight is best. It helps tremendously. If you have places to walk, throw on the galoshes and start hiking through the mess when there’s a break in the rain. Any exercise is better than none. We still have Jan and Feb to get through, too, damn it, although I have seen daffodils and crocuses blooming in those months here in NC in the past. I’ve even seen people in shorts on a warmish day, but I think that’s really pushing it. In another 6 wks you should be able to get out in the garden and do some cleanup and prepping for early planting, don’t you think?

34 wheat-dogghazi  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 5:52:26am

re: #27 Sol Berdinowitz

Bryan Fisher only measures in Christian units, not in secular Centigrade.

Since Australia is not mentioned in the Bible, Bryan Fischer does not believe it exists.

35 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:01:38am

Damn you Australia! You win again!

36 BongCrodny  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:05:59am

re: #16 Amory Blaine

‘Completely false’: Sources on ground in Benghazi challenge NYT report

Like clockwork.

re: #18 Targetpractice

“Sources on ground” = “Some people say…”


Verbatim from that story:

“…one witness to the attack told Fox News.”
“…one special operator said.”
“Multiple sources, though, challenged that claim.”
“…once source said.”
“Sources also tell Fox News…”

Not one single person willing to go on record with his or her name for that “story.”

Not one.

37 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:10:51am
38 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:16:23am
39 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:16:42am


I am on a Delta flight headed to LA, using their onboard WiFi.

40 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:17:39am

re: #36 BongCrodny


Verbatim from that story:

“…one witness to the attack told Fox News.”
“…one special operator said.”
“Multiple sources, though, challenged that claim.”
“…once source said.”
“Sources also tell Fox News…”

Not one single person willing to go on record with his or her name for that “story.”

Not one.

Haha, not after the Lara Logan/Dylan Davies discredited “expose”.

41 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:18:11am

re: #39 Pie-onist Overlord


I am on a Delta flight headed to LA, using their onboard WiFi.

Hope your flight is uneventful. Have a great time!

42 b.d.  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:18:53am

Russia could have let him leave without a passport.

That excuse has grown wearisome.

43 b.d.  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:20:09am

re: #39 Pie-onist Overlord


I am on a Delta flight headed to LA, using their onboard WiFi.

LA? The LA where the beards are on the actors or the LA where the beards are besides the actors?

44 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:21:12am

re: #43 b.d.

LA? The LA where the beards are on the actors or the LA where the beards are besides the actors?

LA in California.

45 geoffm33  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:24:19am

re: #36 BongCrodny


Verbatim from that story:

“…one witness to the attack told Fox News.”
“…one special operator said.”
“Multiple sources, though, challenged that claim.”
“…once source said.”
“Sources also tell Fox News…”

Not one single person willing to go on record with his or her name for that “story.”

Not one.

To be fair, there weren’t any (many?) named sources in the NYTimes article.

46 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:26:33am

One thing to be thankful for in the coming year…not working with Joe Scarborough.

47 Dr Lizardo  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:26:50am

re: #39 Pie-onist Overlord


I am on a Delta flight headed to LA, using their onboard WiFi.

Well hello, you jet setter you. Eight and a half hours till New Year’s here, and the kids are already goin’ crazy with the fireworks!

48 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:27:13am

re: #39 Pie-onist Overlord


I am on a Delta flight headed to LA, using their onboard WiFi.

Headed to Hollywood to pitch your pie-making program?

49 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:29:13am

Please, mothers, stop giving over children to men who hate your guts and with whom you’re involved in a “bitter custody dispute”. Keep those visits properly supervised and never let your guard down when it comes to your kids. This is the same kind of thing that happened in NYC the other week. These young children are unable to defend themselves against unstable parents. I would say the same for children who have unstable mothers as well.

Julian Stevenson hangs himself in French jail


50 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:30:17am

re: #48 Feline Fearless Leader

Headed to Hollywood to pitch your pie-making program?

Crust Dynasty

51 Eventual Carrion  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:30:21am

re: #47 Dr Lizardo

Well hello, you jet setter you. Eight and a half hours till New Year’s here, and the kids are already going’ crazy with the fireworks!

Just got first 2014 timestamp in the database a few minutes ago. We have a server on Guam. Every year on new years eve day I send a request at 9:00 EST to the server to get a new year timestamp in the log dB table. :-)

52 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:30:55am
53 RealityBasedSteve  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:31:21am

re: #39 Pie-onist Overlord


I am on a Delta flight headed to LA, using their onboard WiFi.

Whatever you do, don’t ask the flight attendant for the password to the “Flight Control Systems”. It won’t end well.


54 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:32:51am
55 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:36:32am

Twitter Poutrage Du Jour is over Melissa Harris Perry allegedly dissing the Romney’s African-American adopted kid. HURR HURR WHOSE TEH REAL RACISTS!!!!

What would they say if Beyonce and Jay Z adopted a white kid?

56 Dr Lizardo  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:40:40am

re: #55 Pie-onist Overlord

Twitter Poutrage Du Jour is over Melissa Harris Perry allegedly dissing the Romney’s African-American adopted kid. HURR HURR WHOSE TEH REAL RACISTS!!!!

What would they say if Beyonce and Jay Z adopted a white kid?

The freakout would be epic.

57 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:41:28am

Kieran means ‘black’. Yep…the kid’s named Black Romney.

58 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:43:10am

re: #36 BongCrodny


Verbatim from that story:

“…one witness to the attack told Fox News.”
“…one special operator said.”
“Multiple sources, though, challenged that claim.”
“…once source said.”
“Sources also tell Fox News…”

Not one single person willing to go on record with his or her name for that “story.”

Not one.

That’s what I said about that ‘story’ yesterday. It has no named sources, no hard evidence, and no credibility.

59 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:44:16am
60 BongCrodny  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:44:26am

re: #45 geoffm33

To be fair, there weren’t any (many?) named sources in the NYTimes article.

True enough; I didn’t catch the number of unnamed sources in the original Times article.

Still, those are still are at least *somewhat* better than Fox’s: “A Western diplomat”; “an Obama administration official”; etc., vs. “sources.”

61 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:47:14am

re: #57 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Kieran means ‘black’. Yep…the kid’s named Black Romney.

Did he get his first name before or after he was adopted?

62 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:50:09am

re: #61 Dark_Falcon

Did he get his first name before or after he was adopted?

Adopting a baby isn’t like picking up a puppy from someone who decided they didn’t want it…his name’s Spot…treat him well.

And yes, adoptive parents do get to choose the name of their child. I don’t think the birth mother was Irish, by the way.

63 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave of the waffle light)  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:51:58am

re: #62 darthstar

Adopting a baby isn’t like picking up a puppy from someone who decided they didn’t want it…his name’s Spot…treat him well.

And yes, adoptive parents do get to choose the name of their child. I don’t think the birth mother was Irish, by the way.

Black Irish?

64 William Barnett-Lewis  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:53:13am

re: #62 darthstar

And yes, adoptive parents do get to choose the name of their child. I don’t think the birth mother was Irish, by the way.

We chose to keep our son’s birth name, Lac (a Vietnamese Buddhist name meaning “Peaceful” and pronounced lock), as his middle name.

65 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:53:22am

re: #62 darthstar

Adopting a baby isn’t like picking up a puppy from someone who decided they didn’t want it…his name’s Spot…treat him well.

And yes, adoptive parents do get to choose the name of their child. I don’t think the birth mother was Irish, by the way.

There is no need to be hostile. I was only inquiring into the circumstances of his adoption as they bear on his name.

66 CuriousLurker  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:53:33am

re: #57 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Kieran means ‘black’. Yep…the kid’s named Black Romney.

E gad.

Ciarán (Irish) or Ciaran (Scottish) is a Gaelic male given name meaning “little dark one” or “blacky”, produced by appending a diminutive suffix to ciar (“black”, “dark”). The female form is Ciara.


It is anglicized in various ways: Ciaran, Kerry, Kyran, Kieran, Keiran, Keiren, Kieren, Ceiran, Ceeran, etc.


67 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:55:40am

re: #66 CuriousLurker

E gad.

By that linguistic convention, John Kerry is Mr. Black!


/Must I?

68 geoffm33  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:55:51am

re: #55 Pie-onist Overlord

Twitter Poutrage Du Jour is over Melissa Harris Perry allegedly dissing the Romney’s African-American adopted kid. HURR HURR WHOSE TEH REAL RACISTS!!!!

What would they say if Beyonce and Jay Z adopted a white kid?

But isn’t this the same thing we accuse the right of? Trying to MBF a situation? MHP et al stepped in it when they brought up the Romney family picture on air. They were wrong and should be called out by the left and right for it.

69 geoffm33  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:57:21am

re: #55 Pie-onist Overlord

Twitter Poutrage Du Jour is over Melissa Harris Perry allegedly dissing the Romney’s African-American adopted kid. HURR HURR WHOSE TEH REAL RACISTS!!!!

What would they say if Beyonce and Jay Z adopted a white kid?

But yes, I do agree that many on the right are using this as an excuse to say the left are teh real racists. No argument there.

70 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:59:17am

re: #64 William Barnett-Lewis

We chose to keep our son’s birth name, Lac (a Vietnamese Buddhist name meaning “Peaceful” and pronounced lock), as his middle name.

That’s common. My friends who have adopted overseas children have done the same.

I just hope Kieran’s middle name isn’t Willard. That would be awkward. :)

71 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:00:05am

What if Melissa Harris-Perry wanted to adopt a blond white baby and name him Azikiwe?


72 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:02:00am

Aren’t there better topics for discussion in this country than a trivial bashing contest over an adopted child’s name?

73 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:05:37am

re: #72 Feline Fearless Leader

Aren’t there better topics for discussion in this country than a trivial bashing contest over an adopted child’s name?

I don’t think inter-racial adoptions, which are heavily weighted in favor of white people, is a trivial subject whatsoever. It’s a form of white supremacy in a world where there is no level playing field for “minorities” in a white-ruled society.

74 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:06:53am

re: #72 Feline Fearless Leader

Aren’t there better topics for discussion in this country than a trivial bashing contest over an adopted child’s name?

Yes, but to MSNBC and FNC the matter is tailor made for some cheap “Hurr, Hurr. Hurr”s and throwing some meat to their viewing base. So its trivial and damaging, but they don’t care as long as it makes money.

75 piratedan  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:07:41am

re: #72 Feline Fearless Leader

Aren’t there better topics for discussion in this country than a trivial bashing contest over an adopted child’s name?

just another ideological skirmish that lowers the discourse and ignores the real issues that confront the nation, so yeah, it’s par for the course. The right never wants to talk about what we might perceive as wrong and strangely enough, when the Left wants to, either nobody publishes it or everyone shrugs and effects a “what can you do” attitude. Damned disheartening.

76 CuriousLurker  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:11:26am

re: #68 geoffm33

But isn’t this the same thing we accuse the right of? Trying to MBF a situation? MHP et al stepped in it when they brought up the Romney family picture on air. They were wrong and should be called out by the left and right for it.

I don’t see where MHP herself did anything wrong. I didn’t watch the show, but the linked article at Mediaite says:

In case you missed the segment, you can watch it here. Pegged to a rundown of the “photos of the year,” Harris-Perry introduced the Romney photo by saying “Everybody loves a baby picture, and this was one that really, a lot of people had emotions about this baby picture this year. This is the Romney family. And, of course, there on Governor Romney’s knee is his adopted grandson, who is an African-American, adopted African-American child, Kieran Romney.”

Nothing racist there that I can see. Later she says:

“And isn’t he the most gorgeous?” Harris-Perry said. “My goal is that in 2040, the biggest thing of the year will be the wedding between Kieran Romney and North West. Can you imagine Mitt Romney and Kanye West as in-laws?”

Since North West is bi-racial that sounds more like a class thing to me—ie. the Romneys would presumably be horrified to find themselves suddenly related to West-Kardahsians.

Pia Glenn, whoever she is, acted like an asshole and should apologize.

Dean Obeidallah was somewhat assholish too, but he’s a comedian. Comedians get a pass on making fun of religion, race, etc. all the time.

77 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:11:30am

re: #75 piratedan

just another ideological skirmish that lowers the discourse and ignores the real issues that confront the nation, so yeah, it’s par for the course. The right never wants to talk about what we might perceive as wrong and strangely enough, when the Left wants to, either nobody publishes it or everyone shrugs and effects a “what can you do” attitude. Damned disheartening.

What do you mean? If a realistic discussion of interracial adopting was desired, MSNBC could have held one. But balanced and rational discussions don’t generate as many viewers as flaming the ‘other side’ and generating controversy does. So MSNBC went the latter route, as TV normally does.

78 CuriousLurker  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:16:43am

re: #77 Dark_Falcon

What do you mean? If a realistic discussion of interracial adopting was desired, MSNBC could have held one. But balanced and rational discussions don’t generate as many viewers as flaming the ‘other side’ and generating controversy does. So MSNBC went the latter route, as TV normally does.

Who said anything about interracial adoption? The segment was about “photos of the year”. Let me requote the relevant part of the source article:

In case you missed the segment, you can watch it here. Pegged to a rundown of the “photos of the year,” Harris-Perry introduced the Romney photo by saying “Everybody loves a baby picture, and this was one that really, a lot of people had emotions about this baby picture this year.

79 CuriousLurker  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:23:47am

re: #77 Dark_Falcon

re: #78 CuriousLurker

My point being that the segment wasn’t about interracial adoption, it was about photos, apparently ones that people had strong emotional reactions to.

I doubt anyone, including MHP, would think that an hour-long, primarily political cable news show would be a good venue in which to have a serious discussion on important social issues.

80 lawhawk  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:24:02am

So, Sarah Palin weighs in on this MSNBC issue, and I have to wonder whether she actually saw the clip, or whether she’s just word salading as usual.

81 geoffm33  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:25:40am

re: #76 CuriousLurker

I said “MHP et al” to include the whole panel and by extension the segment. And only said that they “stepped in it”, not that they were being racists. I would characterize it as tasteless. They deserved to be called out accordingly.

82 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:27:23am

re: #80 lawhawk

So, Sarah Palin weighs in on this MSNBC issue, and I have to wonder whether she actually saw the clip, or whether she’s just word salading as usual.

Everytime that woman speaks, I realize just how much respect I lost for McCain but simultaneously relieved that our country rejected him and that loon in 2008. Palin one heartbeat away from the office, no thanks.

83 lawhawk  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:29:54am

Erick Erickson fancies himself a religious theologian, and gets it wrong. Imagine that.

84 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:33:39am

re: #83 lawhawk

Erick Erickson fancies himself a religious theologian, and gets it wrong. Imagine that.

What is it with right wingers and deeming those they disagree with “less than human.” Seems to be a reoccuring theme to me. Breitbart was fond of calling us parasites. Shrug, and they call us the Nazis. I may think they’re assholes but I don’t deny their humanity either.

85 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:37:01am

re: #81 geoffm33

I said “MHP et al” to include the whole panel and by extension the segment. And only said that they “stepped in it”, not that they were being racists. I would characterize it as tasteless. They deserved to be called out accordingly.

Not so much as to get hates and threats, though.

I am amazed by the actual holding back of the deeply felt emotional scars of racism that most minorities experience.

Remember, too, that we have a President who cannot show his anger, much less exist, in the eyes of many simply because of his color.

86 lawhawk  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:37:40am

re: #84 HappyWarrior

And that view on the NT and treating those who don’t believe as they do should be a warning to those who hold different religious views - these people do not have your best interests in mind.

87 The War TARDIS  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:38:10am

Finally got the page up!

88 CuriousLurker  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:38:11am

re: #81 geoffm33

I said “MHP et al” to include the whole panel and by extension the segment. And only said that they “stepped in it”, not that they were being racists. I would characterize it as tasteless. They deserved to be called out accordingly.

Yes, but you didn’t say “tasteless” and you were responding to a comment mentioning racism, so I don’t see how my interpretation of what you were saying was all that far off. Thanks for clarifying though.

IMO, if we’re going to call out tastelessness, then we’re gonna have to completely overhaul our popular culture, especially TV/cable and music.

89 geoffm33  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:39:01am

re: #85 Justanotherhuman

No argument from me. You can categorize my feelings on the matter as “In a perfect world….”

90 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:39:27am

re: #78 CuriousLurker

Who said anything about interracial adoption? The segment was about “photos of the year”. Let me requote the relevant part of the source article:

re: #73 Justanotherhuman

I don’t think inter-racial adoptions, which are heavily weighted in favor of white people, is a trivial subject whatsoever. It’s a form of white supremacy in a world where there is no level playing field for “minorities” in a white-ruled society.

91 lawhawk  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:43:40am

Dozens die in Congo as self-proclaimed prophet attempted to seize control of airport in Kinshasha.

Around 100 people were killed in Democratic Republic of Congo when security forces clashed with supporters of a self-proclaimed prophet who tried to seize control of the airport, a military barracks and state television, the government said Tuesday.

Before transmission was shut down at state television in capital Kinshasa on Monday, the attackers shouted slogans in favor of disgruntled religious leader Paul Joseph Mukungubila and against President Joseph Kabila.

“Gedeon Mukungubila has come to free you from the slavery of the Rwandan,” shouted one youth in the Lingala language on television, while two panicked presenters stared at the camera.

Opponents of Kabila, who was educated in Tanzania and Uganda, accuse him of being a Rwandan in an attempt to tarnish his reputation. Mukungubila, who calls himself “the prophet of the Eternal” and is nicknamed Gedeon by his followers, made a failed bid for the presidency against Kabila in 2006.

What does a prophet need with an airport? /

92 geoffm33  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:44:10am

re: #88 CuriousLurker

Yes, but you didn’t say “tasteless” and you were responding to a comment mentioning racism, so I don’t see how my interpretation of what you were saying was all that far off. Thanks for clarifying though.

Fair enough, I wasn’t clear enough.

IMO, if we’re going to call out tastelessness, then we’re gonna have to completely overhaul our populate culture, especially TV/cable and music.

There is tasteless content all over the place, but that portion of that segment was uncalled for. And tasteless content on a news channel != tasteless content on TV shows/music.

93 wheat-dogghazi  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:44:28am

re: #83 lawhawk

Erick Erickson fancies himself a religious theologian, and gets it wrong. Imagine that.

Erick Son of Erick is a sanctimonious jerk, who wouldn’t recognize Jesus if he walked up to him and cast out his demons.

94 Mattand  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:45:48am

Disclaimer 1: I watch/listen to Rachel Maddow fairly regularly. Only MSNBC show I follow.

Disclaimer 2: haven’t researched the Melissa Harris Perry dust-up that’s being referenced.

Having said that: my initial reaction when an outfit like MSNBC is accused of being racist is that the Magic Balance Fairy and its minions are in full “See! Just like Fox News” mode.

It’s not that MSNBC’s on-air personalities aren’t capable of saying stupid shit (thank you, Alec Baldwin) It’s that that kind of idiocy is not baked into their core messaging like Fox.

Quite frankly, when an MSNBC employee says something offensive/politically incorrect, it’s usually an aberration.

When a Fox News employee does it, it’s because it was the fucking approved script.

95 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:45:49am

re: #91 lawhawk

Dozens die in Congo as self-proclaimed prophet attempted to seize control of airport in Kinshasha.

What does a prophet need with an airport? /

It was the purely secular concern of trying to prevent forces loyal to Kabila or peacekeepers from being flown in.

96 CuriousLurker  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:48:33am

re: #90 Dark_Falcon

Okay, I see what happened. You were responding to piratedan’s #75, and he was in turn responding to Feline Fearless Leader’s #72, neither of which mentioned interracial adoption. I hadn’t noticed Justanotherhuman’s #73 until just now as it wasn’t in the chain of responses I was reading, so your comment made no sense to me.

97 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:48:45am

re: #94 Mattand

Disclaimer 1: I watch/listen to Rachel Maddow fairly regularly. Only MSNBC show I follow.

Disclaimer 2: haven’t researched the Melissa Harris Perry dust-up that’s being referenced.

Having said that: my initial reaction when an outfit like MSNBC is accused of being racist is that the Magic Balance Fairy and its minions are in full “See! Just like Fox News” mode.

It’s not that MSNBC’s on-air personalities aren’t capable of saying stupid shit (thank you, Alec Baldwin.) It’s that that kind of idiocy is not baked into their core messaging like Fox.

Quite frankly, when an MSNBC employee says something offensive/politically incorrect, it’s usually an aberration.

When a Fox News employee does it, it’s because it was the fucking approved script.

Agree. Take Bashir. MSNBC fired him. Meanwhile, Fox kept Beck on for years while he compared the president of our country to Adolf Hitler. Not to mention the constant race baiting that goes on at that network. “Black panthers” anyone?

98 lawhawk  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:48:51am

re: #95 Dark_Falcon

Sarcasm. But the guy is a self-declared prophet (which I take as someone who hears voices and shouldn’t be entitled to a position of power but rather committed to mental health assessment).

He’s throwing in the religious imagery when it suits him to go after the regime and wants to supplant it with himself.

99 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:52:16am

re: #90 Dark_Falcon

I don’t skirt around issues.

100 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:54:41am

re: #99 Justanotherhuman

I don’t skirt around issues.

I didn’t say you did.

101 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:54:45am

IIRC there were RW freakouts over Michael Jackson’s adopted white kids, even though I believe they were conceived for him by a white surrogate who was artifically inseminated with a random white donor’s sperm.

102 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:57:14am

Iowahawk is Tweeting a bunch of shit about this adoptions thing. I can’t believe Charles once called him “some kinda damn genius.” He’s some kinda dumbass.

Oops turbulence.

103 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:58:07am

We’re over Nebraska.

104 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave of the waffle light)  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:58:19am

re: #101 Pie-onist Overlord

IIRC there were RW freakouts over Michael Jackson’s adopted white kids, even though I believe they were conceived for him by a white surrogate who was artifically inseminated with a random white donor’s sperm.

I always wondered how that came about with Micael jackson. I had an image of him patting a little boy on the head and saying “there, now go spit that out between the lady’s legs…”

105 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:58:19am

So, other than the Pie-onist Overlord painting LA red, does anyone have interesting plans for New Year’s?

I’ll probably spend a quiet evening at home like I usually do. Glass of wine around midnight, but no plans on additional festivities or following anything on TV.

106 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave of the waffle light)  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:59:16am

German tradition is big on fireworks at midnight, which entail remaining sober until then as I will be with my kids (ages 7, 9 and 11)

107 Ryan King  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:59:17am

I’m a Truth Conformer! (makes weird hand sign salute)

108 lawhawk  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 7:59:54am

re: #105 Feline Fearless Leader

We’ve got a big celebratory spread for a few close friends. Celebrating good health and the beginning of better health. IOW, the same thing we’ve done for the past couple of years.

109 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:00:03am

I haven’t decided were to eat dinner tonight. Tomorrow night I want to see “Desolation of Smaug” in IMAX 3D.

110 Stanley Sea  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:00:07am

re: #103 Pie-onist Overlord

We’re over Nebraska.

How are your seat neighbors?

111 CuriousLurker  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:00:33am

re: #92 geoffm33

Fair enough, I wasn’t clear enough.

There is tasteless content all over the place, but that portion of that segment was uncalled for. And tasteless content on a news channel != tasteless content on TV shows/music.

Agreed, though I’ll add that, sadly, I no longer consider cable news networks to be sources of hard news—at least not when we’re talking about news “shows” (like Maddow, Matthews, MHP, Morning Joe, etc.) as opposed to breaking news or certain documentaries produced by cable news networks.

112 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:00:48am

re: #110 Stanley Sea

How are your seat neighbors?

They’re Spartans.

113 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:01:52am

re: #112 Pie-onist Overlord

They’re Spartans.

As in Michigan State fans, or they’re tossing Persian ambassadors down the airplane toilet while yelling ‘This. Is. Sparta!!’

114 Gus  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:02:03am

So. I take it the RWNJs are in outrageous outrage mode this morning over the MHP-Romney Family segment. Would that be correct?

115 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:03:13am

re: #113 Feline Fearless Leader

As in Michigan State fans, or they’re tossing Persian ambassadors down the airplane toilet while yelling ‘This. Is. Sparta!!’

Michigan State is in the Rose Bowl.

116 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:03:19am

re: #114 Gus

So. I take it the RWNJs are in outrageous outrage mode this morning over the MHP-Romney Family segment. Would that be correct?

Sounds that way.

117 geoffm33  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:03:39am

re: #111 CuriousLurker

Agreed, though I’ll add that, sadly, I no longer consider cable news networks to be sources of hard news—at least not when we’re talking about news “shows” (like Maddow, Matthews, MHP, Morning Joe, etc.) as opposed to breaking news or certain documentaries produced by cable news networks.

Good point :)

118 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:03:44am

re: #110 Stanley Sea

How are your seat neighbors?

Hmm, if Aaron Rodgers can get Grill Class, why not an Oven Class to allow for mid-flight baking?

119 Gus  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:03:46am


Phil Robertson was just adhering to the bible.

Melissa Harris Perry went again the bible.

120 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:04:05am

re: #113 Feline Fearless Leader

As in Michigan State fans, or they’re tossing Persian ambassadors down the airplane toilet while yelling ‘This. Is. Sparta!!’

Tom Izzo is a good coach. I think he’d have a better chance of taking a team to the Final Four than Leonoidas would.

121 Political Atheist  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:04:15am

Good morning from L.A., as we all await the arrival of our pie overlord.

Anybody weigh in on the Beyonce vs NASA thing?

122 Backwoods_Sleuth  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:04:29am

re: #105 Feline Fearless Leader

So, other than the Pie-onist Overlord painting LA red, does anyone have interesting plans for New Year’s?

I’ll probably spend a quiet evening at home like I usually do. Glass of wine around midnight, but no plans on additional festivities or following anything on TV.

Just sitting at home with the cats & dogs.
Husband is still restoring power to folks in Michigan, this week he’s in Lansing. Looks like I was correct when I said last week that he might not be home until 2014.

*heavy sigh*

123 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:04:42am

re: #102 Pie-onist Overlord

Iowahawk is Tweeting a bunch of shit about this adoptions thing. I can’t believe Charles once called him “some kinda damn genius.” He’s some kinda dumbass.

Oops turbulence.

He was quite good, till he contracted ODS. Since then his hostility has overwhelmed his humor.

124 Stanley Sea  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:04:42am

re: #112 Pie-onist Overlord

They’re Spartans.


125 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:04:48am

re: #115 Pie-onist Overlord

Michigan State is in the Rose Bowl.

Which makes less likely but does not preclude militaristic Greeks from being on the plane.

126 lawhawk  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:05:14am
127 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:05:24am

New Years Eve in DC for the first time tonight. Been a good year. Much more sure of myself than I was this time last year so that’s a plus. Still could be less anxiety ridden but that’s life.

128 wheat-dogghazi  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:07:34am

Happy New Year! 新年快乐! From China, where it is now 2014. I lift a glass of Chinese-made chardonnay in your general direction!

129 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:07:44am

re: #121 Political Atheist

Good morning from L.A., as we all await the arrival of our pie overlord.

Anybody weigh in on the Beyonce vs NASA thing?

Beyonce should have gotten prior permission from the families of those who died before using audio from the Challenger mission. But while her production people’s failure to do so was wrong, it was not malicious.

130 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:08:31am

re: #120 HappyWarrior

Tom Izzo is a good coach. I think he’d have a better chance of taking a team to the Final Four than Leonoidas would.

But could he hold a narrow pass if Xerxes put on a full-court press?

131 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:08:53am

Too late. The outrage will continue.

132 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:09:54am

When will Romney apologize for dissing 47% of the country?

133 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:10:47am

re: #132 Varek Raith

When will Romney apologize for dissing 47% of the country?

Or for accusing the president of sympathizing with the people who murdered Ambassador Stevens. Yeah, fuck Mitt.

134 Gus  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:11:33am

This coming from a group of people that ridicule the first lady, her children and her family on a daily basis in every form imaginable.

135 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:11:44am

re: #130 Feline Fearless Leader

But could he hold a narrow pass if Xerxes put on a full-court press?

THIS IS PRESS! Seriously though I loved pressing as a kid. The team we played a couple weeks ago was pressing with a league. I thought it ridiculous. These are 12 year olds we’re dealing with.

136 Stanley Sea  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:11:46am

Did Sister Sarah the RW Ambulance chaser REALLY weigh in?

137 CuriousLurker  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:11:46am

re: #121 Political Atheist

Good morning from L.A., as we all await the arrival of our pie overlord.

Anybody weigh in on the Beyonce vs NASA thing?

Another outrage? Okay, stick a fork in me—I’m done.

They usually have a some fireworks here across the “valley”, so I’m gonna see if I can figure out what kind of settings I need to use to try to capture some of them tonight. Ugh, gonna have to drag the tripod out (it’s a vintage aluminum one—prolly 1950s or ’60s—and it weighs a ton). Hope it doesn’t get too cold for the camera to function properly…

Later, lizards.

138 Gus  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:11:46am

Whatever! O.O

139 A Mom Anon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:12:02am

re: #129 Dark_Falcon

I’m not sure she really had to go that far to get permission from all the families, but it might have been worth a call to NASA to get a feel for what a reaction might be. I don’t think the song’s context was anything hurtful or making light of the tragedy, though I can understand the sensitive feelings involved.

140 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:12:11am

re: #134 Gus

This coming from a group of people that ridicule the first lady, her children and her family on a daily basis in every form imaginable.

Yep “Moo-chelle”, “The wookie.” They should shut the fuck up when it comes to other people’s families being insulted.

141 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:13:09am

Woop moar turbulence. Gonna shut down.

142 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:13:26am

re: #136 Stanley Sea

Did Sister Sarah the RW Ambulance chaser REALLY weigh in?

Day is young. I’m sure she’ll be likening it ot the “vicious” attacks on her from the “lamestream media” as soon as she’s done drinking her daily stupid juice.

143 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:13:31am

re: #138 Gus

Whatever! O.O

Silence, you biscuit head!

144 b.d.  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:14:24am


145 lawhawk  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:14:34am

re: #136 Stanley Sea


146 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:15:26am

re: #145 lawhawk


“Despicable” rich words coming from the woman who uses her Downs Syndrome son as a shield against criticism of herself.

147 Dr Lizardo  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:15:48am

re: #106 Sol Berdinowitz

German tradition is big on fireworks at midnight, which entail remaining sober until then as I will be with my kids (ages 7, 9 and 11)

I remember a New Year’s fireworks display in Kreuzberg. Pretty spectacular.

148 Political Atheist  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:16:01am

re: #129 Dark_Falcon

Surely not malicious. I think the anger is that it is exploitive. But those angry people including the families may not get her intent, may not get her music at all. Older generations often have that issue with the music of younger people. So many of us don’t get the whole sampling thing at all.

In my case for example with a different genre-I’m no hip hop or rap fan. But a friend who was a hip hop star of some fame in the ‘90’s helped me set aside some ignorance and taught me to appreciate it more. Eddie Fordham and Kings Son actually. Still not a fan but I “get” it.

149 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:16:05am

FFS, they said some stupid things and apologized. RWers never apologize for any fucked up things they say.

150 Gus  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:16:19am

re: #143 Varek Raith

Silence, you biscuit head!

Rubber biscuit!

151 Ryan King  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:16:21am

re: #132 Varek Raith

When will Romney apologize for dissing 47% of the country?

152 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:16:44am

re: #133 HappyWarrior

Or for accusing the president of sympathizing with the people who murdered Ambassador Stevens. Yeah, fuck Mitt.

But Mitt Romney’s conduct is not at issue here. It’s about some show host saying something silly.

It’s also massively overblown, with FNC in full “OUTRAGEOUS OUTRAGE!!1”.

153 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave of the waffle light)  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:17:28am

re: #147 Dr Lizardo

I remember a New Year’s fireworks display in Kreuzberg. Pretty spectacular.

Our tradition is to count the time between the first fireworks going off at midnight and the first ambulances or emergency vehicles we hear…in downtown Frankfurt it’s usually between 15-45 seconds…

154 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:17:46am

re: #152 Dark_Falcon

But Mitt Romney’s conduct is not at issue here. It’s about some show host saying something silly.

It’s also massively overblown, with FNC in full “OUTRAGEOUS OUTRAGE!!1”.

Well, that’s kind of the point. The hosts apologized while Mitt and the GOP continued that line of attack.
Seriously, glass houses and stones.

155 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:18:27am

re: #152 Dark_Falcon

But Mitt Romney’s conduct is not at issue here. It’s about some show host saying something silly.

It’s also massively overblown, with FNC in full “OUTRAGEOUS OUTRAGE!!1”.

Exactly it’s a full blown outrageous outrageous directed to make us want to feel sorry for a man who accused the President of doing the aforementioned. Fuck him.

156 Dr Lizardo  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:19:15am

re: #153 Sol Berdinowitz

Our tradition is to count the time between the first fireworks going off at midnight and the first ambulances or emergency vehicles we hear…in downtown Frankfurt it’s usually between 15-45 seconds…


Here in Ostrava, I remember last year it was about the same. The local paper here ran a front-pager cautioning about fireworks with a rather hideous photo of a person with their thumb blown off. The photo was taken in a local ER last year.

Yeech. But, point well taken.

157 lawhawk  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:19:28am

This is just hilarious.

Days after demanding A&E reinstate Robertson for airing homophobic, misogynist, and other hate-filled statements, Jim Hoft is demanding MSNBC fire someone for airing an opinion.

The free speech thing goes only so far as those opinions that they agree with.

MSNBC doesn’t have to fire her, and should it surprise anyone that we’ve got the right wingers in full metal cognitive dissonance mode?

A&E was within its rights to act as it did.
MSNBC has the same rights, and isn’t acting on something.

Neither is a free speech issue, because government isn’t involved. But the right wing will treat it as though it is.

158 Stanley Sea  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:19:34am
159 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:19:40am

re: #154 Varek Raith

Well, that’s kind of the point. The hosts apologized while Mitt and the GOP continued that line of attack.
Seriously, glass houses and stones.

Exactly, that’s my whole point here too. Did Mitt apologize or even express regret for saying that President Obama sympathized with the murderers at Benghazi? He did not and he and his party have continued to use that to accuse President Obama of everything in the book in regards to that attack.

160 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:20:14am

re: #157 lawhawk

This is just hilarious.

Days after demanding A&E reinstate Robertson for airing homophobic, misogynist, and other hate-filled statements, Jim Hoft is demanding MSNBC fire someone for airing an opinion.

[Embedded content]

The free speech thing goes only so far as those opinions that they agree with.

MSNBC doesn’t have to fire her, and should it surprise anyone that we’ve got the right wingers in full metal cognitive dissonance mode?

A&E was within its rights to act as it did.
MSNBC has the same rights, and isn’t acting on something.

Neither is a free speech issue, because government isn’t involved. But the right wing will treat it as though it is.

It’s adorable how blatantly selective they are.

161 Political Atheist  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:20:44am

re: #137 CuriousLurker

Another outrage? Okay, stick a fork in me—I’m done.

They usually have a some fireworks here across the “valley”, so I’m gonna see if I can figure out what kind of settings I need to use to try to capture some of them tonight. Ugh, gonna have to drag the tripod out (it’s a vintage aluminum one—prolly 1950s or ’60s—and it weighs a ton). Hope it doesn’t get too cold for the camera to function properly…

Later, lizards.

Your camera should be good all the way to freezing. What goes first is the display on top of the camera. 32 - 104 is the official range IIRC. Here is a link to all things camera and fireworks at Petapixel, a really cool blog.

162 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:20:49am

Bleh, coughing fit.

163 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:21:37am

She said something stupid. Okay, Rush Limbaugh has made a career out of doing that and said far more offensive crap but has become an insider in GOP political circles doing it. Maybe she should have called Mitt Romney’s daughter in law a slut or his granddaughters dogs. Or called Ann a wookie.

164 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:22:19am

The Fox News attitude towards Melissa Harris-Perry right now:

Youtube Video

165 Gus  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:22:35am

RWNJs are just insane.

166 geoffm33  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:24:36am

Are the RWNJ’s attributing what MHP’s panelists said to MHP? Or is it because it’s her show?

167 Ryan King  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:25:06am

re: #163 HappyWarrior

She said something stupid. Okay, Rush Limbaugh has made a career out of doing that and said far more offensive crap but has become an insider in GOP political circles doing it.

I’ve watched the video 4 times now, it’s a banal bit. Barely funny, more meh than offensive.

MHP wishing Kanye West’s child marries Romneys? Er… ookaay.

Not much here. But more than enough for the Right Wing to go full metal wingnut. Her apology only threw gas on the fire.

168 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:27:30am

re: #146 HappyWarrior

“Despicable” rich words coming from the woman who uses her Downs Syndrome son as a shield against criticism of herself.

Anything Sara Palin says on this should be answered by reminding everyone that should found herself badly stressed going to college in Hawaii with people who weren’t white, and has ever since lived only in places that are white as new-fallen snow.

After that reminder is issued, any further DERPs should be replied to simply with “Caribou Barbie says what?”.

169 b.d.  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:27:58am

MHP needs to grow a scraggly beard and start quoting bible verses STAT!

170 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:28:38am

WTF, youtube?!?!

I’m watching minecraft vids and it recommends to me a white supremacist vid on population growth rates?!?!


171 A Mom Anon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:28:49am

re: #165 Gus

I suppose the upside is this is all they’ve got to whine about. And it is whining. Like a spoiled puppy though not even remotely as cute, or deserving of empathy.

They know a lot about perverting politics and not a single. fucking. thing. about governance. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

I simply cannot understand the concept of voting people into office who hate the office they’re running for and everything the government is supposed to be about. It’s like hiring a babysitter who openly states they hate children and would love nothing more than to smack one. What we’re seeing now is a consequence of that. Nothing gets done and it’s trickled down to the point that people are hating each other over trivial shit like this instead of working together to make things work.

172 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:29:23am

re: #168 Dark_Falcon

Anything Sara Palin says on this should be answered by reminding everyone that should found herself badly stressed going to college in Hawaii with people who weren’t white, and has ever since lived only in places that are white as new-fallen snow.

After that reminder is issued, any further DERPs should be replied to simply with “Caribou Barbie says what?”.

Right. She’s got zero credibility to accuse other people of being racially prejudiced. Though to be fair Alaska isn’t exactly lily white.

173 RealityBasedSteve  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:30:14am

re: #137 CuriousLurker

Another outrage? Okay, stick a fork in me—I’m done.

They usually have a some fireworks here across the “valley”, so I’m gonna see if I can figure out what kind of settings I need to use to try to capture some of them tonight. Ugh, gonna have to drag the tripod out (it’s a vintage aluminum one—prolly 1950s or ’60s—and it weighs a ton). Hope it doesn’t get too cold for the camera to function properly…

Later, lizards.

Everything you wanted to know about photographing fireworks*

*But were afraid to ask.

174 Gus  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:30:15am
175 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:30:18am

re: #171 A Mom Anon

I suppose the upside is this is all they’ve got to whine about. And it is whining. Like a spoiled puppy though not even remotely as cute, or deserving of empathy.

They know a lot about perverting politics and not a single. fucking. thing. about governance. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

I simply cannot understand the concept of voting people into office who hate the office they’re running for and everything the government is supposed to be about. It’s like hiring a babysitter who openly states they hate children and would love nothing more than to smack one. What we’re seeing now is a consequence of that. Nothing gets done and it’s trickled down to the point that people are hating each other over trivial shit like this instead of working together to make things work.

Thank for saying what I’ve tried to phrase for years. Plus one for the metaphor.

176 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:30:38am

re: #172 HappyWarrior

Right. She’s got zero credibility to accuse other people of being racially prejudiced. Though to be fair Alaska isn’t exactly lily white.

At this point that applies to most GOP elected officials.
They all pander to this shit.

177 Ryan King  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:31:05am

re: #169 b.d.

MHP needs to grow a scraggly beard and start quoting bible verses STAT!

I stole that at ‘MHP needs to grow…’

178 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:32:31am

re: #167 Ryan King

I’ve watched the video 4 times now, it’s a banal bit. Barely funny, more meh than offensive.

MHP wishing Kanye West’s child marries Romneys? Er… ookaay.

Not much here. But more than enough for the Right Wing to go full metal wingnut. Her apology only threw gas on the fire.

At least Kanye hasn’t said something about it yet, although I rather hope he will:

“Kanye West addresses the Melissa Harris-Perry controversy: Hilarity Ensues.”

179 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:32:33am

re: #176 Varek Raith

At this point that applies to most GOP elected officials.
They all pander to this shit.

*Cough religious right* and homophobia and sexism.

180 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:32:59am

When will the GOP apologize for exploiting those killed in Benghazi?

181 A Mom Anon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:33:28am

re: #175 HappyWarrior

That’s the best one I can come up with, but seriously, wtf? You wouldn’t hire anyone to do a job if they said they hated your company and everything it stands for, would you? I wish Democrats would use that concept when it comes to running against these Tea Party freaks, you could do a ton of ads based on that concept alone.

182 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:34:22am
“Although I like Kanye,” Obama continues, with an easy smile. “He’s a Chicago guy. Smart. He’s very talented.” He is displaying his larger awareness of the question, looking relaxed, cerebral but friendly, alive to the moment, waiting for me to get to the heart of the matter.

“Even though you called him a jackass?,” I ask.

“He is a jackass,” Obama says, in his likable and perfectly balanced modern-professorial voice. “But he’s talented.”


183 CuriousLurker  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:34:48am

re: #161 Political Atheist

Your camera should be good all the way to freezing. What goes first is the display on top of the camera. 32 - 104 is the official range IIRC. Here is a link to all things camera and fireworks at Petapixel, a really cool blog.

re: #173 RealityBasedSteve

Everything you wanted to know about photographing fireworks*

*But were afraid to ask.

Thanks! Gonna go check ‘em out now.

184 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:35:13am

re: #174 Gus

[Embedded content]

Ugh, Keith Olbermann’s as big a jackass as Kanye West. Both men have a great deal of talent in their given field, but they also have huge egos and don’t play well with others.

185 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:36:51am

re: #181 A Mom Anon

That’s the best one I can come up with, but seriously, wtf? You wouldn’t hire anyone to do a job if they said they hated your company and everything it stands for, would you? I wish Democrats would use that concept when it comes to running against these Tea Party freaks, you could do a ton of ads based on that concept alone.

I do too. I’ll never get why people vote for people who hate the very thing they’re running to governor or represent. I understand having a philosophy of not wanting a big government but respecting its institutions but the Tea Party and many elected Republicans are quite open about their despising of the government. The thing is though. We are the government and the government is us. The right likes to paint this picture of government workers being these outsiders who don’t care about you or me but in reality they are you and me. I’m a third generation federal employee.

186 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:38:02am

Scientists Find 7,300-Mile Mercury Contamination ‘Bullseye’ Around Canadian Tar Sands

Just one week after Al Jazeera discovered that regulatory responsibility for Alberta, Canada’s controversial tar sands would be handed over to a fossil-fuel funded corporation, federal scientists have found that the area’s viscous petroleum deposits are surrounded by a nearly 7,500-square-mile ring of mercury.

Canadian government scientists have found that levels of mercury — a potent neurotoxin which has been found to cause severe birth defects and brain damage — around the region’s vast tar sand operations are up to 16 times higher than regular levels for the region. The findings, presented by Environment Canada researcher Jane Kirk at an international toxicology conference, showed that the 7,500 miles contaminated are “currently impacted by airborne Hg (mercury) emissions originating from oilsands developments.”

187 Gus  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:38:36am

re: #184 Dark_Falcon

Ugh, Keith Olbermann’s as big a jackass as Kanye West. Both men have a great deal of talent in their given field, but they also have huge egos and don’t play well with others.

Yeah, but I think he’s right. MSNBC is out of control. Seeing lots of agreement on this aspect on Twitter. I even alluded to this last night when I said that they need to hire some “old and wise” people.

188 wheat-dogghazi  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:40:17am

re: #186 Varek Raith

Scientists Find 7,300-Mile Mercury Contamination ‘Bullseye’ Around Canadian Tar Sands

Remind me not to visit Alberta anytime soon.

189 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:41:51am

re: #187 Gus

Yeah, but I think he’s right. MSNBC is out of control. Seeing lots of agreement on this aspect on Twitter. I even alluded to this last night when I said that they need to hire some “old and wise” people.

How are they out of control? I need to ask.

190 Mattand  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:42:11am

re: #187 Gus

Yeah, but I think he’s right. MSNBC is out of control. Seeing lots of agreement on this aspect on Twitter. I even alluded to this last night when I said that they need to hire some “old and wise” people.

Yes, MSNBC’s reign of terror in poisoning the media landscape must be stopped.

Come on…

191 Gus  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:43:07am

I got better things to do.

192 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:44:53am
193 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:45:35am

re: #188 wheat-dogghazi

Remind me not to visit Alberta anytime soon.

The real shame is there are some BEAUTIFUL areas in Alberta (Banff, for example).

194 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:46:50am

Michael Schumacher shows slight improvement, doctors say

Grenoble, France (CNN) — Former Formula 1 driver Michael Schumacher, who suffered a serious head injury in a skiing accident, is showing a “slight improvement” in his condition, doctors in France said Tuesday.

On Monday night, doctors carried out a surgical intervention on Schumacher that allowed for some pressure to be relieved on his brain in a way that was “gradual and effective,” said Jean-Francois Payen, head of anesthesiology at the University Hospital Center of Grenoble.

The surgery, which took about two hours, involved the removal of a large hematoma, he said. Schumacher remains in a medically induced coma.

“The situation is better under control than yesterday,” Payen told reporters. “We cannot say that he is out of danger, but we’ve gained a little time in his development. But the hours to come are hours that are crucial in our strategy.”

195 Lidane  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:49:07am

re: #184 Dark_Falcon

Ugh, Keith Olbermann’s as big a jackass as Kanye West. Both men have a great deal of talent in their given field, but they also have huge egos and don’t play well with others.

Except that Keith’s encyclopedic knowledge of baseball makes him more tolerable than Kanye.

196 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:49:17am
197 kirkspencer  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:50:32am

re: #171 A Mom Anon

I suppose the upside is this is all they’ve got to whine about. And it is whining. Like a spoiled puppy though not even remotely as cute, or deserving of empathy.

They know a lot about perverting politics and not a single. fucking. thing. about governance. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

I simply cannot understand the concept of voting people into office who hate the office they’re running for and everything the government is supposed to be about. It’s like hiring a babysitter who openly states they hate children and would love nothing more than to smack one. What we’re seeing now is a consequence of that. Nothing gets done and it’s trickled down to the point that people are hating each other over trivial shit like this instead of working together to make things work.

Not trying to defend but rather to explain:

What they want to do is hire a babysitter who is a strong disciplinarian instead of one that’ll spoil the child.

See the semantic difference?

198 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:50:56am

re: #195 Lidane

Except that Keith’s encyclopedic knowledge of baseball makes him more tolerable than Kanye.

That alone would make beer with KO better than KW. But I’m biased being a baseball fan.

199 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:51:45am

re: #195 Lidane

Except that Keith’s encyclopedic knowledge of baseball makes him more tolerable than Kanye.

Except that baseball is dreadfully dull.
/picking fights

200 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:51:56am

re: #197 kirkspencer

Not trying to defend but rather to explain:

What they want to do is hire a babysitter who is a strong disciplinarian instead of one that’ll spoil the child.

See the semantic difference?

Ah but they do spoil the child. The thing about the right is they’re just as big government albeit in different ways than the left they decry.

201 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:52:23am

re: #199 Varek Raith

Except that baseball is dreadfully dull.
/picking fights

Those are fighting words. It’s better than hockey! (ducks)

202 Ryan King  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:52:48am

re: #199 Varek Raith

Except that baseball is dreadfully dull.
/picking fights


203 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:53:01am

re: #201 HappyWarrior

Those are fighting words. It’s better than hockey! (ducks)

Yeesh, I dunno, I’d rather sit on a fork.

204 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:54:24am

re: #203 Varek Raith

Yeesh, I dunno, I’d rather sit on a fork.

Ha! Enjoy the fork burns then.

205 Varek Raith  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:55:29am

re: #204 HappyWarrior

Ha! Enjoy the fork burns then.

I will, thank you.

206 wrenchwench  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 8:58:28am
207 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:09:16am
208 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:13:34am

re: #188 wheat-dogghazi

Remind me not to visit Alberta anytime soon.

Maybe Ted Cruz can be convinced to move back to his hometown.

209 wheat-dogghazi  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:13:43am

re: #206 wrenchwench

I think the GOP set their calendars back about 150 years, ‘round about November 2008.

210 wrenchwench  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:16:15am
211 makeitstop  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:18:43am

re: #160 HappyWarrior

It’s adorable disgusting how blatantly selective they are.


212 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:23:33am

re: #211 makeitstop


That was meant mockingly ya know heh. But yes, I love how A&E was terrible and violating Phil Robertson’s first amendment rights but this is just terrible terrible. Then again these are the same people who had no problem with Limbaugh calling Fluke a slut but do this.

213 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:26:39am

re: #207 Dark_Falcon

How’d we miss this one:

Chick-fil-A Bowl breakdown: Duke Blue Devils vs. Texas A&M Aggies

My school is also the Blue Devils (not Duke)

Go Spartans!

214 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:27:25am

We are over Arizona now. Less than an hour to LA, but I have more than an hour on the laptop battery.

215 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:27:56am

Beebe is a Democrat; Darr is a Republican. Evidently, you can vote separately and split the top of the State ticket in AR.

UPDATE: Gov. Beebe calls for Lt Gov Mark Darr’s resignation


216 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:28:23am

re: #201 HappyWarrior

Those are fighting words. It’s better than hockey! (ducks)

*drops gloves, charges HappyWarrior*

217 GlutenFreeJesus  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:28:23am

re: #172 HappyWarrior

Right. She’s got zero credibility to accuse other people of being racially prejudiced. Though to be fair Alaska isn’t exactly lily white.

Wasilla demographics according to Wiki:

As of the census of 2000,[26] there were 5,469 people (up from 4,028[27] in 1990), 1,979 households, and 1,361 families residing in the city. The population density was 466.8 people per square mile (180.2/km²). There were 2,119 housing units at an average density of 180.9 per square mile (69.8/km²). The racial makeup of the city was 85.5% White, 0.6% Black or African American, 5.3% Native American, 1.3% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 1.3% from other races, and 5.9% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 3.7% of the population.

218 makeitstop  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:29:04am

re: #212 HappyWarrior

That was meant mockingly ya know heh. But yes, I love how A&E was terrible and violating Phil Robertson’s first amendment rights but this is just terrible terrible. Then again these are the same people who had no problem with Limbaugh calling Fluke a slut but do this.

Yeah, I know. I think it’s the total lack of self-awareness they display, and the double standards they shamelessly apply, that bother me.

Whoever said ‘Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds’ has got it exactly backwards when talking about these people. These are small minds with no consistency to speak of.

219 Lidane  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:29:55am

Glibertarian “humor” —


Hurr durr

220 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:31:23am

re: #217 GlutenFreeJesus

Wasilla demographics according to Wiki:

Thanks. II mean that’s far whiter than where I grew up but I wouldn’t call it lily white either. I

221 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:33:00am

re: #218 makeitstop

Yeah, I know. I think it’s the total lack of self-awareness they display, and the double standards they shamelessly apply, that bother me.

Whoever said ‘Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds’ has got it exactly backwards when talking about these people. These are small minds with no consistency to speak of.

They wouldn’t be who they are without their double standards. Takes a wingnut mind to think the left are bigots but Rush Limbaugh is a witty satirist.

222 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:33:18am

I’m getting hungry now. What to eat for lunch? Falafel?

223 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:33:48am

re: #222 Pie-onist Overlord

I’m getting hungry now. What to eat for lunch? Falafel?

For some reason that post made me suddenly want a really good gyro.

224 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:34:11am

re: #222 Pie-onist Overlord

I’m getting hungry now. What to eat for lunch? Falafel?

That’s what I had yesterday. Ended up without planning to do doing my first ever vegan day with that since I had lentil soup for dinner.

225 Dark_Falcon  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:35:54am

re: #216 Eclectic Cyborg

*drops gloves, charges HappyWarrior*

Worry more about if any Canadian team can get to the conference finals this year. Right now the Canucks have the most points of any Canadian team at 53 but that still leaves them 1- points behind the Western Conference leading Chicago Blackhawks 63 points.

/Go Blackhawks!

226 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:36:41am

re: #217 GlutenFreeJesus

Wasilla demographics according to Wiki:

And don’t forget, you can be 1/32 Native and get Native benefits in AK. So I expect that there are probably fair skinned blonds who hold the “Native” designation.

In 2012, there was a 14.8% Native population in AK, according to Census figures and only 7.1% claimed 2 or more races which is probably low. For instance, I’m sure Todd Palin probably claims himself as “Native”, even though he’s only 1/8 or 1/16 (can’t remember which).


Only 8.5% of the population was over 65, compared to 13.7% nationwide.

227 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:37:19am

re: #216 Eclectic Cyborg

*drops gloves, charges HappyWarrior*

Haha. I was honestly kind of kidding but I swear to you, I tried getting into it when the US played Canada in the 2010 gold medal game. Just isn’t for me but I’m going to take someone up on an offer to see a game live one of these days. I used to find soccer fairly boring too but then I saw a live match and had a blast.

228 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:37:45am

re: #222 Pie-onist Overlord

I’m getting hungry now. What to eat for lunch? Falafel?

Bean burrito here w/cheese, salsa, sour cream and lettuce on a 100% wheat tortilla.

229 b_sharp  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:37:59am

re: #30 Justanotherhuman

Want to feel younger? Both my sons are over 50 now, will be 55 and 54 in 2014.

I feel younger already.

Damn, my shoulders and elbows hurt today.

230 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:38:20am

re: #214 Pie-onist Overlord

We are over Arizona now. Less than an hour to LA, but I have more than an hour on the laptop battery.

The next big swath of green you see will be the state line.

231 makeitstop  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:38:53am

Times Square? Feh. Here’s where we’re going tonight.

I should be pretty much deaf by 12:01.

232 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:39:42am

re: #222 Pie-onist Overlord

I’m getting hungry now. What to eat for lunch? Falafel?

Avoid the fish.

233 Justanotherhuman  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:39:59am

re: #229 b_sharp

I feel younger already.

Damn, my shoulders and elbows hurt today.

I’m finally starting to get a bit of arthritis in my right hand, but I blame the mouse for that. : )

234 Lidane  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:42:11am

re: #199 Varek Raith

Except that baseball is dreadfully dull.
/picking fights

That’s why they sell beer at the stadium. ;)

I kid. I used to love going to baseball games back in the day. It was fun to hang out with friends and be social during the game.

235 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:43:39am

re: #225 Dark_Falcon

Hey I’m a realist, but I think if any team is going to a conference final it’s more likely to occur in the Eastern conference. The Canucks had a great run in 2011, but they never seem to be able to take it to the very top. We’ll see what happens.

I am admittedly, not a huge Blackhaws fan, but I hate the Red Wings even more. :P

236 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:45:20am

re: #227 HappyWarrior

All good, a lot of people do say hockey is an acquired taste. I think interest in hockey is (for obvious reasons), heavily influenced by the climate in which one lives. If you get a quite a few months of winter, you’re more likely to enjoy hockey than someone who lives in say, Tennessee or Southern California.

237 ObserverArt  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:45:20am

Wow, logged in to find the old year ends with what could be the lamest outrage ever all over a stupid quip by Harris-Perry.

Hopefully the New Year has better material. If people are going to get all pissed off, at least get up something to be pissed about.

It’s almost like a high school football team looking for some bulletin board material to get up and win a big game against the cross-town rival that is 9 and 0 when you’re an 0 and 9 team that hasn’t won a game in five years.

Even RWNJ outrages aren’t up to snuff anymore. Fail.

By the way…Happy New Year to all the Little Green Footballers!

Thank you Charles for a great site…and I hope to use you as an inspiration to learn more about PHP (and Java scripts) coding!

238 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:46:20am

The funny this is the RWNJs love to attack the “Liberal media” for whatever reason they can come up with, even if that reason is lame or overblown.

239 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:48:55am

Still utter silence from Bryan Fischer, Matt Barber, Erick Erickson on Israel paying for all women’s abortions.

The only RWNJ site where I saw it being discussed is at VosIsNeias (an ultra Orthodox site) but even there the comments are 50% in favor.

240 GlutenFreeJesus  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:48:57am

re: #220 HappyWarrior

Thanks. II mean that’s far whiter than where I grew up but I wouldn’t call it lily white either. I

The Palin family definitely makes it “lily”.

241 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:49:40am

re: #236 Eclectic Cyborg

All good, a lot of people do say hockey is an acquired taste. I think interest in hockey is (for obvious reasons), heavily influenced by the climate in which one lives. If you get a quite a few months of winter, you’re more likely to enjoy hockey than someone who lives in say, Tennessee or Southern California.

I think it’s because I didn’t have a family member who was a big fan growing up. I got into baseball at a young age but my interests in basketball, boxing, and football were shaped by my father and grandfather. Didn’t have that in hockey. That combined with me never being big on ice skating. You just got a guy who wasn’t into it. Plus I have to say as a D.C area resident, the Caps bandwagon annoys me to no end.

242 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:49:42am

re: #240 GlutenFreeJesus

The Palin family definitely makes it “lily”.

You misspelled “silly”

243 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:50:49am

re: #239 Pie-onist Overlord

Still utter silence from Bryan Fischer, Matt Barber, Erick Erickson on Israel paying for all women’s abortions.

The only RWNJ site where I saw it being discussed is at VosIsNeias (an ultra Orthodox site) but even there the comments are 50% in favor.

Israel as you know has allowed gays and women to serve in the military for a long time too. Those pricks only “support” Israel for their doomsday fantasies. I find that actually pretty disgusting.

244 Stanley Sea  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:52:32am
245 wrenchwench  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:53:35am

re: #214 Pie-onist Overlord

We are over Arizona now. Less than an hour to LA, but I have more than an hour on the laptop battery.

A few years ago I went somewhere and it took almost 3 hours to get to the airport. Fifteen minutes after take off, we were flying over my house. I waved (and took pictures).

246 HappyWarrior  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:54:59am

re: #244 Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]

Haha, okay from someone who has never even taken a class on marketing. If he was smart, he should have emphasized his first name. I still want him to win so we see a headline of LOSER WINS or LOSER DEFEATS “Whoever his opponent is.”

247 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:55:59am

re: #245 wrenchwench

A few years ago I went somewhere and it took almost 3 hours to get to the airport. Fifteen minutes after take off, we were flying over my house. I waved (and took pictures).

How could you tell it was over your house?

248 Pie-onist Overlord  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:56:38am

OK we’re on approach now. Signing off.

249 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:57:03am
250 wrenchwench  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:57:41am

re: #247 Pie-onist Overlord

How could you tell it was over your house?

The town and surroundings are pretty distinctive from the air, starting with mines you can see from space. It was like looking at a map.

251 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:57:52am

252 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:58:24am

I keep forgetting we can embed.

253 wrenchwench  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 9:59:11am

re: #251 darthstar

[Embedded image]

Pug Dynasty.

254 wrenchwench  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:00:44am

Turns out everyone has work they want me to get done today, so I may not be quitting early as planned. Oh well. I was promised cash.

255 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:03:00am

Gotta admit…that’s pretty funny.

256 Kragar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:03:01am
257 piratedan  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:05:29am

re: #256 Kragar

Melvin is the state legislator who wanted to try and steal the nuclear waste dump site from Nevada… surprisingly, he wants it in somebody else’s district. He’s ensconsed in a retiree section of metro Tucson and he’s been really hard to remove from office.

258 ObserverArt  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:08:33am

re: #251 darthstar

[Embedded image]

Great image!

I’d add little touch of blurring and some ‘texture (noise)’ to soften the face and give it that printed look to the dog’s shirt would have helped. That is for the photoshoppers…little things can really sell the image and make people have to look twice to see if it is fake.

Aside: Big Ten Basketball starts off with Buckeyes vs Boilermakers. Should be a hell of a season…so much talent and coaching in the Big 10 these days.

259 Kragar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:09:21am

re: #257 piratedan

Melvin is the state legislator who wanted to try and steal the nuclear waste dump site from Nevada… surprisingly, he wants it in somebody else’s district. He’s ensconsed in a retiree section of metro Tucson and he’s been really hard to remove from office.

Fucking lovely.

260 Kragar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:11:07am

The albums “The Downward Spiral” and “Superunknown” are both now 20 years old.

That just makes me feel old.

261 Kragar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:13:40am

One of my all time favorite songs

Soundgarden - The Day I Tried To Live


262 b_sharp  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:13:45am

So lizards, what’s growing on top of your sunning rock?

263 Lidane  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:16:05am

re: #260 Kragar

The albums “The Downward Spiral” and “Superunknown” are both now 20 years old.

That just makes me feel old.

And the baby on the cover of Nirvana’s Nevermind album is now 22. Let that sink in a while.

Also, get off my damn lawn.

264 b_sharp  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:19:09am

re: #261 Kragar

One of my all time favorite songs

Soundgarden - The Day I Tried To Live

[Embedded content]

Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden = top 3.

265 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:20:46am
266 Kragar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:20:50am

One of their greatest songs

My Wave


267 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:20:53am

re: #262 b_sharp

So lizards, what’s growing on top of your sunning rock?

Hazy Shade of Winter today in Philly.

268 ObserverArt  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:22:04am

re: #263 Lidane

And the baby on the cover of Nirvana’s Nevermind album is now 22. Let that sink in a while.

Also, get off my damn lawn.

Worse than that…Paul was already 64! Years ago!!!

Every generation has markers…and to borrow a bit from another oldster Mr. Bob Dylan…But I would not feel so old alone…Everybody must get old.

269 Flying Squirrel Girl  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:22:41am

re: #264 b_sharp

Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden = top 3.

Neil Young, Built to Spill, Widespread Panic = top 3 (today anyway)

270 Kragar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:23:30am

re: #264 b_sharp

Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden = top 3.

In some better alternate universe, Temple of the Dog reigns supreme over all other musicians, putting out new albums every 6 months.


271 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:26:48am

I really prefer quality over quantity. A new album of awesome material every three years is better than a phoned in effort every year or so.

272 b_sharp  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:26:56am

re: #267 Feline Fearless Leader

Hazy Shade of Winter today in Philly.

I haven’t seen the sun for more than a few minutes in weeks.

273 Kragar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:27:52am

re: #271 Eclectic Cyborg

I really prefer quality over quantity. A new album of awesome material every three years is better than a phoned in effort every year or so.

Obviously you are underestimating the supreme awesomeness of Temple of the Dog.

274 b_sharp  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:28:09am

re: #269 Flying Squirrel Girl

Neil Young, Built to Spill, Widespread Panic = top 3 (today anyway)

If Neil could actually play guitar…

275 b_sharp  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:29:39am

re: #273 Kragar

Obviously you are underestimating the supreme awesomeness of Temple of the Dog.

Hard to see past the awesomeness of AiC and PJ.

276 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:32:47am

re: #265 Eclectic Cyborg

Guy Fieri’s Times Square restaurant charging $795 for New Years VIP tables

What a waste of $800.

His restaurant apparently sucks and has been getting slammed by people right and left since it opened. Of course, he’s got the money to open a monstrosity in Times Square, and given the number of tourists who don’t know any better, will do quite well.

277 ObserverArt  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:33:10am

re: #274 b_sharp

If Neil could actually play guitar…

Hey now…with Neil it’s all about the song and the emotion. Besides…sometimes 1 to 3 note leads are called for. Less is more. In my opinion some guitarists don’t learn that lesson well enough. There are fine lines.

/ get off my grass with your stinky leads…

278 Kragar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:35:17am
279 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:35:38am

re: #269 Flying Squirrel Girl

Neil Young, Built to Spill, Widespread Panic = top 3 (today anyway)

I love a good rip-roaring Widespread Panic jam.

280 b_sharp  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:37:04am

re: #277 ObserverArt

Hey now…with Neil it’s all about the song and the emotion. Besides…sometimes 1 to 3 note leads are called for. Less is more. In my opinion some guitarists don’t learn that lesson well enough. There are fine lines.

/ get off my grass with your stinky leads…

It isn’t that his leads leave room, it’s that his leads suck. His playing sucks. His singing sucks.

His lyrics are what make him worth listening to.

He’s the Nickelback of the ’60s.

281 Kragar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:38:48am

re: #280 b_sharp

He’s the Nickelback of the ’60s.


282 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:41:26am

re: #280 b_sharp

It isn’t that his leads leave room, it’s that his leads suck. His playing sucks. His singing sucks.

His lyrics are what make him worth listening to.

He’s the Nickelback of the ’60s.

Now I know Neil is Canadian but really, that IS a bit much.


283 b_sharp  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:41:27am

re: #281 Kragar


I’m still waiting for the slap. Wondering if I should be ducking.

284 BeenHereAwhile  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:43:03am

re: #85 Justanotherhuman

I am amazed by the actual holding back of the deeply felt emotional scars of racism that most minorities experience.

Growing up in the South in the 1950 - 1970, I don’t know how blacks were able to deal with what I witnessed.

Remember, too, that we have a President who cannot show his anger, much less exist, in the eyes of many simply because of his color.

Michelle publicly stated prior to the first inauguration, that they had no illusions as to what being the first black president would subject them to.

285 Snarknado!  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:44:26am

Good morning, lizards!

I realized how tired I am from the Great Rearrangement when I walked down the stairs and back up the stairs (as I do every morning). I think I’ll be sitting for most of the day.

But the place looks okay by the light of day — a couple of slight readjustments to allow Feline Overlord access to her morning movie (crows!) and tanning bed (aka windowsills).

Electrical cords have been mostly shoved out of the way. I’ll find permanent places for them when I feel a little more like standing up.

In accordance with the Can of Worms Principle (the only way to get the worms back into the can is to use a larger can), the bookcase holds two books fewer than it did before I moved it. Hmmm.

286 b_sharp  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:45:46am

re: #285 Snarknado!

Good morning, lizards!

I realized how tired I am from the Great Rearrangement when I walked down the stairs and back up the stairs (as I do every morning). I think I’ll be sitting for most of the day.

But the place looks okay by the light of day — a couple of slight readjustments to allow Feline Overlord access to her morning movie (crows!) and tanning bed (aka windowsills).

Electrical cords have been mostly shoved out of the way. I’ll find permanent places for them when I feel a little more like standing up.

In accordance with the Can of Worms Principle (the only way to get the worms back into the can is to use a larger can), the bookcase holds two books fewer than it did before I moved it. Hmmm.

Shrinkage occurs in winter.

287 Snarknado!  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:46:26am

re: #286 b_sharp

Shrinkage occurs in winter.

But this IS winter!

288 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:48:51am

re: #280 b_sharp

He’s the Nickelback of the ’60s.

What the fuck? There’s no excuse for that kind of insult.

289 ObserverArt  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:49:36am

Comparing Neil Young to the lameness and stupidity of Nickleback is a crime against humanity.

Besides, some of the best songwriters ever are not good singers, but they can deliver the words.

Does Nucklehead even write what can be considered lyrics?


290 wrenchwench  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:50:24am

re: #283 b_sharp

I’m still waiting for the slap. Wondering if I should be ducking.

Never cared for him, nor C, S, & N either.

291 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:50:35am

My response to all this is just to put “Live Rust” on the iPod.

292 wrenchwench  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:51:12am

re: #287 Snarknado!

But this IS winter!

The book case, not the books.

293 darthstar  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:51:43am
294 Petero1818  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:52:52am

re: #280 b_sharp

It isn’t that his leads leave room, it’s that his leads suck. His playing sucks. His singing sucks.

His lyrics are what make him worth listening to.

He’s the Nickelback of the ’60s.

Honestly that is one of the craziest things I have ever heard. Neil Young has made relevant music for more than 5 decades. Not just the same songs for 50 years, but new, relevant, thoughtful and in many cases incredible albums that have been touchstones in various genres of folk and rock. He continues to be on the cutting edge.

His guitar playing is not his strength, but it is some of the most passionate, raw, and edgy guitar playing to grace a rock and roll stage.

I can tell you that I have witnessed Neil Young solo to Down by the River for 8 minutes on one fucking string (5 of those minutes on one note) and found more to love in it, than watching Paco de Lucia for an hour, and I like Paco de Lucia a lot.

295 b_sharp  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:56:11am

To all the fans of Neil Young who I unthinkingly insulted this morning by comparing him to Nickelback, my sincere apologies. I am so sorry you like Neil Young that much.

Just kidding. There is nothing wrong with liking Young. There may even be pills for it.

This reminds me of the wars going on between the lovers and haters of Buffalo Springfield.

296 ObserverArt  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:58:19am

re: #294 Petero1818

Honestly that is one of the craziest things I have ever heard. Neil Young has made relevant music for more than 5 decades. Not just the same songs for 50 years, but new, relevant, thoughtful and in many cases incredible albums that have been touchstones in various genres of folk and rock. He continues to be on the cutting edge.

His guitar playing is not his strength, but it is some of the most passionate, raw, and edgy guitar playing to grace a rock and roll stage.

I can tell you that I have witnessed Neil Young solo to Down by the River for 8 minutes on one fucking string (5 of those minutes on one note) and found more to love in it, than watching Paco de Lucia for an hour, and I like Paco de Lucia a lot.

Nice post!

b_sharp is not even a legit musical note…fake!!! ///

297 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:58:55am

re: #295 b_sharp

This reminds me of the wars going on between the lovers and haters of Buffalo Springfield.

My god man, how far are you going to take this?!

298 b_sharp  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 10:59:49am

re: #297 Eclectic Cyborg

My god man, how far are you going to take this?!

Just down the hall.

299 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 11:02:27am

re: #297 Eclectic Cyborg

My god man, how far are you going to take this?!

He’s going to pronounce it “just satire” shortly. Right before the hippie mobs with pitchforks and torches turn up.

300 Slap  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 11:24:35am

re: #273 Kragar

Also underestimated: the visceral Screaming Trees, my personal Seattle fav:

301 BeenHereAwhile  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 1:01:47pm

re: #295 b_sharp

To all the fans of Neil Young who I unthinkingly insulted this morning by comparing him to Nickelback, my sincere apologies. I am so sorry you like Neil Young that much.

Just kidding. There is nothing wrong with liking Young. There may even be pills for it.

This reminds me of the wars going on between the lovers and haters of Buffalo Springfield.

There were many in the music industry that thought Crosby, Stills & Nash’s talent would over shadow Neil Young when he joined the group.

There’s good reason why they became Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.

Also Neil Young became very important to the bottom line of Warner Electra Asylum records.

How important?

One famous story is that he balked at releasing one solo album (after CSN&Y) because he wanted the cover made from oatmeal, so it could be cooked and eaten. And production problems of the album cover (gee I wonder why) could not be worked out. So Joe Smith, president of the company, had to get on the WEA jet to fly to Young to convince him to meet the projected album release date.

302 Swift2991  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 5:27:14pm

I like so much that Glenn says Snowden’s passport was revoked “without trial.” Tell you what, Glenn. He can come back and get a trial anytime he wants.

303 krypto  Tue, Dec 31, 2013 6:24:51pm

Dear Edward Snowden,
I am so sorry you misunderstood. The United States and especially president Obama are not stopping you from returning. They want you back. Please, please come home.

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