
An Excellent Animated Horror Short: "100,000 Acres of Pine"

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))1/01/2024 3:44:20 am PST

They have Hogan’s Heroes in German: Ein Nest voller Helden (A Nest Full of Heroes).

Germans could not understand why my American buddy and I were falling over laughing at Klink and Schultz speaking German.

We tried to explain that was the funniest thing in the world to us becausss zey are zupposedt to schpeak Englisch mit ze Churrrrman ägktzent.

But I came to realize what a brilliant way they did it: Schultz speaks a Bavarian dialect, which perfectly fits his somewhat more easygoing character while Klink speaks Saxon, the dialect associated with East German border guards and state police.