
Time to Sound the Alarm: Unidentified Federal Agents in Unmarked Cars Are Arresting Portland Protesters

Dangerman7/17/2020 12:19:14 pm PDT

mrs dm’s mom and dad are in an independent senior living facility

mom wrote some limericks:

In front of my PC I’ll sit
A couple more limericks I’ve writ
I’ll cherish each rhyme
I have lots of time
‘Cause I just never learned how to knit.

I’d love to have a small date
And stay out incredibly late
Eat out. Would be great
But I can’t. What I hate
Is meals from a bag; not a plate.

I’m surrounded by sweetness and light
Positive thoughts day and night
“Share” and “Reach out”
When I just want to shout
Give me some lamb chops to bite
Or more awful poems I shall write …
Is the end very nearly in sight?

she just turned 90
stay tuned,
she wrote more