
Horror Short Film: "How to Make a Ghost"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷10/05/2023 3:56:22 am PDT

Amanda Marcotte at Salon on December 2, 2022 called out another example of the press employing Murc’s Law.

Uh, Politico? Biden didn’t make Marjorie Taylor Greene “the face of the GOP” — Republicans did

“The widespread assumption that only Democrats have any agency or causal influence over American politics.” This is famously known as “Murc’s Law,” named after a commenter at the blog Lawyers, Guns, and Money who noticed years ago the habitual assumption among the punditry that Republican misbehavior can only be caused by Democrats. Do Republicans reject climate science? Must be because Democrats failed to persuade them! Did Republicans pass unpopular tax cuts for the rich? Must be that Democrats didn’t do enough to guide them to better choices! Do Republicans keep voting for lunatics and fascists? It must be the fault of Democrats for being mean to them! Even Donald Trump’s election was widely blamed on Democrats — who voted against him, to be clear — on the bizarre grounds that Barack Obama should have rolled over and just let Mitt Romney win in 2012.
