The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Buzz Ding 2000

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Today’s program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob Cesca Show:

The Buzz Ding 2000 — [Explicit Language] Farewell, Ziggy Blue. Next week: Malcolm Nance live from Ukraine. Bill Maher, Bari Weiss, and the “Done With COVID” movement. Scientist Nicholas Christakis on how COVID will probably end. Sarah Palin tested positive for COVID, again. Joe Biden calls Peter Doocy a “dumb son of a bitch.” Fani Willis empanels a special grand jury in Georgia to investigate Trump. What the 1/6 committee has learned so far. Some great news about gerrymandering. With Buzz Burbank and music by Treetop Flyers and Kilo Bravo, and more!

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Captain Magic  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:11:43pm

Twitter really put a cramp on what I can do with their 12-hour lockdown.

Barefoot Grin  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:17:31pm

This fucking shithead has done so much intentional damage to so many communities:

Captain Magic  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:17:41pm

Up in my neck of the woods:

LEELANAU COUNTY, Mich. (WPBN/WGTU) — The next Leelanau County Board of Commissioners meeting won’t include a prayer.

The decision to eliminate prayer from the start of the meetings has divided the board and the community.

Tuesday, commissioners voted 5-2 to remove the prayer portion of the meeting.

The policy in Leelanau County didn’t necessarily require the prayer to focus on one religion, but did require that anyone who gave the prayer had to represent a church with an actual building in the county.

That part of the policy limited those who could offer prayer.

Some would like it to be reinstated with a more inclusive policy drafted.

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:17:41pm

For those of you looking for stuff on Ukraine, one of the Balloon Juice commenters did a Q&A style thing about the situation. It’s personal understanding, but you might find some useful stuff in it.

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:19:51pm

re: #2 Barefoot Grin

This fucking shithead has done so much intentional damage to so many communities:

[Embedded content]

“I believe all students are intelligent and strong enough to learn about US history. Unless you think I should judge yours by the color of your skin.”

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:21:38pm
wrenchwench  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:23:27pm

re: #2 Barefoot Grin

This fucking shithead has done so much intentional damage to so many communities:

[Embedded content]

I want to see someone get arrested for teaching the Constitution.

Captain Magic  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:25:41pm

re: #4 Belafon

That was a good read.

Barefoot Grin  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:27:10pm

re: #7 wrenchwench

I want to see someone get arrested for teaching the Constitution.

Exactly. I went to a high school in December to observe an AP US History class. The class that day was concentrating on the 1850s and the lead up to the Civil War. I asked the teacher what he planned to do given that our state legislature is one of the few in the country to pass “discomfort” laws. He said, “I have a responsibility to my students to teach them what they need to pass an AP course and to teach them the truth, so I don’t know what’s going to happen.” Shit’s fucked up.

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:27:18pm

“Are you telling me your kid is weak?”

Captain Magic  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:28:15pm

From Balloon Juice:

WaterGirl asked if I’d consider some form of expanded post about Ukraine. Between my innate preference for brevity in written and oral communications and my late-onset ADD, there’s no way I can do a long-form wall o’ text post, a la Adam or Tony Jay. So I thought a Q&A, like an old-school FAQ, might work. Not sure if or when this will go up, but I’ll try to be around late evening EST if people have additional questions.

So who the fuck are you?

I have ties to Ukraine, which I don’t feel like elaborating on right now, and firmly support Ukraine’s right to political self-determination and to live in peace on an equal footing with its neighbors. I have no strategic/military/intelligence background nor any privileged sources. I follow various primary sources in several languages, make observations and have opinions. But at the end of the day I’m just some Internet rando, so those observations and opinions are worth precisely what you paid for them.

Is Putin going to invade?

Flip answer: he already did, in 2014. Real answer: I have no fucking idea, and neither do you. But the thing is, he has more leverage over the West by keeping everyone in suspense. Once there are (major, verifiable) troop movements, much of that leverage is gone.

What does Putin want?

I believe that he is primarily interested in three things: a) having the Russian Federation continue to be treated as the global superpower that the USSR appeared to be, and if that means waving his dick around, so be it; b) a corollary to a), weakening “the West,” largely meaning de-fanging NATO; c) restoring “Greater Russia,” because to him and people who think like him, there is “Great Russia,” “Little Russia” (Ukraine), and “White Russia” (Belarus) which all belong together. In this view Ukraine isn’t really a country, it’s a bunch of hicks on the farm who speak some Polonized dialect of Russian (note that “not really a country” is also a position you’ll hear a lot from the Trumposphere - odd, that.)

What can the US/the West do?

“Hard” military options are fairly limited. Neither the US nor NATO will be moving armored divisions into Ukraine and everybody knows it. Freer flow of defensive weapons systems would be good: Stingers, Javelins, the Turkish Bayraktar drones are all good, and more of them would be better. Sanctions are largely played out, IMO, and require more discipline than the West is prepared for. The apocryphal quote that “the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them,” while not said by Lenin, is both prescient and understated. The capitalists (the US/West) will not only sell the rope, they will sell the lumber to build the gallows, will contract engineering/construction services to build it, and will hire out the hangman. To hurt Putin and his circle economically, when it would collapse the London real estate market, when the most powerful man in the US Senate gets a $200 million aluminum plant in his state, when half of Cleveland is bought by Kolomoisky, when every other 8-figure condo in NYC is bought by oligarchs’ families, would hurt US/Western financial interests too much to be feasible. The “nuclear option,” as it were, cutting Russia off from SWIFT has already been termed an act of war by Russia.

Where I see options that aren’t being taken (again, I have no special knowledge) is in the area of offensive cyber activity. When a motley crew of Belarusian hacktivists can disable the state railway system, imagine what the NSA could do? I mean, look at Stuxnet. Why does the US appear to be sitting on its hands?

What does Ukraine want?

Ukraine wants, first and foremost, to be part of the EU. They view themselves as a European country, and want to be part of Europe - being part of NATO is understood to be a longer-range goal, with substantial roadblocks, but still something to strive for. These views are borne out both by opinion polls and by real polls (i.e. elections.) They want the bear to leave them alone and go back home, so they can live in peace. They do not expect, and assuredly do not want, US troops on Ukrainian soil. They do want access to good, effective weapons systems just like any other nominally allied country.

All Ukrainians want this? What about the Russian-speakers?

The overwhelming majority of Ukrainians, regardless of the language they speak at home, want this. The idea that speaking Russian means you want to be part of Russia is propaganda - don’t be a chump and fall for it. The linguistic situation in Ukraine is complicated, and is poorly understood by most Western commentators. There are no good analogies, but imagine concluding that all those people speaking English in Dublin wish to be ruled by England.

Why are there so many Russian-speakers in Ukraine?

For this we can clearly blame Stalin. Between the Holodomor of 1932-33 and forced deportations like that of the Tatars from Crimea in 1944, Stalin was hell-bent on ethnically Russifying all of the western USSR. Russians were moved into areas which were emptied by other means, and put down roots. But over time they came to see themselves as Ukrainians, and are now, especially since the collapse of the USSR, mostly Ukrainian patriots. Ukraine is largely a bilingual country in ways for which there are no parallels. Yes, Ukrainian is the official language of government, but even in the halls of government offices, you are as likely to hear Russian as Ukrainian. Both print and broadcast media in Russian are widely available throughout the country, and in any shop or restaurant in any major city you can order and be served in Russian, and can function normally pretty much 100% in Russian. Imagine, by contrast, living in Toronto and knowing no English, speaking only French. When Putin or his allies refer to the “rights” of Russian speakers, all I hear is “Sudetenland.”

But what Ukrainians say they want is just due to Western influence, isn’t it?

No, they have expressed themselves clearly at the ballot box. As I have remarked on more than once, Ukraine can run fair and efficient elections, with complete and comprehensive results available in 24 hours and accepted by all sides. Repeatedly rehashing a Presidential election a year after it has taken place is not a luxury they can afford. This example is something Putin absolutely does not want to see spreading. Having normal elections and a peaceful transfer of power between an incumbent and a challenger could be contagious, who knows?

But wasn’t the 2014 Maidan revolution a CIA-instigated coup that started this?


Well, the Ukrainians are all Nazis or ultra-rightists anyway.

The current President is Jewish; at one point Ukraine was the only country other than Israel where both the President and the Prime Minister were Jewish. If they’re Nazis, they’re not very good. And in the last parliamentary election, the ultra-right party was shut out. But the country of Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Tucker Carlson, and Marjorie Taylor Greene should probably sit down and shut up.

They were Nazis, though, weren’t they?

Some Ukrainians supported the Germans after Hitler declared war on Russia as a way of attempting to drive Russia out of Ukraine. This history is complicated. Before attempting to engage in debate on it, read Timothy Snyder’s Bloodlands and Robert Conquest’s Harvest of Sorrow.

Is this why Germany is reluctant to support Ukraine?

Germany seems to have a Heinz-57-varieties of reasons for its lukewarm (at best) support: there’s the obvious one of gas and Nordstream-2; there are multiple unholy relationships of German ex-politicians with Russian companies/oligarchs; there’s what they refer to as a “moral debt” to Russia for its losses in WWII - never mind the equally horrific losses among Ukrainian civilians (see, for example, for the brutal scale); there may be some residual aspect of “don’t tar us with that Nazi brush again,” but it’s not said out loud. But when Germany prohibits its customers from selling on weapons systems to Ukraine, the reasons don’t matter to anyone in Ukraine - they just see a country which could help and doesn’t.

What about that UK intelligence report that Russia want to install a puppet government?

Yes, this was all over the news a couple of days ago; I have no insight into MI6 or CIA or anywhere else, but the report was taken fairly seriously. The issue is that the alleged puppet, Yevgeniy Murayev, is a clown with near-zero support in Ukraine. He owns a broadcast network called “Nash” - which means “ours” in Ukrainian, and is a term widely used as one of inclusivity of fellow Ukrainians, either in Ukraine or elsewhere. Its use by Murayev is treated as parody. Here is the crux - if Putin is relying on people like Murayev, he is wildly misjudging Ukrainians. There is no way you can “install”someone who has ~4-5% support without massive military force and a continued occupation. His proxies are massively unpopular; one can only marvel at how support for Russia has eroded since 2014.

But the Russian army is much stronger, isn’t it?

Yes. However, Ukraine has spent the last 8 years building up its armed forces, with some Western assistance, and is in a much better position than it was in 2014. The key, though, is that Ukrainians will be motivated to defend their country in a way that an invader never is. Many, many Ukrainians have heard stories from their grandparents about the brave partisan resistance; it’s part of the folklore. Ask almost anyone what their plans are and there’s always two parts: send my family to the place in the country, which we’ve stocked with food and fuel, and I’ll stay and fight the Muscovites. The Russians will endure terrible losses, even if they “win.”

Why did the US order families of Embassy staff to leave?

Fuck if I know. This was as welcome in Ukraine as a fart in an elevator. It is a clear signal of weakness, widely derided. I have not been a fan of the US State Department for a variety of reasons, and this is another. It’s an own goal at a critical point in the match.

How can I follow what’s going on?

If you need English-language sources, there are some below (if you can read Ukrainian well enough to grok primary sources, you don’t need my advice.) Beware, though, a lot of my sources are on Twitter. I find it invaluable for breaking news from places that aren’t otherwise well-covered, but then I actually know some of the sources. For more traditional media, try the Kyiv Independent (fka Kyiv Post) or (for “New Voice.”) RFE/RL is good, as is Voice of America if you prefer that format (interestingly, the new Eastern Europe chief for VOA is Myroslava Gongadze, widow of Georgiy Gongadze, a prominent journalist who was kidnapped and murdered in 2000.)

On Twitter, find the country at @Ukraine, its President at @ZelenskyyUa, its Ministry of Foreign Affairs at @MFA_Ukraine. A small selection of journalists and academics, all in English: @sumlenny, @ichbinilya, @VladDavidzon, @ChristopherJM, @NataliaAntonova, @edgarsrinkevics, @IlvesToomas, @b_judah, @DougKlain, @eric_hontz, former Ambassador @McFaul, @yermolenko_v, @IAPonomarenko, @OxanaShevel, @Kateryna_Kruk, @olgatokariuk, I could go on, but probably best would be to follow a few of these and see who they retweet or reply to. No bios for these because you can look them up easily enough if you’re interested. Not a lot of minority voices in this space, sorry, but @Russian_Starr is a Black academic well-traveled in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and @MaximEristavi is a gay Georgian/Ukrainian journalist Tweeting mostly in English, sometimes in Russian.

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:30:34pm


Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:35:51pm
jaunte  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:37:49pm

re: #2 Barefoot Grin

Glenn Youngkin has opened an anonymous tip line for parents to report schools for teaching critical race theory in violation of his executive order. Email:

Seems like a worthy target for a flood of false reports.

Captain Magic  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:40:08pm

re: #14 jaunte

Good job

The Pie Overlord!  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:42:00pm
gocart mozart  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:42:26pm
Captain Magic  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:46:18pm

Now I’m listening to Jefferson Airplane “You me and Pooneil”.

DodgerFan1988  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:49:11pm

Somebody call the waaaambulance!

jaunte  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:49:58pm

re: #19 DodgerFan1988

Uh oh, he’s caught the Victim variant.

CleverToad  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:55:25pm

re: #16 The Pie Overlord!

[Embedded content]

As if the stories themselves weren’t scary enough!

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:57:32pm

re: #19 DodgerFan1988

The Pie Overlord!  Jan 25, 2022 • 5:58:12pm

re: #21 CleverToad

As if the stories themselves weren’t scary enough!

What kind of fucked up psycho writes an “uplifting Christmas story” about a homeless kid hallucinating while dying of hypothermia?

Charles Johnson  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:01:49pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:03:34pm

re: #20 jaunte

Uh oh, he’s caught the Victim variant.

He always had that. And he’d like Trump in that once he’s taken offence, hell hate you forever and will want to get even. He’s creepy af.

Charles Johnson  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:03:37pm

Grimms’ Fairy Tales may be worse.

Charles Johnson  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:06:03pm

Parents really got into scaring the shit out of children back in the day.

William Lewis  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:06:50pm

re: #25 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

He always had that. And he’d like Trump in that once he’s taken offence, hell hate you forever and will want to get even. He’s creepy af.

Yup. Look at how he felt entitled to be drafted by his hometown 49er’s and when they didn’t, he’s had a hateon for them ever since. He’s got serious talent but I’m glad I don’t have to work with him. Favre could be an ass but even with his shit and Republican attitudes is still a better person.

mmmirele  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:07:40pm

And on a completely different subject…

(Background: Yoon Suk-yeol is the candidate of the conservative People Power Party. The Shincheonji Church was the outfit that crammed a lot of people into relatively small spaces, and had the super spreader who infected 40 people. The South Korean presidential election is on March 9.)

Prosecutors have opened a probe into allegations that main opposition presidential candidate Yoon Suk-yeol, while serving as prosecutor general, refused to conduct a raid on a religious sect accused of spreading COVID-19 following advice from a shamanic adviser, sources said Monday.

The Segye Times daily carried a report on the allegations last week, saying Yoon refused to carry out a prosecution search into the Shincheonji Church of Jesus in February 2020 over quarantine violations, upon a recommendation from the shamanic adviser.

The ruling Democratic Party has since filed accusations against Yoon with the prosecution on charges of dereliction of duties and abuse of power to obstruct a prosecution investigation into Shincheonji.

A public affairs investigation bureau at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office has taken the charge of the probe against Yoon of the People Power Party, the legal sources said. (Yonhap)

emphasis added—so much for the rule of law….yikes!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:08:53pm

re: #2 Barefoot Grin

This fucking shithead has done so much intentional damage to so many communities:

everyone who is not an aggrieved white snowflake should clog that tip line with real violations of fake history.

wrenchwench  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:10:49pm

re: #27 Charles Johnson

Parents really got into scaring the shit out of children back in the day.

Saturday morning catechism.

jaunte  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:17:06pm

I finally finished that owl I was making.

Here’s a page on it:

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:21:53pm

re: #27 Charles Johnson

Parents really got into scaring the shit out of children back in the day.

You either scared the shit out of them, or they wondered off and got eaten by the pack of wolves roaming nearby.

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:22:38pm

re: #28 William Lewis

Yup. Look at how he felt entitled to be drafted by his hometown 49er’s and when they didn’t, he’s had a hateon for them ever since. He’s got serious talent but I’m glad I don’t have to work with him. Favre could be an ass but even with his shit and Republican attitudes is still a better person.

From what I’ve seen, I don’t think so about Favre.

Charles Johnson  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:23:15pm

re: #33 Belafon

You either scared the shit out of them, or they wondered off and got eaten by the pack of wolves roaming nearby.

Life was harsh.

William Lewis  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:23:22pm

re: #34 Belafon

From what I’ve seen, I don’t think so about Favre.

Not saying he’s all _that_ good, just not _as_ bad.

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:24:14pm

Pretty obvious who this is, but I didn’t know he was in the Special Forces:

Dangerman  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:24:43pm

re: #1 Captain Magic

Twitter really put a cramp on what I can do with their 12-hour lockdown.

You can waste 6 minutes when it turns midnight by you…

William Lewis  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:26:26pm

re: #37 Belafon

Kristofferson? Helicopter pilot and ranger IIRC.

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:27:45pm
Charles Johnson  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:28:02pm
Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:28:12pm

re: #39 William Lewis

Kristofferson? Helicopter pilot and ranger IIRC.

And Rhodes Scholar according to the replies.

jaunte  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:30:51pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:32:05pm

re: #2 Barefoot Grin

This fucking shithead has done so much intentional damage to so many communities:

I just finished reading The 1619 Project.

Oh yeah…soooo much to make the snowflakes meltdown.

The Pie Overlord!  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:32:12pm
Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:33:38pm

I don’t think it’s unsafe for work, but I’m hiding it just in case the text would offend some people:

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:34:04pm

re: #43 jaunte

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:36:50pm
Captain Ron  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:38:20pm

re: #48 Belafon

That’s SO meta!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:38:59pm

re: #14 jaunte

Seems like a worthy target for a flood of false accurate yet uncomfortable because they are other than White Angst reports.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:39:21pm
Dangerman  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:48:01pm

re: #32 jaunte

I finally finished that owl I was making.

[Embedded content]

Here’s a page on it:

Looks like he’s fallen.
Can he get up?

jaunte  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:48:56pm

re: #52 Dangerman

He’s just pining for the fjords.

garzooma  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:49:32pm

re: #19 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

Somebody call the waaaambulance!

Did Waaaaron congratulate his teammates for not listening to the so-called experts who say you should play with 11 men on the field?

A Cranky One  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:54:02pm

re: #32 jaunte

I finally finished that owl I was making.

[Embedded content]

Here’s a page on it:

Beautiful plumage.

Seriously, very nice!

jaunte  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:54:28pm

re: #55 A Cranky One


Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:57:02pm

O M G!

Decatur Deb  Jan 25, 2022 • 6:57:18pm

No elaboration needed:

Alabama man accused of keeping meth-fed ‘attack squirrel’ faces new charges

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:02:02pm
Dangerman  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:07:23pm


Washington Post: “Thousands of Americans who jumped into crypto investing over the past two years in hopes of a rocket ride to instant wealth now face a similar reckoning: Prices for cryptocurrencies — from relative stalwarts such as bitcoin and Ethereum to more exotic tokens — have cratered since reaching all-time highs in early November, wiping out an astonishing $1.35 trillion in value globally, nearly half of the total market


Melania Trump’s much-discussed online auction, featuring a hat she wore at the White House during a 2018 visit by President Emmanuel Macron of France, is turning into a potential victim of the crash in the cryptocurrency market,” the New York Times reports.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:18:05pm

re: #60 Dangerman



It won’t be truly pleasing until cryptocurrency values are totally wiped out.

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:20:01pm

re: #60 Dangerman



One of my college classmates put up that crypto is just tulips.

jaunte  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:21:10pm
Grunthos the Flatulent  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:21:16pm

re: #62 Belafon

One of my college classmates put up that crypto is just tulips.

NFT - Next Fucking Tulips

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:23:56pm

re: #64 Grunthos the Flatulent

NFT - Next Fucking Tulips

Novel Fraudulent Tulips

jaunte  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:24:13pm

“Rugpull” is such a cute way of saying felony theft.

dat_said  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:26:47pm

You all can borrow my snowblower. Just leave some gas in the tank.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:27:16pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:28:51pm
Dangerman  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:30:19pm

re: #62 Belafon

One of my college classmates put up that crypto is just tulips.

Fake money not as valuable as real money

111010111001000100100 isn’t real money

William Lewis  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:31:41pm

re: #62 Belafon

One of my college classmates put up that crypto is just tulips.

No, tulips are pretty and can be eaten.

Crypto is useless.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:33:53pm

niterz, lizardz!

Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:39:56pm

Just upgraded my desktop to Windows 11 pro. I do like the multiple desktop feature. And having it with a 43” 4K tv for a monitor means a lot of space.

retired cynic  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:41:57pm

re: #32 jaunte

I finally finished that owl I was making.

[Embedded content]

Here’s a page on it:

Very handsome birb!

Patricia Kayden  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:42:48pm

re: #58 Decatur Deb

Also found was a caged squirrel. Before authorities acted on a search warrant, they were told that Paulk fed meth to the animal to keep it aggressive. The sheriff’s office said it released the squirrel into a wooded area.

Crush White Nationalism  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:44:49pm

re: #75 Patricia Kayden

Now there’s a dangerous squirrel in the woods looking to score some meth.

Captain Ron  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:55:04pm
Belafon  Jan 25, 2022 • 7:56:57pm
Rightwingconspirator  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:03:26pm

re: #76 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Youtube Video

Rightwingconspirator  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:06:00pm

re: #76 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Now there’s a dangerous squirrel in the woods looking to score some meth.

More seriously that’s just cruel. Poor critter. imagine withdrawals and no front teeth.

A Cranky One  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:17:27pm

Physics humor:

ckkatz  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:17:50pm

re: #16 The Pie Overlord!

The illustrator Artur Szyk was quite an interesting guy:

The Pie Overlord!  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:21:59pm

re: #83 ckkatz

The illustrator Artur Szyck was quite an interesting guy:

Yes. He was a very gifted artist who made political illustrations (too complicated to call “cartoons”) spoofing the nazi regime. He also illustrated an exquisite illuminated haggadah which Zedushka bought in Israel before we met, and we have it on the Seder table every year, although the calligraphy is hard to read.

ckkatz  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:23:40pm

re: #57 Backwoods_Sleuth

That’s a huge “ear per cat” ratio!

ckkatz  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:25:40pm

re: #84 The Pie Overlord!

Yes. He was a very gifted artist who made political illustrations (too complicated to call “cartoons”) spoofing the nazi regime. He also illustrated an exquisite illuminated haggadah which Zedushka bought in Israel before we met, and we have it on the Seder table every year, although the calligraphy is hard to read.

My father had some of his framed prints. They were quite beautiful.

And that Haggadah is renowned for it’s artistry!

ckkatz  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:29:20pm

re: #32 jaunte

Beautiful carving!

For some reason I had flashback to this:

Youtube Video

ckkatz  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:33:18pm

re: #4 Belafon

For those of you looking for stuff on Ukraine, one of the Balloon Juice commenters did a Q&A style thing about the situation. It’s personal understanding, but you might find some useful stuff in it.

Nice article, Thanks for posting!

wrenchwench  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:35:47pm

King County, Washington pulled a neat trick when they changed their name to—King County. They just changed which King it was named for

Oregon did a similar thing with their OLCC. It used to be the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. Now it’s the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission. Same logo, same stationary. To celebrate, I consumed some THC while scoring 98% on my Alcohol Servers Permit test. I printed my temporary permit. Could be worth money, in the hourly rate dept.

ckkatz  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:42:41pm

re: #89 wrenchwench

King County, Washington pulled a neat trick when they changed their name to—King County. They just changed which King it was named for

Oregon did a similar thing with their OLCC. It used to be the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. Now it’s the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission. Same logo, same stationary. To celebrate, I consumed some THC while scoring 98% on my Alcohol Servers Permit test. I printed my temporary permit. Could be worth money, in the hourly rate dept.

Congrats on passing the Alcohol Servers permit test! I will resist asking if it was a joint test. ;)

cat-tikvah  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:45:02pm

re: #16 The Pie Overlord!

Yes! A record album of Bartholomew and the Oobleck!
Made me worry every time it rained.

retired cynic  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:54:28pm

re: #80 William Lewis

Two of my ‘sons’ do an excellent version of this.

ckkatz  Jan 25, 2022 • 8:56:51pm

re: #67 dat_said

Looks like it’s slated to miss the DC area:

Late Friday into Saturday should be mostly cloudy with the chance we see some snow from a storm system passing off the coast. Models have been keeping the more significant accumulations east of our area, but it’s close enough that things could still change. As the storm moves away on Saturday, look for cold and blustery conditions. Lows Friday night should be in the 20s with Saturday highs in the 30s. Confidence: Low

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Jan 25, 2022 • 9:06:42pm

re: #59 Backwoods_Sleuth

I’m starting to wonder when Pfizer and Moderna are going to start suing these clowns and Fox into oblivion.

Captain Ron  Jan 25, 2022 • 9:15:17pm
Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Jan 25, 2022 • 9:16:57pm

I’m pretty sure that crazy Randos going on RWNJ networks and claiming an American Corporation’s products are killing people and they know it is actionable if they can’t prove it. Crazy Fox hosts saying it with no proof, probably *more* actionable.

Imagine what (above and beyond what they actually did to opponents in reality) the Tobacco industry would have done to people saying their products were dangerous if in fact smoking actually *wasn’t* bad for you.

It would have been a fucking legal massacre.

Captain Ron  Jan 25, 2022 • 9:37:29pm

Cool. In the past month both Hulu and Disney+ added 5.1 audio to their Windows 11 app. The Netflix app has had 5.1 for 10-15 years. Amazon prime is still stuck in stereo on Windows 11.

RinaX  Jan 25, 2022 • 9:44:55pm

I guess I’m kicking off tonight’s Wordle party.
Wordle 221 6/6


Whew! Also, Aaron Rodgers’ tears go great with ice cream!

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Jan 25, 2022 • 9:45:08pm

re: #78 Belafon

Things like this happen and it sucks, and I hope she gets some kind of compensation or has insurance that will rebuild while going after the criminal and anyone involved. That being said, this crime is not as common as some are making it out to be. Companies like Life-Lock and various other legal scams to trick old/non-Internet savvy people out of their money have been hyping this up recently to sell a service that “protects” you from this happening.

It was really annoying the shit out of me when Bob Cesca was advertising for one of these companies on his podcast for awhile.

Also, never use Life Lock or any similar service. Just go to the 3 credit bureaus and lock down your credit reports. That takes care of 99% of all problems like this and it’s free.

Don’t use Life-Locks sibling products either: Norton Antivirus or Norton 360. They bitcoin mine when your PC is “idle”, making it very not idle anymore and sucking up a lot of power.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 25, 2022 • 10:11:21pm

re: #98 RinaX

Joining in:

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips  Jan 25, 2022 • 10:16:35pm
A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jan 25, 2022 • 10:22:22pm

re: #99 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

Things like this happen and it sucks, and I hope she gets some kind of compensation or has insurance that will rebuild while going after the criminal and anyone involved. That being said, this crime is not as common as some are making it out to be. Companies like Life-Lock and various other legal scams to trick old/non-Internet savvy people out of their money have been hyping this up recently to sell a service that “protects” you from this happening.

It was really annoying the shit out of me when Bob Cesca was advertising for one of these companies on his podcast for awhile.

Also, never use Life Lock or any similar service. Just go to the 3 credit bureaus and lock down your credit reports. That takes care of 99% of all problems like this and it’s free.

Don’t use Life-Locks sibling products either: Norton Antivirus or Norton 360. They bitcoin mine when your PC is “idle”, making it very not idle anymore and sucking up a lot of power.

All of this. But there are five credit bureaus you should do the lockdown with. I’m out of town, but ask me for their names next week if anyone’s interested.

stpaulbear  Jan 25, 2022 • 10:24:14pm

Scroll bait.

Wordle 221 4/6


I’ve been playing the second line to try to expose more letters lately. It’s been awful on it’s own, but helpful in finding the final answer.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 25, 2022 • 10:28:40pm

re: #103 stpaulbear

Scroll bait.

Wordle 221 4/6


I’ve been playing the second line to try to expose more letters lately. It’s been awful on it’s own, but helpful in finding the final answer.

That’s what I’ve done since the beginning — using the 2nd and occasionally 3rd lines to uncover other letters. Some play with the alternative more restrictive rules.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Jan 25, 2022 • 10:41:19pm

Another thing that is alternating between “itching my ass” and putting me into a “burning rage worthy of a gamma ray burst” is people using the term “natural immunity” to describe the state of being after having COVID.

That is not natural immunity. Natural immunity is when you were born with a mutation or a genetic trait that makes it so the virus cannot infect you.

If you get the disease, you have temporary acquired immunity, just like a vaccine, it’s just you acquired it from the virus itself.

Captain Ron  Jan 25, 2022 • 10:41:33pm
Hecuba's daughter  Jan 25, 2022 • 10:58:18pm

re: #105 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

Another thing that is alternating between “itching my ass” and putting me into a “burning rage worthy of a gamma ray burst” is people using the term “natural immunity” to describe the state of being after having COVID.

That is not natural immunity. Natural immunity is when you were born with a mutation or a genetic trait that makes it so the virus cannot infect you.

If you get the disease, you have temporary acquired immunity, just like a vaccine, it’s just you acquired it from the virus itself.

The CDC has these definitions:

Natural immunity is acquired from exposure to the disease organism through infection with the actual disease.
Vaccine-induced immunity is acquired through the introduction of a killed or weakened form of the disease organism through vaccination.

Johns Hopkins uses the same definition.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Jan 25, 2022 • 11:09:57pm

re: #107 Hecuba’s daughter

The CDC has these definitions:

Johns Hopkins uses the same definition.

Until COVID was a thing and people were popping off hot takes on why they don’t need the ‘evil 5g nanobot experimental vaccine’ I’ve never heard or used the term natural immunity in that way.

This is a medical dictionary definition:

Types of Immunity. An individual may be naturally immune to certain pathological conditions or may acquire immunity through either active or passive means.
Natural immunity is a genetic characteristic of an individual and is due to the particular species and race to which one belongs, to one’s sex, and to one’s individual ability to produce immune bodies. All humans are immune to certain diseases that affect animals of the lower species; males are more resistant to some disorders than are females, and vice versa. Persons of one race are more susceptible to some diseases than those of another race that has had exposure to the infectious agents through successive generations. One’s individual ability to produce immune bodies, and thereby ward off pathogens, is influenced by one’s state of physical health, one’s nutritional status, and one’s emotional response to stress.

In order for an individual to acquire immunity one’s body must be stimulated to produce its own immune response components (active immunity) or these substances must be produced by other persons or animals and then passed on to the person (passive immunity). Active immunity can be established in two ways: by having the disease or by receiving modified pathogens and toxins. When an individual is exposed to a disease and the pathogenic organisms enter the body, the production of antibody is initiated. After recovery from the illness, memory cells remain in the body and stand ready as a defense against future invasion. It is possible, through the use of vaccines, bacterins, and modified toxins (toxoids), to stimulate the production of specific antibodies without having an attack of the disease. These are artificial means by which an individual can acquire active immunity.

Merriam Webster:

Medical Definition of innate immunity
: immunity possessed by a group (as a species or race) that is present in an individual at birth prior to exposure to a pathogen or antigen and that includes components (as intact skin, salivary enzymes, neutrophils, natural killer cells, and complement) which provide an initial response against infection
— called also natural immunity

Medical Definition of acquired immunity
: immunity that develops after exposure to a suitable agent (as by an attack of a disease or by injection of antigens)

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 25, 2022 • 11:20:25pm

re: #108 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

Until COVID was a thing and people were popping off hot takes on why they don’t need the ‘evil 5g nanobot experimental vaccine’ I’ve never heard or used the term natural immunity in that way.

This is a medical dictionary definition:

Merriam Webster:

Interesting. I don’t recall ever hearing the term natural immunity prior to COVID. Wonder the reason for this switch in definition? Prior to COVID, was there a term that distinguished immunity acquired from a vaccine vs immunity acquired by surviving a disease?

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Jan 25, 2022 • 11:24:43pm

re: #109 Hecuba’s daughter

Interesting. I don’t recall ever hearing the term natural immunity prior to COVID. Wonder the reason for this switch in definition? Prior to COVID, was there a term that distinguished immunity acquired from a vaccine vs immunity acquired by surviving a disease?

Since CDC and JH using the way I’m not used to I’ll try not let it irritate me as much, but I’m curious as to why the switch as well.

Captain Ron  Jan 25, 2022 • 11:31:12pm
mmmirele  Jan 25, 2022 • 11:39:58pm

re: #57 Backwoods_Sleuth

O M G!

[Embedded content]

Those ears!

Also, just in case you thought I was a nice person, this should completely disabuse you of the notion.

This guy is just pathetically annoying; however, it’s the guys who should know better and claim that somehow there’s been an overcorrection on doing something about child sexual abuse in the churches who are dancing all over my last nerve here.

I’m trying to decide if I want to spend the money to go to Louisville to picket “Together for the Gospel” for its last time in April. (I estimate it would run me about $1500.) On the other hand, it’d probably be a bit cheaper to run over to the Shepherds’ Conference in Los Angeles on March 9-11. I still haven’t protested those guys to remind them that they’d still be waiting around to hear about Jesus’ resurrection because they don’t want to hear proclamations of the gospel from women. (One of the gospels indicates Mary Magdalene was the first to see the risen Jesus.) Oh, and one of the speakers is Voddie Baucham, a guy who called babies “vipers in diapers” because of “original sin.” *rolls eyes* And then people wonder why these same guys ignore child sexual abuse in their churches.

ETA: I’d planned on protesting Shepherds’ Conference in 2020, but you know what was exploding at the beginning of March 2020? Yeah…and in fact, one elderly attendee of that year’s conference was one of the first to die from COVID.

Captain Ron  Jan 25, 2022 • 11:41:02pm
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 12:02:22am

re: #19 DodgerFan1988

Somebody call the waaaambulance!

Ban CRT = Critical Rodgers Talk

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 12:05:24am

re: #27 Charles Johnson

Parents really got into scaring the shit out of children back in the day.

My ex-wife related a story her granny told her about the Massacre of the Innocents after the birth of Jesus. She asked “How did they tell boy babies from girl babies?” she asked, to which her prudish Northern English granny replied “Boys have thicker fingers!”

My ex told me that afterwards she would lie in bed terrified because she had fat fingers and might be mistaken for a boy…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 12:07:08am

re: #44 Backwoods_Sleuth

I just finished reading The 1619 Project.

Oh yeah…soooo much to make the snowflakes meltdown.

In a nutshell: the original settlers were too lazy to do the work themselves and too cheap to pay a wage to get people to do it voluntarily.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 12:08:36am

re: #52 Dangerman

Looks like he’s fallen.
Can he get up?

What do you call an Italian fascist nocturnal avian predator?


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 12:10:29am

re: #62 Belafon

One of my college classmates put up that crypto is just tulips.

Tulips are at least real things with a tangible value.

Captain Ron  Jan 26, 2022 • 12:15:28am

What`s better than roses on your piano ? Tulips on your organ.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 12:16:09am

You orchidding me!

Captain Ron  Jan 26, 2022 • 12:59:09am

1820 mile mark today.

Orange Impostor  Jan 26, 2022 • 1:28:26am

re: #104 Hecuba’s daughter

That’s what I’ve done since the beginning — using the 2nd and occasionally 3rd lines to uncover other letters. Some play with the alternative more restrictive rules.

This one was absolute murder for me the first four guesses. My usual process of most common letters on first guess and high-vowel count on the second proved to be pretty much useless.

Wordle 221 6/6


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 1:34:22am

I need to get an e-bike. Cycling along the river path is just fine, but once you turn off anywhere there are steep grades up into the valleys.

Captain Ron  Jan 26, 2022 • 1:45:36am
‘It’s a terrible thing’ Trump supporters on losing faith in American democracy
CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan examines how lies about the 2020 election could undermine the future of American democracy.
Source: CNN

Fuck you, CNN.

Orange Impostor  Jan 26, 2022 • 1:56:50am

re: #124 Dread Pirate Ron

Fuck you, CNN.

‘The terrible thing’ is that those Trump supporters didn’t forfeit their role in American democracy when they attempted to subvert a free and mostly fair (not counting Republican overt disenfranchisement attempts) election via intimidation, violence, and an attempted insurrection.

Why isn’t THAT the main focus of your reporting, CNN?

Captain Ron  Jan 26, 2022 • 1:58:17am

re: #123 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I need to get an e-bike. Cycling along the river path is just fine, but once you turn off anywhere there are steep grades up into the valleys.

Those European Bosch powered mid-drives are some capable bikes.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 1:58:45am

2020 demonstrated that our election system, based as it is on a mutual good faith and trust, with only a minimum of supervision and control, is not robust enough to stand up to a concerted attack from a faction (and a political party) who are not willing to accept the results and out to undermine them wherever they can.

Captain Ron  Jan 26, 2022 • 2:09:03am

It is 37F and dropping, I had to bring my bike battery inside. Keeping it warm.

Huh, I never noticed the lower case F was taller than Capital letters before.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Jan 26, 2022 • 2:29:00am
Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 3:13:11am

re: #128 Dread Pirate Ron

It is 37F and dropping, I had to bring my bike battery inside. Keeping it warm.

Huh, I never noticed the lower case F was taller than Capital letters before.

[Embedded content]

Embedded Image

Current air temperature is -18 °F (-27.8 C), with a high today of +25 °F (-3.9 C). The weather swings are going to be wild over the next few days.

William Lewis  Jan 26, 2022 • 3:23:36am

Current air temp here is -28 F (-34 c) with, thankfully, no wind. They’re now predicting a high of 22 F (-6 c) but with winds gusting to 35mph later today. That puts the wind chill at 2 F (-16 c). Brrr.

Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 3:25:11am

re: #122 Orange Impostor

This one was absolute murder for me the first four guesses. My usual process of most common letters on first guess and high-vowel count on the second proved to be pretty much useless.

It’s a word I use quite frequently around here, and I managed to get there with surprising speed. I was able to deduce where one of the letters I’d guessed had to go, and what letter went in its place, and from there, the word itself came naturally to me.

Wordle 221 4/6


Dave In Austin  Jan 26, 2022 • 3:41:38am

re: #39 William Lewis

Kristofferson? Helicopter pilot and ranger IIRC.

Rhodes Scholar, my wife sez he was discovered at Mr. Lucky’s, a club in W. Phoenix by Waylon who was a regular at the time where he was a janitor.

Barefoot Grin  Jan 26, 2022 • 3:46:30am

I love how when the WH posts a photo of Biden stopping by a local store for an ice cream cone the comments are split evenly between “let’s go Brandon” and “we need UBI, universal health care, and please cancel student debt” on twitter.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Jan 26, 2022 • 4:08:46am

re: #134 Barefoot Grin

I love how when the WH posts a photo of Biden stopping by a local store for an ice cream cone the comments are split evenly between “let’s go Brandon” and “we need UBI, universal health care, and please cancel student debt” on twitter.

The Cancel Student Debt people who yammer that every chance they get are becoming more annoying one-note-tunes than any of Bernie’s “everything is because of income inequality” crap from 2016 ever did.

Just cancelling student debt will only cancel Federal debt, not private, and apparently it cannot legally just be done by Executive Order (sorry authoritarian lefties, the President is not a dictator). It will also potentially cancel debt of now wealthy people who aren’t hurting because of that debt if there’s no means testing, and it doesn’t fix the source of the problem, so we will be right back in this mess in a few years.

Ming5000  Jan 26, 2022 • 4:08:50am

Another sock puppet?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 4:09:08am

Chilly and near freezing today but temps are supposed to be back into upper 40’s by weekend…

Dave In Austin  Jan 26, 2022 • 4:21:23am

Let us ……
I think folks are afraid to leave.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 4:43:15am

Its not official, but I have never had any doubt that Trump will run in 2024. His ego won’t allow him to stand aside and allow someone else to become top dog in the GOP, and he’s not fighting to rig the vote in 2024 so that Ron DeSantis can become President.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 26, 2022 • 4:49:51am

Another hard one.

Wordle 221 5/6


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 26, 2022 • 4:58:19am

This article on Ginni Thomas is nuts.

When Clarence Thomas met Ginni Lamp, in 1986, he was an ambitious Black conservative in charge of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission—and she was even more conservative and better connected than he was. Her father ran a firm that developed housing in and around Omaha, and her parents were Party activists who had formed the backbone of Barry Goldwater’s campaign in Nebraska. The writer Kurt Andersen, who grew up across the street from the family, recalls, “Her parents were the roots of the modern, crazy Republican Party. My parents were Goldwater Republicans, but even they thought the Lamp family was nuts.” Ginni graduated from Creighton University, in Omaha, and then attended law school there. Her parents helped get her a job with a local Republican candidate for Congress, and when he won she followed him to Washington. But, after reportedly flunking the bar exam, she fell in with a cultish self-help group, Lifespring, whose members were encouraged to strip naked and mock one another’s body fat. She eventually broke away, and began working for the Chamber of Commerce, opposing “comparable worth” pay for women. She and Thomas began dating, and in 1987 they married. As a woman clashing with the women’s movement, she had found much in common with Thomas, who opposed causes supported by many Black Americans.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:06:56am

re: #124 Dread Pirate Ron

Fuck you, CNN.

Trump supporters at this point never had any real faith in American democracy.

darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:11:04am

re: #140 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Sacrificing a guess to rule out the last two vowels helped.
Wordle 221 4/6


darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:14:40am

I’m good at this one.
Sweardle day 19 2/4

lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:22:49am

Lindell is fucking around and will find out that ignoring court orders and mandates to turn over evidence or participate in court mandated meetings will not end well for the lawyers or Lindell.

Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:26:37am

re: #145 lawhawk

Lindell is fucking around and will find out that ignoring court orders and mandates to turn over evidence or participate in court mandated meetings will not end well for the lawyers or Lindell.

Lindell and his lawyers should consult with the Cyber Ninjas and their right-wing asshole lawyer, who, if you recall, just a couple of weeks ago got bench-slapped into orbit over a refusal to turn over discovery documents.

Florida Panhandler  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:26:41am

re: #125 Orange Impostor

CNN just laying the internal groundwork for the eventual and required Republican Party Political Officer to be seated on the BOD in 2025. …CNN along with every other major corporation in America. These companies can see what’s coming. It’s too bad under-40 voters didn’t, or simply don’t care.

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:36:07am

re: #127 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

2020 demonstrated that our election system, based as it is on a mutual good faith and trust, with only a minimum of supervision and control, is not robust enough to stand up to a concerted attack from a faction (and a political party) who are not willing to accept the results and out to undermine them wherever they can.

Our electoral system has had a huge amount of supervision. The poll workers have done an amazing job. Republicans are actively undermining that.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:40:46am

re: #138 Dave In Austin

Let us ……
I think folks are afraid to leave.

Catholics would do much the same…just not as confrontationally

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:41:59am

re: #145 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Lindell is fucking around and will find out that ignoring court orders and mandates to turn over evidence or participate in court mandated meetings will not end well for the lawyers or Lindell.

He is counting on dragging this out until 2024 at which point Trump can pardon him for all crimes past and future.

BlueSpotinAL  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:47:31am

re: #109 Hecuba’s daughter

Interesting. I don’t recall ever hearing the term natural immunity prior to COVID. Wonder the reason for this switch in definition? Prior to COVID, was there a term that distinguished immunity acquired from a vaccine vs immunity acquired by surviving a disease?

The unambiguous term is infection acquired immunity. This was used in a paper titled “Infection-acquired versus vaccine-acquired immunity in an SIRWS model” for modelling infectious disease outbreaks.

jeffreyw  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:51:45am

Good morning!

William Lewis  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:52:39am

Dad joke incoming:

What is the capital of Kansas?


Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:55:44am

re: #153 William Lewis

Dad joke incoming:

What is the capital of Kansas?

[Embedded content]


Decatur Deb  Jan 26, 2022 • 5:57:10am

re: #129 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Because of RC geographics, Wife and I had to get married at my last parish-of-record even though I had just got out of the Army at Ft Knox, and Wife had followed me from there. (Priest re-registered my address as “vargas”, Latin for ‘vagrant”.)

That parish had a huge church on Park Ave, a few blocks from Grand Central. We had 4 adult guests and a gatecrasher in a cavernous nave. We asked for Bach, and the only Bach the $50 organist had on hand was the Toccata, so that’s “Our Song”. Ours and Vincent Price’s.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:00:07am

re: #155 Decatur Deb

…We asked for Bach, and the only Bach the $50 organist had on hand was the Toccata, so that’s “Our Song”. Ours and Vincent Price’s.

Our organist played A Whiter Shade of Pale

sagehen  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:00:32am

re: #133 Dave In Austin

Rhodes Scholar, my wife sez he was discovered at Mr. Lucky’s, a club in W. Phoenix by Waylon who was a regular at the time where he was a janitor.

also, Pomona College ‘58.. Go sagehens!

Came back, with Johnny Cash, in 1973, to get his honorary Doctor of Fine Arts degree.

Decatur Deb  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:03:27am

re: #156 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Our organist played A Whiter Shade of Pale<

That’s more approriate Bach. I wish we had a different Bach, the IWW anthem
Because All Men Are Brothers, from the St. Matthew Passion.

Eventual Carrion  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:03:50am

Another ok outcome

Wordle 221 3/6


William Lewis  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:06:02am

re: #156 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Our organist played A Whiter Shade of Pale

My ex and I had our pianist play “Because the Night” as our recessional.

Decatur Deb  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:09:00am

re: #160 William Lewis

If we had all known, we’d have gone with Long and Winding Road.

darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:12:01am

re: #154 Dopamine Fish


darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:16:49am

Warriors new rookie looks happy to be on the court.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:17:08am

re: #147 Florida Panhandler

CNN just laying the internal groundwork for the eventual and required Republican Party Political Officer to be seated on the BOD in 2025. …CNN along with every other major corporation in America. These companies can see what’s coming. It’s too bad under-40 voters didn’t, or simply don’t care.

I am hoping that when SCOTUS reverses Roe v. Wade this summer, and abortion becomes illegal in half the country, that will make young voters care, because otherwise, the GOP is strongly favored to gain control of at least the House in the midterms, with a good shot at the Senate as well. Here is an article about how we need a multiparty system to depolarize American politics, and how unlikely such a reform is. Big change is usually the result of a massive crisis that breaks the status quo, like the Civil War or the Great Depression. The battle to overthrow the fascist regime of Trump’s second administration may be such a crisis if he seizes power in 2025.

The Pie Overlord!  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:17:11am

GOOD MORNING LIZARDIA! It’s 5° and sunny in the Motor City. My son and all the little Pielings are on their way back to Florida.

Decatur Deb  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:18:01am

re: #158 Decatur Deb

Our organist played A Whiter Shade of Pale

I fumble-fingered something and truncated an answer to this—lost now.

gocart mozart  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:18:13am

re: #112 mmmirele

darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:19:03am

Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:19:16am

re: #156 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Our organist played A Whiter Shade of Pale

We had a pretty traditional processional and recessional. The one song from our wedding that would be “our song” is the song Mrs. Fish surprised me by singing during the ceremony: They Say It’s Wonderful from the classic Broadway musical Annie Get Your Gun.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:21:52am

Deaths are continuing to surge in this Omicron phase of the pandemic as JHU reports over 2,900 deaths in the last day, and over 53,000 in the last month.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:25:37am

The world’s oldest male gorilla has died at the Atlanta Zoo at the age of 61. There are two older female gorillas in the world.

Dangerman  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:26:01am

re: #161 Decatur Deb

If we had all known, we’d have gone with Long and Winding Road.

Our Love is Here to Stay

sung by my future brother in law

Crush White Nationalism  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:30:17am

Religious Twitter is so weird. Presumably because performative religion is the worst religion.

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:31:15am
Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:31:41am
Decatur Deb  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:33:10am

re: #175 Belafon

Wondering how long until we decide on a 4th shot (Booster 2).

Barefoot Grin  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:33:52am

You know how they say that thawing of permafrost in arctic climes will release all manner of organism that have been dormant for 10s of thousands of years? I feel like covid did that with crazy.

Decatur Deb  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:35:30am

re: #177 Barefoot Grin

You know how they say that thawing of permafrost in arctic climes will release all manner of organism that have been dormant for 10s of thousands of years? I feel like covid did that with crazy.

That was more likely Trump. The crazy was rampant early in his rise.

Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:36:38am

Live thread, in which we discover just how fucked Mike Lindell actually is.

Crush White Nationalism  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:36:49am

re: #177 Barefoot Grin

You know how they say that thawing of permafrost in arctic climes will release all manner of organism that have been dormant for 10s of thousands of years? I feel like covid did that with crazy.

Any threat would have done that. The American right are accustomed to fighting imaginary threats, and don’t have the tools to deal with real threats, so they go completely mad in a crisis.

Dangerman  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:38:37am

The Pie Overlord!  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:39:55am

Wordle 221 4/6


Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:42:44am
Barefoot Grin  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:43:20am

re: #178 Decatur Deb

That was more likely Trump. The crazy was rampant early in his rise.

Ha, I thought the same just after I posted. Can’t really blame covid for what Trump hath wrought.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:43:54am

re: #175 Belafon

Tucker Carlson had Alex Berenson on to say the vaccines don’t work on Omicron, no-one should get them, and they should be withdrawn from the market, in Tucker’s continuing quest to break Georgy Zhukov’s world record for killing Nazis.

Barefoot Grin  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:45:27am

re: #180 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Any threat would have done that. The American right are accustomed to fighting imaginary threats, and don’t have the tools to deal with real threats, so they go completely mad in a crisis.

In my defense, I had just been scrolling through the thread on “pray for me” and a few folks were posting that we’re in the end times and some claiming some version of mass psychosis formation as if the vaccinated are somehow hynotized but G_d will sort us out.

lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:46:34am

re: #150 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

He is counting on dragging this out until 2024 at which point Trump can pardon him for all crimes past and future.

The court will not let him do so; the case is docketed and the judge isn’t going to play around with delays. While Lindell’s lawyers could try the motion practice approach - seeking delays as it relates to time to gather information, etc., they’ve decided to play fuck around with the judge and find out the consequences approach.

This will be more costly and could land someone in jail for contempt.

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:48:06am

re: #176 Decatur Deb

Wondering how long until we decide on a 4th shot (Booster 2).

If I were a policy maker, it would be when that last number starts creeping up towards the middle one.

Crush White Nationalism  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:48:15am

My starting word did not work out as well today as it did yesterday.
Wordle 221 5/6


lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:48:36am

re: #183 Belafon

It’s the numbers game we all warned about.

Doesn’t matter that omicron is milder for some (and especially for those vaccinated). The fact that it spreads more easily means that more people will get infected, get sick, and die.

The percentage of those dying to those infected has gone down thankfully due to vaccinations. If vaccinations were not in place, omicron would have seen far more deaths.

Crush White Nationalism  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:50:05am

re: #186 Barefoot Grin

In my defense, I had just been scrolling through the thread on “pray for me” and a few folks were posting that we’re in the end times and some claiming some version of mass psychosis formation as if the vaccinated are somehow hynotized but G_d will sort us out.

There were a lot of insane replies to that Tweet. They may be right about mass psychosis, but are projecting it onto the people who are sane enough to fight against COVID.

darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:50:18am

re: #176 Decatur Deb

Wondering how long until we decide on a 4th shot (Booster 2).

I get my 4th on Friday. Got my 3rd Oct 1 and it still hasn’t appeared on my digital card so I’m giving them another shot.

Barefoot Grin  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:50:48am

re: #190 lawhawk

It’s the numbers game we all warned about.

Doesn’t matter that omicron is milder for some (and especially for those vaccinated). The fact that it spreads more easily means that more people will get infected, get sick, and die.

The percentage of those dying to those infected has gone down thankfully due to vaccinations. If vaccinations were not in place, omicron would have seen far more deaths.

To your point, somewhat:

Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:50:48am

re: #190 lawhawk

It’s the numbers game we all warned about.

Doesn’t matter that omicron is milder for some (and especially for those vaccinated). The fact that it spreads more easily means that more people will get infected, get sick, and die.

The percentage of those dying to those infected has gone down thankfully due to vaccinations. If vaccinations were not in place, omicron would have seen far more deaths.

You can see this in the data in places like Minnesota (68.8% of 5+ fully vaccinated), where infections are spiking higher than at any other time in the pandemic, but deaths are still falling and ICU usage is holding steady or even falling while hospitalizations have somewhat increased.

lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:51:19am
Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:53:21am
Colère Tueur de Lapin  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:54:32am

re: #35 Charles Johnson

Life was harsh.

And all the anti-vaxxers don’t recall that 50% of their children did of diseases that are now prevented by vaccination.

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:54:58am


darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:55:39am

re: #196 Belafon

>12% vs ~1% - that’s a pretty big difference.

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:55:40am
HRH Stanley Sea  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:58:18am

Had to scan thread to avoid clues. Silence is rule!
I like to wait till after coffee etc. etc.

Wordle 221 4/6


darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 6:58:22am

This is how you stop the spread.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:00:13am

re: #101 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n 😷 Trips

[Embedded content]

I like the dotted line for “non-existing roads.”

Decatur Deb  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:01:40am

re: #192 darthstar

I get my 4th on Friday. Got my 3rd Oct 1 and it still hasn’t appeared on my digital card so I’m giving them another shot.

There will probably be a determination of how long Booster 1 will hold against the dominant strain. I won’t be 6 months out from Booster 1 for a few more months.

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:04:02am
Jay C  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:04:27am

Wordle 221 3/6


Only my second (out of 16) three-guesser.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:07:45am

re: #144 darthstar

I’m good at this one.
Sweardle day 19 2/4

Took me four!

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:08:17am

I can’t click on the images or the tweet at work, so I don’t understand his “key takeaway”:

Jay C  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:08:32am

re: #201 HRH Stanley Sea

Had to scan thread to avoid clues. Silence is rule!
I like to wait till after coffee etc. etc.

Wordle 221 4/6


Good as we mainly all seem to be wrt Wordle spoilers, it’s hard to avoid sometimes. My only two-guess win was because of a hint Charles dropped in a comment. But I’ll try not to let it bug me…

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:08:46am

re: #152 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

Good morning!

OOOOOH!! Pretty birdie!! What is that (yellow)?

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:09:39am

re: #154 Dopamine Fish


Mattand  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:16:02am

re: #87 ckkatz

Beautiful carving!

For some reason I had flashback to this:

[Embedded content]


Jesus, I don’t think I’ve heard this song or seen this video in like three decades.

jeffreyw  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:16:38am

re: #210 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

OOOOOH!! Pretty birdie!! What is that (yellow)?

That’s a red-bellied woodpecker in the golden light of morning.

Crush White Nationalism  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:19:14am

Fight Club has an entirely different ending in China.

Crush White Nationalism  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:25:11am
CNN anchor Brianna Keilar absolutely torched Fox News for continuing to host a guest who spreads “B.S.” that is “killing people.”

On Wednesday morning’s edition of New Day, Keilar delivered a blistering commentary that was pegged to the viral conversation in which commentator Bari Weiss told HBO host Bill Maher that she was “done” with Covid, and called Covid restrictions a “catastrophic moral crime.”

“Sure would be nice if Covid were done with us, too,” Keilar said. “Done with hospitals, done with the doctors and the nurses who are stretched to their breaking points in many cases.”

Keilar went on to say that we are “not, though, done” because “so many people are still actively choosing not to be vaccinated.”

And she laid the blame for that on “clowns like this [who] are given platforms to sell their disinformation to millions.”

‘Ultimate Moral Crime’: CNN’s Brianna Keilar Blasts Fox News for ‘Killing People’ with ‘Anti-Science BS’ (Mediaite)

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:28:30am

re: #208 Belafon

I can’t click on the images or the tweet at work, so I don’t understand his “key takeaway”:

No matter how old adults are, the vaccinated are much less likely to die of Covid than the unvaccinated.

p.s. teenagers as well.

Dave In Austin  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:29:25am
darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:31:26am

Looks like a group of North Carolinians are making a 14th Amendment claim against Madison Cawthorn as an insurrectionist to get him off the ballot in November. I hope they win.

And he’s taking it seriously. Hired a pricey lawyer.

Dangerman  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:32:36am

re: #214 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Fight Club has an entirely different ending in China.

[Embedded content]

We dont talk about It (obligatory)

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:33:48am

re: #205 Belafon

That’s the Jeopardy! champ, no less.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:35:04am

re: #208 Belafon

I can’t click on the images or the tweet at work, so I don’t understand his “key takeaway”:

Get vaccinated - all ages.

mmmirele  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:36:05am

re: #138 Dave In Austin

Let us ……
I think folks are afraid to leave.

[Embedded content]

Anderson is over in Tempe, and, in fact, his cult church is about a mile, as the crow flies, from my desk at work. That said, I WILL NOT protest over there, because it’s abundantly clear that every adult who attends is packing heat. Why yes, I know this is true for other churches, but I know this is true for Faithful Word in a visceral way that isn’t like protesting Mark Driscoll or the Sovereign Grace franchise over in Gilbert.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:39:04am

re: #222 mmmirele

Jesus would never have been crucified if he and his disciples had been properly armed…

Sherlock Hound  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:39:12am

re: #220 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

That’s the Jeopardy! champ, no less.

He has a sister who is immunocompromised.

I appreciated his humane observations on food and diet culture recently , but this topic leaves him a little unhinged. I’ve seen this “antivax” trope from more than a few people in my (left) circles. But I don’t think that “just two weeks of hard (“true”) lockdown will clear it, either.

Dangerman  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:41:13am
A group of Kansas politicians tasked with steering public health policy are pushing to allow doctors to prescribe unproven treatments and preventives for Covid-19 without any potential for responsibility,” the Topeka Capital-Journal reports.

“While the FDA has warned against using ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19, some Republican senators want to shield doctors from legal liability and board discipline for prescribing the drugs.”

easy workaround for the pharmacists who don’t want to prescribe.
Say prescribing horse paste violates their sincerely held religious beliefs.

‘sides, the actual licensing boards, AMA, etc might still have something to say about it

nines09  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:44:32am

Remember that “truck” crash with the monkeys last week? This popped up in relation to it.
What was that movie…..

“Michelle? Did you do something with your hair? It looks…..fuller.”

A woman who had a close encounter with a monkey after the crash near Danville isn’t sure if it’s from the monkeys or because she was around sick people lately.

Dangerman  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:50:00am
Big Joe” Ellicott, a former Florida shock jock with potentially key information about the sex trafficking ring involving Rep. Matt Gaetz, has pleaded guilty in federal court, The Daily Beast has learned.

He pleaded on an unrelated bribery charge


His attorney told The Daily Beast that his client has been cooperating in the sex trafficking case against Gaetz


Ellicott knew intimate details about the teenage girl who was paid for sex by the group—and actually texted what essentially amounted to a confession that they were scrambling to try and coverup details about their sex with a 17-year-old from the feds.

Teukka  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:51:37am
Dangerman  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:53:32am

re: #227 Dangerman

gocart mozart  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:54:37am

Former colleague and mentor has second thoughts about his protégé. (article is from 2018)

I thought long and hard before writing about Jordan, and I do not do this lightly. He has one of the most agile and creative minds I’ve ever known. He is a powerful orator. He is smart, passionate, engaging and compelling and can be thoughtful and kind.

I was once his strongest supporter.

That all changed with his rise to celebrity. I am alarmed by his now-questionable relationship to truth, intellectual integrity and common decency, which I had not seen before. His output is voluminous and filled with oversimplifications which obscure or misrepresent complex matters in the service of a message which is difficult to pin down. He can be very persuasive, and toys with facts and with people’s emotions. I believe he is a man with a mission. It is less clear what that mission is.

In the end, I am writing this because of his extraordinary rise in visibility, the nature of his growing following and a concern that his ambitions might venture from stardom back to his long-standing interest in politics. I am writing this from a place of sadness and from a sense of responsibility to the public good to tell what I know about who Jordan is, having seen him up close, as a colleague and friend, and having examined up close his political actions at the University of Toronto, allegedly in defence of free speech. When he soared into the stratosphere he became peculiarly unknowable. There is something about the dazzle of the limelight that makes it hard to see him clearly. But people continue to be who they are even in the blinding overexposure of success. I have known Jordan Peterson for 20 years, and people had better know more about who he is.

There is reason to be concerned.

wrenchwench  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:54:49am

Wordle 221 4/6


darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:54:51am

re: #227 Dangerman

Gaetz is going down. That’s good.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:55:29am

re: #152 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

Good morning!

Western good morning!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:55:39am

re: #232 darthstar

Gaetz is going down. That’s good.

He will be a martyr to the MRAs out there.

darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:57:02am

re: #234 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

He will be a martyr to the MRAs out there.

I just hope they don’t let Gaetz plea out.

Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 7:57:32am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:05:41am

re: #235 darthstar

I just hope they don’t let Gaetz plea out.

I think he is the final target of their investigation, not just a stepping stone.

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:06:01am

re: #216 No Malarkey!

No matter how old adults are, the vaccinated are much less likely to die of Covid than the unvaccinated.

p.s. teenagers as well.

Thanks. For some reason, I read that tweet 10 times and never saw the word “only.”

The Pie Overlord!  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:06:21am

re: #236 Dopamine Fish

[Embedded content]


Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:08:28am

re: #239 The Pie Overlord!


And now, he is apparently claiming that because he is going to appeal this denial all the way up to SCOTUS, the case can’t proceed; and because he refuses to call the Rule 16 conference a Rule 16 conference, they can’t do discovery on him. I have to wonder what sleazy lawyers he found that are okay writing this garbage. Like, I would feel dirty if I was a lawyer and I found myself playing literal word games to try to do an end run around the clearly written and established rules.

Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:09:25am

re: #240 Dopamine Fish

And to that point, just in time:

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:11:05am

re: #241 Dopamine Fish

Lindell is just emulating his idol, who got away with throwing temper tantrumps, evading, distracting and stonewalling, and is still not under indictment (yet)…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:21:50am

re: #214 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Fight Club has an entirely different ending in China.

[Embedded content]

They can’t even let made-up stories end in a manner that is not in line with State policies on proper social interaction.

That says a lot.

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:22:07am

re: #173 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Religious Twitter is so weird. Presumably because performative religion is the worst religion.

[Embedded content]

Did they skip of the “do not tempt God” portion of the New Testament?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:25:49am

re: #244 Belafon

[Embedded content]

Did they skip of the “do not tempt God” portion of the New Testament?

Is she “under attack” in the sense of not being allowed to impose her religious beliefs on others? Or is she being tunashamed?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:28:47am
mmmirele  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:33:55am

re: #244 Belafon

[Embedded content]

Did they skip of the “do not tempt God” portion of the New Testament?

Did they miss the performative piety part of the New Testament? Jesus is reported to have been pretty fucking scathing about public performances of tithing, prayer, and fasting in Matthew 6.

steve_davis  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:37:40am

re: #176 Decatur Deb

Wondering how long until we decide on a 4th shot (Booster 2).

current studies indicate the current booster is likely good for 4-6 months. Unless a variant comes out that is basically Patzutzu Lord of Flies, I’m not getting another booster until someone in the CDC states definitively “Yep, it’s time. Come and get it!” Not planning on that for a good while.

lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:42:23am

re: #240 Dopamine Fish

And now, he is apparently claiming that because he is going to appeal this denial all the way up to SCOTUS, the case can’t proceed; and because he refuses to call the Rule 16 conference a Rule 16 conference, they can’t do discovery on him. I have to wonder what sleazy lawyers he found that are okay writing this garbage. Like, I would feel dirty if I was a lawyer and I found myself playing literal word games to try to do an end run around the clearly written and established rules.

That’s not something that can be done - and if it is done, it’s so vanishingly rare, that it’d be precedential IMO. You aren’t going to get any court supporting Lindell’s position on the denial, because you’re still supposed to produce evidence even as the decision is appealed.

They know that there’s the Federal Rules of Evidence and Federal Rules of Procedure, and these fucknuts are trying to ignore both. This isn’t going to end well.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:42:57am
dat_said  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:44:03am

There’s a lot of science to do but understanding risk factors for long Covid (post-acute sequelae) and the mechanisms of action is key.

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:46:23am

re: #250 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie

[Embedded content]

It’s not even the inbreeding. They’ve just been allowed to get away with mediocre and don’t like that being taken away.

steve_davis  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:54:44am

re: #187 lawhawk

The court will not let him do so; the case is docketed and the judge isn’t going to play around with delays. While Lindell’s lawyers could try the motion practice approach - seeking delays as it relates to time to gather information, etc., they’ve decided to play fuck around with the judge and find out the consequences approach.

This will be more costly and could land someone in jail for contempt.

does this eventually reach a point where the judge throws up his hands and says, “I’m sanctioning defendant by entering summary judgement in favor of the plaintiff, for both actual and punitive damages.”

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:57:01am

re: #253 steve_davis

does this eventually reach a point where the judge throws up his hands and says, “I’m sanctioning defendant by entering summary judgement in favor of the plaintiff, for both actual and punitive damages.”

Isn’t that what happened to Alex Jones?I

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jan 26, 2022 • 8:59:53am

Breyer to retire at the end of this term, reported just now.

Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:01:11am

re: #254 Belafon

Isn’t that what happened to Alex Jones?I

Not quite; Alex Jones lost on a default judgment, which basically says, “You didn’t even bother to show up to contest this, so we’re not going to try to judge; we’re just going to give it to the other guys.” A summary judgment says, “I’ve looked at the facts, I’ve looked at the law, and there’s no need to go to a full trial; here’s my opinion.”

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:03:07am

re: #255 A hollow voice says Vaccinate the world!

Breyer to retire at the end of this term, reported just now.

When does this term end?

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:03:27am

re: #251 dat_said

Epstein-Barr virus viremia

That’s an unfortunate name to have these days…

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:04:39am

re: #257 Belafon

When does this term end?

June 30, I think.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:04:58am

re: #257 Belafon

When does this term end?

New term begins in October.

lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:05:59am
mmmirele  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:06:11am
A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:06:45am

re: #257 Belafon

When does this term end?

I don’t think there’s a set date, but in June or July.

darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:07:44am

re: #255 A hollow voice says Vaccinate the world!

Breyer to retire at the end of this term, reported just now.

Well, we should wait until the voters decide on a new Senate before considering any replacements…these things take time and appointing someone while McConnell isn’t Senate Leader isn’t something we should do.

Or maybe Thomas quits to avoid his wife facing prosecution and Biden balances the court a bit.

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:08:02am

re: #262 mmmirele

Don Quixote was courageous.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:09:34am

re: #262 mmmirele


wrenchwench  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:10:10am

re: #258 Eclectic Cyborg

Epstein-Barr virus viremia

That’s an unfortunate name to have these days…

An unfortunate virus to have, as always. So far as I knew, it was Mononucleosis (which my older brother had when I was a kid), now it’s been tied to multiple sclerosis.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:13:27am

re: #264 darthstar

Well, we should wait until the voters decide on a new Senate before considering any replacements…these things take time and appointing someone while McConnell isn’t Senate Leader isn’t something we should do.

Or maybe Thomas quits to avoid his wife facing prosecution and Biden balances the court a bit.

I’m glad Breyer decided not to make Ginsburg’s mistake. We should have a new, progressive Justice on the bench in time for the new term in October. But realistically, the five most reactionary Justices have the power to do anything they want, and they are wielding it.

Shropshire Slasher  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:14:34am

re: #267 wrenchwench

An unfortunate virus to have, as always. So far as I knew, it was Mononucleosis (which my older brother had when I was a kid), now it’s been tied to multiple sclerosis.

and make sure you keep your Vitamin D levels up.

Dangerman  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:14:38am

re: #240 Dopamine Fish

And now, he is apparently claiming that because he is going to appeal this denial all the way up to SCOTUS, the case can’t proceed; and because he refuses to call the Rule 16 conference a Rule 16 conference, they can’t do discovery on him. I have to wonder what sleazy lawyers he found that are okay writing this garbage. Like, I would feel dirty if I was a lawyer and I found myself playing literal word games to try to do an end run around the clearly written and established rules.

“the Secretary [of the Treasury] shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request,…”

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:16:24am

I swear, if Sinema or Manchin cause problems with getting a SCOTUS justice seated, I am going to drive to AZ or WV and cuss them out myself.

steve_davis  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:16:42am

re: #223 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Jesus would never have been crucified if he and his disciples had been properly armed…

it is funny, isn’t it? One of them had a sword, which in ancient times would have meant he was an extremely well-to-do follower, and Christ not only had him put the sword away, but put the soldier’s ear back on for him after it had been struck off. You would think after somebody puts your ear back on for you, you would be like, “Okay, fuuuck. I’m on this guy’s side now,” but no apparent evidence that happened.

darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:16:58am

re: #268 No Malarkey!

I’m glad Breyer decided not to make Ginsburg’s mistake. We should have a new, progressive Justice on the bench in time for the new term in October. But realistically, the five most reactionary Justices have the power to do anything they want, and they are wielding it.

Kavanaugh’s dirty, was bought by Trump/mob money, and someone has the receipts to get him off the court. Thomas’ wife is a liability to him and the court. I just wish he had high cholesterol.

Dangerman  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:18:43am

re: #249 lawhawk

That’s not something that can be done - and if it is done, it’s so vanishingly rare, that it’d be precedential IMO. You aren’t going to get any court supporting Lindell’s position on the denial, because you’re still supposed to produce evidence even as the decision is appealed.

They know that there’s the Federal Rules of Evidence and Federal Rules of Procedure, and these fucknuts are trying to ignore both. This isn’t going to end well.

he should have stuck to pillows and other silly grift

trump should have stuck to small time-ish new york grifting

you call attention to yourself and people start digging

wrenchwench  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:18:56am

re: #269 Shropshire Slasher

and make sure you keep your Vitamin D levels up.

I think spending time outside has health benefits of which we have little understanding. Sunshine/vitamin D is just a peek.

lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:19:10am

Note too - that if Manchin or Sinema jump ship, McConnell can functionally block any Biden nomination to the Court. Would this block Biden from picking the most progressive/liberal jurist he can find? Possibly. We haven’t seen his list of names yet, but it might mean that some of the more liberal members drop down on the list.

gocart mozart  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:19:49am

I love trolling these people.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:20:03am
mmmirele  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:21:08am

re: #271 Eclectic Cyborg

I swear, if Sinema or Manchin cause problems with getting a SCOTUS justice seated, I am going to drive to AZ or WV and cuss them out myself.

If you come here to AZ, let me know and I’ll go with you.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:22:25am

re: #273 darthstar

Kavanaugh’s dirty, was bought by Trump/mob money, and someone has the receipts to get him off the court. Thomas’ wife is a liability to him and the court. I just wish he had high cholesterol.

Unless either of them is literally convicted of a felony, there is no way to get the 67 votes in the Senate you need to remove them from the bench.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:24:22am

re: #239 The Pie Overlord!


I don’t know if this is real but it is funny af.

Crush White Nationalism  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:24:41am

re: #275 wrenchwench

I think spending time outside has health benefits of which we have little understanding. Sunshine/vitamin D is just a peek.

At some point I’d read that nitric oxide created by sun on skin was the real benefit rather than D. Has that been discredited?

steve_davis  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:25:13am

re: #256 Dopamine Fish

Not quite; Alex Jones lost on a default judgment, which basically says, “You didn’t even bother to show up to contest this, so we’re not going to try to judge; we’re just going to give it to the other guys.” A summary judgment says, “I’ve looked at the facts, I’ve looked at the law, and there’s no need to go to a full trial; here’s my opinion.”

ah! so default judgement a possibility? I mean, not bothering to enter into the mediation with the other side, not providing discovery, are those sanctionable to the point where a judge just says “fine, you’ve provided nothing to contest what the plaintiff alledges, so we really don’t need to have a trial, because by default defendant is stipulating to everything the plaintiff alledges by not contesting it through the proper means.”

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:25:18am

re: #276 lawhawk

Note too - that if Manchin or Sinema jump ship, McConnell can functionally block any Biden nomination to the Court. Would this block Biden from picking the most progressive/liberal jurist he can find? Possibly. We haven’t seen his list of names yet, but it might mean that some of the more liberal members drop down on the list.

I don’t mind if his nominee is mainstream; that is probably for the best. I would expect they will intensely vet potential nominees for anything that could prevent confirmation.

darthstar  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:26:13am

re: #282 Punish Domestic Terrorists

At some point I’d read that nitric oxide created by sun on skin was the real benefit rather than D. Has that been discredited?

I read that as ‘nitrous’ and thought, ‘Balloons for everyone!’ - or as the kids call it, Whippit.

Dangerman  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:26:15am

re: #274 Dangerman

he should have stuck to pillows and other silly grift

trump should have stuck to small time-ish new york grifting

you call attention to yourself and people start digging

plus they are both rank amateurs who can’t attract top level legal talent.
because one’s a loon and the other doesn’t pay.

their egos tell them they are smarter than everyone else.
so they still jump in to treacherous legal waters they are clueless about.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:26:59am

re: #283 steve_davis

ah! so default judgement a possibility? I mean, not bothering to enter into the mediation with the other side, not providing discovery, are those sanctionable to the point where a judge just says “fine, you’ve provided nothing to contest what the plaintiff alledges, so we really don’t need to have a trial, because by default defendant is stipulating to everything the plaintiff alledges by not contesting it through the proper means.”

Eventually, if Lindell continues to defy orders from the judge. We are still a long way from that point though.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:27:51am

re: #265 Belafon

Don Quixote was courageous.

As was Hitler. The Iron Cross he always wore was legit, awarded for heroism during World War I.
Heydrich was brave to a fault, volunteering to fly combat missions on the Eastern front and (conveniently enough), choosing to ride around Prague in an open car rather than an armored limousine.

William Lewis  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:29:00am

re: #280 No Malarkey!

Unless either of them is literally convicted of a felony, there is no way to get the 67 votes in the Senate you need to remove them from the bench.

You won’t get it even then. The police unions have nothing on the GOP in protecting their own.

gocart mozart  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:29:23am
JC1  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:29:44am

re: #176 Decatur Deb

Wondering how long until we decide on a 4th shot (Booster 2).

Pfizer started trials on an omicron booster recently.

wrenchwench  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:30:00am

re: #282 Punish Domestic Terrorists

At some point I’d read that nitric oxide created by sun on skin was the real benefit rather than D. Has that been discredited?

I know nothing.

When I was a kid, it was zinc oxide ointment on the babies’ noses and lips that prevented sunburn.

I guess there are a lot of oxides. And an Oxnard.

William Lewis  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:32:35am
Dr Lizardo  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:33:35am

re: #288 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie

As was Hitler. The Iron Cross he always wore was legit, awarded for heroism during World War I.
Heydrich was brave to a fault, volunteering to fly combat missions on the Eastern front and (conveniently enough), choosing to ride around Prague in an open car rather than an armored limousine.

And that’s where Heydrich crossed that fine line between courage and arrogant foolishness.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:33:38am

re: #290 gocart mozart

This could be a great opportunity for Biden to compare and contrast his nominee to the Justices who will reverse Roe v. Wade and make abortion illegal in half the country this summer. His nominee should forthrightly support Women’s constitutional right to choose.

Dangerman  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:35:58am

re: #276 lawhawk

Note too - that if Manchin or Sinema jump ship, McConnell can functionally block any Biden nomination to the Court. Would this block Biden from picking the most progressive/liberal jurist he can find? Possibly. We haven’t seen his list of names yet, but it might mean that some of the more liberal members drop down on the list.

i dont see either one of them doing it.

they are at the peak of their power right now.
manchin is near the end of his public life. now he’s recognizable.
sinema is letting him run point - she’s just a follower. she’d never do any of this if it was just her.

they’d both lose most of their financial backing - she’s already lost a lot of hers.
R money does not abhor a ‘traitorous’ D vacuum.

they’d immediately lose all the power (and sway, and attention) they now have.
mitch wont give them anything to do - certainly nothing ‘plum’.

electorally, sinema is already toast. this would burn the slice beyond recognition.
no one in WVA would vote for an R Manchin when they can vote for whoever the ‘real’ R is.

lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:38:55am
Dangerman  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:39:44am

re: #285 darthstar

I read that as ‘nitrous’ and thought, ‘Balloons for everyone!’ - or as the kids call it, Whippit.

i spent the beginning of the first night of every technical scuba class explaining the difference between nitrox and nitrous.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:40:37am

Two magicians collaborate across 112 years, photographer Thomas Clark for his amazing command of light, shadow, and composition and Stuart Humphyes for his technical virtuosity in restoration.

Crush White Nationalism  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:41:21am

re: #298 Dangerman

i spent the beginning of the first night of every technical scuba class explaining the difference between nitrox and nitrous.

Scuba with nitrous would not go well, but you’d die happy.

lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:41:27am
Dangerman  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:44:10am

re: #292 wrenchwench

I know nothing.

When I was a kid, it was zinc oxide ointment on the babies’ noses and lips that prevented sunburn.

I guess there are a lot of oxides. And an Oxnard.


wrenchwench  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:47:29am

re: #295 No Malarkey!

This could be a great opportunity for Biden to compare and contrast his nominee to the Justices who will reverse Roe v. Wade and make abortion illegal in half the country this summer. His nominee should forthrightly support Women’s constitutional right to choose.

Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Kamala Harris

Waitaminit. What’s the confirmation process?

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:48:32am

re: #303 wrenchwench

Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Kamala Harris

Waitaminit. What’s the confirmation process?

I don’t want someone who would have to retire before Kavanaugh.

wrenchwench  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:49:38am

re: #304 Belafon

I don’t want someone who would have to retire before Kavanaugh.

I was trending younger…

(((Archangel1)))  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:50:01am


Grunthos the Flatulent  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:50:22am

Mediocrity from the FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE

Wordle 222 5/6


Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:51:16am

re: #304 Belafon

I don’t want someone who would have to retire before Kavanaugh.

I was going to suggest Pete Buttigieg, but he’s not and never has been in the legal profession as far as I know.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:53:55am

Wordle 221 4/6


Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:54:01am

re: #308 Eclectic Cyborg

I was going to suggest Pete Buttigieg, but he’s not and never has been in the legal profession as far as I know.

Biden’s promised to nominate a black woman.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:56:12am

re: #310 Belafon

Biden’s promised to nominate a black woman.

Maybe Asha Rangappa? She has a law background and is only 47.

GlutenFreeJesus  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:56:22am

re: #310 Belafon

Biden’s promised to nominate a black woman.

If only Georgia didn’t need Stacy Abrams so much right now…

(((Archangel1)))  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:57:43am
lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 9:58:53am
Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:01:21am

re: #314 lawhawk

Employers of all stripes take a VERY dim view of using company resources for personal projects, specifically because of potential liability if you’re doing something illegal, like, say, preparing legal justification for the violent overthrow of the government of the United States.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:01:57am

re: #303 wrenchwench

Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
Kamala Harris

Waitaminit. What’s the confirmation process?

Michelle Obama would be a terrific choice.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:01:58am

re: #199 darthstar

>12% vs ~1% - that’s a pretty big difference.

I don’t believe those numbers. Most people who are vaccinated and have a mild case never show up in the system. They test at home and are not officially recorded. Or they don’t test at all and just wait it out.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:02:32am

re: #315 Dopamine Fish

Employers of all stripes take a VERY dim view of using company resources for personal projects, specifically because of potential liability if you’re doing something illegal, like, say, preparing legal justification for the violent overthrow of the government of the United States.

Yep. I’ve seen plenty of people fired in my day for doing really, really stupid stuff from their work systems…like sending death threats to an ex-wife or using them to commit wire fraud or watch porn.

lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:03:11am

Before everyone says Michelle Obama, ask yourself if she wants to get back into the DC swampfest? I’m not so sure.

There are other jurists who Biden can pull from to create a short list. Work those first.

sagehen  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:04:14am

re: #308 Eclectic Cyborg

I was going to suggest Pete Buttigieg, but he’s not and never has been in the legal profession as far as I know.

Biden has already said, during the campaign, that he’d put a black woman on the court if he gets a pick.

I can only assume that when he said that, he had a particular individual in mind. At least I hope so.

Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:05:41am

re: #320 sagehen

Biden has already said, during the campaign, that he’d put a black woman on the court if he gets a pick.

I can only assume that when he said that, he had a particular individual in mind. At least I hope so.

He probably has a short list of qualified individuals who he at least believes would be interested in the job. Given how close he is to the Obamas, he is probably well aware of whether or not she would want the job. If she’s not on the list, there’s a damn good reason for it.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:06:05am

Almost forgot my personal favorite: A guy who was fired for using his work computer (in part anyway) to run his side business which DIRECTLY COMPETED AGAINST OUR COMPANY.

“Audacity” just isn’t a strong enough word to describe some of this stuff.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:06:16am

re: #320 sagehen

Biden has already said, during the campaign, that he’d put a black woman on the court if he gets a pick.

I can only assume that when he said that, he had a particular individual in mind. At least I hope so.

I would guess he probably did not, but I bet his staff has already been working on a list.

b.d  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:06:17am

re: #319 lawhawk

Before everyone says Michelle Obama, ask yourself if she wants to get back into the DC swampfest? I’m not so sure.

There are other jurists who Biden can pull from to create a short list. Work those first.

and don’t we want someone who is qualified? like being a judge for a day or something?

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:08:52am

re: #324 b.d.

and don’t we want someone who is qualified? like being a judge for a day or something?

He has a lot to choose from, because in his first year in office, Biden got more black women confirmed to the federal bench than had served in U.S. History up until now.

Dopamine Fish  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:09:19am

re: #322 Eclectic Cyborg

Almost forgot my personal favorite: A guy who was fired for using his work computer (in part anyway) to run his side business which DIRECTLY COMPETED AGAINST OUR COMPANY.

“Audacity” just isn’t a strong enough word to describe some of this stuff.


sagehen  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:09:45am

I’m hearing the name Ketanji Brown Jackson bandied about

Dave In Austin  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:09:47am

I put money that the 2 Republican Democrats throw a block.

wrenchwench  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:10:32am

Nina Totenberg is all over it. Has the two leading contenders.

Teddy's Person  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:15:46am

Loathsome creature has some thoughts.

Fox News co-host Tomi Lahren on Wednesday suggested that President Joe Biden should not nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court because “we saw how well that worked out with Kamala Harris.”

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:19:13am

re: #330 Teddy’s Person

Tiny Loser needs to go back under the rock she crawled out of.

b.d  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:19:16am

Nominate Kyrsten Sinema to the Supreme Court so we get a new Dem. Senator.


aatharuv  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:19:25am

re: #288 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie

As was Hitler. The Iron Cross he always wore was legit, awarded for heroism during World War I.
Heydrich was brave to a fault, volunteering to fly combat missions on the Eastern front and (conveniently enough), choosing to ride around Prague in an open car rather than an armored limousine.

Ironically, Hitler’s was awarded by his Jewish superior officer.

lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:19:45am

re: #324 b.d.

Not a requirement, but it would certainly help.

FYI, for those who think Bill Kristol is somehow reformed or anything other than a crank conservative:

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:20:07am

re: #331 Eclectic Cyborg

Tiny Loser needs to go back under the rock she crawled out of.

and ideally stay there.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:20:21am

re: #328 Dave In Austin

I put money that the 2 Republican Democrats throw a block.

I’ll take that bet. I predict neither Manchin or Sinema will vote no at any stage of the confirmation process on Biden’s nominee, because I have confidence that Biden will choose well.

aatharuv  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:20:43am

re: #332 b.d.

Nominate Kyrsten Sinema to the Supreme Court so we get a new Dem. Senator.


I know that was sarc, but Doug Ducey is the governor. Even if he has to nominate a Democrat, given the @#$@# going on these days, do you think a Republican won’t nominate someone even more of a DINO that Sinema and Manchin put together.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:21:52am

re: #332 b.d.

Nominate Kyrsten Sinema to the Supreme Court so we get a new Dem. Senator.


Arizona has a GOP Governor; he would nominate a Republican to replace her.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:22:34am

re: #334 lawhawk

Romney as VP?

laugh harder

JC1  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:22:40am

re: #338 No Malarkey!

Arizona has a GOP Governor; he would nominate a Republican to replace her.

Nominate Mich McConnell.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:22:51am

re: #334 lawhawk

Not a requirement, but it would certainly help.

FYI, for those who think Bill Kristol is somehow reformed or anything other than a crank conservative:

Never Trump Republicans desperately want to be relevant, when they just aren’t.

b.d  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:23:12am

re: #337 aatharuv

I know that was sarc, but Doug Ducey is the governor. Even if he has to nominate a Democrat, given the @#$@# going on these days, do you think a Republican won’t nominate someone even more of a DINO that Sinema and Manchin put together.

McSally would change her party affiliation until inaugurated then change it back.

b.d  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:23:46am

re: #338 No Malarkey!

Arizona has a GOP Governor; he would nominate a Republican to replace her.

Law says he has to nominate someone from the same party….

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:24:13am

re: #340 JC1

Nominate Mich McConnell.

Cute idea, but the Kentucky General Assembly passed a law to force Governor Beshear to appoint a Republican to fill a US Senate vacancy.

lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:24:21am

re: #338 No Malarkey!

Arizona has a GOP Governor; he would nominate a Republican to replace her.

And that means control of the Senate reverts to McConnell and he’d just as quickly scuttle the nomination with years to go before the presidential election. Heck, he’d block it for being too close to the midterms. Or a local school board election.

Anything to block Democrats.

No Malarkey!  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:25:27am

re: #343 b.d.

Law says he has to nominate someone from the same party….

Interesting. Kentucky passed that same law.

Crush White Nationalism  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:25:59am
Teddy's Person  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:27:10am

Bill Kristol anxiously waits for proof of his theory - a photo of Joe and Mitt’s creepy dinner.

Crush White Nationalism  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:27:24am

re: #334 lawhawk

Not a requirement, but it would certainly help.

FYI, for those who think Bill Kristol is somehow reformed or anything other than a crank conservative:

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:27:49am

re: #343 b.d.

Law says he has to nominate someone from the same party….

Expecting Republicans to follow the law seems to be a fool’s bet these days.

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:28:01am

re: #334 lawhawk

Not a requirement, but it would certainly help.

FYI, for those who think Bill Kristol is somehow reformed or anything other than a crank conservative:

[Embedded content]

There are plenty of people, like that guy from West Virginia, that think it will just take a few gestures and the Right will suddenly come to its senses. It’s like thinking S.H.I.E.L.D. could be saved.

Belafon  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:29:16am

re: #347 Punish Domestic Terrorists

[Embedded content]

It used to be that the most ice cream was bought in the winter because people were inside.

b.d  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:31:38am
lawhawk  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:31:49am

re: #352 Belafon

And because you could actually store it because it was cold outside (and you needed natural made ice pre-refrigeration.

Teddy's Person  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:36:10am

re: #354 lawhawk

And because you could actually store it because it was cold outside (and you needed natural made ice pre-refrigeration.

My fondest winter memory from childhood is making ice cream in our hand-cranked ice cream maker on the back porch using icicles from the roofline. The kiddies cranked when the mixture was in liquid form. Once it started freezing, dad took over.

Teukka  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:43:51am

re: #236 Dopamine Fish


Dave In Austin  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:44:11am

re: #336 No Malarkey!

I’ll take that bet. I predict neither Manchin or Sinema will vote no at any stage of the confirmation process on Biden’s nominee, because I have confidence that Biden will choose well.

We all have confidence in Joe doing the right thing with the right person.

But will W. Virginia agree. You know Manchin is all about his constituents.

/ and a half

Jay C  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:44:28am

re: #350 Eclectic Cyborg

Expecting Republicans to follow the law seems to be a fool’s bet these days.

Naaah, when it comes to getting even the slightest partisan advantage, the Repubs will study, cite, and follow the law down to the last semicolon and comma.

Dangerman  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:52:32am

re: #330 Teddy’s Person

Loathsome creature has some thoughts

Fox News co-host Tomi Lahren on Wednesday suggested that President Joe Biden should not nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court because “we saw how well that worked out with Kamala Harris.”


Clarence thomas

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 26, 2022 • 10:54:47am

re: #230 gocart mozart

Former colleague and mentor has second thoughts about his protégé. (article is from 2018)

[Embedded content]

The author made clear that his colleagues saw the flaws in Jordan back when he persuaded them to hire him for their department. I finally understood Schiff when he revealed that he had a trans daughter. Schiff is akin to all those Republicans who were against gay rights until they were personally affected by it and then switched their position because it harmed someone they loved. It’s nice, now that it’s too late to accomplish anything, that he warns those who already detest Jordan that he is a danger. He had blinders on through much of his life and our society is suffering for that.

steve_davis  Jan 26, 2022 • 11:34:45am

now listening to electric flag’s A Long Time Comin’ for the second time in two days, because it’s just that damned good….

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