
Video: Appeals Judge Denies Trump's Attempt to Challenge Gag Order Before Trial

Joe Bacon ✅4/09/2024 12:05:22 pm PDT

I wonder what brought this about—a drop in church attendance…or a reduced cash flow due to people flipping the bird to right wing churches?

New Testament scholar Richard Hays now says God’s cool with gay people

Richard Hays is considered one of the most famous New Testament scholars in the world. In 2000, Christianity Today named his Moral Vision of the New Testament one of their “Books of the Century.” That book, published in 1996, covered how Christians ought to think about various hot-button issues, including homosexuality.

And Hays was most certainly not an ally.

Now, Richard Hays has written another book alongside his son Christopher. Scheduled to be published in September, The Widening of God’s Mercy is all about how Christians should think about homosexuality. It would seem like a safe assumption that the Hays are just elaborating on what Richard wrote nearly three decades ago.

But that would be wrong.

According to the book’s description, which has been zipping around Christian circles, Richard has had a “change of heart and mind”:

I got a feeling that for this bible thumper it’s all about the tax-exempt cash.