
Seth Meyers: Lindell's Unhinged MAGA Rally Speech; Trump's Conspiracy Theory About Campus Protests

No Malarkey!5/03/2024 2:32:50 pm PDT

re: #104 Dangerman

late to this party
the paper trail argument is awfully strong.

the ‘i had no knowledge argument’ is bullshit.

tfg paid cohen well over the 130k that went to daniels.
it was more than 130k because there were some other expenses.
plus they added on more to cover cohen’s taxes on the income.

i dont recall what the total is. for my argument, it doesnt matter and i dont care:

there is no way tfg signed checks to cohen for 130k (or way more) without knowing (or asking) specifically and exactly what legal services cohen provided that tfg was paying for

*cohen* didnt hand tfg an invoice and a blank company check.
someone in the trump org did. in the normal course (more or less) with every other company bill that needed to be paid. tfg did not sign checks in the blind. ever.

i dont think it’s a very effective counterargument

the reality is he did know. he helped orchestrate it. and approved every single dollar that was paid and why. and everyone knows he knew.

The one thing Trump has going for him is that he only has to convince one juror that reasonable doubt exists to avoid a guilty verdict. For Trump, a mistrial is as good as an acquittal.