
Legal Experts Sound Alarm on SCOTUS Immunity Case: "One Vote From the End of Democracy"

KGxvi4/29/2024 2:58:11 pm PDT

I’ve been thinking about Trump’s non-existent campaign, and have come to a couple of possible conclusions:

1. he doesn’t have the money to run an actual presidential campaign. either because he’s been skimming from the campaign or because his donors are tapped out

2. he (or his campaign team) has figured out that as long as he is out of the spot light a lot of voters kind of forget how much they don’t like him and so his numbers get artificially inflated. while the truest of true believers still follow him on his twitter rip off. this isn’t entirely a bad strategy, but because he lacks self control he can be easily bated into dumping it by Biden saying he’s lazy/scared/not up to the challenge.

3. he is in real cognitive decline and the campaign is trying to hide it by keeping him off the campaign trail. this makes sense given the number of times we’ve seen him be the living embodiment of the Apple spinning pinwheel during a speech. but at some point it is going to happen in front of everyone (at the convention, at a debate) and nobody will be able to ignore it

4. it is some combination of the above. this is kinda where I’ve settled. it seems a strange place for a presidential campaign to be, but it is also such a weird election in general I guess it makes sense for them to do something unorthodox