
Seth Meyers: Lindell's Unhinged MAGA Rally Speech; Trump's Conspiracy Theory About Campus Protests

lawhawk5/03/2024 12:22:45 pm PDT

This line on cross is effective for Trump:

Inner City Press
Trump’s lawyer Bove: Mr. Cohen was supposed to focus on Mr. Trump’s business credentials - as a surrogate, yes?
Hicks: Yes.
Bove: He went rogue at times?
Hicks: He did. He liked to call himself a fixer - only because he first broke it (laughs)

Inner City Press
Trump’s lawyer Bove: President Trump’s calls with Mr. Pecker didn’t stick out, because he often spoke with the press?
Hicks: Right. He does a good job maintaining relationships with the media even if are negative on him.
Bove: Campaigns promote themselves?

Why is that effective? Because it supports the claims that Trump had no knowledge of what was going on and he didn’t have anything to do with the payments.

The problem is that there’s a paper trail that supports the indictments.