Breitbart Reports on Zimmerman Verdict Riot Plan, Commenters Spew Torrents of Racism

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Wingnuts • Views: 37,385

The article by Ben Shapiro from Monday is here. Note the picture of Al Sharpton…as if he had anything to do with this plan…

And now to the cesspool:

I got a “riot plan”: arm yourself. Do not I repeat do not think you can depend on the “authorities” to keep you safe. If the establishment thugs and the hate-filled sub-thugs like race-hustler Sharpton insist on causing race riots and dredging up violent sentiment against whites and “white hispanics” — and if urbanites are susceptible to such suggestions from the malicious race-baiters — then you need to arm yourself. It’s very simple. It’s a matter of simple self-preservation which is your right (and which the sick ruling-class would have you reconsider — they would rather you be a dehuamized defenseless victim than an independent free-thinking person). The days of dragging working men out of their trucks and trying to beat out their brains, like they did to Mr. Denny — those days need to be a thing of the past.


Is Obama going to use a riot to declare martial law to confiscate all weapons, Why is the DOJ sending people to Sanford to organize people to RIOT?


Bammy couldn’t even do anything about guns after Sandy Hook. A nigpocalypse will set the gun grabbers back 100 years.


“REPORT: DOJ spent tax dollars to help organize, support ‘Justice for Trayvon’ protests…” The good people of the town should make citizens’ arrests. Enough!


I’ve been praying for a n’gro riot since 1992!


Love how they treat the negus like bratty children. Just shoot the rioters like the terrorist dogs they are.


Alright my white brother crazy f*cking animals……. Lets turn the tablet and riot if he is found guilty…. These black racists asswipes would have no clue how to handle it. Blood in the streets will be the only way to finish this sh!t once and for all.


that ghettopottomus that the prosecution put on the stand the first day 
pretty much backs up Zimmermans claim of self defense.


just tells me that anyone that would riot after a decision they do not agree with is one step away from being an animal that should be in a cage. Or a jail or just shot. Sick and tired of this lawlessness and nonsense. Especially for a case that should never have even been filed let alone go to trial. What a waste of money, time and effort on a joke of a case. If zimmerman was black this would have been clean as a whistle.


Better bring Tarzan in to control the natives


DOJ sending in more Justice For Treyvon agitators to stir things up.


I sure hope they don’t tear things up like all the crazy white people following the O.J. verdict.


hopefully all of those rumors about nanoprobes being added to fried chicken, Kool Aid, collard greens were true.


73 black on black shootings in Chicago this past weekend and not a single peep from Obama about how if he had a son, the victims would look like him.
Corrine Brown did not opine on the topic, Bobby Rsh did not wear another hoody on the floor of the house, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson didn’t say a word.
One HISPANIC guy shoots a black in what appears to be self defense, and all of the above start making inflammatory statements about white racism.
Blacks are now threatening to kill Zimmerman, riot, and attack whites in “revenge”.
If blacks want to know why white people are fed up with their BS claims of how “oppressed” they are and how bad the evil whitey is, now you know.

That’s all within the past couple of hours. And there are more than 5,000 comments.

I don’t know if there will be civil unrest if Zimmerman is acquitted, but it seems like some of these folks can’t wait for it to happen.

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1 Charles Johnson  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 2:48:05pm

It’s getting really bad there. Didn’t think it could get much worse, but it is.

2 Charles Johnson  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 2:50:30pm
3 calochortus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 2:53:35pm

This is just sad. One would have hoped there would be fewer of these bigoted idiots.

4 Kragar  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 2:54:52pm

re: #2 Charles Johnson

Ben imagines a large number of guys are hitting pro-choice rallies so they can have sex with women?

5 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 2:56:47pm

re: #3 calochortus

This is just sad. One would have hoped there would be fewer of these bigoted idiots.

Yeah, one would’ve hoped. Either that, or half of Stormfront is commentators on Breitbart. Which wouldn’t really surprise me.

6 calochortus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 2:56:57pm

re: #4 Kragar

Ben imagines a large number of guys are hitting pro-choice rallies so they can have sex with women?

Well, what else could it be? We all know feminists are ugly and undesirable…

7 Lidane  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 2:57:48pm

Hey Reince! How’s that GOP rebranding workin’ out for ya?

I would say I’m surprised by all this, but that would be a lie.

8 Kragar  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 2:58:06pm

Ben just wants to sleep with women who will serve as hosts to his progeny.

9 Targetpractice  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 2:58:10pm

With “friends” like these…

10 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 2:58:11pm

re: #4 Kragar

Ben imagines a large number of guys are hitting pro-choice rallies so they can have sex with women?

It’s the next best thing to a wedding…or something.

I am lost at how conservatives think.

11 Kragar  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:04:03pm

Ben’s guide to wooing a woman:

1) Squirt pheromones in her direction, then perform the mating display to assert your dominance.

2) When the female is overpowered by your shear masculine virility, insert your ovipositor in the proper receptacle.

3) Retreat immediately afterwards as the female will often devour the male after intercourse.

12 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:04:58pm
13 abolitionist  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:06:12pm

re: #11 Kragar

Ovipositor ?

14 Major Tom  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:07:11pm

re: #13 abolitionist

Don’t judge.

15 abolitionist  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:08:31pm

*Tapping my sarcasm meter*

16 Zamb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:09:12pm

Looks like Florida has solved that pesky problem of due process by enacting laws that allow individual citizens to decide who is and who isn’t a criminal. Free market solutions for everything.

17 Kragar  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:09:32pm

re: #15 abolitionist

*Tapping my sarcasm meter*

Oh, that’ll fix it.

18 Kragar  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:10:28pm

re: #16 Zamb

Looks like Florida has solved that pesky problem of due process by enacting laws that allow individual citizens to decide who is and who isn’t a criminal. Free market solutions for everything.

I see they decided on color coding.

19 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:10:36pm

Good grief and the US is supposed to be “post-racial” just because we elected Barack Obama?

The racists are really coming out of the woodwork these days, just like the cockroaches they are.

20 Lidane  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:10:39pm


21 Major Tom  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:10:52pm

re: #16 Zamb

The lack of discernible seasons plays tricks with the mind.

22 Charles Johnson  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:11:22pm

“Nigpocalypse.” Charming.

23 jaunte  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:12:29pm
Alright my white brother crazy f*cking animals……. Lets turn the tablet and riot if he is found guilty…. These black racists @sswipes would have no clue how to handle it. Blood in the streets will be the only way to finish this sh!t once and for all.

It’s hard to believe these people can summon up the courage to go outside.

24 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:13:42pm

re: #21 Major Tom

No, it’s the same mindset in any state that passed similar SYG laws that whites take to mean they can blow away black folks if they “fear for their life”. Like open season for them because it’s a CYA law.

25 AntonSirius  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:13:55pm

re: #2 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Troll salad.

26 calochortus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:17:02pm

re: #24 Justanotherhuman

No, it’s the same mindset in any state that passed similar SYG laws that whites take to mean they can blow away black folks if they “fear for their life”. Like open season for them because it’s a CYA law.

Yeah, I mean, who doesn’t fear for their life when they see people darker than themselves? Well, besides me and you…

27 Targetpractice  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:19:19pm

I can certainly see why my voicing doubt as to the trial’s results gets me sidelong looks and mutterings about my racial views.

Personally, this is one of those instances where I can’t help but shake my head. Zimmerman is the kind of guy who, outside of this case, these racists would either want dead for being of mixed race or dead for his support of black people and causes.

28 The Ghost of a Flea  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:19:46pm

Ah, the Competence Fantasy, Variant 2: Brave White Gun Owners coolly gun down Black Rioters.

A racism classic.

29 thecommodore  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:20:18pm

I am doubtful that Zimmerman will be convicted of 2nd degree murder. But I am also doubtful that he comes out of this unscathed. He’ll do some hard time from some of the lesser charges.

30 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:21:58pm

re: #29 thecommodore

I am doubtful that Zimmerman will be convicted of 2nd degree murder. But I am also doubtful that he comes out of this unscathed. He’ll do some hard time from some of the lesser charges.

It’s Florida. In a conservative area. I don’t know if I am taking any bets right now.

31 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:22:57pm

re: #20 Lidane

Talk on Twitter of Gov. Ultrasound resigning. No idea yet.

I doubt that will hold off the grand jury, though.

32 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:23:36pm

re: #31 Joanne

Better to quit before you’re tried and convicted, I suppose.

33 Lidane  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:23:37pm


34 Targetpractice  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:23:49pm

re: #31 Joanne

Talk on Twitter of Gov. Ultrasound resigning. No idea yet.

I doubt that will hold off the grand jury, though.

If he’s resigning, it’s likely because being drug out of office is seen by the GOP as damaging to Cucci’s run.

35 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:26:42pm

McDonnell’s Flood

He’s represented the administration of President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and President Bill Clinton during his impeachment proceedings.

Now he’s one of the attorneys counseling Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, besieged by state and federal investigations into gifts he and his family have received while in office.

36 RadicalModerate  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:30:00pm

re: #31 Joanne

Talk on Twitter of Gov. Ultrasound resigning. No idea yet.

I doubt that will hold off the grand jury, though.

Probably has to do with the latest set of corruption allegations that broke earlier today regarding another $120,000 that was given to him and his wife (of which $70,000 was not reported) by a businessman who is already under FBI investigation for securites fraud.

37 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:30:06pm

Once A Rising GOP Star, Virginia’s Governor Hits The Skids

Just last year, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell was a hot Republican prospect, ranked among the nation’s most respected state leaders, and was touted as prime vice presidential material.

Those heady days are long gone.

After a seemingly endless series of reports about alleged ethical lapses by the buttoned-down, fiscally conservative governor, no one talks about his political promise anymore.

Instead, the rumor mill generates talk of his impending resignation, with the governor’s spokesman denying via Twitter a weekend blog report that he would step down from office.

Over the past 48 hours, the drip, drip, drip of embarrassment and drama — which already included an alleged donor-paid designer gown for the first lady, a pricey Rolex watch for the governor and $15,000 in catering for his daughter’s wedding — became a downpour.

38 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:31:02pm

re: #36 RadicalModerate

Probably has to do with the latest set of corruption allegations that broke earlier today regarding another $120,000 that was given to him and his wife (of which $70,000 was not reported) by a businessman who is already under FBI investigation for securites fraud.

Yeah, I would say that Gov. Ultrasound’s days are numbered.

39 Targetpractice  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:31:28pm

re: #37 Joanne

Once A Rising GOP Star, Virginia’s Governor Hits The Skids

Well, obviously the Democrats are orchestrating all this, because they live in mortal terror that he was considering a presidential run in ‘16.


40 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:31:55pm

re: #32 Justanotherhuman

Better to quit before you’re tried and convicted, I suppose.

I don’t think they are mutually exclusive.

41 Decatur Deb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:32:18pm

When does SPLC declare Brietbart’s blogs ‘hate sites’?

42 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:33:40pm
43 darthstar  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:33:45pm

Five thousand comments in a couple of hours? Damn…being a host for racists, bigots and fuck ups is good money!

44 Targetpractice  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:34:41pm

re: #42 Joanne

[Embedded content]

Yeah, I can’t remember who I voted for in ‘09, but it was a period where my head still firmly up my ass, so I probably voted McDonnell. I will be happy to see him go.

45 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:35:47pm

Evening all!

How is it?

Zimmerman if acquitted will join the ranks of O.J. He’ll be an outcast in many ways, but eventually, his own actions will catch-up to him.

I’m not sure about the whole Rodney King outcome tho. I think that preparing for it is kinda racist in itself.

Martin’s parents have been the most level-headed participants in this debacle. I hope they file a civil suit.

46 Shiplord Kirel  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:36:39pm

I mentioned a few days ago that ammunition hoarding has actually intensified recently, apparently in anticipation of Zimmerman verdict riots.

47 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:36:56pm

Just think how much money he could have made had me made it to the White House? Sell out to the highest bidder.

48 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:37:22pm
49 Charles Johnson  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:37:37pm
50 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:38:15pm

re: #45 FemNaziBitch

Evening all!

How is it?

Zimmerman if acquitted will join the ranks of O.J. He’ll be an outcast in many ways, but eventually, his own actions will catch-up to him.

I’m not sure about the whole Rodney King outcome tho. I think that preparing for it is kinda racist in itself.

Martin’s parents have been the most level-headed participants in this debacle. I hope they file a civil suit.

I was reading today that FL law doesn’t allow for that if he is acquitted in the criminal trial. I didn’t look it up, myself, though.

51 Targetpractice  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:39:30pm

re: #50 Joanne

I was reading today that FL law doesn’t allow for that if he is acquitted in the criminal trial. I didn’t look it up, myself, though.

My understanding was that only applied if acquitted due to SYG. That self-defense still raised the possibility of a civil suit.

52 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:39:42pm

re: #50 Joanne

I was reading today that FL law doesn’t allow for that if he is acquitted in the criminal trial. I didn’t look it up, myself, though.

Well, that certainly sucks.

I worry about my friends in Florida.

Are we supposed to tell our kids they can’t wear hoodies anymore?

53 Decatur Deb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:40:13pm

re: #46 Shiplord Kirel

I mentioned a few days ago that ammunition hoarding has actually intensified recently, apparently in anticipation of Zimmerman verdict riots.

And if an acquital passes quietly, it’s because of all those good ol’ boys standing their ground. Fuck’m.

54 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:40:36pm


55 William Barnett-Lewis  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:40:45pm

re: #42 Joanne

[Embedded content]

Why are they surprised? He’s like every other GOP governor; he just got caught.

56 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:40:52pm

Exclusive: Gov. Bob McDonnell’s financial disclosure statements, 2008-2012

MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show has obtained financial disclosure statements filed by embattled Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. The forms include the most detailed information the governor has yet disclosed about “MoBo Real Estate Partners,” which the Washington Post reports today was yet another vehicle through which cash and valuable gifts were channeled to Governor McDonnell and his family from a Virginia firm, Star Scientific, that is now under federal securities investigation.

The governor himself is also reportedly under both federal and state investigation related to his acceptance of more than $140,000 in gifts from Star Scientific and its CEO, and his compliance with state gift disclosure laws.

Download those financials at the link.

57 Lidane  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:41:28pm
58 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:42:00pm

re: #50 Joanne

Florida Wrongful Death law:

59 William Barnett-Lewis  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:42:56pm

re: #45 FemNaziBitch

Martin’s parents have been the most level-headed participants in this debacle. I hope they file a civil suit.

It’s a big “IF” they are able to. I believe that if Zimmerman walks, Florida law prohibits the family from seeking a civil case in state courts. A federal case would be possible but much more difficult to get standing for.

60 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:44:53pm

re: #58 Justanotherhuman

Florida Wrongful Death law:

Would he have to be found guilty of in a criminal trial or is it a standalone like it was against OJ in California?

61 piratedan  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:45:02pm

re: #42 Joanne

[Embedded content]

which means that all of the other duplicitous shit he pulled was okay with Doug until now?

62 Lidane  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:45:34pm
63 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:45:59pm

re: #61 piratedan

which means that all of the other duplicitous shit he pulled was okay with Doug until now?

I think all our elected officials are crooked. Some are just so rabidly greedy they are crying to get caught.

64 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:46:02pm

Stockpiling ammunition to prepare for a Rodney King outcome to the Zimmerman trial is inviting an self-fulfilling prophecy.


65 JeffFX  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:46:28pm

re: #2 Charles Johnson

66 jaunte  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:46:47pm
67 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:46:47pm

re: #59 William Barnett-Lewis

Right of action from above: “768.19 Right of action.—When the death of a person is caused by the wrongful act, negligence, default, or breach of contract or warranty of any person, including those occurring on navigable waters, and the event would have entitled the person injured to maintain an action and recover damages if death had not ensued, the person or watercraft that would have been liable in damages if death had not ensued shall be liable for damages as specified in this act notwithstanding the death of the person injured, although death was caused under circumstances constituting a felony.”

68 HappyWarrior  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:46:56pm

Man McDonnell’s falling hard. Agree with TP though. If he resigns, it’s being done so Coochy can distance hmself.

69 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:47:28pm

re: #64 FemNaziBitch

Stockpiling ammunition to prepare for a Rodney King outcome to the Zimmerman trial is inviting an self-fulfilling prophecy.


I agree to a certain extent. There is a lot of chatter on Twitter…including posting and RTing Zimmerman’s home address.

I would say that Zimmerman is going to have a very difficult life, no matter what the jury finds.

70 abolitionist  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:48:05pm

re: #66 jaunte

Fair And Balanced my ass.

71 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:48:30pm

re: #63 Joanne

I think all our elected officials are crooked. Some are just so rabidly greedy they are crying to get caught.

Politics is a strange world. I tend to give a lot of wiggle room because horse-trading is just how it works.

The line between necessary horse-trading and crime moves with every generation and is never firm and clear.

Each instance has to be judged in it’s context and it’s not always practical for the public to know everything.

The system is inherently fucked, IMHO.

72 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:48:33pm

re: #69 Joanne

Yes, he might want to seek asylum in Peru under an assumed name.

73 wrenchwench  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:49:42pm

re: #70 abolitionist

Fair And Balanced my ass.

Might want to tap that meter a few more times.

74 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:49:49pm

re: #72 Justanotherhuman

Yes, he might want to seek asylum in Peru under an assumed name.

I think he needs mental health care. He has a strange world view.

75 Joanne  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:51:07pm

re: #72 Justanotherhuman

Yes, he might want to seek asylum in Peru under an assumed name.

Edward Snowden? I don’t think the original will be using it much longer. :-D

76 Lidane  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:53:28pm
77 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:55:19pm

re: #71 FemNaziBitch

Politics is a strange world. I tend to give a lot of wiggle room because horse-trading is just how it works.

The line between necessary horse-trading and crime moves with every generation and is never firm and clear.

Each instance has to be judged in it’s context and it’s not always practical for the public to know everything.

The system is inherently fucked, IMHO.

Saying all that …

I have to acknowledge that somehow it works. We are here, more of us than ever before. We are communicating at levels unprecendented. We are acknowedging our flaws without fear and working together to address them.

Somehow out of the chaos we’ve created a common understanding of human rights—although we argue about the details.

78 AntonSirius  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:55:23pm
79 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:55:56pm

re: #78 AntonSirius

[Embedded content]

And everyone wants our cooties!


80 abolitionist  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 3:56:00pm

re: #73 wrenchwench

Might want to tap that meter a few more times.

Ok, maybe I should follow links more carefully before commenting.

81 Lidane  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:00:51pm

re: #79 FemNaziBitch

And everyone wants our cooties!


Sure. But we need to be safe! Proper protection prevents cootie infeections:

Youtube Video

82 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:02:28pm



83 Lidane  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:03:27pm

And one of those signatures is mine:

84 A Mom Anon  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:06:11pm

Well, after I told my parents what the GOP Gov and his cronies did to their only grandson’s autism program(a long convoluted tale that starts with cutting tax revenue in the state”to attract business”, and ends with less money all around for programs like this one. Less state dollars, means less federal dollars), they have withdrawn their support of ALL GA GOP political office holders. No more donations,and Mom said she’s not voting until the same old faces are replaced with some new ones on the ballot. Now, they aren’t going to convert to Democrats in the near future or anything, but it just goes to show you that when something effects a Republican(or someone they love) directly, they can be shown some truth.

85 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:07:55pm


86 Targetpractice  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:09:43pm

re: #85 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

Ah, that “compassionate conservatism.”

87 Decatur Deb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:10:30pm

re: #84 A Mom Anon

Well, after I told my parents what the GOP Gov and his cronies did to their only grandson’s autism program(a long convoluted tale that starts with cutting tax revenue in the state”to attract business”, and ends with less money all around for programs like this one. Less state dollars, means less federal dollars), they have withdrawn their support of ALL GA GOP political office holders. No more donations,and Mom said she’s not voting until the same old faces are replaced with some new ones on the ballot. Now, they aren’t going to convert to Democrats in the near future or anything, but it just goes to show you that when something effects a Republican(or someone they love) directly, they can be shown some truth.

My quasi-libertarian SIL just moved up to the US branch of a commie French company. They brought their benighted socialist philosophy with them, so he just found out that his formerly-uninsurable autistic daughter can stay on his health plan FOR LIFE. Some sign of rethinking on his part.

88 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:14:59pm
89 Minor_L  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:17:13pm

re: #49 Charles Johnson

Only someone as creepy as Ben Shapiro would be thinking, “hm, is this woman likely to have an abortion if I get her pregnant?” when wanting to get “romantic” with someone.

90 Wile E. Wonka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:17:22pm

re: #85 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

“The little guy?” Hrm, I don’t think I needed to know that that’s what ol’ Bryan calls it.
/ / /

91 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:18:23pm

re: #81 Lidane

Sure. But we need to be safe! Proper protection prevents cootie infeections:

[Embedded content]

too funny!

92 HappyWarrior  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:19:08pm

Why do I think Shapiro was the kid on the playground telling the guys who were into girls at early ages that they were fags?

93 A Mom Anon  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:19:15pm

re: #87 Decatur Deb

What a relief that must be for them. And what an awesome company to do that.

94 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:19:16pm

re: #83 Lidane

And one of those signatures is mine:

[Embedded content]

That would require a brain.

95 HappyWarrior  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:20:20pm

re: #94 FemNaziBitch

That would require a brain.

If he only had a brain, he’d be something more than just the governor of Texas, if he only had a brain.

96 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:20:33pm

re: #89 Minor_L

Only someone as creepy as Ben Shapiro would be thinking, “hm, is this woman likely to have an abortion if I get her pregnant?” when wanting to get “romantic” with someone.

Well, at least he thinks about it.

I tell the young people I know: What do you do if you want to have sex?

answer: ask yourself if you want to have a baby.

97 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:21:31pm

re: #95 HappyWarrior

If he only had a brain, he’d be something more than just the governor of Texas, if he only had a brain.

if only
Youtube Video

98 Decatur Deb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:22:12pm

re: #93 A Mom Anon

What a relief that must be for them. And what an awesome company to do that.

First phase of Obamacare got her onto his last company’s group. Before that, they would not even insure her for tonsilitis because of her ‘pre-existing condition’.

99 HappyWarrior  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:22:42pm

re: #97 FemNaziBitch

if only
[Embedded content]

He should have used it as his campaign theme song when he ran for president.

100 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:24:34pm
101 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:25:33pm

re: #85 Vicious Babushka

Why don’t we just eliminate billionaires instead? Doesn’t this asshat understand that if someone makes $15/hr instead of $7.50, that s/he has more money to spend on his crappy paper products, oil, and sheet rock? That consumers make this economy hum, not greedy off-shoring tax evaders?

102 HappyWarrior  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:27:20pm

re: #101 Justanotherhuman

Why don’t we just eliminate billionaires instead? Doesn’t this asshat understand that if someone makes $15/hr instead of $7.50, that s/he has more money to spend on his crappy paper products, oil, and sheet rock? That consumers make this economy hum, not greedy off-shoring tax evaders?

Yeah no kidding. Labor friendly things such as the minimum wage benefit business and our economy but for oligrachs like Koch and their asskissers like Fischer, it doesn’t matter.

103 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:28:23pm

re: #101 Justanotherhuman

Why don’t we just eliminate billionaires instead? Doesn’t this asshat understand that if someone makes $15/hr instead of $7.50, that s/he has more money to spend on his crappy paper products, oil, and sheet rock? That consumers make this economy hum, not greedy off-shoring tax evaders?

Because they want money floating around the system, but they want to control it. If they pay people more then those people would control how the money moves thru the system.

104 Minor_L  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:33:07pm

re: #96 FemNaziBitch

But he seems to be saying, “I only want to have sex with women who will give birth if I get them pregnant.”

105 Stanley Sea  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:34:11pm

re: #46 Shiplord Kirel

I mentioned a few days ago that ammunition hoarding has actually intensified recently, apparently in anticipation of Zimmerman verdict riots.

Their fantasy.

106 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:34:41pm

re: #104 Minor_L

But he seems to be saying, “I only want to have sex with women who will give birth if I get them pregnant.”


There are people who can’t separate sex from love/commitment. The idea that sex is an enjoyable, healthy, biological function (if done responsibly) is somehow heretical to them.

107 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:35:29pm



108 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:36:07pm

re: #106 FemNaziBitch


There are people who can’t separate sex from love/commitment. The idea that sex is an enjoyable, healthy, biological function (if done responsibly) is somehow heretical to them.

Image: image310.jpg

109 calochortus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:37:34pm

re: #85 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

Reposted from VB’s page on the subject:
This is an interesting (but undoubtedly bad) effect of the global marketplace. Multinational corporations don’t think they need Americans as customers any more, so why pay them anything?

110 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:37:45pm

Guess what this is.

I’m in love with Photoshop. I think it is the kewlest media I’ve ever played-with.

111 PhillyPretzel  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:38:43pm

re: #110 FemNaziBitch

It looks like a glass sculpture.

112 Wile E. Wonka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:39:07pm

re: #103 FemNaziBitch

Because they want money floating around the system, but they want to control it. If they pay people more then those people would control how the money moves thru the system.

Guys like this say they’re all for entrepreneurship and self-made small business owners, but ain’t it funny how the only barriers to “entrepreneurship” in their opinion are regulations that their megacorps have to abide by too?

If it’s a reasonable living wage (which might let working-class people save up to start a business without starving first), affordable healthcare for the self-employed, credit subsidies for small businesses that aren’t hedge funds or McDonald’s franchisees, or controlling education costs so college grads don’t have to indenture themselves well into their thirties before even thinking about a real career path… well, if more people could get rich, it wouldn’t be so special, now would it?

Besides, doing it through hard work is no fair. You should have to be invited.

113 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:39:34pm

re: #109 calochortus

Reposted from VB’s page on the subject:
This is an interesting (but undoubtedly bad) effect of the global marketplace. Multinational corporations don’t think they need Americans as customers any more, so why pay them anything?

Actually, if labor is considered an line-item expense, it’s not just a recent practice. It’s an age old truism of business.

Reduce expenses, reduce expenses, reduce expenses … …

Labor/humans are the largest expense a company has.

114 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:40:26pm

re: #111 PhillyPretzel

It looks like a glass sculpture.

Thanks, but no.

115 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:40:37pm

re: #110 FemNaziBitch

Avocado on a glass plate? Very nice; looks like a sculpture.

116 Stanley Sea  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:40:47pm

re: #110 FemNaziBitch

Guess what this is.

I’m in love with Photoshop. I think it is the kewlest media I’ve ever played-with.

Was…an avocado?

117 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:40:48pm

re: #110 FemNaziBitch

Guess what this is.

I’m in love with Photoshop. I think it is the kewlest media I’ve ever played-with.

It’s a yacht going over a cliff watched by an especially irascible monkey.

118 thedopefishlives  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:41:44pm

Evening Lizardim from the relatively cool wild north country. Currently involved in a new project - my brother-in-law wants to borrow the Mrs. Fish’s pimpin’ Italian mobster car (a ‘97 Lincoln Town Car) for their wedding conveyance next week. I am in the process of cleaning it up and doing some body work to have it in top shape for the event. What’s new among the Lizardfolk?

119 calochortus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:42:14pm

re: #113 FemNaziBitch

Actually, if labor is considered an line-item expense, it’s not just a recent practice. It’s an age old truism of business.

Reduce expenses, reduce expenses, reduce expenses … …

Labor/humans are the largest expense a company has.

Yes, but you used to have to depend on a fairly local or at least national market. That meant employees had to be able to buy what they produced. Cheap transportation and global markets means we can become a 3rd world country and companies can still just sell the stuff elsewhere. For now anyway.

120 Shiplord Kirel  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:42:34pm

It’s as though Koch and his shills like Fischer and Barton have never heard of the French Revolution.
Note the enormously important role that quack evangelists play in underpinning this Republican assault on working people.
In the small business world it is the fundy-run “Christian businesses” who seem to have a habit of getting in trouble over things like minimum wage and overtime requirements. One such gang here in Lubbock is being investigated by the feds for allegedly refusing to pay something like a million dollars in overtime over a 10 year period. The owner has reportedly told his uniformly fat and goateed cronies that “God is stronger than the federal government,” as though reviving robber baron age labor practices is some kind of holy virtue.
I loathe these people.

121 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:43:01pm

*sniff, squeek, blow nose.*
Youtube Video

122 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:43:22pm

re: #116 Fear the Blah People

Was…an avocado?


pat yourself on the back, twice.

123 calochortus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:43:43pm

Oops, I lost track of time. BBL

124 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:43:48pm

re: #115 Justanotherhuman

Avocado on a glass plate? Very nice; looks like a sculpture.


pat yourself on the back, three times!

125 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:44:16pm

re: #117 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

It’s a yacht going over a cliff watched by an especially irascible monkey.


smack yourself somewhere


126 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:45:21pm

re: #109 calochortus

Reposted from VB’s page on the subject:
This is an interesting (but undoubtedly bad) effect of the global marketplace. Multinational corporations don’t think they need Americans as customers any more, so why pay them anything?

A business model of paying workers as little as they can get away with, is not sustainable. Who do they think is going to buy their cheap shit, if their workers can’t afford it? Their executives, who get paid millions, sure aren’t shopping at Wally World.

Fuck Walmart, let them open stores in Bangladesh.

127 Romantic Heretic  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:45:27pm

re: #71 FemNaziBitch

The system is inherently fucked, IMHO.

That’s because humans are involved. The system is fucked because humans are fucked.

128 Lancelot Link  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:45:40pm

re: #120 Shiplord Kirel

Samuel Johnson said “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel”; Religion is often the first.

129 BongCrodny  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:45:47pm

re: #120 Shiplord Kirel

It’s as though Koch and his shills like Fischer and Barton have never heard of the French Revolution.
Note the enormously important role that quack evangelists play in underpinning this Republican assault on working people.
In the small business world it is the fundy-run “Christian businesses” who seem to have a habit of getting in trouble over things like minimum wage and overtime requirements. One such gang here in Lubbock is being investigated by the feds for allegedly refusing to pay something like a million dollars in overtime over a 10 year period. The owner has reportedly told his uniformly fat and goateed cronies that “God is stronger than the federal government,” as though reviving robber baron age labor practices is some kind of holy virtue.
I loathe these people.

They scream “America” but under their breath it’s “sweatshop.”

130 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:45:50pm

re: #119 calochortus

Yes, but you used to have to depend on a fairly local or at least national market. That meant employees had to be able to buy what they produced. Cheap transportation and global markets means we can become a 3rd world country and companies can still just sell the stuff elsewhere. For now anyway.


We’ve had a global market —always in sense.

We just have better communication and transportation now. Spices, textiles, some foods and other things were nearly always a global commodity for everyone but the very poor —no?

131 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:47:14pm

Perhaps the dehumanizing (objectifying) label of “labor” is the problem.

“human resources” isn’t much better.

132 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:47:40pm

Henry Ford had the right idea. Pay workers enough so that they’ll stay on and not quit as soon as a better offer comes along. Corollary: pay workers enough so that they can afford to buy the product.

133 BroncD  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:47:59pm

re: #2 Charles Johnson

NO ONE IS “PRO ABORTION.” No one. No woman sits around dreaming of the day she gets her first abortion.

134 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:49:45pm

sometimes I think it is a mater of zoning.

If those with money all build their houses in a place where they don’t see and interact with the people they pay —they lose perspective.

We tend to separate the income levels. Doctors kids don’t play baseball or go to school with the factory workers kids.

135 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:50:16pm

re: #132 Vicious Babushka

Henry Ford had the right idea. Pay workers enough so that they’ll stay on and not quit as soon as a better offer comes along. Corollary: pay workers enough so that they can afford to buy the product.

“Pay your people like they are Partners”

because they are.

136 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:51:13pm

re: #134 FemNaziBitch

sometimes I think it is a mater of zoning.

If those with money all build their houses in a place where they don’t see and interact with the people they pay —they lose perspective.

We tend to separate the income levels. Doctors kids don’t play baseball or go to school with the factory workers kids.

The rich have never mingled with the poor. CONFIRMED. FACT.

137 BroncD  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:53:00pm

I don’t honestly know if George Zimmerman is racist or not. Who can say? But the people who are rooting for him? Like, actively rooting for him to be acquitted of all charges? These people are fucking racist as hell.

138 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:53:01pm

re: #124 FemNaziBitch

I often have an avocado on a glass plate—but peeled and sliced first. : ) Put one of those small plates in the microwave once and, tragically, it broke in a million pieces. From France and not made for that, so now it’s just cold food on them.

139 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:53:41pm

re: #136 Vicious Babushka

The rich have never mingled with the poor. CONFIRMED. FACT.

I went to private school with kids from wealthy suburbs. Many ended up going to extremely expensive universities. Large numbers now live in Vancouver and Toronto, not exactly cheap to live in. Sure, they see poor people but being grossed out on the subway or skytrain is about the extent of the interaction.

140 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:54:10pm
A vaginal fistula is an abnormal opening in your vagina that connects it to another organ such as your bladder or colon. Whatever the cause of your fistula, you may need to have it closed by a surgeon to restore your normal function.

Can you guess the cause?

141 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:54:14pm
142 wrenchwench  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:55:03pm

re: #140 FemNaziBitch

Can you guess the cause?

Giving birth. Or trying to.

143 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:55:45pm

re: #136 Vicious Babushka

The rich have never mingled with the poor. CONFIRMED. FACT.

The rich used to interact daily with poor —as their servants and slaves.

Having that daily visual did a lot to change the way people think.

144 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 4:59:55pm

re: #142 wrenchwench

Giving birth. Or trying to.

That and rape.

Young girls who are not “grown” enough to accomodate a full grown male.

It’s not common often talked about in developed countries because the relatively simple repair is available.

In developed countries it can be deadly.

145 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:00:22pm

re: #143 FemNaziBitch

The rich used to interact daily with poor —as their servants and slaves.

Having that daily visual did a lot to change the way people think.

In that context, the rich did not think of the poors as other people, but as furniture.

146 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:02:12pm

US Economic Development Administration Fixes Malware Infection, Destroys Everything (Mice Included)

In what can only be described as an hysterical response to a December 2011 notification to the EDA by the Department of Homeland Security’s United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) that the EDA’s network had contracted a malware infection, the EDA disconnected its IT systems from the outside world and called in an outside security consultancy in January 30, 2012.

The consultants worked their magic and found malware on six computers which were cleaned up. But while the consultants believed the problem was fixed they were unwilling to guarantee that no other machines were infected so in May, 2012, the EDA’s CIO, Chuck Benjamin, believing that the their problems could be extremely persistent malware and or nation-state hacking, made the obvious conclusion: Destroy the desktop PCs, printers, TVs, and cameras. Oh, and the keyboards and mice.

147 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:02:45pm

re: #140 FemNaziBitch

Injuries during childbirth. Injuries during delivery are the most common cause of rectovaginal fistulas. Such injuries include tears in the perineum that extend to the bowel or an infection or tear of an episiotomy — a surgical incision to enlarge the perineum during vaginal delivery. These may happen following a long, difficult labor. Fistulas occurring from childbirth may also involve injury to your anal sphincter, the rings of muscle at the end of the rectum that help you hold in stool.

148 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:04:30pm

Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital.

Such a horrible thing and most of us know nothing about it.

149 Interesting Times  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:05:10pm

re: #147 Justanotherhuman

The mere existence of this disorder should prove the absurdity of “intelligent” design once and for all.

150 Interesting Times  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:07:32pm

re: #139 McSpiff

I went to private school with kids from wealthy suburbs. Many ended up going to extremely expensive universities. Large numbers now live in Vancouver and Toronto, not exactly cheap to live in. Sure, they see poor people but being grossed out on the subway or skytrain is about the extent of the interaction.

Why did you downding VB’s comment, then? Mouse misfire?

151 BigPapa  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:07:44pm

re: #145 Vicious Babushka

In that context, the rich did not think of the poors as other people, but as furniture.

In that case, I’m expensive furniture.

152 Wile E. Wonka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:10:47pm

re: #145 Vicious Babushka

In that context, the rich did not think of the poors as other people, but as furniture.

Or equipment, anyway. Subject to depreciation.

153 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:11:35pm

Learning of the horrible outcomes of vaginal fistula is one of the many benefits of reading fiction.

That and they sheer beauty of the well written story. When it is excellently performed, it’s probably one of the only things humans do better than animals.

154 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:11:43pm

Check out this dust storm out in Arizona.

155 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:14:09pm

re: #136 Vicious Babushka

The rich have never mingled with the poor. CONFIRMED. FACT.

Never comfortably. I know a very few of the famous rich mingle— Warren Buffet being the one. I knew a couple really rich guys that would come into one of the dive bar I worked at with prostitutes. It was always really weird, since these were really rich guys, and they were there with just, like, ordinary prostitutes. They basically were construction dudes that worked their own little construction companies up from small to big and then formed a consultancy, and they were happiest among working-class guys, yet at the same time they were kind of assholes with their money, like, they’d throw a few hundred bucks at a guy as a way of ending an argument.

They threw a couple hundred at my busboy once— he was taking their glasses and one of them splashed his beer on his face. He took the money, and I 86ed them from the bar that night. I knew I couldn’t permanently 86 them, though, they spent like $1000 a week in there.

156 Interesting Times  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:14:23pm

re: #148 FemNaziBitch

Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital.

Such a horrible thing and most of us know nothing about it.

There’s a documentary about that hospital; have you seen it? (I haven’t, just heard about it recently)

A Walk to Beautiful

157 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:14:48pm

The mayo clinic link stated they perform about 100 surgeries a year for vaginal fistula.

The hospitals aim to cure 4000 women annually, but Hamlin cited the World Health Organisation’s estimate that there are 6000-7000 cases a year in Ethiopia alone.[4]

US Population: 313.9 million
Ethiopia: 84.73 million

Just trying to wrap my head around it.

158 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:17:03pm

re: #156 Interesting Times

There’s a documentary about that hospital; have you seen it? (I haven’t, just heard about it recently)

A Walk to Beautiful

Thanks, I hadn’t heard of it.

159 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:17:24pm


That awkward moment when a Conservative finds out that GM and Detroit are responsible for most of the HIGH-PAYING NEW JOBS of Obama’s job plan…

160 Charles Johnson  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:17:47pm
161 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:18:47pm

re: #155 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Back in the 80s when I was living paycheck to paycheck as a line cook me and my friends used to hang out with rich guys. We didn’t think it was unusual.

162 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:20:38pm

re: #150 Interesting Times

Why did you downding VB’s comment, then? Mouse misfire?

I took it sarcastically. I think I may have been mistaken, so I’ve reversed it.

163 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:22:03pm

re: #160 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

I hope he stays safe. There is a piggy problem arising.

Virus Targets Baby Pigs

A disease sweeping U.S. hog farms will likely kill hundreds of thousands of piglets. There’s no cure for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus, and it’s cropped up in at least 13 states. Hog farmers, already reeling from high feed costs, will take a hit, and the virus could eventually push pork prices higher.

164 engineer cat  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:23:08pm

dulce de tamarindo extra picante y salido

don’t try this without medical personnel standing by

165 wrenchwench  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:26:21pm

re: #164 engineer cat

dulce de tamarindo extra picante y salido

don’t try this without medical personnel standing by

A treat that snuck across the border here is a mango on a stick picante y salido. I got one before they sprinkled it. Now I’m eating a mango every week.

166 makeitstop  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:27:45pm

re: #155 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Never comfortably. I know a very few of the famous rich mingle— Warren Buffet being the one.

Back in the 80s, I used to play the Cat Club on Thursday nights. One of the ‘regulars’ at the club was none other than Malcolm Forbes - he had a huge collection of Harley-Davidsons, and every week he and two bodyguards would ride to the club and hang out with the clientele, which at the time included the Hell’s Angels.

He’d come in, buy the bar a couple of rounds of drinks, then go out and get on his bike and leave. Every week. I never ‘mingled’ with him, but I also never failed to take his free drinks.

167 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:30:21pm

re: #161 NJDhockeyfan

Back in the 80s when I was living paycheck to paycheck as a line cook me and my friends used to hang out with rich guys. We didn’t think it was unusual.

Oh, it’s really unusual. Here in Manhattan I’ve gotten to know some hedge fund dudes and stuff, and it’s hilarious what a bubble they live in, and how little they understand about economics. Basically, those kind of financial types are like engineers compared to scientists. They can apply a very limited set of economic rules well, they can figure out how best to game a system, but they don’t really understand the whole thing or innovate. In the same way, a lot of engineers deny global warming, whereas only a tiny number of scientists do.

It is a little sad how little they think about anything outside this incredibly narrow ambit. My wife’s med school friends talk about medicine too much, but at least that’s kind of interesting. These people just talk about how to game some particular set of trades or tax laws or whatever. It’s about as interesting as someone explaining their coupon-cutting strategy.

168 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:30:32pm
169 calochortus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:32:07pm

re: #130 FemNaziBitch


We’ve had a global market —always in sense.

We just have better communication and transportation now. Spices, textiles, some foods and other things were nearly always a global commodity for everyone but the very poor —no?

Sorry I had to run. My husband had to eat dinner early tonight and it kind of snuck up on me.

Yes, but the ease, speed and low cost of global shipping mean that for the first time producers from local farmers to steel producers can be at a severe disadvantage in that global market. Cinnamon and pepper weren’t displacing local products-they were rare and desirable and therefore traded around the world.

170 abolitionist  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:32:09pm

re: #146 Vicious Babushka

US Economic Development Administration Fixes Malware Infection, Destroys Everything (Mice Included)

The destruction may seem excessive, but there is ample evidence for such things as mice, keyboards and printers being vectors for malware, altho there seems to be no evidence one way or another in this case. A “white hat” suceeded in compromising a very secure system by mailing a mouse to one of the personnel within the targeted (client) network, but he had “customized” it first. (Sorry, no link) Millions of printers currently in use are still vulnerable to malware:
Print Me If You Dare - Firmware Modification Attacks … youtube

I agree that the decision to destroy so much equipment was likely an irrational one, but not necessarily nutty.

171 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:33:23pm

I also didn’t find out that one of my friends was very wealthy until he died, and they talked about his philanthropy, and I was like “Philanthropy with what money?” and his son told me that he was actually a millionaire, and whittled it down over the years by giving the money away to charity and to others. He’s also one of the few guys I know with non-fucked-up children: while he sent them to good schools, he told them that he wouldn’t be leaving them anything more than the house and money to keep it up. They all adored him, he really did a great job raising them.

This is the same dude who refused to sign the loyalty oath during McCarthyism at Berkeley.

So some rich guys mingle fine because you’d never know they’re rich dudes. And they tend to be cool.

172 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:33:29pm

re: #167 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Oh, it’s really unusual. Here in Manhattan I’ve gotten to know some hedge fund dudes and stuff, and it’s hilarious what a bubble they live in, and how little they understand about economics. Basically, those kind of financial types are like engineers compared to scientists. They can apply a very limited set of economic rules well, they can figure out how best to game a system, but they don’t really understand the whole thing or innovate. In the same way, a lot of engineers deny global warming, whereas only a tiny number of scientists do.

It is a little sad how little they think about anything outside this incredibly narrow ambit. My wife’s med school friends talk about medicine too much, but at least that’s kind of interesting. These people just talk about how to game some particular set of trades or tax laws or whatever. It’s about as interesting as someone explaining their coupon-cutting strategy.

One of recent books I read talked about that. Or maybe it was a podcast …

Yes, I think it was Richard Wolff on Moyers.

That the school of economics and the school of business/finance are always separate and the two just don’t live in the same world. I think is point is that separatation is an example of why the financial system can get so muddled. (The two different branches of the same tree don’t speak the same language.)

173 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:35:03pm

re: #170 abolitionist

Anything that has a USB plug is a potential vector, which is what a friend of mine who does security suddenly realized one day. Now that so many devices are connected that have storage, like cameras, phones, enforcing security based on “nobody will be able to attach a USB with malware on it” is just impossible.

174 calochortus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:36:11pm

re: #156 Interesting Times

There’s a documentary about that hospital; have you seen it? (I haven’t, just heard about it recently)

A Walk to Beautiful

I have. It is excellent.

175 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:36:35pm

re: #169 calochortus

Sorry I had to run. My husband had to eat dinner early tonight and it kind of snuck up on me.

Yes, but the ease, speed and low cost of global shipping mean that for the first time producers from local farmers to steel producers can be at a severe disadvantage in that global market. Cinnamon and pepper weren’t displacing local products-they were rare and desirable and therefore traded around the world.

I’m not so sure it was all that rare. We have this idea of the “past” being some uniform barren dessert. I think there were areas that were relatively cosmopolitan for a period, then for whatever reason, went into a depression and another area became so.

We just have more uniform and reliable global trade than we did in the past.

176 McSpiff  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:37:44pm

re: #173 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Anything that has a USB plug is a potential vector, which is what a friend of mine who does security suddenly realized one day. Now that so many devices are connected that have storage, like cameras, phones, enforcing security based on “nobody will be able to attach a USB with malware on it” is just impossible.

I liked a former employers approach. “If you plug it into a work machine, it will be logged. As per your acceptance of this agreement, your continued employment will depend on you permanently surrendering to the company any such items that are logged. “

This was only for certain, clearly marked systems but man did people ever figure it out quick. They did not mess around

177 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:40:59pm

Vocabulary Word for the Day:

or tree-ring dating is the scientific method of dating based on the analysis of patterns of tree rings, also known as growth rings. Dendrochronology can date the time at which tree rings were formed, in many types of wood, to the exact calendar year.

178 PhillyPretzel  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:42:51pm

re: #177 FemNaziBitch

Here is another website that has a “word of the day”

179 Belafon  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:43:00pm

re: #159 Vicious Babushka

The job growth in Texas has been due to public jobs, not private ones.

180 Political Atheist  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:43:09pm

re: #176 McSpiff

We did something simple. Put security tape over the USB port. That takes care of “unthinking” access. General Policy-USB’s go through or from IT only.

181 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:43:46pm

re: #179 Belafon

The job growth in Texas has been due to public jobs, not private ones.

I thought it was the fertilizer industry.//

182 calochortus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:44:18pm

re: #175 FemNaziBitch

I’m not so sure it was all that rare. We have this idea of the “past” being some uniform barren dessert. I think there were areas that were relatively cosmopolitan for a period, then for whatever reason, went into a depression and another area became so.

We just have more uniform and reliable global trade than we did in the past.

I am sure there were areas that were very cosmopolitan, but the point I am trying to make is that back in the day, if you wanted a wool jacket it could be made somewhere nearby and would involve a sheep shearer, a spinner, a weaver, and a tailor. There would be no point in having someone who lived a 2 month journey away make the same jacket for you even if the weaver would work for free because it would cost a lot to ship the thing to you. Now transportation is fast and cheap, so low wages are key.

183 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:45:17pm

The Borg are here! and seeking financing thru Kickstarter.

184 Kragar  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:45:20pm

Making jobs is easy when you don’t pay a living wage or provide benefits.

Just ask Walmart.

185 Decatur Deb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:45:35pm

re: #177 FemNaziBitch

Vocabulary Word for the Day:

The real power is in overlapping ‘libraries’ of rings that can carry a timeline back thousands of years. Your next term: Varve analysis.

186 austin_blue  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:46:36pm

re: #154 NJDhockeyfan

Check out this dust storm out in Arizona.

[Embedded content]


(I just like saying haboob.)

187 Decatur Deb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:47:58pm

re: #186 austin_blue


(I just like saying haboob.)

Don’t start an ‘haboob pun’ thread.

188 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:49:41pm

re: #182 calochortus

I am sure there were areas that were very cosmopolitan, but the point I am trying to make is that back in the day, if you wanted a wool jacket it could be made somewhere nearby and would involve a sheep shearer, a spinner, a weaver, and a tailor. There would be no point in having someone who lived a 2 month journey away make the same jacket for you even if the weaver would work for free because it would cost a lot to ship the thing to you. Now transportation is fast and cheap, so low wages are key.

I understand what you are saying and yes, the one big variable that is maleable is the cost of labor.

The more I’ve read lately tho has shattered my idea that everything was EVER done locally. As soon as trade routes —even to another part of a country—are available, trade happens at an amazing rate. And trans-global trade is NOT a new or modern phenom.

Only the most isolated individuals (or most oppressed) were ignorant of or without goods from other parts of the world.

In other words, we’ve always been a global world. The difference is that now more people (the average person) can benefit from it.

189 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:50:12pm

re: #185 Decatur Deb

The real power is in overlapping ‘libraries’ of rings that can carry a timeline back thousands of years. Your next term: Varve analysis.

Sounds more boring that Obdi’s coupon-strategy analogy.

190 GeneJockey  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:50:15pm

re: #186 austin_blue



191 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:50:29pm

re: #187 Decatur Deb

Don’t start an ‘haboob pun’ thread.

haboob or hubub?

192 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:51:01pm

re: #190 GeneJockey


What is a rab?

193 Decatur Deb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:51:02pm

re: #189 FemNaziBitch

Sounds more boring that Obdi’s coupon-strategy analogy.

Not if you find a sonic screwdriver in the bottom varve.

194 Gus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:51:27pm
195 Gus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:52:09pm

10 dead. Happened 2 days ago. No witnesses.

196 PhillyPretzel  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:53:54pm

re: #195 Gus

That is awful. :(

197 calochortus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:53:56pm

re: #185 Decatur Deb

The real power is in overlapping ‘libraries’ of rings that can carry a timeline back thousands of years. Your next term: Varve analysis.

You mean like seasonal or yearly deposits? Pffft. Everyone knows that! ;)

198 GeneJockey  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:55:09pm

re: #188 FemNaziBitch

I understand what you are saying and yes, the one big variable that is maleable is the cost of labor.

The more I’ve read lately tho has shattered my idea that everything was EVER done locally. As soon as trade routes —even to another part of a country—are available, trade happens at an amazing rate. And trans-global trade is NOT a new or modern phenom.

Only the most isolated individuals (or most oppressed) were ignorant of or without goods from other parts of the world.

In other words, we’ve always been a global world. The difference is that now more people (the average person) can benefit from it.

Wellllll…..yeah, arguably.

But hitherto it has never been possible to replace your entire manufacturing labor force with much cheaper workers without importing the workers.

199 austin_blue  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:55:17pm

re: #185 Decatur Deb

The real power is in overlapping ‘libraries’ of rings that can carry a timeline back thousands of years. Your next term: Varve analysis.

I can do clay. It’s fun and often quite tasty.

200 wrenchwench  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:55:51pm
201 austin_blue  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:56:09pm

re: #192 FemNaziBitch

What is a rab?


Or 42, depending.

202 Gus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:56:23pm

re: #196 PhillyPretzel

That is awful. :(

Vacationers no doubt. July 7th.

203 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:56:24pm
204 Gus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:56:44pm

re: #200 wrenchwench

Later, lizards.


205 Decatur Deb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:56:48pm

re: #199 austin_blue

I can do clay. It’s fun and often quite tasty.

Weaned from Play-Doh too young?

206 Decatur Deb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:58:11pm

re: #203 Vicious Babushka

Fish taco.

Hmmm.. Adds cedar-wrapped tilapia to tomorrow’s menu.

207 Gus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:58:58pm

re: #203 Vicious Babushka

Fish taco.

Are you Mexican?
— Target


208 calochortus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 5:59:32pm

re: #188 FemNaziBitch

I understand what you are saying and yes, the one big variable that is maleable is the cost of labor.

The more I’ve read lately tho has shattered my idea that everything was EVER done locally. As soon as trade routes —even to another part of a country—are available, trade happens at an amazing rate. And trans-global trade is NOT a new or modern phenom.

Only the most isolated individuals (or most oppressed) were ignorant of or without goods from other parts of the world.

In other words, we’ve always been a global world. The difference is that now more people (the average person) can benefit from it.

I never cease to be amazed at how people managed to get around regardless of weather and distance “way back when”. Villages where some people made their livings guiding people over the Alps in the winter-and digging out the people who didn’t make it the following Spring… Roman soldiers with peppercorns in their pouches… Vikings, well going viking.

209 abolitionist  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:00:09pm

re: #173 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Anything that has a USB plug is a potential vector, which is what a friend of mine who does security suddenly realized one day. Now that so many devices are connected that have storage, like cameras, phones, enforcing security based on “nobody will be able to attach a USB with malware on it” is just impossible.

re: #176 McSpiff

If you care about Windows security, check this out:
Major Windows USB vulnerability patched by Microsoft in latest updates
By Tom Warren on March 13, 2013

This is not related to autorun -type vulnerabilities. It’s much deeper, so make sure the proper patch has been applied. For me, it was “optional” (not checked by default) when I did the update.

See also Microsoft Security Bulletin MS13-027 - Important Vulnerabilities in Kernel-Mode Drivers Could Allow Elevation Of Privilege (2807986)
Published: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 | Updated: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 — YESTERDAY!

210 austin_blue  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:00:29pm

re: #205 Decatur Deb

Weaned from Play-Doh too young?


Pica, dontcha know.

Gramaw said “You’ve got to eat a peck of dirt in this life.”

211 Gus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:00:38pm
212 Minor_L  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:01:01pm

re: #106 FemNaziBitch

I think conservatives’ weirdness about sex is the root of most of this anti-choice, anti-woman stuff.

/captain obvious

213 Gus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:01:06pm
The Antonakos family of Greenville, S.C., usually stuck close to home for summer vacations, but this year they decided to explore Alaska.

“They were very excited,” the father of Kimberly Antonakos, H. Wayne Clayton, said Monday. “They never had been there before and wanted to see what it was like.”

Kimberly Antonakos, her husband Melet Antonakos and their three children were among those killed in a fiery Alaska plane crash that left all 10 on board dead.

The Antonakos family of Greenville, S.C., usually went to Myrtle Beach, S.C., each summer, but Clayton said Monday his daughter and her family decided to travel to Alaska for 10 days this year instead…

214 austin_blue  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:01:22pm

re: #202 Gus

Vacationers no doubt. July 7th.

Two families from Houston.

215 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:01:49pm

re: #208 calochortus

I never cease to be amazed at how people managed to get around regardless of weather and distance “way back when”. Villages where some people made their livings guiding people over the Alps in the winter-and digging out the people who didn’t make it the following Spring… Roman soldiers with peppercorns in their pouches… Vikings, well going viking.

The U.S. Western Expansion is enough to blow my mind. I’d have died trying.

216 Decatur Deb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:01:58pm

re: #208 calochortus

I never cease to be amazed at how people managed to get around regardless of weather and distance “way back when”. Villages where some people made their livings guiding people over the Alps in the winter-and digging out the people who didn’t make it the following Spring… Roman soldiers with peppercorns in their pouches… Vikings, well going viking.

But there also were ‘conspiracies in restraint of trade’. A Venetian expat who insisted on teaching Germans to make glass would get a state-sponsored assassination team.

217 theye1  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:03:16pm

re: #137 BroncD

I’m not racist. However, Zimmerman shouldn’t have been charged. The prosecutors own case helped the defense more than the state. The state never had a case.

219 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:03:37pm

re: #212 Minor_L

I think conservatives’ weirdness about sex is the root of most of this anti-choice, anti-woman stuff.

/captain obvious

I encounter people I knew when I was “younger” and I’m often stunned by their acquired prudishness. I want to slap them and ask if they have amnesia or if they are just plain hypocrites.

Either that or I have some really contrived memories.

220 abolitionist  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:04:11pm

re: #216 Decatur Deb

But there also were ‘conspiracies in restraint of trade’. A Venetian expat who insisted on teaching Germans to make glass would get a state-sponsored assassination team.

Such a penalty used to apply for coffee, according to my research.

221 Gus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:04:57pm

Both families. Image: 22785010_BG2.jpg

222 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:05:04pm

re: #220 abolitionist

Such a penalty used to apply to coffee, according to my research.


223 Decatur Deb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:05:09pm

re: #220 abolitionist

Such a penalty used to apply to coffee, according to my research.

From where? Ottomans?

224 calochortus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:08:30pm

re: #215 FemNaziBitch

The U.S. Western Expansion is enough to blow my mind. I’d have died trying.

Yeah, I’ve driven across the country. No way would I want to walk-or ride in a Conestoga wagon. Those things had lousy suspension.

225 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:08:54pm

Are Corporations Trying to Distract Us with Social Issues While They Take Control of Our Economy?

Corporations are now collluding in conspiracy?

Oh wait, I forgot, they have been granted personhood. —my bad.

226 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:09:43pm

re: #224 calochortus

Yeah, I’ve driven across the country. No way would I want to walk-or ride in a Conestoga wagon. Those things had lousy suspension.

or explore on horseback with only a pack-horse for supplies.

228 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:11:40pm
Rab (Italian: Arbe, German: Arbey) is an island in Croatia and a town of the same name located just off the northern Croatian coast in the Adriatic Sea.
The island is 22 km (14 mi) long, has an area of 93.6 km2 (36 sq mi)[1] and 9,480 inhabitants (2001). The highest peak is Kamenjak at 408 m. The northeastern side of the island is mostly barren, karst, while the southwestern side is covered by one of the last oak forests of the Mediterranean.
Ferries connect the island of Rab with the mainland port of Jablanac and with the neighbouring islands of Krk and Pag.

a rab is actually an island —a specific island.

229 Decatur Deb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:11:42pm

re: #226 FemNaziBitch

or explore on horseback with only a pack-horse for supplies.

Mississippi/Missouri riverboats were very comfortable.

Image: Sultana_Painting.jpg

230 Stanley Sea  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:12:14pm

re: #200 wrenchwench

Later, lizards.


231 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:13:02pm

re: #229 Decatur Deb

Mississippi/Missouri riverboats were very comfortable.

Image: Sultana_Painting.jpg

Although water transportation was a less bone shaking travel mode, boats were also often death traps.

The profit from trade had to be have been substantial enough to risk and endure the process.

232 Decatur Deb  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:13:49pm

re: #231 FemNaziBitch

Although water transportation was a less bone shaking travel mode, boats were also often death traps.

The profit from trade had to be have been substantial enough to risk and endure the process.

Yup—did you hit the link?

233 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:14:10pm
n. 1. A rod or stick used by masons in mixing hair with mortar.
Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co.

a rab is also a tool.

235 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:18:20pm

re: #232 Decatur Deb

Yup—did you hit the link?

I did!

IIRC, they didn’t have bathrooms or what we would consider sanitary conditions.

236 calochortus  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:20:28pm

re: #229 Decatur Deb

Mississippi/Missouri riverboats were very comfortable.

Image: Sultana_Painting.jpg

Ha! I thought I recognized the name.

237 abolitionist  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:26:58pm

re: #223 Decatur Deb

From where? Ottomans?

Coffee was a “military secret” in parts of the middle east for many centuries.

238 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:28:46pm

re: #177 FemNaziBitch

Vocabulary Word for the Day:

Those same rings, when taken from trees where influences other than temperatures can be ruled out, can also be used as a temperature proxy.

239 abolitionist  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:33:21pm

re: #209 abolitionist

A more readable/infomative alternative to my 2nd link:
MS13-027: Addressing an issue in the USB driver requiring physical access - 12 Mar 2013

Because the vulnerability is triggered during device enumeration, no user intervention is required. In fact, the vulnerability can be triggered when the workstation is locked or when no user is logged in, making this an un-authenticated elevation of privilege for an attacker with casual physical access to the machine.

240 krypto  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:38:29pm

The Breitbart call to arms and the claims about ammunition sales reminds me of Wayne LaPierre spouting off about how everyone in Boston (actually more like Watertown) wished they had a gun when the police were searching the area for Tsarnaev — and how the people of Boston and Watertown then voted overwhelmingly for the pro-gun-control candidate Markey as their new senator.

241 Bubblehead II  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 6:38:59pm

re: #171 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

I also didn’t find out that one of my friends was very wealthy until he died, and they talked about his philanthropy, and I was like “Philanthropy with what money?” and his son told me that he was actually a millionaire, and whittled it down over the years by giving the money away to charity and to others. He’s also one of the few guys I know with non-fucked-up children: while he sent them to good schools, he told them that he wouldn’t be leaving them anything more than the house and money to keep it up. They all adored him, he really did a great job raising them.

This is the same dude who refused to sign the loyalty oath during McCarthyism at Berkeley.

So some rich guys mingle fine because you’d never know they’re rich dudes. And they tend to be cool.

The owner/CEO of the company I work for was the same way. He had no problem mixing with the “working class”.

Hell, he knew WE were the ones that brought people back to his establishments and kept them happy. He in return, he kept us happy.

Unfortunately, once he passed awy and his son took over, things went to hell. Not the Sons fault. The Board of Directors put profit first while expecting Guest services to remain the same while cutting hours and benifits. End result…

We are getting bought out.

242 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 7:15:29pm

re: #216 Decatur Deb

But there also were ‘conspiracies in restraint of trade’. A Venetian expat who insisted on teaching Germans to make glass would get a state-sponsored assassination team.

That was pretty common. Lots of tech in that age spread despite governments and guilds going to pretty far lengths attempting to protect their trade secrets and thus their markets. On the other hand, outside countries sent spies* to try to find out these secrets in order to create new markets for themselves.

* - Booga booga, only the US spies on others! O_o

243 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jul 10, 2013 7:15:45pm

re: #241 Bubblehead II

The owner/CEO of the company I work for was the same way. He had no problem mixing with the “working class”.

Hell, he knew WE were the ones that brought people back to his establishments and kept them happy. He in return, he kept us happy.

Unfortunately, once he passed awy and his son took over, things went to hell. Not the Sons fault. The Board of Directors put profit first while expecting Guest services to remain the same while cutting hours and benifits. End result…

We are getting bought out.

Sadly, that sometimes happens. The son simply doesn’t have the clout his father had, and there are other players who ensure he can’t gain it in order to further their own plans.

244 Bulworth  Thu, Jul 11, 2013 7:09:35am
“REPORT: DOJ spent tax dollars to help organize, support ‘Justice for Trayvon’ protests…”

Confirmed. FACT.
Also, too: DHS bullets and tanks.//

245 krypto  Thu, Jul 11, 2013 10:07:25am

re: #244 Bulworth

Confirmed. FACT.
Also, too: DHS bullets and tanks.//

It is on Fox News(fiction) as one of their standard Question-Mark Headlines:

“Did Justice Department support anti-Zimmerman protests after Martin shooting?”

As usual for Fox Question-Mark Headlines, the question mark means the answer is “no” but they just wanted to print it anyway.

The article that follows makes it more obvious that the claim is pure speculation. It looks like it originated from one of Fox’s usual untrustworthy news sources, namely rightwing Judicial Watch.

246 RabbitRunner  Sat, Jul 13, 2013 1:12:16pm

Beitbart is an e-sewer of mental midgets, what else is not new?

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