Rep. John Lewis: No Praise for Snowden - Press Release

Rep. Lewis corrects The Guardian
Politics • Views: 21,000
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)

Press Release:
Rep. John Lewis: No Praise for Snowden
The Website of Congressman John Lewis, Serving the 5th Congressional District of Georgia
Aug 8, 2013

“News reports about my interview with The Guardian are misleading, and they do not reflect my complete opinion. Let me be clear. I do not agree with what Mr. Snowden did. He has damaged American international relations and compromised our national security. He leaked classified information and may have jeopardized human lives. That must be condemned.

” I never praised Mr. Snowden or said his actions rise to those of Mohandas Gandhi or other civil rights leaders. In fact, The Guardian itself agreed to retract the word “praise” from its headline.

“At the end of an interview about the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, I was asked what I thought about Mr. Snowden’s actions. I said he has a right as an individual to act according to the dictates of his conscience, but he must be prepared to pay the price for taking that action. In the movement, we were arrested, we went to jail, we were prepared to pay the price, even lose our lives if necessary. I cannot say and I did not say that what Mr. Snowden did is right. Others will be the judge of that.”

Hat tip: Jean

Link to Guardian article: Veteran civil rights leader: Snowden acted in tradition of civil disobedience

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1 wrenchwench  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 8:54:35am

Knowing I was reading the Guardian, that’s how I interpreted his remarks yesterday.

2 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 8:56:43am

Anytime an interview gets published without a transcript these days I basically ignore the reporting of it.

3 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:28:35am

I also think it’s really shitty of the Guardian to try to distort what he said this way. Really shitty.

4 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:30:20am

Obama got to him!

5 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:30:43am

re: #3 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

I also think it’s really shitty of the Guardian to try to distort what he said this way. Really shitty.

It’s all about generating those page views.

6 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:31:24am
7 Carlos Diggler  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:35:54am

Just more spins around the toilet bowl for the Guardian’s credibility.

8 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:36:23am

Let’s see. We went from the Guardian claiming that Rep. Lewis praised Snowden and compared him favorably to civil rights leaders, to Rep. Lewis pushing back by saying that he offered no praise and that no comparison was made or intended.

Oh, and nowhere does the Guardian indicate that they’ve edited that to reflect the changes Lewis indicates in his letter.

Let’s also point out once again that Lewis and the other civil rights leaders engaged in civil disobedience not by fleeing the US and writing noxious tomes from abroad, but were arrested time and again in an effort to show just how unjust the laws they sought to be overturned/eliminated/modified.

That’s a huge gaping difference between the civil rights leaders and Snowden.

9 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:38:45am

To be clear - Lewis was distinguishing what fits his definition of civil disobedience - paying the price for standing up for what you believe, including getting arrested and going to jail, and what Snowden did - fleeing to a foreign country and seeking asylum to avoid getting arrested and going to prison.

10 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:41:58am

re: #6 Lidane

[Embedded content]

I misread that as “accuracy of HIS reporting”

11 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:44:14am

re: #9 lawhawk

To be clear - Lewis was distinguishing what fits his definition of civil disobedience - paying the price for standing up for what you believe, including getting arrested and going to jail, and what Snowden did - fleeing to a foreign country and seeking asylum to avoid getting arrested and going to prison.

So in other words, he said THE VERY OPPOSITE of what Glenn Greenwald says he did.

12 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:46:36am
13 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:48:08am

re: #10 Eclectic Cyborg

well I really don’t think that the ideals that GG is arguing for are bad things/concepts in and of themselves. The problem is that he’s perfectly willing to distort and mislead in order to further his agenda, ignore facts and realities if they don’t support his cause and he lives in a self defined political reality that bears little resemblance to the real world or even admit the value of historical context as having any meaning in the debate about what constitutes privacy and the responsibilities of nation states to their citizens.

14 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:50:13am

Wow, The Guardian becomes more and more discredited each day.

And they’re willing to risk their reputation over a propagandist douche like Greenlandia?

15 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:53:37am

Last night.

16 b.d.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:54:39am

re: #15 Gus

Last night.

[Embedded content]

Oh Chris Hayes really needs to go the hell away soon.

17 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:55:31am

re: #12 NJDhockeyfan

Looks like Israel’s closure of the Eilat airport is related to what’s going on in Sinai. Egypt claims to have killed 60 militants in Sinai, which indicates a pretty significant operation underway.

The Israel Defense Forces ordered the Eilat airport close operations Thursday evening.

Eight flights were expected to be rerouted.

Following the order, the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement that “civilian airports are managed in coordination with the Israel Air Force and Israel Airports Authority, in accordance with security assessments.”

The closure came amid tension in nearby Egypt, where security forces claimed Wednesday that it had killed 60 militants in the lawless Sinai Peninsula in the month since the military overthrew Islamist President Mohammed Morsi.

Citing widening “terrorist operations” in “recent times”, the army said it was conducting an intensified campaign in Sinai in coordination with the interior ministry to crack down on militants that “threaten Egyptian national security.”

18 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:55:45am

re: #15 Gus

well so much for me having much time for Chris Hayes anymore, they’ve (MSNBC) dropped a long way down since Olbermann left, blowhard that he was, at least he wasn’t a glibertarian wannabe.

19 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:56:22am

re: #16 b.d.

Oh Chris Hayes really needs to go the hell away soon.

20 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 9:59:13am

Remember everyone, the Guardian was the paper that supported the assassination of Lincoln. It’s always been a rag.

21 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:03:32am

Greenwald will say this press release is wrong and that Guardian’s report is still right.

22 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:03:42am

re: #12 NJDhockeyfan

[Embedded content]

Eilat was mentioned the other day as one of the areas being watched for AQ activity specifically, the Sinai generally.

23 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:04:22am

And link to Freedom of Press. //

24 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:05:46am

re: #21 Gus

Greenwald will say this press release is wrong and that Guardian’s report is still right.

Already happening, by surrogate and retweet:

Matt Wells ‏@MatthewWells 1h

@jayrosen_nyu actually Jay he didn’t say that. He said other people’s interpretation of what he said was wrong. He hasn’t disputed quotes.
Retweeted by Glenn Greenwald

25 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:06:01am

re: #17 lawhawk

Egypt has added helicopters and other personnel to its Sinai forces after consultation with Israel as per Camp David Accords requirements.

The Eilat airport is operating for North-outbound flights away from Sinai.

Speculation on my part:

This seems to indicate a concern/threat from SAMs.

If this had been a threat of a direct attack on the airport by say mortars/surface to surface missiles, or a direct terror attack, they’d likely close the airport entirely. I think this is due to the possibility that one of the Sinai terror cells is believed to have access to SAMs.


More support of this speculation - Arutz Sheva indicated that beginning in April, planes flying in/out of Eilat would be equipped with anti-missile systems to deal with MANPAD systems.

26 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:06:52am
27 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:08:25am

re: #13 piratedan

well I really don’t think that the ideals that GG is arguing for are bad things/concepts in and of themselves. The problem is that he’s perfectly willing to distort and mislead in order to further his agenda, ignore facts and realities if they don’t support his cause and he lives in a self defined political reality that bears little resemblance to the real world or even admit the value of historical context as having any meaning in the debate about what constitutes privacy and the responsibilities of nation states to their citizens.

Bolded what I think is the key part. When you start twisting reality and facts to fit your agenda and conclusions you’re no longer reporting or being a journalist. You’ve morphed into a propagandist and editorialist. And whatever is said by that source beyond that point cannot be taken at its word since it has already been proved that the agenda and conclusion is more important than any sense of truth.

28 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:08:54am

re: #20 ProTARDISLiberal

Remember everyone, the Guardian was the paper that supported the assassination of Lincoln. It’s always been a rag.

Wait, what?

Please don’t go all Inez on us.

29 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:09:13am

re: #24 Justanotherhuman

Already happening, by surrogate and retweet:

Matt Wells ‏@MatthewWells 1h

@jayrosen_nyu actually Jay he didn’t say that. He said other people’s interpretation of what he said was wrong. He hasn’t disputed quotes.
Retweeted by Glenn Greenwald


30 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:10:01am

re: #25 lawhawk

Egypt has added helicopters and other personnel to its Sinai forces after consultation with Israel as per Camp David Accords requirements.

The Eilat airport is operating for North-outbound flights away from Sinai.

Speculation on my part:

This seems to indicate a concern/threat from SAMs.

If this had been a threat of a direct attack on the airport by say mortars/surface to surface missiles, or a direct terror attack, they’d likely close the airport entirely. I think this is due to the possibility that one of the Sinai terror cells is believed to have access to SAMs.


More support of this speculation - Arutz Sheva indicated that beginning in April, planes flying in/out of Eilat would be equipped with anti-missile systems to deal with MANPAD systems.

Every time I see MANPAD I think it’s the sort of place that DudeBros hang out in.

31 b.d.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:11:00am
Remember everyone, the Guardian was the paper that supported the assassination of Lincoln. It’s always been a rag.

Wait, what?

Please don’t go all Inez on us.

The Guardian has always been a DemonRat Paper!!1!

32 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:11:41am

Found it:

33 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:15:06am

Phoenix man has cheeky response to Amazon package theft (video)

34 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:15:31am

re: #28 Vicious Babushka

No, that is actually true.

The Manchester Guardian was hostile to the Unionist cause in the American Civil War, writing on the news that Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated: “Of his rule, we can never speak except as a series of acts abhorrent to every true notion of constitutional right and human liberty …”

From an editorial on 27 April 1865.

35 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:15:53am

re: #29 Gus


36 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:16:19am

re: #32 Gus

37 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:16:48am

re: #35 Justanotherhuman


38 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:17:08am
39 Carlos Danger  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:19:15am

re: #34 ProTARDISLiberal

No, that actually true.

From an editorial on 27 April 1865.

Yeah, and Democrats are the party of southern segregation. That was 150goddamnyears ago.

40 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:19:51am

Well, the GOP Re-Brainwashing campaign is working in some quarters. I had a wingnut tell me that the Democrats are against immigration.

I had no response.

41 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:22:04am

re: #40 FemNaziBitch

it’s true, we would rather not have wingnuts immigrate to other countries to become enemies of the state, we want them right here where our sinister surveillance state can keep an eye on them…..

42 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:22:10am

Also, if you want a modern day example of why we need a government that requires universal education and social welfare systems, here is a good reason.

Pages link.

Complete Article —read the whole thing.

43 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:22:19am

re: #40 FemNaziBitch

Well, the GOP Re-Brainwashing campaign is working in some quarters. I had a wingnut tell me that the Democrats are against immigration.

And now they’re also trying to say that countries who allow gay marriage and/or accept homosexuals also have a low opinion of women, so we should just totally reject gays. Or something.

This kind of stupid really has no response. It takes some special level of cognitive dissonance to believe this shit.

44 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:24:01am

Shorter Guardian. We stand by what we said John Lewis said he didn’t say.

45 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:24:09am

re: #43 Lidane

I just paged that:

Guinness: ‘Cultures Where You Have a High View of Homosexuality Have a Very Low View of Women’

His example: Sparta.

Yeah, lets go back 3000+ years to get an example. Great plan.

46 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:26:01am

Obamacare may raise lawmakers’ premiums

A friend asks if this is why the GOP is against Obamacare.

47 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:26:12am

re: #20 ProTARDISLiberal

Remember everyone, the Guardian was the paper that supported the assassination of Lincoln. It’s always been a rag.

That makes as much sense as saying the Democrats were against civil rights.

48 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:26:18am

re: #45 Kragar

supposedly the Romans too, you know, one of the pillars of civilization, representative government and all that….and aqueducts.

49 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:27:13am

re: #48 piratedan

supposedly the Romans too, you know, one of the pillars of civilization, representative government and all that….and aqueducts.

But what have the Romans ever done for us?

50 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:27:23am

re: #40 FemNaziBitch

Well, the GOP Re-Brainwashing campaign is working in some quarters. I had a wingnut tell me that the Democrats are against immigration.

I had no response.


51 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:28:14am

re: #49 Vicious Babushka

But what have the Romans ever done for us?

Brought peace?

52 Carlos Danger  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:28:21am

re: #45 Kragar

Wait a second, Sparta was one of the few places in Ancient Greece where women were landowners and… uh…

…I see what he did there.

53 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:29:51am
54 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:30:33am

re: #51 Kragar

Brought peace?

Good Roads.

55 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:30:52am

re: #45 Kragar

I just paged that:

Guinness: ‘Cultures Where You Have a High View of Homosexuality Have a Very Low View of Women’

His example: Sparta.

Yeah, lets go back 3000+ years to get an example. Great plan.

Except he’s wrong. Spartan women were remarked upon in ancient Greece as being quite independent, especially when we take the time and place into context.

57 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:31:43am

re: #56 Kragar

Rep. Steve King says we probably wouldn’t even notice if the sea level rises

Like all the landowners on the shore won’t?

58 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:32:26am

re: #56 Kragar

Rep. Steve King says we probably wouldn’t even notice if the sea level rises

He’s in freaking IOWA, doesn’t give a shit, everyone else will drown before he does.

59 Charles Johnson  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:32:56am

John Lewis:

“At the end of an interview about the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, I was asked what I thought about Mr. Snowden’s actions. I said he has a right as an individual to act according to the dictates of his conscience, but he must be prepared to pay the price for taking that action. In the movement, we were arrested, we went to jail, we were prepared to pay the price, even lose our lives if necessary.”

The Guardian simply left all that out of their article.

60 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:33:10am

re: #57 FemNaziBitch

Like all the landowners on the shore won’t?

Its pretty easy to say you won’t notice rising sea levels when you live in fucking Iowa.

61 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:33:17am
62 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:33:37am

re: #53 FemNaziBitch

[Embedded content]

That disgusts me as a human being and as a Christian.

63 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:33:39am

I think this will haunt me.

“She was too young” to talk about it, the father of another victim, who was 11 when she was raped, told me. He and his wife never explained to the girl why she woke with pain one morning, bleeding so much she had to be taken to the hospital. She was whisked through subsequent medical visits with nurses who didn’t speak her language and was never once told that she had been raped. “It was better she just not know,” her father said.

64 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:33:47am

re: #59 Charles Johnson

John Lewis:

The Guardian simply left all that out of their article.

Didn’t fit their narrative.

65 jaunte  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:33:58am
66 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:34:00am
67 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:34:26am

re: #62 Eclectic Cyborg

That disgusts me as a human being and as a Christian.

I know.

It happens everywhere. I’m embarrassed to admit that the fact that it is happening in a “white, christian” cult seems to overshadows the horrors that happen in other places in the world.

When the victims look like you … .

68 geoffm33  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:35:51am

re: #49 Vicious Babushka

But what have the Romans ever done for us?


69 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:36:19am

re: #65 jaunte

North Carolina’s got it covered:
NC Considers Making Sea Level Rise Illegal

Whew, glad they got that covered. How many abortion and voting restrictions did they decide to tack onto the bill?

70 Eventual Carrion  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:37:30am

re: #56 Kragar

Rep. Steve King says we probably wouldn’t even notice if the sea level rises

Until you have to wear hip waders on your next trip to anywhere in Florida.

71 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:38:02am

re: #70 Eventual Carrion

Until you have to wear hip waders on your next trip to anywhere in Florida.


72 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:38:35am

re: #61 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

The Guardian will now wait before making any corrections…


73 A Mom Anon  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:38:41am

re: #63 FemNaziBitch

Good lord that’s horrifying. I just do not understand any of this, how anyone can just blow this off like it’s nothing. And once again, religion, in this case a very isolated religion, is used as cover. I don’t understand men who rape, I just cannot wrap my head around hating women that much.

74 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:39:08am

re: #67 FemNaziBitch

I know.

It happens everywhere. I’m embarrassed to admit that the fact that it is happening in a “white, christian” cult seems to overshadows the horrors that happen in other places in the world.

When the victims look like you … .

It just blows my mind that these are the same people who harp on and on about the importance of the Ten Commandments.

There IS one about “false witness” you know.

75 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:40:26am

re: #73 A Mom Anon

Good lord that’s horrifying. I just do not understand any of this, how anyone can just blow this off like it’s nothing. And once again, religion, in this case a very isolated religion, is used as cover. I don’t understand men who rape, I just cannot wrap my head around hating women that much.

Because then the men in charge would have to look at themselves and see the crimes they also commit.

76 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:40:36am

Links to Breitbart!

77 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:41:41am

Florida couple forecloses on bank…gets paid money bank owes them.

CAUTION: AUTOPLAY AT LINK. Mute before clicking.

So, how did it end with bank being foreclosed on? After more than 5 months of the judge’s ruling, the bank still hadn’t paid the legal fees, and the homeowner’s attorney did exactly what the bank tried to do to the homeowners. He seized the bank’s assets.

“They’ve ignored our calls, ignored our letters, legally this is the next step to get my clients compensated, ” attorney Todd Allen told CBS.

Sheriff’s deputies, movers, and the Nyergers’ attorney went to the bank and foreclosed on it. The attorney gave instructions to to remove desks, computers, copiers, filing cabinets and any cash in the teller’s drawers.

78 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:41:54am

re: #73 A Mom Anon

Good lord that’s horrifying. I just do not understand any of this, how anyone can just blow this off like it’s nothing. And once again, religion, in this case a very isolated religion, is used as cover. I don’t understand men who rape, I just cannot wrap my head around hating women that much.

The article states that the only crime the Bolivian Government requires the Cult to report is murder. Other than that they police their own.

Until Rape is on the same par as Murder in the legal minds, nothing will change, IMHO.

I’ve felt that way ever since the Supreme Court decided that child molestation is not a capital offense. IMHO, there is something worse (or at least on the same level) as murder.

79 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:42:10am

re: #59 Charles Johnson

John Lewis:

The Guardian simply left all that out of their article.

Honest oversight.

80 jaunte  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:42:45am
In the movement, we were arrested, we went to jail, we were prepared to pay the price, even lose our lives if necessary.

I had a feeling when the Guardian story first came out that we hadn’t heard the last word on this point.

81 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:43:21am
Conservatives who would label Edward Snowden a traitor are liberty’s biggest enemy in this country today. And you thought it was Muslim extremists.

Benjamin Franklin summed it up best when he said, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

On Sept. 11, 1991, George H. W. Bush waxed poetic about a New World Order.

Ten years later to the day, his son was President and our nation underwent an attack that has been the key pretext for taking away essential American Liberty in the name of security. Having given up the liberties that made America so great, I’d say it appears the terrorists have won.

We have that New World Order now. How do you like it?

82 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:44:03am

Comments on here are depressing. People just want to be slaves and monitored.

83 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:44:06am

2014 promises to be hilarious:

84 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:44:12am

re: #78 FemNaziBitch

The article states that the only crime the Bolivian Government requires the Cult to report is murder. Other than that they police their own.

Until Rape is on the same par as Murder in the legal minds, nothing will change, IMHO.

I’ve felt that way ever since the Supreme Court decided that child molestation is not a capital offense. IMHO, there is something worse (or at least on the same level) as murder.

It all stems from Slavery. I equate rape with slavery. I don’t really see any difference. Until we take the Objectification of Another Human Being seriously in a legal sense —I don’t think we’ll see any great strides.

85 elizajane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:45:03am

Clueless conservative seems perplexed that the Right is rallying around Snowdon:

She seems not to have cottoned onto the fact that anything that can be used to attack Obama, however otherwise counter to the interests of the USA, will be so used by the Right.
True, if you are sane this might be a little hard to fathom; but if you are writing on a serious blog with “Conservative” in the title you should be keeping up with the zeitgeist.

86 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:48:51am

Texas Father Beats Man To Death For Sexually Abusing Daughter

Shiner, Texas— A man is dead after another man said he punched him repeatedly for abusing his daughter.

Saturday, investigators in Lavaca County, Texas told CNN the father caught the man in the act of sexually assaulting his 4-year-old daughter.

According to the father, he left his daughter inside the family’s house during a social gathering, while other members were tending to horses.

The father said when he returned to the house, he heard his daughter screaming and caught the man in the act. He said to stop the attack on his daughter, he hit the man in the head several times.

The man was pronounced dead on the scene.

Could we agree he is not-guilty on the grounds of temporary insanity?

87 b.d.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:49:14am

Shouldn’t The Guardian acknowledge that they changed their headline somewhere?

88 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:50:12am

re: #83 Lidane

2014 promises to be hilarious:

[Embedded content]

“Holding my nose” is the new “Fulll faith and support” dontchaknow…

89 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:50:34am

re: #79 darthstar

Honest oversight.

Purposefully mischaracterizing what Lewis said - and on the front page of the paper edition to boot.

91 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:51:25am

re: #86 FemNaziBitch

Texas Father Beats Man To Death For Sexually Abusing Daughter

I think that’s one case where I’d be hard pressed to find that guy guilty of a crime.

92 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:51:39am

Guardian ▶ Breitbart ▶ Drudge ▶ Breitbart ▶ Guardian

The spinning circle of derp.

93 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:51:58am

re: #63 FemNaziBitch

I think this will haunt me.

Wow that is seriously, seriously messed up. You need to page that.

One of 15 children, growing up in the Old Colony of Riva Palacios (her family moved to neighboring Manitoba Colony when she was eight), Agnes said the abuse would happen in the barn, in the fields, or in the siblings’ shared bedroom. She didn’t realize it was inappropriate behavior until the age of ten, when she was given a stern beating after her father found her brother fondling her. “My mother could never find the words to tell me that I was being wronged or that it was not my fault,” she recalled.

After that, the molestation continued but Agnes was too scared to go to anyone for help. When she was 13 and one of her brothers tried to rape her, Agnes warily notified her mom. She wasn’t beaten this time, and for a while her mom did her best to keep the two apart. But the brother eventually found her alone and raped her.

The sibling assaults became increasingly commonplace, but there was nowhere for Agnes to turn. Old Colonies have no police force. Ministers deal with wrongdoing directly but because youth are not technically members of the church until they are baptized (often in their early 20s), bad behavior is handled inside the home.

94 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:52:04am

re: #68 geoffm33


Why a duck? Why not a horse?

95 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:53:02am

re: #94 Feline Fearless Leader

Why a duck? Why not a horse?

It was in the Senate, so it wouldn’t work.

96 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:53:10am

How Did I miss this one?

India Bans Captive Dolphin Shows as ‘Morally Unacceptable’

“Whereas cetaceans in general are highly intelligent and sensitive, and various scientists who have researched dolphin behavior have suggested that the unusually high intelligence; as compared to other animals means that dolphin should be seen as ‘non-human persons’ and as such should have their own specific rights and is morally unacceptable to keep them captive for entertainment purpose,” the ministry said.

97 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:53:24am

re: #91 Lidane

agreed, one of those situations where if the story as presented as true. I’d have a hard time honoring the “letter” of the law instead of the “spirit” of the law.

98 Eventual Carrion  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:53:29am

re: #86 FemNaziBitch

Texas Father Beats Man To Death For Sexually Abusing Daughter

Could we agree he is not-guilty on the grounds of temporary insanity?

I’d have to say I would totally lose it myself. Especially if it wasn’t just someone accusing the person of doing it but to actually catch them in the act as he seemed to.

99 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:53:54am

re: #93 Eclectic Cyborg

Wow that is seriously, seriously messed up. You need to page that.

It is paged

100 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:54:52am

More comments:

Is there anyone in The Black Caucus who is not a complete moron.

John Lewis is an an example of the dementia of the electorate for re-electing the same representatives for decades as if they have tenure in their positions. Sadly, John Lewis represents my district of Georgia and will probably be re-elected again. It is as if no one else in our district can compare to his intelligence and ability to serve as our representative. MLK and Gandhi faced the adversity they created, Snowden ran from it. Comparing these men is absurd at best.

101 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:55:15am

re: #98 Eventual Carrion

I’d have to say I would totally lose it myself. Especially if it wasn’t just someone accusing the person of doing it but to actually catch them in the act as he seemed to.

I think the “catching in the act” is the key point.

I don’t think any adult, much less a parent, would be able to judge when they had “stopped” the person from being a threat.

102 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:56:03am
Yet another black intellectual flaps his lips.
103 stone  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:56:07am

I think it’s good that Rep. Lewis has clarified his remarks regarding Snowden, but, unless these remarks are a complete fabrication, his recognition that the issues raised by his leaks are substantial and worthy of serious attention seems to be the direction that more and more serious Democrats are moving these days:

When it was pointed out to Lewis that many in Washington believed that Snowden was simply a criminal, he replied: “Some people say criminality or treason or whatever. He could say he was acting because he was appealing to a higher law. Many of us have some real, real, problems with how the government has been spying on people.”

104 Charles Johnson  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:56:09am

The Guardian is apparently not planning to correct their article, either.

105 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:56:15am

re: #74 Eclectic Cyborg

It just blows my mind that these are the same people who harp on and on about the importance of the Ten Commandments.

There IS one about “false witness” you know.

And notice the nice oligarchal control structure where the Bible is law - and it’s in High German that few but the ministers understand.

And it’s the same drive that drove part of the colonization of North America. Find an isolated spot where you can be left alone to impose your total control structure on your citizens. And then work fairly hard to keep yourself isolated and away from any outside influences or places that might show a different way of living. (Or simply interaction showing that the outside is also human beings and not inherently evil.)

106 Charles Johnson  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:57:01am

re: #103 stone

Do you think I don’t know that you’re using a sock puppet account after being suspended?

107 geoffm33  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:57:22am

re: #94 Feline Fearless Leader

Why a duck? Why not a horse?

Horses can’t swim?

108 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:57:30am

re: #105 Feline Fearless Leader

And notice the nice oligarchal control structure where the Bible is law - and it’s in High German that few but the ministers understand.

And it’s the same drive that drove part of the colonization of North America. Find an isolated spot where you can be left alone to impose your total control structure on your citizens. And then work fairly hard to keep yourself isolated and away from any outside influences or places that might show a different way of living. (Or simply interaction showing that the outside is also human beings and not inherently evil.)

I can’t help remembering that the Puritans were capitalists—no?

Why can’t I remember why I think that?

It sucks to get old(er).

109 Flounder  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:57:54am

re: #86 FemNaziBitch

I wouldn’t condone beating another man who raped my daughter, but a woodchipper is just a phone call away.

110 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:58:09am

re: #107 geoffm33

Horses can’t swim?

can too!

111 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:58:47am

re: #91 Lidane

I think that’s one case where I’d be hard pressed to find that guy guilty of a crime.

I hope they do a full criminal investigation nonetheless. At this point all we have is his version of events and a corpse.

112 stone  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:58:47am

re: #106 Charles Johnson

No, I figured you would. But since I didn’t understand the reason for being suspended, I thought I’d try anyway.

113 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:58:50am

Glenn Greenwald retweeted:

114 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:59:16am

re: #104 Charles Johnson

The Guardian is apparently not planning to correct their article, either.

That paper needs a new name.

115 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:59:36am

re: #114 darthstar

That paper needs a new name.

Teh Grauniad.

116 geoffm33  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:59:40am

re: #110 FemNaziBitch

can too!


117 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 10:59:56am

re: #115 Vicious Babushka

Teh Grauniad.

The Greenian

118 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:00:18am

re: #109 Flounder

I wouldn’t condone beating another man who raped my daughter, but a woodchipper is just a phone call away.

Ah, pre-meditated crime. Satisfying to think about, maybe.

I’d rather use the legal system.

Catching the criminal in the act —I don’t think I’d be able to control myself.

119 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:00:36am

re: #117 darthstar

The Greenian

The Greenwaldian

120 Flounder  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:01:07am

re: #110 FemNaziBitch

My chocolate “forgets” how to swim, until a wayward family of ducks paddle by!

121 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:01:14am

re: #114 darthstar

That paper needs a new name.

Bird Cage Liner?

Fish Wrap?

122 b.d.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:01:27am

Where is Greenwald going to work after The Guardian fires him?

123 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:01:43am

re: #113 Vicious Babushka

Glenn Greenwald retweeted:

[Embedded content]

Trevor Timm is an associate of Greenwald. Scroll down.

124 Eventual Carrion  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:01:50am

re: #112 stone

No, I figured you would. But since I didn’t understand the reason for being suspended, I thought I’d try anyway.

Let us know your nic before and maybe someone (or three) here can give you an idea of why.

125 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:02:11am

re: #123 Gus

Trevor Timm is an associate of Greenwald. Scroll down.

Associate, is that another word for sock puppet?

126 stone  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:03:41am

re: #124 Eventual Carrion

Sure. I was earthanimal. I know that my opinions weren’t popular, but I tried to contribute in earnest.

127 Ian G.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:04:00am

re: #58 Vicious Babushka

He’s in freaking IOWA, doesn’t give a shit, everyone else will drown before he does.

To be fair, his state will be a raging dust bowl once the coasts are flooded. He’ll notice alright, just not in the way he thinks.

128 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:05:23am

re: #125 Vicious Babushka

Associate, is that another word for sock puppet?

And most of them are Guardian contributors. As is Laura Portias.

130 elizajane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:06:07am

re: #122 b.d.

Where is Greenwald going to work after The Guardian fires him?

The zoo.
The Onion.
There are many, many fine options.

131 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:07:28am
132 Flounder  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:07:28am

Wendy’s pretzel burger is awesome, my only complaint is that they don’t put kosher salt on top of the bun. Apparently, I am not the only one who feels this way.

Sorry if I made you humgry.

133 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:08:51am

And! Freedom of the Press Foundation was created for Wikileaks!

135 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:10:20am

re: #127 Ian G.

To be fair, his state will be a raging dust bowl once the coasts are flooded. He’ll notice alright, just not in the way he thinks.

I’m moving North.

I don’t do bugs.

136 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:10:24am

re: #132 Flounder

It’s cool. I already had lunch. I’m more focused on the cup of Mexican hot chocolate on my desk. Heh.

137 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:10:34am

re: #134 FemNaziBitch

Paula Deen Is More Popular Than Martin Luther King With Georgia Republicans

That makes sense once you realize what horrible people they are.

138 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:10:35am

re: #132 Flounder

Wendy’s pretzel burger is awesome, my only complaint is that they don’t put kosher salt on top of the bun. Apparently, I am not the only one who feels this way.

Sorry if I made you humgry.

I was just reading on a baking blog that pretzel buns have to be dipped in lye.

What could possibly go wrong?

139 Charles Johnson  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:11:15am

re: #133 Gus

And! Freedom of the Press Foundation was created for Wikileaks!

Yes, it’s a front for Wikileaks and Greenwald. It’s a lofty-sounding organization name to give their far left libertarian agenda more “credibility.” In other words, a scam.

140 wrenchwench  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:11:38am

re: #85 elizajane

Clueless conservative seems perplexed that the Right is rallying around Snowdon:

She seems not to have cottoned onto the fact that anything that can be used to attack Obama, however otherwise counter to the interests of the USA, will be so used by the Right.
True, if you are sane this might be a little hard to fathom; but if you are writing on a serious blog with “Conservative” in the title you should be keeping up with the zeitgeist.

Her Twitter profile, emphasis added but link broken:

Kelley B. Vlahos

Washington, D.C-based freelance reporter. Columnist for http:/ and contributing editor to The American Conservative Magazine.

Washington, DC *

…in case anyone still wondered whether TAC was a respectable conservative source for anything.

141 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:11:52am

re: #139 Charles Johnson

Yes, it’s a front for Wikileaks and Greenwald. It’s a lofty-sounding organization name to give their far left libertarian agenda more “credibility.” In other words, a scam.

Like Heritage Foundation, only for dudebros?

142 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:12:55am

This is also from The Guardian.

Attorney general will review paedophile’s suspended sentence after prosecutor called victim ‘predatory’

Judge said Neil Wilson’s 13-year-old victim was predatory, looked older and ‘was egging you on’

143 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:13:33am


Snippets - Request:

My name is Nathan Young I am with the marketing department for ********.com. We are performing a link audit in order to prevent a Google penalty for unnatural links and it appears that in the past somebody has spammed the comments section of your blog with links to our site.

Your prompt attention to this matter along with confirmation that the links are removed would be HIGHLY appreciated.


So, Nathan, what you are telling me is that you hired spammers to post links in comment sections in order to game the system and increase your Google ranking. And now that it appears Google has caught up with your spamming tactics and it could damage your rankings, you expect me to do work for you and your marketing department by cleaning up the garbage you left on my website with a message you copy and pasted to me?

No. Fuck you. I hope your payday loan site dies. Go work for someone who doesn’t make the world worse.

144 Flounder  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:15:21am

re: #142 FemNaziBitch

Any time I want to go off my diet, I will just refer back to your post. I don’t feel so good…

145 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:16:17am

Cool…I was hoping this would happen. Stupid fuckers.

146 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:16:23am

re: #144 Flounder

Any time I want to go off my diet, I will just refer back to your post. I don’t feel so good…

We have to accept the good with the bad …

147 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:16:26am


148 b.d.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:16:30am

re: #139 Charles Johnson

Yes, it’s a front for Wikileaks and Greenwald. It’s a lofty-sounding organization name to give their far left libertarian agenda more “credibility.” In other words, a scam.

They have 9 directors and 1 staff for God’s sake.

149 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:16:49am

re: #139 Charles Johnson

Yes, it’s a front for Wikileaks and Greenwald. It’s a lofty-sounding organization name to give their far left libertarian agenda more “credibility.” In other words, a scam.

“Freedom Of The Press Foundation Launches To Support WikiLeaks, Increase Transparency”

Wikileaks could be seen as Greenwald’s “client.”

150 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:17:20am

re: #138 Vicious Babushka

I was just reading on a baking blog that pretzel buns have to be dipped in lye.

What could possibly go wrong?

Seems to be a not uncommon way in baking to get a high pH surface for a browning reaction.

151 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:18:40am

Swim faster!

152 Flounder  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:19:39am

re: #151 NJDhockeyfan

That’s just one of those sissy sharks that eats evil plankton!

153 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:20:19am

re: #152 Flounder

That’s just one of those sissy sharks that eats evil plankton!

Like getting baleened to death by a blue whale.

154 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:21:31am

re: #150 Feline Fearless Leader

Seems to not be an uncommon way in baking to get a high pH surface for a browning reaction.

The baking blog I linked to says it’s not dangerous as long as proper precautions are taken, and the lye solution is weaker than the acid in lemon juice.

HOWEVER we’re talking about fast food joints, who are dumb enough to fuck up a lye solution and harm people.

155 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:21:34am

re: #151 NJDhockeyfan

Clearly, all divers should have chainsaws with them at all times. You know, just in case they get swallowed by a shark.

156 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:21:51am

He doesn’t just say he was wrong, he apologizes:

We have been terribly and systematically misled for nearly 70 years in the United States, and I apologize for my own role in that.

157 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:22:02am

re: #151 NJDhockeyfan

Swim faster!

[Embedded content]

From the depths of hell I strike at thee!

158 HappyWarrior  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:22:27am

Leave it to the Guardian to sound like the left wing version of Fox.

159 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:22:35am

re: #151 NJDhockeyfan

Swim faster!

[Embedded content]

I’ve always wondered if whale shark was good for eating.

160 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:22:57am

re: #155 Lidane

Clearly, all divers should have chainsaws with them at all times. You know, just in case they get swallowed by a shark.

Just like all helicopter pilots need a propane tank for a camping stove and a road flare in case they run across a tornado.

161 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:22:59am


162 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:23:17am

There’s more. The Freedom of the Press Foundation is funded by the Foundation for National Progress. Guess who that is? Mother Jones.

163 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:23:26am

re: #154 Vicious Babushka

The baking blog I linked to says it’s not dangerous as long as proper precautions are taken, and the lye solution is weaker than the acid in lemon juice.

HOWEVER we’re talking about fast food joints, who are dumb enough to fuck up a lye solution and harm people.

There’s also methods using weaker bases such as baking soda.

All trying to get a Malliard Reaction going.

Though if you screw it up with a strong base solution you do not get a duck as a result.

164 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:23:36am

re: #103 stone

I think it’s good that Rep. Lewis has clarified his remarks regarding Snowden, but, unless these remarks are a complete fabrication, his recognition that the issues raised by his leaks are substantial and worthy of serious attention seems to be the direction that more and more serious Democrats are moving these days:

Nobody is debating that the NSA is worthy of serious attention. I’ve thought it was worth serious attention since before the goddamn patriot act. Is it worth all the attention in the political sphere, is it some new, revelatory crisis? No. The 4th amendment is in bad shape, and it got there over decades, and to fix it will take the judiciary.

Representative Lewis said that he didn’t agree with what Snowden did and that he may have even cost people their lives. The Guardian distorted his views, which is shameful to do to an actual civil rights icon like Lewis in defense of Snowden.

165 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:23:47am
166 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:24:26am

re: #161 Vicious Babushka

guess we’ll have to start a list of people who get paid to lie for living and tweet about it…..

167 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:24:38am
168 HappyWarrior  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:25:36am

re: #166 piratedan

guess we’ll have to start a list of people who get paid to lie for living and tweet about it…..

I think she actually believes the bs she’s spreading though. So in a way, she’s not lying, just totally unaware of reality. How the hell do you get FDR and very pro states rights people in the same boat. And it should be pointed out that southern conservatives hated the New Deal.

169 Flounder  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:25:56am

Expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view, esp. a controversial one: “a tendentious reading of history”.

170 b.d.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:25:57am

re: #155 Lidane

Clearly, all divers should have chainsaws with them at all times. You know, just in case they get swallowed by a shark.

We need some sort of Stand your Ground laws for the ocean!

171 EmmaAnne  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:26:01am

re: #9 lawhawk

To be clear - Lewis was distinguishing what fits his definition of civil disobedience - paying the price for standing up for what you believe, including getting arrested and going to jail, and what Snowden did - fleeing to a foreign country and seeking asylum to avoid getting arrested and going to prison.

This is exactly what I think. Every quote given for Mr. Lewis fits in perfectly as a response to being asked how Snowden’s actions fit in to the tradition of civil disobedience. As I recall from my reading, the rules for civil disobedience in the civil rights movement were pretty stringent, deliberately, so people wouldn’t just be lawless and self indulgent and call it civil disobedience. You had to be open, nonviolent, respectful, and submit to civil authority and arrest. The Snowden fans trying to call his behavior civil disobedience is exactly contrary to the meaning it traditionally had.

172 BongCrodny  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:26:38am

re: #156 darthstar

He doesn’t just say he was wrong, he apologizes:

[Embedded content]

I guess Gupta Zigged when he should have Zagged.

Seriously, though, that’s one of the best mea culpa’s I’ve ever read.

173 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:27:35am

Meet Australia’s Sarah Palin

Banister, who is currently facing criminal charges for engaging in anti-Muslim hate-based acts of vandalism, is running to represent her native Queensland in the Australian Parliament. She is representing the far-right One Nation party and hopes to make Australia an overtly hostile environment to Muslims.

The 27-year-old mother of two told Australia’s Channel Seven, “I don’t oppose Islam as a country, but I do feel that their laws should not be welcome here in Australia.”

The woman who some are calling “Australia’s Sarah Palin” went on to say that she supports “the Jews” because “they follow Jesus Christ” (they don’t) and that while she would outlaw halal food — which she repeatedly referred to as “haram food” — she would allow kosher food to remain in stores because it doesn’t carry a tax like “haram food.” (It does.)

She also said that she would outlaw the Quran.

174 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:28:46am

re: #168 HappyWarrior

I think she actually believes the bs she’s spreading though. So in a way, she’s not lying, just totally unaware of reality. How the hell do you get FDR and very pro states rights people in the same boat. And it should be pointed out that southern conservatives hated the New Deal.

She found this 1857 pro-slavery book Cannibals All! and decided that it was somehow the inspiration for all 20th-century progressives. Totally WTF utter bullshit.

175 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:29:06am

re: #173 Kragar

Meet Australia’s Sarah Palin

Ignorance is Strength.

176 HappyWarrior  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:30:16am

re: #174 Vicious Babushka

She found this 1857 pro-slavery book Cannibals All! and decided that it was somehow the inspiration for 20th-century progressives. Totally WTF utter bullshit.

re: #174 Vicious Babushka

She found this 1857 pro-slavery book Cannibals All! and decided that it was somehow the inspiration for 20th-century progressives. Totally WTF utter bullshit.

She’s a clueless idiot. No wonder why she’s connected to the Heritage Foundation.

177 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:30:24am

re: #172 BongCrodny

I guess Gupta Zigged when he should have Zagged.

Seriously, though, that’s one of the best mea culpa’s I’ve ever read.

I’m glad to see a major Medical TV Personality acknowledge the systemic ignorance of marijuana.

I’ve never understood why Drug Companies can exploit the Poppy Plant, but not the Pot Plant.

I mean, I’ve read the history and all, but it just seems so stupid.

178 Flounder  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:30:26am

re: #173 Kragar

I didn’t know Islam was a country now!!!!!

179 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:31:00am

re: #178 Flounder

I didn’t know Islam was a country now!!!!!

You never heard of the nation of Islam?

180 HappyWarrior  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:31:09am

re: #178 Flounder

I didn’t know Islam was a country now!!!!!

I guess she thinks the Nation of Islam is a real nation.

181 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:31:15am

Freedom of the Press Foundation

• Created for Wikileaks.
• Also does Manning work.

Board of Directors

Daniel Ellsberg
Glenn Greenwald
John Cusack
John Perry Barlow
Josh Stearns
Laura Poitras
Rainey Reitman
Trevor Timm
Xeni Jardin

“The Freedom of the Press Foundation is made possible by the fiscal sponsorship of the Foundation for National Progress” Also Known As: FNP, MoJo, MJ, Mother Jones

182 HappyWarrior  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:31:25am

re: #179 Kragar

You never heard of the nation of Islam?

9 seconds, 9 seconds!

183 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:31:41am

re: #176 HappyWarrior

She’s a clueless idiot. No wonder why she’s connected to the Heritage Foundation.

I wonder when the internal memo from Jim DeMint will reach her to stop playing John C Calhoun and the 1850s southern conservatives as “bad” in her analogies.

184 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:32:20am

re: #139 Charles Johnson

Professional sockpuppetry.

185 SpaceJesus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:32:23am

Tesla is a beast

186 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:33:12am
187 HappyWarrior  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:33:20am

re: #183 Feline Fearless Leader

I wonder when the internal memo from Jim DeMint will reach her to stop playing John C Calhoun and the 1850s southern conservatives as “bad” in her analogies.

I think that’s why Thomas Woods got upset with her last night and yeah you know DeMint, he’s probably a huge Calhoun fan. Really, how can you bitch about liberals wanting big government while claiming we also wanted the system that maintained states rights above human rights?!?!? Then again, it’s not at all different from those who call us Nazis yet call us multicultural PC freaks. I just laugh at it but man it hurts my head.

188 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:33:32am

re: #182 HappyWarrior

9 seconds, 9 seconds!


189 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:34:18am

re: #188 Kragar



190 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:35:32am

re: #189 FemNaziBitch


Youtube Video

191 b.d.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:35:49am

re: #189 FemNaziBitch


Great, this place has turned into a Herman Cain blog in no time flat.

192 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:37:23am

re: #191 b.d.

I dunno, went it went all Germanic, I was fondly remembering the bathtub scene in Hard Day’s Night

193 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:37:38am

re: #191 b.d.

Great, this place has turned into a Herman Cain blog in no time flat.

And you get a free topping (except pineapple) when you order a second pizza for half price!

194 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:37:59am

re: #185 SpaceJesus

Tesla is a beast

I want one of those cars. I saw a ton of them the last time I was in Silicon Valley. Too bad I don’t have $100k lying around.

Also, even if I did buy one, there are some charging stations here in Austin, but in South Texas they are few and far between. I’d have to go to a car dealership to charge the damned thing every time I go see my family. Not cool.

I hope electric cars catch on. It would be nice.

195 Internet Tough Guy  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:38:13am

re: #181 Gus

Ah, so Daniel Ellsberg and The GG are on the same payroll.

That’s an interesting little tidbit. I’m sure that doesn’t color his commentary on Snowden and Manning in any way, shape, or form.

196 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:39:56am

Speaking of opiates.

A young person with my condition committed suicide because of pain. Meds don’t work for us. He was, much, much worse that I will probably ever be-wheelchair bound his whole life.

I had a terrible pain week last week. After experiencing it for 4 days, I can understand how someone would seek the ultimate pain reliever, having dealt with it for a lifetime.

I find myself hoping beyond hope that some strides could be made with marijuana.

There is no reason for people to suffer.

197 A Mom Anon  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:40:31am

re: #147 Vicious Babushka

I’m sorry Inez, the copy of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence I keep on my desk and my overflowing shelves of American History books seem to disagree with you.

198 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:41:56am

re: #174 Vicious Babushka

She found this 1857 pro-slavery book Cannibals All! and decided that it was somehow the inspiration for all 20th-century progressives. Totally WTF utter bullshit.

Yes, it is bullshit.

I own my body.

199 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:42:07am

re: #196 FemNaziBitch

If you don’t mind me asking, what condition? If you’ve mentioned it before I probably just missed it.

200 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:42:46am

re: #199 Lidane

If you don’t mind me asking, what condition? If you’ve mentioned it before I probably just missed it.

Ehlers-Danlos. I have a mild case of type 3 —I am very lucky.

Have an MRI schedule to access cartilage damage in the SI joints. Which is the source of much pain and musculoskeletal imbalance which causes other pain and nerve impingement.

201 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:43:46am

re: #195 Internet Tough Guy

Ah, so Daniel Ellsberg and The GG are on the same payroll.

That’s an interesting little tidbit.

Same board of directors at least. Unclear how their board really operates, is compensated (if at all), etc. without further details and investigation.

I’ve served on two volunteer organization boards that operated completely differently. One had its members very hands-on in day-to-day operations and activities. The second met less often and mainly served as oversight on the organization executive and set strategic direction. The latter also had a few emeritus members who were even less involved but kept on for honorary reasons.

202 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:43:48am

re: #188 Kragar


Youtube Video

203 wrenchwench  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:44:22am

re: #181 Gus

Freedom of the Press Foundation

• Created for Wikileaks.
• Also does Manning work.

Board of Directors

“The Freedom of the Press Foundation is made possible by the fiscal sponsorship of the Foundation for National Progress” Also Known As: FNP, MoJo, MJ, Mother Jones

I am disappoint.

204 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:45:15am

re: #203 wrenchwench

I am disappoint.

David Corn’s total compensation for 2011 was $171,394.00

205 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:45:26am

re: #202 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Youtube Video

206 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:45:45am

re: #194 Lidane

The next version of the Tesla sedan is supposed to come down in price significantly. By the time I’m ready to buy my next car, I may consider getting a fast charger installed in casa lawhawk to handle the charging for an EV.

207 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:46:44am

I’m hoping my next car is chauffeur driven. I don’t care if it’s a Yugo.

208 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:47:31am

re: #204 Gus

David Corn’s total compensation for 2011 was $171,394.00

Not outrageous —including bonuses?

209 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:48:09am

re: #207 FemNaziBitch

I’m hoping my next car is chauffeur driven. I don’t care if it’s a Yugo.

Get a rickshaw. Chauffeur and power plant in one package.

210 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:48:12am

re: #207 FemNaziBitch

I’m hoping my next car is chauffeur driven. I don’t care if it’s a Yugo.

Image: yugo_limousine_500.jpg

211 wrenchwench  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:49:14am

re: #204 Gus

David Corn’s total compensation for 2011 was $171,394.00

He’s worth it, though. I think. I mean, compared to what?

212 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:49:27am

re: #208 FemNaziBitch

Not outrageous —including bonuses?

That includes benies.

213 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:49:47am
214 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:49:54am

re: #210 Kragar

Image: yugo_limousine_500.jpg

I’ll bet that car goes from zero to twenty in under 45 seconds…unless it’s on an incline.

215 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:50:06am

re: #181 Gus

Freedom of the Press Foundation

• Created for Wikileaks.
• Also does Manning work.

Board of Directors

“The Freedom of the Press Foundation is made possible by the fiscal sponsorship of the Foundation for National Progress” Also Known As: FNP, MoJo, MJ, Mother Jones

Wow I just lost some respect for John Cusack.

216 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:50:11am

re: #211 wrenchwench

He’s worth it, though. I think. I mean, compared to what?

Yeah. So they can pay their interns less than minimum wage.

217 Charles Johnson  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:50:19am


218 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:50:23am

re: #212 Gus

That includes benies.

Doesn’t sound like he is milking the system.

219 wrenchwench  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:50:47am

re: #216 Gus

Yeah. So they can pay their interns less than minimum wage.

What I’m disappointed about is their support for Greenwald’s foundation.

220 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:50:53am


221 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:51:37am

re: #217 Charles Johnson


[Embedded content]

Because they’ve got nothing of any real substance where their opinions make one bit of sense.

222 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:51:46am
223 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:52:16am

re: #220 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]


224 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:55:35am

re: #220 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

Emergency workers and community members in eastern Missouri are not sure what to make of a mystery priest who showed up at a critical accident scene Sunday morning and whose prayer seemed to change life-threatening events for the positive.

Even odder, the black-garbed priest does not appear in any of the nearly 70 photos of the scene of the accident in which a 19-year-old girl almost died. No one knows the priest and he vanished without a word, said Raymond Reed, fire chief of New London, Mo.

“I think it’s a miracle,” Reed said. “I would say whether it was an angel that was sent to us in the form of a priest or a priest that became our angel, I don’t know. Either way, I’m good with it.”

225 abolitionist  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:57:35am

re: #213 FemNaziBitch

See The Sarah Silverman Tweet That’s Making Right-Wing Heads Explode!

— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) July 5, 2013

I probably saw that before, but dang, great commentary.

226 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:59:17am
227 Interesting Times  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 11:59:59am

re: #217 Charles Johnson


This is where I have the overwhelming urge to troll and nominate Inez Feltscher, because she’s a librul plant deliberately saying stupid things to make conservatives look bad :P

228 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:00:06pm

re: #86 FemNaziBitch

Texas Father Beats Man To Death For Sexually Abusing Daughter

Could we agree he is not-guilty on the grounds of temporary insanity?

That’s an old story. The “perp” was a Mexican ranch hand w/a green card and no history of criminal activity.

That’s not excusing him if he did the crime, but I have problems with anyone who executes vigilante “justice”. Dead men tell no tales.

229 geoffm33  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:00:16pm

re: #167 Vicious Babushka

230 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:00:40pm

re: #227 Interesting Times

This is where I have the overwhelming urge to troll and nominate Inez Feltscher, because she’s a librul plant deliberately saying stupid things to make conservatives look bad :P

That would just be a feather in her cap.

231 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:00:52pm

re: #228 Justanotherhuman

That’s an old story. The “perp” was a Mexican ranch hand w/a green card and no history of criminal activity.

That’s not excusing him if he did the crime, but I have problems with anyone who executes vigilante “justice”. Dead men tell no tales.

VIGILANTE justice is pre-meditated-after-the-fact —no?

232 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:03:43pm

re: #231 FemNaziBitch

VIGILANTE justice is pre-meditated-after-the-fact —no?

No, its any attempt to suppress or stop crime outside of established legal means.

233 A Mom Anon  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:04:15pm

Wouldn’t the worst liberals on Twitter be conservatives? Since they’re so bad at liberal things? Or something?

And who the HELL would want anything called a “twitchy” following them anywhere?

234 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:04:22pm

re: #226 FemNaziBitch



If you can get past the dumb photo, the article is quite telling:

The state is number one in the amount of carbon dioxide emissions, toxic chemicals released into the water, and the amount of hazardous waste generated. The culprits are all related to the petro-chemical industry including the devastation wrought by hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to enrich the oil industry. Besides poisoning the existing water supply, fracking is responsible for water shortages plaguing Texas that evangelical Rick proposed remedying in the past with days of prayer and supplication that were woefully unsuccessful. However, when the oil industry complained they were on pace to exhaust the people’s water they wasted in their fracking frenzy, Republicans jumped to consider funding new water projects to aid the oil industry despite they were complicit in using up what little potable water residents had access to before the fracking craze. According to data collected by the Bureau of Economic Geology on mining water use and oil and gas water use, 100% of the water deficit projected for 2020 can be met by cutting oil and gas water use by half.

The list goes on and on that informs a state like Texas with a Republican legislature and executive branch is a portent of a Republican America if libertarians have their way. It is noteworthy, though, to mention that for a state with evangelical Republicans claiming special reverence for the sanctity of life and fierce opposition to women’s reproductive choice, their devotion is restricted to the moment of conception because Texas ranks dead last for the percentage of women receiving prenatal care in first trimester, and coupled with their number 4 rank with the highest percentage of children living in poverty, it is obvious their sanctity of life devotion begins and ends with a zygote.

235 Interesting Times  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:04:37pm

re: #228 Justanotherhuman

That’s an old story. The “perp” was a Mexican ranch hand w/a green card and no history of criminal activity.

That’s not excusing him if he did the crime, but I have problems with anyone who executes vigilante “justice”. Dead men tell no tales.

The article you link to says doctors who examined the girl found evidence of sexual assault. Hard to conceive of any “tale” the perp could tell to explain away something like that.

236 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:06:03pm
237 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:07:10pm
238 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:07:52pm

re: #236 darthstar

[Embedded content]

But if GG allegedly already has all the documents, couldn’t he just release them anyway?

239 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:08:13pm

re: #231 FemNaziBitch

VIGILANTE justice is pre-meditated-after-the-fact —no?

Maybe we should just do away with arrests and trials?

240 abolitionist  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:09:09pm

re: #238 Eclectic Cyborg

But if GG allegedly already has all the documents, couldn’t he just release them anyway?

Some may require keys that have not yet been made available.

241 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:09:36pm
242 Eventual Carrion  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:09:53pm

re: #173 Kragar

Meet Australia’s Sarah Palin

“I don’t oppose Islam as a country, but I do feel that their laws should not be welcome here in Australia.”

What does their flag look like? This country Islam?

243 b.d.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:10:03pm

re: #237 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Snowie is expendable now to GG and a disappearance while in Russia would help books sales with a whole new blizzard of fresh conspiracy theories.

244 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:10:18pm
245 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:11:28pm

re: #235 Interesting Times

The article you link to says doctors who examined the girl found evidence of sexual assault. Hard to conceive of any “tale” the perp could tell to explain away something like that.

Well, that would be part of the evidence at trial, would it not? Every accused person deserves a defense, and we might as well throw out the law if people are allowed to take matters into their own hands.

Might as well go back to the old days, if we think it’s all right for people to do that.

246 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:13:56pm

re: #238 Eclectic Cyborg

But if GG allegedly already has all the documents, couldn’t he just release them anyway?

GG can’t release without attributing to Snowden. Doing that would indicate that Snowden was in violation of Putin’s rules of conduct.

247 Dr. Matt  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:13:59pm

Note: BarryWirth is a parody account

248 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:14:24pm

re: #243 b.d.

Snowie is expendable now to GG and a disappearance while in Russia would help books sales with a whole new blizzard of fresh conspiracy theories.

Putin and Obama conspired to get Snowden to Russia!

249 b.d.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:15:03pm

re: #246 darthstar

GG can’t release without attributing to Snowden. Doing that would indicate that Snowden was in violation of Putin’s rules of conduct.

So go ahead Glenn, defy Putin.

Triple Dog Dare.

250 b.d.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:15:53pm

re: #248 darthstar

Putin and Obama conspired to get Snowden to Russia!

To shut Glenn Greenwald up!


251 Interesting Times  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:16:07pm

re: #245 Justanotherhuman

Well, that would be part of the evidence at trial, would it not?

As ggt mentioned, this was a case of the man catching the perp in flagrante delicto and taking action to defend his daughter from further harm at that moment. Ergo, justifiable homicide (and unlike the zimmerman case, a proper investigation was conducted at the outset, grand jury and all - it’s not like they took his word for it with no follow-up whatsoever)

252 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:22:40pm

re: #241 Vicious Babushka

253 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:22:44pm

What threats?

254 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:23:45pm

RWNJ meltdowns in 3…2…1…

255 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:23:47pm

re: #251 Interesting Times

As ggt mentioned, this was a case of the man catching the perp in flagrante delicto and taking action to defend his daughter from further harm at that moment. Ergo, justifiable homicide (and unlike the zimmerman case, a proper investigation was conducted at the outset, grand jury and all - it’s not like they took his word for it with no follow-up whatsoever)

I’m not sure the intent was to kill. I am not sure that if I were in that position, I would be able to determine when and If I had “stopped” the person effectively. It’s not a situation in which I would be lucid.

I don’t see how the situation as reported could be considered “vigilante justice”.

256 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:23:50pm

FYI Charles:

257 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:23:59pm

re: #253 darthstar

someone stated that GG would have to stay on topic and not self promote, possible spontaneous combustion risk…. //

258 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:24:00pm

First archived Freedom of the Press Foundation page.
Note they were also accepting donations for Wikileaks.

259 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:26:01pm

re: #256 lawhawk

FYI Charles:

[Embedded content]

I recomended it, hopefully he will see it!

260 b.d.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:27:56pm

re: #253 darthstar

[Embedded content]

What threats?

Somebody said he was going to have and fly coach.

261 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:28:37pm
262 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:30:58pm
263 b.d.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:31:52pm
The offer, published in the Sao Paulo newspaper Estadao, doesn’t indicate in any way that the U.S. government is pursuing or will pursue legal action. It also doesn’t mean that the Brazilian officials genuinely believe Greenwald would be arrested or tried for violating U.S. laws if and when he returns stateside.

he plans to return to the U.S. sooner than later

Glen the self promoter strikes again. Where is the story in this story?

264 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:33:22pm

re: #262 Lidane

you first Ted, then tell us all how that worked out….

265 engineer cat  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:35:04pm

re: #247 Dr. Matt

Dr. Matt @DrMatthew

Meet Australia’s Sarah Palin; she’s even dumber than a tea partier

Banister, who is currently facing criminal charges for engaging in anti-Muslim hate-based acts of vandalism, is running to represent her native Queensland in the Australian Parliament. She is representing the far-right One Nation party and hopes to make Australia an overtly hostile environment to Muslims.

The 27-year-old mother of two told Australia’s Channel Seven, “I don’t oppose Islam as a country, but I do feel that their laws should not be welcome here in Australia.”

The woman who some are calling “Australia’s Sarah Palin” went on to say that she supports “the Jews” because “they follow Jesus Christ” (they don’t) and that while she would outlaw halal food — which she repeatedly referred to as “haram food” — she would allow kosher food to remain in stores because it doesn’t carry a tax like “haram food.” (It does.)

wonderfully entertaining

266 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:37:06pm
267 erik_t  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:38:21pm

I would like to find these creditors who prefer to lend someone their money and then not get it back.

You know. For science.

268 engineer cat  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:39:56pm

Congressman: America’s Creditors Would Prefer For Us To Default On…

“I think the creditors that we owe money to around the world would say, ‘you know what, they’re getting their house in order,’”

try that with your mortgage first and then get back to us kthxbai

269 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:40:30pm

re: #265 engineer cat

Banister, who is currently facing criminal charges for engaging in anti-Muslim hate-based acts of vandalism, is running to represent her native Queensland in the Australian Parliament. She is representing the far-right One Nation party and hopes to make Australia an overtly hostile environment to Muslims.

The 27-year-old mother of two told Australia’s Channel Seven, “I don’t oppose Islam as a country, but I do feel that their laws should not be welcome here in Australia.”

The woman who some are calling “Australia’s Sarah Palin” went on to say that she supports “the Jews” because “they follow Jesus Christ” (they don’t) and that while she would outlaw halal food — which she repeatedly referred to as “haram food” — she would allow kosher food to remain in stores because it doesn’t carry a tax like “haram food.” (It does.)

wonderfully entertaining

That woman makes Palin look practically like a physicist.

270 Internet Tough Guy  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:40:52pm
“I think the creditors that we owe money to around the world would say, ‘you know what, they’re getting their house in order,’” Rep. Ted. Yoho predicted.

I feel inspired to try this with my student loans.

271 b.d.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:43:25pm

re: #266 Lidane

[Embedded content]

@MeghanMcCain is teh #worstliberal on Twitter!

272 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:43:46pm

Left-over Garlic Pizza for lunch!


273 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:46:47pm

So goofy.

274 FemNaziBitch  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:47:23pm


275 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:48:21pm

Greenwald is like… Oy… Goofy.

276 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:49:17pm

re: #268 engineer cat

These folks keep likening the federal debt and personal finances - that we need to be more like personal finances and curb the debt.

That, of course, ignores a few structural differences between governments and individuals.

Governments can increase taxes, in addition to curbing spending. Individuals can’t simply get pay raises when they like. They are constrained on that front. Banks don’t like defaults on their mortgages. They foreclose.

Governments, like the US, help support banking and the financial sector with liquidity.

They also ignore that government spending can help jumpstart the economy, particularly when building stuff for the long term (aka infrastructure).

And defaulting only increases costs into the long term with higher interest rates on repayments to reflect the risks of not repaying government debt.

277 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:51:37pm

‘When All These Chickens Come Home To Roost’: Glenn Beck On The Verge Of A Meltdown

“I challenge you,” Beck furiously demanded, “for anybody who thinks I’m a nincompoop, I challenge you to find anyone on planet earth who has had the direction and the specifics as right as I have and we have over the last six years. I challenge you! Bring me the names.”

“When all these chickens come home to roost,” Beck declared, the entire globe will slide into total chaos and America will once again see lynchings in the street:

6 of the worst predictions. Delivered to you by no less than Glenn Beck

278 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:53:37pm

re: #265 engineer cat

“the Jews” because “they follow Jesus Christ” (they don’t)

wonderfully entertaining

They don’t? But my favorite part of the Bible is when Jesus stands on the bow of the Ark and shouts, “I’m king of the Jews!”…then they hit an ice berg.


279 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:55:30pm

re: #278 darthstar

don’t forget the part where they’re saved by giant eagles…..

280 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:56:07pm
281 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:56:52pm

re: #279 piratedan

don’t forget the part where they’re saved by giant eagles…..

That’s from Hairy Footer and The Last Temple of Doom.

282 erik_t  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:58:22pm

re: #277 Kragar

‘When All These Chickens Come Home To Roost’: Glenn Beck On The Verge Of A Meltdown

Protip: productive adult discussion rarely incorporates the phrase “I challenge you”.

283 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 12:59:43pm

Well that was fun :) I got given a cake mix recently. I don’t normally do box cakes (it’s more fun from scratch) but hey, free is good too. So I got the boy out in the kitchen and made him to most of it. Grease & flower, measure the butter & water, crack the eggs & run the hand mixer. Kind of fun to show him it’s not that hard to start learning how to bake.

284 Gus  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:02:20pm

Pooped. bbl

285 erik_t  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:02:44pm

re: #284 Gus

Pooped. bbl

TMI, Gus.


286 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:03:04pm

re: #284 Gus

Pooped. bbl

I hate poop bubbles.

287 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:03:23pm

re: #283 William Barnett-Lewis

Well that was fun :) I got given a cake mix recently. I don’t normally do box cakes (it’s more fun from scratch) but hey, free is good too. So I got the boy out in the kitchen and made him to most of it. Grease & flower, measure the butter & water, crack the eggs & run the hand mixer. Kind of fun to show him it’s not that hard to start learning how to bake.

My mother told me that when I was young (e.g. age 5-7 or so) and liked cake I would get out the mixing bowl, the pan, the mixer and paddles. Then I would open the cake mix and put it in the bowl — and then I would go get her in order to put the paddles onto the mixer and crack the egg into the cake mix.

I had apparently twigged onto that asking for cake would not get it made, but doing half the prep before asking worked since getting everything put away and cake mix back into a box was as much work as allowing the operation to proceed.

She also told me that my father commented more than once on how often we were eating cake for dessert.

288 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:05:14pm
290 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:08:52pm

Apparently the only way to save it is to kill it.

291 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:09:40pm
292 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:09:44pm

re: #290 Kragar

Apparently the only way to save it is to kill it.

tough love, you know…

293 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:10:00pm

re: #290 Kragar

Apparently the only way to save it is to kill it.

And a New America will rise from the ashes…

294 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:10:11pm

re: #290 Kragar

Apparently the only way to save it is to kill it.

Also of interest would be Stockman’s definition of “America”. Probably one I would not necessarily want to live in.

295 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:10:38pm

re: #291 Lidane

[Embedded content]

so much for the RW denial that they just want the poorz and others to just shut up and die already…

296 wrenchwench  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:10:49pm

re: #287 Feline Fearless Leader

My mother told me that when I was young (e.g. age 5-7 or so) and liked cake I would get out the mixing bowl, the pan, the mixer and paddles. Then I would open the cake mix and put it in the bowl — and then I would go get her in order to put the paddles onto the mixer and crack the egg into the cake mix.

I had apparently twigged onto that asking for cake would not get it made, but doing half the prep before asking worked since getting everything put away and cake mix back into a box was as much work as allowing the operation to proceed.

She also told me that my father commented more than once on how often we were eating cake for dessert.

First time my brother helped my mom, he cracked the eggs in and said, ‘whites too?’ and she said ‘yep’, so he threw the shells in.

297 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:13:11pm

re: #296 wrenchwench

First time my brother helped my mom, he cracked the eggs in and said, ‘whites too?’ and she said ‘yep’, so he threw the shells in.

Classic. :D

My mother’s other story is being in the kitchen with me when I was a toddler and she heard me say “Ball!”. And as she turned she knew I had gotten hold of an egg. And of course I promptly dropped it to see if it would bounce.

Apparently I was much more entertaining to my mother than my two older siblings. ;)

298 geoffm33  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:15:00pm

re: #276 lawhawk

These folks keep likening the federal debt and personal finances - that we need to be more like personal finances and curb the debt.

That, of course, ignores a few structural differences between governments and individuals.

Governments can increase taxes, in addition to curbing spending. Individuals can’t simply get pay raises when they like. They are constrained on that front. Banks don’t like defaults on their mortgages. They foreclose.

Governments, like the US, help support banking and the financial sector with liquidity.

They also ignore that government spending can help jumpstart the economy, particularly when building stuff for the long term (aka infrastructure).

And defaulting only increases costs into the long term with higher interest rates on repayments to reflect the risks of not repaying government debt. They are idiots.


Just kidding, well put lawhawk.

299 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:15:02pm

re: #296 wrenchwench

First time my brother helped my mom, he cracked the eggs in and said, ‘whites too?’ and she said ‘yep’, so he threw the shells in.

Reminds me of the time my aunt made blue berry muffins from a mix and didn’t drain the can of blue berries. A bit too much liquid that day … O_o

300 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:15:02pm

re: #288 Backwoods_Sleuth

That story left out the boat that was discovered when they were excavating for the new WTC complex at Ground Zero. It survived intact despite being near the original WTC complex, the collapsing debris from the towers, and was discovered back in 2011.

Any construction in Lower Manhattan is sure to turn up archeological finds. The South Ferry terminal project in 2006 (which was later flooded out by Sandy) included the discovery of an 18th century seawall.

301 Slap  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:17:49pm

re: #269 Dr Lizardo

That woman makes Palin look practically like a physicist.

Isn’t she related to Victoria Jackwagon? Sounds like the same sort of “intellect” at play!

302 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:18:32pm

re: #300 lawhawk

That story left out the boat that was discovered when they were excavating for the new WTC complex at Ground Zero. It survived intact despite being near the original WTC complex, the collapsing debris from the towers, and was discovered back in 2011.

Any construction in Lower Manhattan is sure to turn up archeological finds. The South Ferry terminal project in 2006 (which was later flooded out by Sandy) included the discovery of an 18th century seawall.

yes, I remember reading another article a while back that described the boat. It was probably the NYT or National Geographic. Very cool.

303 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:20:08pm
304 EPR-radar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:20:20pm

re: #276 lawhawk

Few things irritate me more than Republicans who talk a good game against the insanity of their party, then fall in line obediently behind stupid and destructive GOP strategies like making fake crises with the debt ceiling.

305 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:22:24pm
306 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:23:17pm

And then there is this…

Lavabit, email service Snowden reportedly used, abruptly shuts down

Remember when word circulated that Edward Snowden was using Lavabit, an email service that purports to provide better privacy and security for users than popular web-based free services like Gmail? Lavabit’s owner has shut down service, with a mysterious message posted on the home page today. Below, the full message:

My Fellow Users,

I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit. After significant soul searching, I have decided to suspend operations. I wish that I could legally share with you the events that led to my decision. I cannot. I feel you deserve to know what’s going on—the first amendment is supposed to guarantee me the freedom to speak out in situations like this. Unfortunately, Congress has passed laws that say otherwise. As things currently stand, I cannot share my experiences over the last six weeks, even though I have twice made the appropriate requests.

GG says…


307 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:24:02pm
Court records show that, in March, Lavabit complied readily with a search warrant targeting a child pornography suspect in a Maryland case. That suggests that Levison isn’t a privacy absolutist. Whatever compelled him to shut down now must have been exceptional.


308 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:24:51pm

re: #305 darthstar

break out the semaphore flags…. or has somebody already lit the beacons of Amon Til? Has Gondor called for aid?

309 erik_t  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:26:18pm

re: #306 NJDhockeyfan

And then there is this…

Lavabit, email service Snowden reportedly used, abruptly shuts down


Oh my yes, I am cracking a beer to this when I get home.

And it’s only going to get funnier!

310 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:26:32pm
311 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:26:46pm

re: #308 piratedan

break out the semaphore flags…. or has somebody already lit the beacons of Amon Til? Has Gondor called for aid?

Greenwald has filed a column in their defense centered around Greenwald. Beck has made a video about how it presages the Biblical destruction of America since they did not buy enough gold. And the UN is sending a sternly worded letter - written in Quenya.

How’s that? ;)

312 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:27:38pm

re: #311 Feline Fearless Leader

I’m sure Sauron’s legal team is heading to The Hague via Nazgul as we speak….. //

313 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:27:49pm

re: #308 piratedan

break out the semaphore flags…. or has somebody already lit the beacons of Amon Til? Has Gondor called for aid?


Dammit, I always say that at the wrong time.

314 Internet Tough Guy  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:30:02pm

You know, I’m amazed that The GG didn’t slam the Lavabit dude for refusing to be an accessory to treason.

315 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:31:03pm
316 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:31:29pm

re: #314 Internet Tough Guy

You know, I’m amazed that The GG didn’t slam the Lavabit dude for refusing to be an accessory to treason.

Easier to play it as demonic government forces pressuring him to give up data illegally. That plays to GG’s agenda better than playing the other tack.

317 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:35:23pm

re: #307 darthstar

All Your Email Are Belong To Us - especially when it involves child porn investigations… and worse.

318 BongCrodny  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:37:10pm
319 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:37:48pm

re: #318 BongCrodny

Those chickens won’t come home to roost because there are no chickens.

There is more chicken in a McNugget!

320 lawhawk  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:38:46pm

re: #318 BongCrodny

The Urak Hai would like to thank you for your chickens.

Meat’s back on the menu boys!

321 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:39:17pm

re: #319 Kragar

There is more chicken in a McNugget!

Klingon chickens do not “roost”!


322 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:45:29pm

re: #317 lawhawk

what, no false flag claims from GG’s camp?

I would imagine coming down on the side of potential child pornographers wouldn’t be especially palatable in most cases, but hell, what makes those laws any different than the espionage act, right?

323 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:51:01pm

And now we are up to 14

Fourteenth Woman Comes Forward Alleging Harassment By San Diego Mayor

A city employee became the fourteenth woman to come forward Thursday alleging harassment by San Diego Mayor Bob Filner (D).

Stacy, who only provided her first name, told KOGO 600 about an incident where she approached the mayor at a community event. She claims that Filner forcefully grabbed both her hands around her wrists and said, “Well, I just want to make this clear, I’m not asking you out on a business lunch, I’m asking you out on a date…When I see a beautiful woman, I always have to go over and talk to her.”

When Stacy told her staffers about what occurred, Filner allegedly came behind her, put one arm around her neck and tightened his hold with the other arm, putting her in a choke hold. Stacy said Filner then asked her staff if he should name her ‘Employee of the Day.’ Filner then looked at Stacy, told her she was turning red and walked away laughing, according to her account.

324 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:52:23pm

re: #323 Kragar

And now we are up to 14

Fourteenth Woman Comes Forward Alleging Harassment By San Diego Mayor

What’s the over/under on number of women who come forward before he leaves office?

325 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:54:15pm

re: #324 darthstar

What’s the over/under on number of women who come forward before he leaves office?

I’m figuring on low 20s

326 geoffm33  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:56:04pm

re: #325 Kragar

I’m figuring on low 20s

And that’s just before he leaves office.

327 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 1:57:19pm

re: #326 geoffm33

And that’s just before he leaves office.


328 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:01:10pm

Fox News host demands escalation of nuclear hostilities with Russia over Snowden

Fox News host Gregg Jarrett on Thursday suggested that President Barack Obama should pull out of nuclear treaties and send missiles to Europe after Russian President Vladimir Putin granted asylum to National Security Agency (NSA) leaker Edward Snowden.

During a discussion about the American president’s decision to cancel a one-on-one meeting with Putin ahead of next month’s G-20 economic summit in Russia, Jarrett asked Republican strategist Brad Blakeman why Obama had not chosen to “do something meaningful.”

“Put the missile defense system back the Czech Republic and Poland,” Jarrett said. “If you want to go really extreme, pull out of START [Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty].”

329 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:01:14pm

The drones are busy today.

330 Ian G.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:02:59pm

re: #328 Kragar

Yes, that’s a sober, reasonable response to the Snowden situation.


331 A Mom Anon  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:04:19pm

re: #323 Kragar

This fucking asshole predator went to a conference for women in the military that had been raped while serving and preyed on rape survivors. He should be in fucking jail.

He is a predator and honestly he’s lucky he hasn’t had the living shit beat out of him by now.

332 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:05:02pm

re: #330 Ian G.

hits the proportional response requirements right outta the park //

333 Lidane  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:05:39pm
334 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:05:52pm
335 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:06:04pm

re: #328 Kragar

Fox News host demands escalation of nuclear hostilities with Russia over Snowden

What could possibly go wrong?

Besides $10 says if Obama actually did it Fox News would be all over him for being “too aggressive” and “reckless”.

336 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:08:10pm
337 ericblair  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:09:36pm

re: #317 lawhawk

All Your Email Are Belong To Us - especially when it involves child porn investigations… and worse.

When you go from “we have to fix our government” to “we have to fight our government” you’re going to be dealing with a whole lotta people whose reasons for avoiding our government aren’t as Pure and Noble as your own.

338 Ian G.  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:11:27pm

re: #262 Lidane

OK, Wall St, here’s the deal: you know all that billions upon billions of dollars worth of treasuries that you’re sitting on? Yeah, if you keep contributing to these buffoons’ election campaigns, one of these days, they may actually destroy the global economy through a combination of stupidity and ignorance and make your multi-billion dollar positions go poof.

So here’s the deal: contribute to the campaigns of Democrats, and yes, your taxes might go up to the point where you won’t be able to afford the ski houses in both Aspen and Zermatt, but you can sleep well at night knowing that all of your positions in ultra-safe US treasuries are not at risk, the global economy won’t cave in, and you won’t have to fend off rioters and looters in the streets of Manhattan. Deal?

339 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:14:40pm

re: #336 Kragar

How can you not trust this face?

Quick, somebody call Batman!

340 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:29:52pm

I guess everyone is waiting for Batman.

341 Eventual Carrion  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:31:53pm

re: #340 Kragar

I guess everyone is waiting for Batman.

Myself, I’m waiting for Josie and the Pussycats

342 Targetpractice  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:34:04pm

re: #340 Kragar

I guess everyone is waiting for Batman.

Waiting for Batman, coming summer 2014.

343 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:34:04pm

re: #341 Eventual Carrion

Myself, I’m waiting for Josie and the Pussycats

I’m wondering when the fuck Godot is going to get here.

344 EPR-radar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:35:20pm

re: #334 Dr Lizardo

That sounds perfectly reasonable.


This actually is perfectly reasonable for a Fox pundit proposal. After all, there was apparently no recommendation to launch a first nuclear strike for the hell of it.

345 piratedan  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:35:39pm

re: #343 Kragar

he said he was stopping by Guffman’s place first….

346 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:37:08pm

re: #345 piratedan

he said he was stopping by Guffman’s place first….

Was he going to pick up Macguffin?

347 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:38:20pm

re: #343 Kragar

I’m wondering when the fuck Godot is going to get here.

Just waiting for the sunshine—whole world is.

349 engineer cat  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:44:57pm

Lavabit, email service Snowden reportedly

is the name ‘lavabit’ meant to be the 3rd person future tense of the latin verb ‘lavare’, meaning ‘he/she/it will wash’?

or what?

350 engineer cat  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:45:30pm

re: #343 Kragar

I’m wondering when the fuck Godot is going to get here.

mr godot has been delayed, but he will surely come tomorrow

351 engineer cat  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:47:09pm

re: #276 lawhawk

These folks keep likening the federal debt and personal finances - that we need to be more like personal finances and curb the debt.

That, of course, ignores a few structural differences between governments and individuals.

Governments can increase taxes, in addition to curbing spending. Individuals can’t simply get pay raises when they like. They are constrained on that front. Banks don’t like defaults on their mortgages. They foreclose.

Governments, like the US, help support banking and the financial sector with liquidity.

They also ignore that government spending can help jumpstart the economy, particularly when building stuff for the long term (aka infrastructure).

And defaulting only increases costs into the long term with higher interest rates on repayments to reflect the risks of not repaying government debt.

it is definitely true that we shouldn’t be encouraging wingnuts in their delusion that government budgets should be ‘just like’ family or business budgets

and for that matter, the idea that successful businesses never operate in the red

352 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:47:48pm

re: #347 Decatur Deb

I know you older folk have been confused by the term ‘swag’ so here’s a nice pixelated GIF that’ll help you get a grip on this hot new topic.

Image: Jt967Xd.gif

353 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:48:24pm

re: #348 Kragar

AFA spokesmoron explains they don’t hate gays because Christians love everyone!

Did his definition of “love” include the words “ignorant”, “gullible”, and “unquestioning”?

354 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:48:52pm

My god, we’ve been reduced to Beckett.

355 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:49:43pm

re: #354 Kragar

My god, we’ve been reduced to Beckett.

Better that than the Fischer King.

356 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:51:07pm

re: #355 Feline Fearless Leader

Better that than the Fischer King.

357 EPR-radar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:51:08pm

re: #348 Kragar

AFA spokesmoron explains they don’t hate gays because Christians love everyone!

I don’t care what the AFA et al. say. It’s what they do that matters.

By this standard, they are haters.

358 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:53:26pm

re: #357 EPR-radar

I don’t care what the AFA et al. say. It’s what they do that matters.

By this standard, they are haters.

Shorter AFA: We love you all, as long you live your lives according to our rules, you dirty shameful sinners!

359 engineer cat  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:53:53pm

re: #354 Kragar

My god, we’ve been reduced to Beckett.

as long as nobody comes along and commands me to “think!”

360 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:54:32pm

re: #356 Kragar

[Embedded content]

OK, I must have missed something…filing Benghazi charges against who?

361 darthstar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:55:55pm

re: #336 Kragar

How can you not trust this face?

I didn’t need to see that.

362 GeneJockey  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:56:18pm

re: #343 Kragar

I’m wondering when the fuck Godot is going to get here.

But he told us to wait.

363 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:56:24pm

re: #360 Backwoods_Sleuth

OK, I must have missed something…filing Benghazi charges against who?

First criminal charges filed in Benghazi attack probe

Federal authorities have filed the first criminal charges in the investigation of the deadly terror attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, people briefed on the matter said.

Several suspects charged in the armed assault last September 11 include prominent Libyan militia figure Ahmed Abu Khattala, the sources said. Other identities were not disclosed.

The counts initially sought months ago in New York are still under seal, according to the sources.

The investigation of the attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans continues, these people said, as investigators try to build their case against Khattala and others who authorities believe were involved.

Actual criminal charges over the actual incident, not “BENGHAZI!” hype charges.

364 freetoken  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:56:38pm

Remember the Springboro, IN school board members that wanted to put in place rules forcing creationism into science classes, and “Patriot” courses on all students?

Well, looks like they are going to bring in a well known fundamentalist legal team.

But… guess what, the Tea Partier who led this effort appears to have failed to get her petition, to run for reelection this fall, submitted in time:

Springboro creationism agenda may get help from right-wing lawyers

Earlier this year Springboro Ohio School Board members Jim Rigano and Kelly Kohls proposed controversial school policy changes that would intentionally introduce religion into the city’s classrooms. Despite heavy push-back from the community and educators, as well as external groups like the ACLU, School Board members are planning to push forward with their agenda with the legal assistance of a far-right Christian group out of Texas.


But the board decided to use the services of different far-right, Christian organization, the Liberty Institute, to help them push through their policies. According to their website, the Liberty Institute is “focused solely on protecting and restoring religious liberty in the United States.”

At the next school board meeting, scheduled for August 8th, board members will be asked to approve an agreement with the Institute. The engagement letter (available here) states that the Liberty Institute will provide “pro bono legal representation on matters in the public interest” for the school board – specifically on the topics in Rigano’s religiously-oriented policy changes.


Another reason for Springboro families to be hopeful: Board President Kelly Kohls would have been up for reelection in November but, according to the Warren County Board of Elections, she failed to file her petition by today’s deadline.

365 Single-handed sailor  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:58:20pm

re: #356 Kragar

[Embedded content]

If there is one thing in life I can’t stand, it’s tortured logic.

366 GeneJockey  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 2:59:25pm

re: #363 Kragar

First criminal charges filed in Benghazi attack probe

Actual criminal charges over the actual incident, not “BENGHAZI!” hype charges.

Hey, no fair! You’re using logic and reason! That’s like bringing a gun to a gunfight, when the other guy brought a putty knife.

367 GeneJockey  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:00:49pm

re: #364 freetoken

Remember the Springboro, IN school board members that wanted to put in place rules forcing creationism into science classes, and “Patriot” courses on all students?

Well, looks like they are going to bring in a well known fundamentalist legal team.

But… guess what, the Tea Partier who led this effort appears to have failed to get her petition, to run for reelection this fall, submitted in time:

Springboro creationism agenda may get help from right-wing lawyers

Earlier this year Springboro Ohio School Board members Jim Rigano and Kelly Kohls proposed controversial school policy changes that would intentionally introduce religion into the city’s classrooms. Despite heavy push-back from the community and educators, as well as external groups like the ACLU, School Board members are planning to push forward with their agenda with the legal assistance of a far-right Christian group out of Texas.


But the board decided to use the services of different far-right, Christian organization, the Liberty Institute, to help them push through their policies. According to their website, the Liberty Institute is “focused solely on protecting and restoring religious liberty in the United States.”

At the next school board meeting, scheduled for August 8th, board members will be asked to approve an agreement with the Institute. The engagement letter (available here) states that the Liberty Institute will provide “pro bono legal representation on matters in the public interest” for the school board - specifically on the topics in Rigano’s religiously-oriented policy changes.


Another reason for Springboro families to be hopeful: Board President Kelly Kohls would have been up for reelection in November but, according to the Warren County Board of Elections, she failed to file her petition by today’s deadline.

Wait - the School Board President didn’t turn in her homework before the deadline?

368 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:01:25pm

re: #363 Kragar

thank you.

369 freetoken  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:01:56pm

re: #367 GeneJockey

Perhaps. Maybe she has to close of business today, but in the PDF provided at that link it shows a blank space where the date of her filing would be.

370 freetoken  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:05:55pm

Kentucky officials buck the whining of the creationists:

Kentucky Education Officials OK New Science Standards Despite Criticism of Evolution


The state received thousands of responses during the public comment period. A petition with 3,700 names was signed in support of the standards, and Kentucky education officials include several scientific organizations that have shown their support. At the same time, the state received over one-hundred identical emails that opposed inclusion of evolution and characterized it as a theory and not a fact.


Citing support from dozens of scientific organizations, Kentucky education department officials rejected comments opposing evolution in the new standards, saying it’s “the fundamental, unifying theory that underlies all the life sciences.” It goes on to say, “there is no significant ongoing debate within the scientific community regarding the legitimacy of evolution as a scientific idea.”


Hehe… a hundred people send the same email message… maybe AiG sent out the form email?

371 Kragar  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:07:22pm
372 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:10:39pm

Ta-Nehisi Coates wrote an analysis of Fitzhugh, the pro-slavery apologist that Inez Derps about.

Part II.
Part III.
Part IV.

373 Balfour Rage  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:11:34pm

re: #356 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Fischer is on another one of his anti-gay rages today. I swear there are at least twelve derp tweets in a row. Let there be no doubt at all that he’s been in the closet his entire life.

374 Balfour Rage  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:11:52pm

re: #371 Kragar

Georgia Officials Are Forcing Through Abortion Restrictions That Lawmakers Didn’t Approve

Once again, allow me to say fuck the South.


375 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:12:58pm

re: #363 Kragar

First criminal charges filed in Benghazi attack probe

Actual criminal charges over the actual incident, not “BENGHAZI!” hype charges.

Isn’t that kind of subpoena usually served by drone?

376 freetoken  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:13:36pm

Speaking of creationists, and Georgia, PPP released a survey today, and to no one’s surprise:

Georgia Miscellany


Georgians across party lines believe in creationism over evolution. The overall numbers are 53/29- it’s 70/17 with Republicans, 43/33 among Democrats, and 46/40 with independents.

70% of Georgia Republicans are creationists? Sounds a bit low…

377 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:13:39pm

re: #371 Kragar

Georgia Officials Are Forcing Through Abortion Restrictions That Lawmakers Didn’t Approve

Once again, allow me to say fuck the South.

But will you respect us in the morning?

378 Balfour Rage  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:14:32pm
379 GeneJockey  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:15:20pm

re: #377 Decatur Deb

But will you respect us in the morning?

That would depend upon your performance.


But we don’t respect you now!

380 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:15:49pm

re: #378 Balfour Rage

I have no problem with the “Redskins” name as long as they change their mascot to a potato.

Mash ‘em, Spuds!

381 GeneJockey  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:16:29pm

re: #378 Balfour Rage

[Embedded content]

Oh, well, if ONE Indian’s cool with it, then it MUST BE okay with all of them.

382 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:18:03pm

re: #348 Kragar

AFA spokesmoron explains they don’t hate gays because Christians love everyone!

Well, we’ll know when they become Christians and stop hating then? ///

383 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:18:13pm

re: #381 GeneJockey

Oh, well, if ONE Indian’s cool with it, then it MUST BE okay with all of them.

Probably lying to her white-eyed husband. Cherokee taqiyya!!

384 GeneJockey  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:20:25pm

re: #383 Decatur Deb

Probably lying to her white-eyed husband. Cherokee taqiyya!!


385 freetoken  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:20:47pm

From that PPP poll in Georgia:

Should Interracial Marriage Be Allowed?

................. Democrat Republican Independent/Other

It should ....... 84% ........ 64% .......... 79%
It should not ... 12% ........ 24% ......... 13%
Not sure ......... 5% ............ 12% .......... 8%

386 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:21:45pm

re: #385 freetoken

From that PPP poll in Georgia:

But..but…MLK was a Republican!!

387 freetoken  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:21:54pm

Let’s reformat that:

From that PPP poll in Georgia:

Should Interracial Marriage Be Allowed?

.......... Democrat Republican Independent/Other

It should ....... 84% ........ 64% ....... 79%
It should not ... 12% ........ 24% ...... 13%
Not sure ......... 5% ............ 12% ....... 8%

388 GeneJockey  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:22:34pm

re: #386 Decatur Deb

But..but…MLK was a Republican!!

Yeah, but he married a black woman.

389 Decatur Deb  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:24:22pm

re: #388 GeneJockey

Yeah, but he married a black woman.

That’s what they all say—Shaqiyya!!

390 BeenHereAwhile  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:41:23pm

re: #110 FemNaziBitch

re: #107 geoffm33

Horses can’t swim?

can too!

Taking a horse swimming in a lake on a hot summer day is great childhood fun.

Don’t use a saddle and don’t let your feet hang down low enough to be hit by the hooves. Just hang onto the mane and let the horse tow you around in deep water.

391 wrenchwench  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 3:50:10pm

re: #390 BeenHereAwhile

Taking a horse swimming in a lake on a hot summer day is great childhood fun.

Don’t use a saddle and don’t let your feet hang down low enough to be hit by the hooves. Just hang onto the mane and let the horse tow you around in deep water.

One of my customers told me about the summer she was 8 years old. They would ride the horses into the stock tanks (a watering hole made by a bulldozer) and jump from the horses butts into the water. She didn’t wear a shirt or brush her hair all summer. It was the most difficult back-to-school she ever had that fall.

392 Ming  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 4:34:22pm

re: #9 lawhawk

To be clear - Lewis was distinguishing what fits his definition of civil disobedience - paying the price for standing up for what you believe, including getting arrested and going to jail, and what Snowden did - fleeing to a foreign country and seeking asylum to avoid getting arrested and going to prison.

This reminds me of when George W. Bush said he “doesn’t do nuance”. Nowadays, far too many “news organizations” can say the same thing. All you have to do is say anything more complex than a sound bite, and “reporters” take that as an open invitation to completely misquote you.

His civil disobedience was a memorable part of Rep. Lewis’ life. It’s only natural that he would hark back to that part of his life, even when talking about something current, like Snowden. The Guardian could have had an interesting story, about a civil rights icon relating his own experiences to what Snowden did. But they preferred to distort everything into a blaring headline to get page views. As Absalom says in a comment above, nowadays if an interview doesn’t include a transcript, why bother reading the story at all.

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