When Two-Bit Character Actors Attack

Out of the blue
Wingnuts • Views: 24,005

Out of nowhere this morning, I find the following tweet from character actor Nick Searcy:

Since I’ve never interacted with Mr. Searcy before, I was curious why he suddenly felt the need to post this rather harsh and judgmental tweet about someone he’s never met. Was he pissed off because I don’t toe the far left Glenn Greenwald “Snowden is a hero” line?

So I took a look at his Twitter timeline, and … he’s anti-Obamacare, thinks liberals are “the real racists,” and above all, BENGHAZI! Another sample of his debating technique:

In other words, a standard issue addle-brained, over-privileged, nasty right wing nutjob. Hell hath no fury like a wingnut scorned.

UPDATE at 9/7/13 2:09:28 pm

Mr. Searcy responds with customary aplomb:

Don’t you love it when wingnuts boast like luchadores?


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1 darthstar  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:24:38am

The best part about this guy (never heard of him, actually), is that he apparently has a lot of time to tweet right wing bullshit. He should be fun to mock.

2 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:25:57am

Never heard of the guy.

Z-list celebrity?

3 darthstar  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:26:18am
4 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:26:40am

I’ve seen this troll on Twitter before. Never heard of him actor wise. He has the personality of a “professional” wrestler.

5 piratedan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:27:10am

re: #2 Dr Lizardo

he’s not even popular enough to make Kathy Griffin’s D-List, enough said…..

6 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:27:24am
7 piratedan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:27:51am

re: #6 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

did he play “the cheese”?

8 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:27:58am

re: #5 piratedan

he’s not even popular enough to make Kathy Griffin’s D-List, enough said…..


9 Targetpractice  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:28:16am

5 years later and wingnuts still can’t accept that some of their “friends” didn’t jump aboard the ODS train with them.

10 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:29:06am

re: #6 Charles Johnson

He did a video for Herman Cain.

Remember it well: “The Fighting 999th”.

11 jaunte  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:29:25am
He did a video for Herman Cain.

That gives him a Q-score of nine.

12 darthstar  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:31:30am

Okay…spent a few more minutes going through his timeline. Has an adopted(I assume) African American son, thinks Oprah’s fat, loves posting pictures of Obama and mocking him, meets lots of SEALS at the acquarium (Navy SEALS…poses with any who will stop for a second), and isn’t exactly a big fan of Chris Christie either.

13 austin_blue  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:33:34am

Jake Tapper is up with portions of the videos seen by the US Senate.


Classic Sarin symptoms. Where’s that epi pen when you need one?

14 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:33:55am

re: #12 darthstar

He’s a very angry guy.

15 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:34:14am

Peabody Award-Winning International Film and Television Star. All new followers must proceed directly to Acting School with Nick Searcy before addressing me.

Dear Nick

If that “acting school” has the same results for me as it did for you (umm,, WHO are you!?!?!) then, no thanks !!

16 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:34:22am

Hey, he’s got his.

17 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:35:51am
18 Targetpractice  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:36:30am

re: #13 austin_blue

Jake Tapper is up with portions of the videos seen by the US Senate.


Classic Sarin symptoms. Where’s that epi pen when you need one?

I know it’s cliche, but I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Whether you believe the attack was by Assad’s regime or the rebels, the fact that such weapons exist in Syria and are being used should turn some people’s hair white.

19 JamesWI  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:36:57am

Aw man, I love him on Justified. Never will be able to look at him the same now.

20 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:40:45am

Is that the same palooka who vowed to tweet the entire ACA and gave up after two hours?

21 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:42:41am

Wifey made me Stroganoff with venison for work tonight.

22 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:43:32am

[dudebro]I just heard that Julian Assange didn’t win and that the “official” results showed him only getting 1.5% of the vote??/? I didn’t know Ken Blackwell moved to Australia!1![/dudebro]

23 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:43:59am

re: #21 Amory Blaine

Wifey made me Stroganoff with venison for work tonight.


Wifey hit a deer on the road the other night ,,, so ,,,,,,,,,

24 Kragar  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:46:02am
25 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:46:38am

Don’t know if the two-bit actor is hooked up with Ace of Spades, but one of his fans at least puts him in that category: Butthurt flouncers.

Here’s the fan’s profile:

Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. Do not count on them. Leave them alone. ~ Ayn Rand ~

This is who you want to be mocked by, because all you have to do in return is quote ‘em.

26 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:47:01am

re: #23 sattv4u2

Friends from Kentucky stayed over last night. Got the venison from them. Could be road kill. Didn’t ask where it came from…

27 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:49:16am

re: #26 Amory Blaine

Friends from Kentucky stayed over last night. Got the venison from them. Could be road kill. Didn’t ask where it came from…

It wouldn’t be polite.

28 Political Atheist  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:50:18am

re: #6 Charles Johnson

Just a hunch? See banned list. Just maybe an unhappy troll.

29 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:53:12am

re: #26 Amory Blaine

Friends from Kentucky stayed over last night. Got the venison from them. Could be road kill. Didn’t ask where it came from…

Just casually walk out by their car

if there is a big dent and blood on the bumper, then ,,,,

((but then again,, they ARE from Kentucky,, so you really can’t be sure where the dent and blood comes from!!)))

30 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:53:37am

re: #17 Charles Johnson

Would it mean anything that they are on what looks like a server farm in Texas?

Netblock owner IP address OS Web server Last seen
ServerBeach 8500 Vicar Drive 8500, Suite 500 San Antonio TX US 78218 Linux Apache/2.2.24 Unix mod_ssl/2.2.24 OpenSSL/1.0.0-fips DAV/2 Phusion_Passenger/4.0.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/5.3.24

31 Political Atheist  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 11:54:10am

Oh hell that’s the Marshal Art Mullen character from Justified. Well CRAP. I love that show.

32 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:01:53pm
This is the first entry tagged: Hate Tweets

Not the last, I’d wager.

33 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:04:00pm

I love it when wingnuts boast like luchadores.

34 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:04:55pm

re: #33 Charles Johnson

Can you tell the ratings for Justified. I have an idea for firing back at him.

35 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:12:16pm

re: #34 ProTARDISLiberal

Can you tell the ratings for justified. I have an idea for firing back at him.

Yeah. give him the attention he’s looking for. THAT will teach him!!

36 Political Atheist  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:12:20pm

So disappointed. Oh well. Not the first time I ignored an actors personal stuff to enjoy the movie or TV show. If I can watch Sean Penn I can watch Justified.

re: #34 ProTARDISLiberal

FX’s Justified came out guns a-blazing on Tuesday night, delivering its second-most-watched episode ever, trailing only its series premiere.

FX also announced at the Television Critics Association press tour in Pasadena that Justified’s Season 4 opener was up 17 percent in total audience and 25 percent in the Adults 18-49 demo from its previous premiere, and hit series highs in the Women 18-49 demo. (Specific numbers to come later.)

“Shooting season 5” is a pretty good hint. Keep in mind he is not the star of the show. Supporting character. Timothy Oliphant would be that guy.

37 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:13:33pm

re: #33 Charles Johnson

I love it when wingnuts boast like luchadores.

You may have heard about this movie on NPR this morning.

Youtube Video

38 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:15:17pm

So that guy is yet another of those nonexistent Hollywood conservatives?

39 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:16:33pm

re: #38 b.d.

So that guy is yet another of those nonexistent Hollywood conservatives?

Victoria Jackson Brigade.

40 JamesWI  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:16:40pm

re: #34 ProTARDISLiberal

Can you tell the ratings for Justified. I have an idea for firing back at him.

It’s one of the best shows on TV, and his character is pretty damn great. Doesn’t change the fact that he is apparently an idiot, but it’s the truth.

41 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:19:07pm

Notice that he’s having a cozy little chat with one of my freakishly obsessed stalkers.

42 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:21:20pm

re: #39 Decatur Deb

Victoria Jackson Brigade.

LOL, Victoria Jackson in a pool.

43 AlexRogan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:24:43pm

re: #36 Political Atheist

So disappointed. Oh well. Not the first time I ignored an actors personal stuff to enjoy the movie or TV show. If I can watch Sean Penn I can watch Justified.

“Shooting season 5” is a pretty good hint. Keep in mind he is not the star of the show. Supporting character. Timothy Oliphant would be that guy.

Searcy also played Deke Slayton in the HBO miniseries From the Earth to the Moon and I thought he did a damn good job; he was one of the few actors that was in a majority of the twelve episodes.

Shame that, IRL, he’s apparently a total fucking headcase.

44 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:25:38pm

Irrelevance so huge, it must be Tweeted over and over again!

45 BongCrodny  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:26:05pm

Sam Seder on Herman Cain’s “Yellow Flowers” ad:

“This video is insanely bad. It’s just bad craftsmanship, it’s bad thinking, it’s muddled advertising, it’s…bad.”

It would be impossible for me to agree more.

“I’ll bet that you’re as yeller as those flowers right there.”

Searcy: “Why’s it always got to be about color? What are you guys,

Yellow Flowers

46 Stanley Sea  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:26:27pm

re: #34 ProTARDISLiberal

Can you tell the ratings for Justified. I have an idea for firing back at him.

Its a good show.

47 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:28:14pm

re: #45 BongCrodny

Sam Seder on Herman Cain’s “Yellow Flowers” ad:

It would be impossible for me to agree more.

Yellow Flowers

If he were that persuasive an actor, Herman Cain would be President.

48 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:30:51pm

re: #46 Stanley Sea

Its a good show.

Could Searcy be easily replaced with a less expensive, offshored version of him?

49 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:31:01pm

re: #42 b.d.

Victoria Jackson reminds me of Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter.

Right down to the physical description.

50 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:31:31pm

Congratulations Charles!

You’ve entered the ranks of the generic celebrity that can be maligned without causing undue stress on the maligner!

51 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:32:04pm

re: #49 ProTARDISLiberal

Victoria Jackson reminds me of Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter.

Right down to the physical description.

Umbridge was evil. Jackson is a bit short on the brain gems.

52 BongCrodny  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:32:12pm

re: #47 Decatur Deb

If he were that persuasive an actor, Herman Cain would be President.

Hell, even Sir Laurence Fucking Olivier wasn’t that good an actor.

53 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:33:17pm
54 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:34:10pm

re: #27 Decatur Deb

It wouldn’t be polite.

Venison comes from a Deer,

Down comes from a Duck.

55 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:34:12pm

re: #52 BongCrodny

Hell, even Sir Laurence Fucking Olivier wasn’t that good an actor.

“A pie, a pie, my kingdom for a slice.”

56 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:34:59pm

re: #53 Gus

[Embedded content]

Lots of rioting/ demonstrations going on there. The protesters are pissed that the gov’t is spending money getting ready for the 2016 Olympics

57 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:37:46pm

re: #23 sattv4u2


Wifey hit a deer on the road the other night ,,, so ,,,,,,,,,

Used to be some Old Guys around here that had a deal with the local sheriff. When the sheriff found Venison-On-The-Road, they’d call the Old Guys. One of the Old Guys was a butcher, they were all hunters. Even if it was 2am, the Old Guys would retrieve the Venison from the road, and take it to the Butcher Shop. Butcher would process it and they guys would then deliver it to the local Shelter /Food Pantry. They did this for years.

Then, one day, the Shelter/Food Pantry stopped accepting it.

Sad, really.

58 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:38:07pm

re: #51 FemNaziBitch

I think if we give Victoria Jackson enough time, she will show herself to be a nasty piece of work.

As it stands, she perfectly fits the description of Umbridge as a toad with a bow on her head.

59 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:38:18pm

re: #56 sattv4u2

Lots of rioting/ demonstrations going on there. The protesters are pissed that the gov’t is spending money getting ready for the 2016 Olympics

That’s more like the proverbial straw. There are lots of things wrong with Brazil. Hey, GG, how about them cops running around the Ghettos down there whacking people for the fun of it ahead of the gentrification of the neighborhoods?

60 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:38:24pm

re: #53 Gus

Brazilian policeman sprays anti-government demonstrators with tear gas outside Congress on Independence Day

Policial Pimentaspray.

61 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:40:13pm

Does Nick Searcy wish he was Henry Gibson?

Youtube Video

I loved that movie. : ) But it was the end of an era.

62 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:40:16pm

re: #58 ProTARDISLiberal

I think if we give Victoria Jackson enough time, she will show herself to be a nasty piece of work.

As it stands, she perfectly fits the description of Umbridge as a toad with a bow on her head.

You could be right. I get the impression should couldn’t stomach too much nastiness. She might have to get someone else to do the dirty work.

63 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:45:55pm

I learned a new word, went to look it up and WOW!

I learned another: Yinglish

Oh, the original word:

Shpilkes: The correct term for the kid that isn’t officially diagnosed or doesn’t have ADHD, but you’d sure like to give him a beer.

64 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:47:29pm
65 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:47:36pm
66 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:50:48pm

Maybe we could adjust some salaries?

Image: highest-paid-us-public-employees-by-state.jpg

67 BongCrodny  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:51:37pm

He was in The Last Song with Miley Cyrus.


68 Pavlovian Hive Mind  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:53:56pm

Never heard of him.

69 Tigger2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:54:22pm

I have no idea who Nick Searcy is. I have watched a lot of movies and TV over my years and don’t remember seeing him in anything. He must be a big nobody.

70 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:54:25pm

re: #68 Pavlovian Hive Mind

Never heard of him.

he said the same about you!!


71 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:55:42pm

I don’t remember ever hearing of Andrew Bacevich. Yet, it is an interesting interview—from Moyers & Co.

72 A Man for all Seasons  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 12:59:16pm

A Big OT here..The other day the Lodge got a hold of me and told me of a young new OU student that has an issue with her apt. and needed a place to stay for 30 days.
We’ll I do live just off-campus..So I said yes she can stay in the extra bdroom for a month. She moved in a few hours ago..OMG..She is Beautiful. Blonde, And so damn nice and funny. And you know me..Now here is where you get the coffee..cups are over there..extra towels are there..This will be fun for Winston and I..Like when I’d go visit Nikki when she was going to UC Davis for a week..We had classic times together..
We’d go out with her friends have have a few beers and had a great time.
Although the experience of sharing a bathroom with a college age girl is..well..different.
Well I better go get Winston..He hasn’t left her alone for a couple hours now..Guess I’m chump change in this house for a while.

73 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:00:33pm

re: #72 A Man for all Seasons

A Big OT here..The other day the Lodge got a hold of me and told me of a young new OU student that has an issue with her apt. and needed a place to stay for 30 days.
We’ll I do live just off-campus..So I said yes she can stay in the extra bdroom for a month. She moved in a few hours ago..OMG..She is Beautiful. Blonde, And so damn nice and funny. And you know me..Now here is where you get the coffee..cups are over there..extra towels are there..This will be fun for Winston and I..Like when I’d go visit Nikki when she was going to UC Davis for a week..We had classic times together..
We’d go out with her friends have have a few beers and had a great time.
Although the experience of sharing a bathroom with a college age girl is..well..different.
Well I better go get Winston..He hasn’t left her alone for a couple hours now..Guess I’m chump change in this house for a while.

Down boy.

74 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:01:10pm

re: #73 b_sharp

Down boy.


She vetted him,, found out he was neutered

75 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:01:46pm

re: #73 b_sharp

re: #74 sattv4u2


She vetted him,, found out he was neutered

and gay


76 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:01:47pm

re: #74 sattv4u2


She vetted him,, found out he was neutered

I’m talking about Hoops, not Winston.

77 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:02:08pm

re: #73 b_sharp

Down boy.

So, did you have fun with, what’s that actor’s name again?

78 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:02:30pm

re: #76 b_sharp

I’m talking about Hoops, not Winston.

I was talking about both ,,,,, cept the gay part

Winston,,,,, ALL hetero!!!!

79 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:03:17pm

re: #77 Gus

So, did you have fun with, what’s that actor’s name again?

I laughed. I giggled. I farted.

Yup I had fun.

80 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:05:09pm

re: #79 b_sharp

I laughed. I giggled. I farted.

Yup I had fun.

He was supposed to be taking a dip in the pool 45 minutes ago.

81 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:06:29pm

Tens of thousands of people filled St. Peter’s Square for a four-hour Syria peace vigil late Saturday


82 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:06:51pm

Please, not Tokyo…

Madrid Eliminated in Voting for 2020 Olympics
Tokyo and Istanbul advanceed to the final round

Source: nbcbayarea.com

83 A Man for all Seasons  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:07:15pm

re: #73 b_sharp

Down boy.

Whatever you are thinking..I’m not like that..boy? boy? Oh wait..You’re talking about Winston..Yeah..He’s a dog alright..At least I didn’t jump into her lap and lick her arms and face..Should be a fun month..a break from the every day thing…

84 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:08:32pm

re: #82 Justanotherhuman

Please, not Tokyo…

Madrid Eliminated in Voting for 2020 Olympics
Tokyo and Istanbul advanceed to the final round

Source: nbcbayarea.com

At work, we’re broadcasting the entire IOC meeting

Final results are in, just not announced yet

85 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:08:51pm

re: #79 b_sharp

You wound him up pretty good.

86 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:10:38pm

re: #83 A Man for all Seasons

Whatever you are thinking..I’m not like that..boy? boy? Oh wait..You’re talking about Winston..Yeah..He’s a dog alright..At least I didn’t jump into her lap and lick her arms and face..Should be a fun month..a break from the every day thing…

I think you’re younger than me.

And I bet you were jealous of Winston. (I would be).

87 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:11:08pm

re: #83 A Man for all Seasons

Whatever you are thinking..I’m not like that..boy? boy? Oh wait..You’re talking about Winston..Yeah..He’s a dog alright..At least I didn’t jump into her lap and lick her arms and face..Should be a fun month..a break from the every day thing…

can you say COLD SHOWERS!?!?

88 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:12:06pm

re: #85 Charles Johnson

You wound him up pretty good.

They only have a limited set of pat answers and insults so it’s pretty easy to wind them up.

89 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:12:35pm

re: #87 sattv4u2

can you say COLD SHOWERS!?!?

Many cold showers.

And I bet she’ll know exactly why.

90 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:12:42pm
91 A Mom Anon  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:12:55pm

I have a pool with a diving board and everything,it holds 45K gallons of water. Does this mean I win every argument ever? Because THAT would be awesome. Here I was thinking I had to have a point and be all factual and shit, and all it took was a hole in the ground full of water. Who knew?

He may be on a good show, Justified is pretty cool, but so what?

I swear about a third of this country has lost their damned minds because there’s a family of (shhhh, don’t tell anyone)black people in the White House. Idiots.

92 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:13:30pm

re: #82 Justanotherhuman

Please, not Tokyo…

Madrid Eliminated in Voting for 2020 Olympics
Tokyo and Istanbul advanceed to the final round

Source: nbcbayarea.com

That’s a surprise; I didn’t think Istanbul would make it to the final round.

93 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:14:32pm
94 jaunte  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:14:43pm

re: #91 A Mom Anon

Imagine how strong your arguments would be if you had a lake!

95 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:16:41pm

re: #92 Dr Lizardo

That’s a surprise; I didn’t think Istanbul would make it to the final round.

With the 2018 Winter games given to South Korea, I’m betting Istanbul wins for Summer 2020

96 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:17:24pm

And the winner is ,,,,,,,,,

97 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:17:40pm

re: #64 Charles Johnson


98 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:17:59pm

((playing the Olympic anthem ,,, followed by the announcement)))

99 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:20:15pm


100 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:20:49pm

Michael Phelps has never lost an argument.

101 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:20:57pm

Peaceniks and Baathists unite!
Protesters rally against Syria strike in D.C., NYC

In New York City, a small crowd of protesters gathered in New York City’s Times Square to condemn possible U.S. military action in Syria.

The gathering included anti-war activists, anti-Wall Street activists, and also some Syrian expatriates who said they supported the Assad government.

Some people carried signs saying, “No more wars for corporate profit,” and “Cut the Pentagon, not food stamps.”

102 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:21:08pm

Yep. Tokyo.

103 austin_blue  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:21:08pm

God, it’s Tokyo…

104 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:21:36pm

re: #99 sattv4u2




105 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:22:48pm

re: #104 b.d.



Surprised me seeing that the Winter 2018 games will be in the same region (South Korea)

106 PhillyPretzel  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:22:56pm

re: #99 sattv4u2

I can just hear the pichinko machines in the Ginza working overtime.

107 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:23:09pm

re: #104 b.d.



Provided Tokyo doesn’t become a radioactive wasteland over the next seven years.

108 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:23:41pm

re: #101 Killgore Trout

Peaceniks and Baathists unite!
Protesters rally against Syria strike in D.C., NYC

ANSWER signs!

109 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:23:43pm

I wonder if acting as a fictional character for years eventually makes you believe you are that character?

110 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:23:49pm

re: #101 Killgore Trout

Some people carried signs saying, “No more wars for corporate profit,” and “Cut the Pentagon, not food stamps.”

Signage provided by Mega National Sign and Display Corporation !!

112 AlexRogan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:25:40pm

re: #99 sattv4u2


Is it wrong for me to not give a fuck about the Olympics anymore, especially considering the IOC’s (and the USOC’s) ongoing spinelessness WRT the Russian LGBT situation?

113 Pavlovian Hive Mind  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:26:38pm

Why the fuck is Obama under more pressure than Assad is?

114 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:26:59pm

re: #112 AlexRogan

Is it wrong for me to not give a fuck about the Olympics anymore, especially considering the IOC’s (and the USOC’s) ongoing spinelessness WRT the Russian LGBT situation?

And you’re asking me because,,,, !?!!?

115 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:27:52pm

People are leaving, on foot with luggage, Syria to Northern Iraq as refugees.

That’s kinda freaky.

pictures are about 38 minutes into the video.

116 AlexRogan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:28:26pm

re: #114 sattv4u2

And you’re asking me because,,,, !?!!?

It wasn’t specifically to you, just used your post since you put up the results of the 2020 SO bid.

117 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:29:25pm

re: #107 Dr Lizardo

Provided Tokyo doesn’t become a radioactive wasteland over the next seven years.

No telling what shape Istanbul will be then either and Madrid, well, it’s Madrid.

118 Pavlovian Hive Mind  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:29:46pm

re: #114 sattv4u2

And you’re asking me because,,,, !?!!?

You’re the one with the satellites…
Make it stop!

119 Randall Gross  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:30:01pm

Who, what? I scrolled far enough down to see him retweeting Treacher and knew right away he was a hopeless chasm of moral derpitude.

120 ObserverArt  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:30:11pm

re: #113 Pavlovian Hive Mind

Why the fuck is Obama under more pressure than Assad is?

He has to answer to the idiotic American media and all the congressional 2014 and presidential 2016 candidates. Assad only has to keep killing people.


121 Randall Gross  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:30:24pm

Meanwhile this has gone on my “next reads” list:


122 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:31:47pm

re: #117 b.d.

No telling what shape Istanbul will be then either and Madrid, well, it’s Madrid.

Good point.

123 AlexRogan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:32:59pm

re: #120 ObserverArt

He has to answer to the idiotic American media and all the congressional 2014 and presidential 2016 candidates. Assad only has to keep killing people.


Dead men (and women and children) tell no tales.

124 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:33:59pm

re: #108 NJDhockeyfan

ANSWER signs!

The usual idiots. Probably Code Pink, World Workers Party, Socialist Alternative, etc. too. Professional protesters.

125 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:34:18pm

“The refugee “camp” of Syrians in Jordan is the 4th largest “city” in Jordan.”

I’ve not really been paying attention to the ME lately.

This is news to me. Really difficult to fathom.

126 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:34:30pm

re: #124 Killgore Trout

The usual idiots. Probably Code Pink, World Workers Party, Socialist Alternative, etc. too. Professional protesters.

Have Sign
Will Travel

127 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:34:52pm

re: #118 Pavlovian Hive Mind

You’re the one with the satellites…
Make it stop!

Don’t those satellites have lasers?

128 austin_blue  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:35:02pm

re: #123 AlexRogan

Dead men (and women and children) tell no tales.

Tissue, on the other hand, speaks volumes.

129 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:35:40pm

Journalist Deborah Amos is interviewed in the 2nd part of the video. She’s been to the refugee camps and is giving a very interesting report.

130 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:36:09pm

re: #127 b_sharp

Don’t those satellites have lasers?

yeah ,, but so do the sharks

Image: sharks-with-lasers-2.jpg

131 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:37:32pm

re: #129 FemNaziBitch

Journalist Deborah Amos is interviewed in the 2nd part of the video. She’s been to the refugee camps and is giving a very interesting report.

“Deborah Amos has reported on the Syrian civil war since it began and has been on the front lines and in the refugee camps. She tells Phil Donahue, “The crisis is so overwhelming. 5,000 people leave every day. Five thousand people in Syria are killed every month. You have an entire generation of Syrians who find themselves displaced in refugee camps. So this is not a crisis that goes on for the next year, but for the next generation. The great powers have got to find a way to stop this war, because the refugee crisis cannot be solved without them.”

132 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:38:06pm
133 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:39:00pm

re: #124 Killgore Trout

The usual idiots. Probably Code Pink, World Workers Party, Socialist Alternative, etc. too. Professional protesters.

Probably the same people who would not have chosen to stop the Nazis.

134 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:40:46pm

re: #133 Justanotherhuman

Probably the same people who would not have chosen to stop the Nazis.

Isn’t this supposed to be a Godwin free thread?

135 Pavlovian Hive Mind  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:41:24pm

re: #134 b_sharp

Isn’t this supposed to be a Godwin free thread?

Thread nazi.

136 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:41:34pm

re: #134 b_sharp

Isn’t this supposed to be a Godwin free thread?

You know else liked Godwins?

137 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:42:58pm

re: #135 Pavlovian Hive Mind

Thread nazi.

Poopy head.

138 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:43:57pm

re: #131 Justanotherhuman

“Deborah Amos has reported on the Syrian civil war since it began and has been on the front lines and in the refugee camps. She tells Phil Donahue, “The crisis is so overwhelming. 5,000 people leave every day. Five thousand people in Syria are killed every month. You have an entire generation of Syrians who find themselves displaced in refugee camps. So this is not a crisis that goes on for the next year, but for the next generation. The great powers have got to find a way to stop this war, because the refugee crisis cannot be solved without them.”

Her whole segment was really worth hearing. She has a gift for using words effectively.

139 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:44:31pm

“This is the way we touch our tongues toes ,,,touch our tongues toes,,, touch our tongues toes ,,, This is the way we touch our tongues toes so early in the morning!!!


Preschool Teacher Removed From Classroom After Allegedly Playing Tongue Touching Game

140 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:45:14pm

re: #135 Pavlovian Hive Mind

Thread nazi.

No Godwin for you!

141 Backwoods_Sleuth  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:45:38pm

re: #139 sattv4u2

“This is the way we touch our tongues toes ,,,touch our tongues toes,,, touch our tongues toes ,,, This is the way we touch our tongues toes so early in the morning!!!


Preschool Teacher Removed From Classroom After Allegedly Playing Tongue Touching Game

OK, that was just plain icky…

142 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:45:45pm

re: #140 Gus

No Godwin for you!

More please.

143 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:46:17pm
144 PhillyPretzel  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:47:52pm

re: #142 b_sharp

::: in best soup nazi voice ::: No more Godwin for you.

145 austin_blue  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:48:00pm

re: #138 FemNaziBitch

Her whole segment was really worth hearing. She has a gift for using words effectively.

Hell of a CV, too:


146 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:48:32pm

re: #142 b_sharp

More please.

In case you need something to read tonight: Results for from:yesnicksearcy to:b_sharpC

147 impolitics  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:48:37pm

Yes, Searcy is clearly a Tea Klux Klan loon, but as a performer he’s quite entertaining. Talent and intelligence are two very separate human gifts. Having either is rare, having both rarer still — which is why your favorite actors often turn out to be total morons when talking about anything else.

148 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:48:59pm

re: #143 FemNaziBitch


I used to get in trouble for undressing women with my eyes. Now I just gaze into their eyes and they undress themselves.

149 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:49:05pm

re: #141 Backwoods_Sleuth

OK, that was just plain icky…

Nguyen reports, the unidentified teacher is barred from any contact with any facilities licensed by the department.

Christine Brown, a parent, said the school acted appropriately by not rushing to judgment.

“I think it’s a travesty that any teacher’s career is ruined over an single unproven accusation,” said Brown.

Dear Mrs Brown

With all due respect, please get you’re head out of the sand



150 Stanley Sea  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:49:08pm

re: #145 austin_blue

Hell of a CV, too:


Hells bells, she’s a Gator.

151 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:49:52pm

re: #146 Gus

In case you need something to read tonight: Results for from:yesnicksearcy to:b_sharpC


152 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:51:04pm

re: #147 impolitics

Welcome, hatchling.

153 Stanley Sea  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:51:04pm

re: #147 impolitics

Is WW here?

Welcome Hatchling!

154 Stanley Sea  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:51:27pm


155 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:52:56pm

re: #153 Stanley Sea

Is WW here?

Welcome Hatchling!

See, I hold off on the exclamation point. Don’t want to start off overly enthusiastic and frighten the young.

156 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:53:15pm

re: #153 Stanley Sea

Is WW here?

Welcome Hatchling!

She’s up there ↑

157 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:53:34pm
158 Romantic Heretic  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:53:34pm

re: #133 Justanotherhuman

Probably the same people who would not have chosen to stop the Nazis.

So, the fact that I oppose a Syrian strike means I’m a Nazi supporter.

Thanks. I had no idea. //

159 austin_blue  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:53:55pm

re: #147 impolitics

Yes, Searcy is clearly a Tea Klux Klan loon, but as a performer he’s quite entertaining. Talent and intelligence are two very separate human gifts. Having either is rare, having both rarer still — which is why your favorite actors often turn out to be total morons when talking about anything else.

Make nice. Welcome.

160 Randall Gross  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:54:06pm

Tokyo wins, lets hope for a Kaiju free gathering!


161 steve_davis  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:56:19pm

re: #2 Dr Lizardo

Never heard of the guy.

Z-list celebrity?

As a child actor, he spent two years playing the part of Lassie.

162 AlexRogan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:57:00pm

re: #147 impolitics

Yes, Searcy is clearly a Tea Klux Klan loon, but as a performer he’s quite entertaining. Talent and intelligence are two very separate human gifts. Having either is rare, having both rarer still — which is why your favorite actors often turn out to be total morons when talking about anything else.

Yeah, just look at Jon Voight.

163 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:57:23pm
164 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:58:37pm

re: #160 Randall Gross

Tokyo wins, lets hope for a Kaiju free gathering!


We can only hope. Kaiju, while cool, can be a major pain in the ass in a metropolitan area.

165 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:59:10pm

re: #163 NJDhockeyfan

[Embedded content]


166 Stanley Sea  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 1:59:58pm

re: #163 NJDhockeyfan

[Embedded content]

Dog is going to chew off those legs quickly.

167 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:01:56pm

re: #166 Stanley Sea

Dog is going to chew off those legs quickly.

Can’t reach them, As the dog turns to get one, the legs go that way also

(((freinds of ours had that outfit for one of their dogs one year)))

168 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:02:21pm
169 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:02:49pm

re: #167 sattv4u2

Can’t reach them, As the dog turns to get one, the legs go that way also

(((freinds of ours had that outfit for one of their dogs one year)))

How many time did you model it for your wife?

170 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:03:37pm

re: #162 AlexRogan

Yeah, just look at Jon Voight.

I’d rather not if that’s OK with you.

171 ObserverArt  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:04:18pm

re: #147 impolitics

Yes, Searcy is clearly a Tea Klux Klan loon, but as a performer he’s quite entertaining. Talent and intelligence are two very separate human gifts. Having either is rare, having both rarer still — which is why your favorite actors often turn out to be total morons when talking about anything else.

Brings up something I’ve often wondered along that same line of thinking.

If you are in a career or business that really counts on the public having a favorable opinion of you, why would you go and so loosely spout your politics all over the place and in folks faces to a degree. Your chances increase to make at least 50% of the people seeing or hearing you start to turn against you. If you keep going they begin to not like you or even start to hate you.

And I know it is a free country and you can say whatever you want. With some consideration, you might not want! Could be bad for business.

172 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:05:04pm

re: #161 steve_davis

As a child actor, he spent two years playing the part of Lassie.

They got rid of him because he kept humping the director’s leg.

173 A Man for all Seasons  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:05:48pm

re: #100 b.d.

Michael Phelps has never lost an argument.

Searcy has moved into Alec Baldwin’s world..Cause you know, Like..Alec knows everything and is an actor..
And who knew the hate and bigrotry in Mel Gibson’s heart? And he was a great actor.
I don’t get it..

174 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:06:58pm
175 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:07:46pm

re: #173 A Man for all Seasons

I don’t get it..
maybe you need a better pick-up line,,, either that, or AXE deodorant !!

176 Stanley Sea  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:08:09pm

re: #167 sattv4u2

Can’t reach them, As the dog turns to get one, the legs go that way also

(((freinds of ours had that outfit for one of their dogs one year)))

Well, that’s a form of torture.

177 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:09:06pm

re: #176 Stanley Sea

Well, that’s a form of torture.

Almost as bad as putting tape on the the bottom of cat paws.

178 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:09:43pm

re: #176 Stanley Sea

Well, that’s a form of torture.

Their dog really didn’t seem to mind. He was basking in the attention, not to mention the extra treats he got at almost each house the family went too on their Halloween rounds that night with their kids

179 austin_blue  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:11:05pm

re: #168 Gus

[Embedded content]

These are doable:

We therefore support military intervention with the following conditions.

1. The ultimate goal of any intervention should be to stop the use of weapons of mass destruction and minimize human suffering and casualties.

2. U.S. intervention should seek to change the dynamics on the ground to attain the ultimate goal of bringing the government and opposition forces to agree to a political settlement and transition. At this point, there is no incentive for the Assad regime to agree to any type of political transition due to their military superiority over opposition forces.

3. U.S. involvement in Syria must be limited and preclude any ground troops in the country.

4. While precise targets will be determined by military leaders, precautions must be taken to limit the use of force near civilian areas and to avoid damaging infrastructure which impacts the lives of Syrians.

5. The intervention must go hand-­‐in-­‐hand with empowering the moderate segment of the opposition to ensure a future for Syria that is democratic, pluralistic and inclusive.

6. The goal of this operation must be to impact the Assad regime and must not be, nor perceived as being, motivated as a proxy war against Iran.

7. The intervention must stay clear of and far away from the historical and religious sites and shrines of the faith communities in Syria. Sites such as the Sayyidah Zainab shrine, the Umayyad Mosque and the Chapel of St. Paul must be avoided.

8. The intervention also should include a safe corridor for humanitarian assistance to allow for aid and supplies to get to the people. This should be backed by force, if needed.

9. The long-­‐term goal of the intervention should be to ensure that rebuilding Syria is a priority for all parties. There must be a process established by Syrians and the international community for the economic redevelopment of Syria. The redevelopment plan must include plans for restoring an ancient civilization and cultural icons for humanity.

180 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:11:12pm

re: #174 NJDhockeyfan

[Embedded content]

And Mike Farrell

“What he is talking about in Syria is a potential war crime,” Farrell said. “It will be illegal, and if citizens are killed it certainly could be considered a war crime.”

At least he’s consistant, because he saidd the same about Bush/ Iraq

181 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:14:25pm

re: #179 austin_blue

These are doable:

We therefore support military intervention with the following conditions.

1. The ultimate goal of any intervention should be to stop the use of weapons of mass destruction and minimize human suffering and casualties.

2. U.S. intervention should seek to change the dynamics on the ground to attain the ultimate goal of bringing the government and opposition forces to agree to a political settlement and transition. At this point, there is no incentive for the Assad regime to agree to any type of political transition due to their military superiority over opposition forces.

3. U.S. involvement in Syria must be limited and preclude any ground troops in the country.

4. While precise targets will be determined by military leaders, precautions must be taken to limit the use of force near civilian areas and to avoid damaging infrastructure which impacts the lives of Syrians.

5. The intervention must go hand-­‐in-­‐hand with empowering the moderate segment of the opposition to ensure a future for Syria that is democratic, pluralistic and inclusive.

6. The goal of this operation must be to impact the Assad regime and must not be, nor perceived as being, motivated as a proxy war against Iran.

7. The intervention must stay clear of and far away from the historical and religious sites and shrines of the faith communities in Syria. Sites such as the Sayyidah Zainab shrine, the Umayyad Mosque and the Chapel of St. Paul must be avoided.

8. The intervention also should include a safe corridor for humanitarian assistance to allow for aid and supplies to get to the people. This should be backed by force, if needed.

9. The long-­‐term goal of the intervention should be to ensure that rebuilding Syria is a priority for all parties. There must be a process established by Syrians and the international community for the economic redevelopment of Syria. The redevelopment plan must include plans for restoring an ancient civilization and cultural icons for humanity.

Thanks. Was having a hard time formatting that.

182 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:14:59pm

re: #180 sattv4u2

And Mike Farrell

“What he is talking about in Syria is a potential war crime,” Farrell said. “It will be illegal, and if citizens are killed it certainly could be considered a war crime.”

At least he’s consistant, because he saidd the same about Bush/ Iraq

What gets me are all those Hollywood libs were blasting Bush everyday and now they are silent. I don’t get the race part either. WTF does Syria have to do with race?

183 austin_blue  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:16:23pm

re: #181 Gus

Thanks. Was having a hard time formatting that.

I gotcher back, my man.

184 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:17:39pm

re: #182 NJDhockeyfan

What gets me are all those Hollywood libs were blasting Bush everyday and now they are silent. I don’t get the race part either. WTF does Syria have to do with race?

Mike Farrell was blasting Reagan, hell, I think he was blasting Nixon back in the day. My mom took me to a fundraiser where he and Tom Hayden appeared in the 70’s.

185 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:17:46pm

re: #182 NJDhockeyfan

What gets me are all those Hollywood libs were blasting Bush everyday and now they are silent. I don’t get the race part either. WTF does Syria have to do with race?

I’ll bet they’re not. i’ll bet they’re saying the same things (al a Farrell and Asner) now that they were then, but it’s not being covered as of yet because no bombs / deaths have happened yet

186 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:23:19pm

re: #183 austin_blue

I gotcher back, my man.


187 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:24:58pm

The thing is, there’s solid evidence of the use of WMDs here. Not so much for Iraq.

188 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:25:14pm

re: #185 sattv4u2

I’ll bet they’re not. i’ll bet they’re saying the same things (al a Farrell and Asner) now that they were then, but it’s not being covered as of yet because no bombs / deaths have happened yet

We’ll see. Back then they couldn’t stop their outrage.

In 2003, ahead of a U.S. attack on Iraq, a robust anti-war movement in Hollywood included a TV commercial starring Martin Sheen and Sean Penn visiting Baghdad. There were online petitions signed by Ed Asner; letters to President George W. Bush pleading for peace were signed by Matt Damon, Tim Robbins, Barbra Streisand and Alec Baldwin; former M*A*S*H star Mike Farrell fronted multiple press conferences where celebrities denounced war. In interviews, Janeane Garofalo stopped identifying herself as an actor — she preferred to be called a member of the U.S. anti-war movement.

189 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:28:49pm

re: #187 Amory Blaine

The thing is, there’s solid evidence of the use of WMDs here. Not so much for Iraq.

The war against Iraq was also full on boots on the ground. This sounds more like the Libya campaign.

There are some very significant differences between what has been proposed here and what transpired in Iraq.

190 impolitics  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:32:16pm

re: #162 AlexRogan

Voight is an even better example than Searcy. On screen, he’s a first class actor. Off-screen, he’s a first class loon.

191 BongCrodny  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:32:45pm

re: #147 impolitics

Yes, Searcy is clearly a Tea Klux Klan loon, but as a performer he’s quite entertaining. Talent and intelligence are two very separate human gifts. Having either is rare, having both rarer still — which is why your favorite actors often turn out to be total morons when talking about anything else.

Some of the dumbest guys I ever met play poker like they were chess grandmasters.

192 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:33:22pm

Not good news…

Libya’s oil exports plunge as problems escalate


TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Libya’s prime minister faced increasing calls for his ouster on Saturday as strikes by government employees at oil export terminals cost the North African country more than $5 billion in losses.

Bilqasim Shindeer el-Shibany, a board member of Libya’s National Oil Corp., told The Associated Press that oil exports almost entirely have stopped. Late last month, officials said exports were around 300,000 barrels per day, down dramatically from pre-war levels in early 2011.

193 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:34:12pm

Yeah all actors are um overrated. Plenty of nepotism proves that.

194 A Man for all Seasons  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:34:42pm

It is amusing and somewhat disappointing to love an actor and find out what a jerk they are in real life..Like Ed Ashner..You know when people get too old they take away your driving priveleges? well Ed..Retire from politics. He says shit only really old people say. Sean Penn is one of my favorite actors..I dispise his views..Still love the acting and Mel Gibson was like a hero. He fell harder than Tom Cruise from Oprah’s couch.
Jane Fonda pulled a Benedict Arnold..Jenny McCarthy has blood on her hands..Pee Wee Herman, well never shake his hand. Micheal ’ I stand sleep at night’ Jackson and the eternal boy band. Who was that director that raped a 13 yr old girl in Jack Nicholson’s Hot Tub and ran to Paris? I’ll bet Jack’s parties were legendary..The list is endless…
I like George Clooney and his politics are honest, smart and strongly focused.
If Hollywood acted more like him and less like Charlie Sheen I’d like them more..

195 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:35:23pm

I may be in a different segment of the Lizards, but I have wanted to go to the opening ceremonies of an Olympic Games since I was little and we love traveling to Japan. There is a real possibility that we will be there.

Side note: I also watch the entire parade of nations because I always feel bad for the small nations.

196 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:36:21pm

Not all RW actors are like these guys. More on the conservative end you have actors like Tom Selleck, Gary Sinise, Robert Duvall, Bruce Willis, etc. They avoid the wingnuttery.

197 Iwouldprefernotto  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:37:26pm

re: #196 Gus

Not all RW actors are like these guys. More on the conservative end you have actors like Tom Selleck, Gary Sinise, Robert Duvall, Bruce Willis, etc. They avoid the wingnuttery.

Bruce Willis is an actor? I thought he was just the ex of Demi Moore.

198 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:38:16pm

re: #195 klys

I may be in a different segment of the Lizards, but I have wanted to go to the opening ceremonies of an Olympic Games since I was little and we love traveling to Japan. There is a real possibility that we will be there.

Side note: I also watch the entire parade of nations because I always feel bad for the small nations.

Had the of good fortune of attending the opening (as well as many other) ceremonies at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996 (my company was doing a lot of broadcasting from there for a lot of the networks). It’s truely breathtaking

199 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:39:00pm

I hated Moonlighting.

200 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:40:01pm

re: #198 sattv4u2

Had the of good fortune of attending the opening (as well as many other) ceremonies at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996 (my company was doing a lot of broadcasting from there for a lot of the networks). It’s truely breathtaking

Honestly, we would go to the opening ceremonies and then probably get the hell out of Tokyo, because it’s crowded to start with and just goes up from there. But I do want to see the spectacle someday, and Tokyo is very likely for us.

But it’ll be a hell of an expensive trip.

201 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:40:27pm

re: #199 Amory Blaine

I hated Moonlighting.

Heard about it.

202 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:40:43pm

re: #200 klys

Honestly, we would go to the opening ceremonies and then probably get the hell out of Tokyo, because it’s crowded to start with and just goes up from there. But I do want to see the spectacle someday, and Tokyo is very likely for us.

But it’ll be a hell of an expensive trip.

Well,, you have 7 years to save up. A little each week, and VOILA!! You’re there

203 Carlos Danger  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:41:56pm

re: #191 BongCrodny

Some of the dumbest guys I ever met play poker like they were chess grandmasters.

And some chess grandmasters were pretty screwy too: Bobby Fischer comes to mind.

204 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:43:06pm

re: #202 sattv4u2

Well,, you have 7 years to save up. A little each week, and VOILA!! You’re there

Oh, we can certainly make it happen if we want to. Not too worried about that part (and I know how fortunate we are in that respect).

On the other hand, we are not so fortunate that we can afford to pay absolutely no attention to what anything costs. And it will be an expensive trip, if we do it.

At least this trip to Japan coming up, the dollar will hopefully favor us.

205 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:44:04pm

re: #199 Amory Blaine

I hated Moonlighting.

That was an 80s show, right? I never saw it. Back then I didn’t spend any time watching TV. All my time was spent in bars and parties.

206 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:44:04pm

Everyone around me loved it making it extra painful. Felt the same about the X-Files. I have a general rule about tv shows. No cops, lawyers or doctor shows. I did like Hill Street Blues.

207 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:44:44pm

re: #205 NJDhockeyfan

Ha ha right. I would go to a house party and everyone would be watching the X-files. Boooo!!!!!!

208 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:45:07pm

re: #206 Amory Blaine

Everyone around me loved it making it extra painful. Felt the same about the X-Files. I have a general rule about tv shows. No cops, lawyers or doctor shows. I did like Hill Street Blues.

I adore M*A*S*H. At least the first 5 seasons.

And then I have my assortment of cancelled shows that I occasionally watch. But that’s it.

209 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:45:12pm

re: #205 NJDhockeyfan

That was an 80s show, right? I never saw it. Back then I didn’t spend any time watching TV. All my time was spent in bars and parties.

And thats different from now ,, how??? oh,, wait,,, substitute BARS AND PARTIES for INTERNET AND ,,, ummm, INTERNET

210 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:47:14pm

re: #201 Gus

Heard about it.

I had to play the theme song for Moonlighting for years - because it was by Al Jarreau and audiences freaking loved it.

211 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:47:37pm

re: #208 klys

Yes I loved M*A*S*H. It is a doctor show but also an army show. It’s only a general rule I have.

212 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:48:39pm

re: #209 sattv4u2

And thats different from now ,, how??? oh,, wait,,, substitute BARS AND PARTIES for INTERNET AND ,,, ummm, INTERNET

Nothing like sitting in a bar with a good band playing while shooting pool or playing darts. I don’t see pool tables in any restaurants or bars anymore.

213 Carlos Danger  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:48:49pm

re: #208 klys

I adore M*A*S*H. At least the first 5 seasons.

And then I have my assortment of cancelled shows that I occasionally watch. But that’s it.

Wonderfalls was pretty good.

214 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:49:37pm

re: #212 NJDhockeyfan

Nothing like sitting in a bar with a good band playing while shooting pool or playing darts. I don’t see pool tables in any restaurants or bars anymore.

Come to the eastern burbs of Atlanta

215 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:49:42pm

1st season of Tour of Duty was awesome.

216 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:49:57pm
217 ObserverArt  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:50:34pm

re: #206 Amory Blaine

Everyone around me loved it making it extra painful. Felt the same about the X-Files. I have a general rule about tv shows. No cops, lawyers or doctor shows. I did like Hill Street Blues.

Generally I would agree. However, TNTs “The Closer” with Kyra Sedgwick was pretty good because it had really good writing playing on the human quirks of the characters, especially Sedgwick. Sometimes it actually played on the generic cop show cliches and used them as twists. Also proved to the three main broadcasters that a show based on acting and good writing will work. I understand it did very well for a cable based TV drama.

218 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:51:06pm

re: #214 sattv4u2

Come to the eastern burbs of Atlanta

I’m moving to Tennessee in 2 weeks. I’m sure I will run across something there.

219 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:51:21pm
220 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:51:44pm

Yeah I know it’s a loser for me as most tv shows are centered on doctors, lawyers and cops.

221 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:51:53pm

re: #218 NJDhockeyfan

I’m moving to Tennessee in 2 weeks. I’m sure I will run across something there.

Yup. And most times you can take it home for dinner!!

222 philosophus invidius  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:51:57pm

Steve Jobs didn’t invent either the computer or the internet. Both come out of government research.

223 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:53:36pm

re: #211 Amory Blaine

Yes I loved M*A*S*H. It is a doctor show but also an army show. It’s only a general rule I have.

It’s ok, I don’t judge. Was just adding random commentary and not directed at you in particular.

My general rule is “I hate TV” and then there are few exceptions.

224 PhillyPretzel  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:53:46pm

re: #208 klys

One of the reasons why I watch PBS. I rather watch America’s Test Kitchen, This Old House and Antiques Roadshow. Even the reruns are good.

225 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:54:15pm

re: #222 philosophus invidius

[Embedded content]

Steve Jobs didn’t invent either the computer or the internet. Both come out of government research.

But government research is BAD and EVIL and should all be defunded.


226 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:54:45pm

re: #224 PhillyPretzel

One of the reasons why I watch PBS. I rather watch America’s Test Kitchen, This Old House and Antiques Roadshow. Even the reruns are good.

Are they any older in th reruns!?!?!?!

227 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:54:52pm

re: #224 PhillyPretzel

Don’t forget Steven Raichlen!!!

228 Backwoods_Sleuth  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:55:06pm

re: #206 Amory Blaine

Everyone around me loved it making it extra painful. Felt the same about the X-Files. I have a general rule about tv shows. No cops, lawyers or doctor shows. I did like Hill Street Blues.

That constant soft focus camera work on Cybill Shepherd to make her look younger, sexier, alluring, whatever the hell the plan was…that was annoying right from the beginning.

229 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:55:17pm

re: #224 PhillyPretzel

One of the reasons why I watch PBS. I rather watch America’s Test Kitchen, This Old House and Antiques Roadshow. Even the reruns are good.

I watch far too much Mythbusters.

It’s good background noise while I stitch or crochet. Even if I have seen most of them 5+ times.

Also, How Its Made.

Pretty much, I want commercial free streaming on the Roku.

230 PhillyPretzel  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:55:40pm

re: #227 Amory Blaine

Primal Grill is good.

231 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:56:39pm
232 Backwoods_Sleuth  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:57:26pm

re: #221 sattv4u2

Yup. And most times you can take it home for dinner!!

BBQ it and no one will know…

233 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:57:30pm

Video: Boston protestors rally against military strike on Syria
1:06 “Impeach Obama, Indict Bush”
1:38 “stop NATO-Zionist….” (something)

1:50 “Putin has his facts right, not Obama…”
2:30 “They did this (the chemical attack) to frame Assad”

234 BongCrodny  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:58:12pm

re: #206 Amory Blaine

Everyone around me loved it making it extra painful. Felt the same about the X-Files. I have a general rule about tv shows. No cops, lawyers or doctor shows. I did like Hill Street Blues.

Greatest cop show ever: Barney Miller.

235 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:58:22pm

re: #226 sattv4u2

Are they any older in th reruns!?!?!?!

They do update the older shows. Like if the episode aired 10 years ago there will be a new value for the item displayed along with the original value.

236 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:58:25pm

re: #179 austin_blue

These are doable:

We therefore support military intervention with the following conditions.

1. The ultimate goal of any intervention should be to stop the use of weapons of mass destruction and minimize human suffering and casualties.

2. U.S. intervention should seek to change the dynamics on the ground to attain the ultimate goal of bringing the government and opposition forces to agree to a political settlement and transition. At this point, there is no incentive for the Assad regime to agree to any type of political transition due to their military superiority over opposition forces.

3. U.S. involvement in Syria must be limited and preclude any ground troops in the country.

4. While precise targets will be determined by military leaders, precautions must be taken to limit the use of force near civilian areas and to avoid damaging infrastructure which impacts the lives of Syrians.

5. The intervention must go hand-­‐in-­‐hand with empowering the moderate segment of the opposition to ensure a future for Syria that is democratic, pluralistic and inclusive.

6. The goal of this operation must be to impact the Assad regime and must not be, nor perceived as being, motivated as a proxy war against Iran.

7. The intervention must stay clear of and far away from the historical and religious sites and shrines of the faith communities in Syria. Sites such as the Sayyidah Zainab shrine, the Umayyad Mosque and the Chapel of St. Paul must be avoided.

8. The intervention also should include a safe corridor for humanitarian assistance to allow for aid and supplies to get to the people. This should be backed by force, if needed.

9. The long-­‐term goal of the intervention should be to ensure that rebuilding Syria is a priority for all parties. There must be a process established by Syrians and the international community for the economic redevelopment of Syria. The redevelopment plan must include plans for restoring an ancient civilization and cultural icons for humanity.

Would they like fries with that?

237 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:58:30pm
238 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:58:56pm

re: #236 Decatur Deb

Would they like fries with that?

Wedge cut with tasty seasoning, please.

239 Carlos Danger  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 2:59:37pm

I’ve had a harder time watching Mythbusters since every other Discovery show stole its editing formula. Even PBS stole that stupid sound when they make a lens flare wipe.

240 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:02:11pm

re: #238 klys

Wedge cut with tasty seasoning, please.

“Fight our enemies for us, but don’t mess anything up.”

241 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:03:16pm

re: #233 Killgore Trout

Video: Boston protestors rally against military strike on Syria
1:06 “Impeach Obama, Indict Bush”
1:38 “stop NATO-Zionist….” (something)

1:50 “Putin has his facts right, not Obama…”
2:30 “They did this (the chemical attack) to frame Assad”

242 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:03:55pm

I just took a quick peek at my Twitter TL.

Either my logic or their logic is completely fucked.

I suspect it’s theirs.

243 BongCrodny  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:04:02pm

re: #233 Killgore Trout

Video: Boston protestors rally against military strike on Syria
1:06 “Impeach Obama, Indict Bush”
1:38 “stop NATO-Zionist….” (something)

1:50 “Putin has his facts right, not Obama…”
2:30 “They did this (the chemical attack) to frame Assad”

I’m scared by hippies, too.

244 ObserverArt  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:05:22pm

re: #225 klys

But government research is BAD and EVIL and should all be defunded.


What happens when they find out a lot of technology is developed through government contracted institutes that also have research assistance from major colleges and then will spin off the technology with grants to start up new businesses that are private?

245 Carlos Danger  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:05:33pm

DC Comics Contest: Draw a Naked Woman Committing Suicide

Um, did you know next week is National Suicide Prevention Week?

246 Backwoods_Sleuth  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:06:01pm

re: #243 BongCrodny

I’m scared by hippies, too.

Naw, hippies are cool…it’s the clowns that are scary.
And you may define “clowns” any way you want.

247 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:06:01pm

re: #244 ObserverArt

What happens when they find out a lot of technology is developed through government contracted institutes that also have research assistance from major colleges and then will spin off the technology with grants to start up new businesses that are private?

Too much nuance, cannot compute.

248 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:06:29pm

And on that note, the long quiet drive home beckons

249 AlexRogan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:06:30pm

re: #229 klys

I watch far too much Mythbusters.

It’s good background noise while I stitch or crochet. Even if I have seen most of them 5+ times.

Also, How Its Made.

Pretty much, I want commercial free streaming on the Roku.

My favorite shows:
Good Eats
How It’s Made
How Do They Do That?
Nadia G’s Bitchin Kitchen

250 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:07:19pm
251 Backwoods_Sleuth  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:07:52pm

re: #248 sattv4u2

And on that note, the long quiet drive home beckons

Have a safe trip and watch out for wildlife…

252 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:08:44pm

Putin is so cuddly. O_o

253 AlexRogan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:09:49pm

re: #252 Amory Blaine

Putin is so cuddly. O_o

Like an iron maiden.

254 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:10:10pm

re: #248 sattv4u2

And on that note, the long quiet drive home beckons

You need to shorten your drives.

255 BongCrodny  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:10:31pm

So, I see that Riddick got a 59% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

That must make it the Citizen Kane of Riddick movies.

256 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:11:22pm

re: #243 BongCrodny

I’m scared by hippies, too.

Most of those folks weren’t hippies. Most appeared to be Syrian-American Assad supporters. It seems useful idiots from “Peace Action” sponsored the event but not many hippies showed up.

257 Kragar  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:11:29pm

re: #255 BongCrodny

So, I see that Riddick got a 59% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

That must make it the Citizen Kane of Riddick movies.

Hey now. Pitch Black was a decent sci-fi movie.

258 impolitics  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:12:56pm

re: #171 ObserverArt

True — though in my case, I can reel off the names of right-wing actors whose work I admire and I would never deprive myself of the enjoyment of what they do just because I didn’t approve of their politics. Right-wingers seem vastly more prone to that sort of thing — freaking over Jane Fonda playing Nancy Reagan in The Butler, for instance. Knowing politics is good citizenship. Knowing nothing but politics is fanaticism.

259 A Man for all Seasons  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:14:08pm

re: #250 Gus

[Embedded content]

Obama should tell the Rapper wing of the Party that we gotta do a drive by action…Our honor has been disrespected and somebody has to pay the Vig for break’n the rules..

260 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:14:35pm

re: #256 Killgore Trout

Most of those folks weren’t hippies. Most appeared to be Syrian-American Assad supporters. It seems useful idiots from “Peace Action” sponsored the event but not many hippies showed up.

That’s a little strange. Partisans living in the US tend to be on the ‘oppressed’ team.

261 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:14:58pm
262 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:16:37pm

re: #259 A Man for all Seasons

Obama should tell the Rapper wing of the Party that we gotta do a drive by action…Our honor has been disrespected and somebody has to pay the Vig for break’n the rules..

“The Red Line Is ‘Actually A Dick-Measuring Ribbon.”
—Jon Stewart


263 Carlos Danger  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:16:50pm

Tokyo got the 2020 Olympics over Istanbul, which is going to make Erdogan disappoint.

264 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:17:15pm
265 ObserverArt  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:17:25pm

I liked Bruce Willis in “Mortal Thoughts.” His character was a real asshole and he nailed it!

266 AlexRogan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:18:39pm

re: #257 Kragar

Hey now. Pitch Black was a decent sci-fi movie.

So much so that when The Chronicles of Riddick came out, the studio tried to cop cred from Pitch Black by re-releasing it in the video market as The Chronicles of Riddick: Pitch Black.

267 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:18:50pm

re: #260 Decatur Deb

That’s a little strange. Partisans living in the US tend to be on the ‘oppressed’ team.

I thought it was strange at first too. I think many of the Syrian immigrants are Christians who fled general persecution of living in a predominantly Muslim country but since the uprising many of them here and in Syria have opted for Assad for the sake of stability. Post Assad Syria is likely to end up with ethnic/religious conflicts. Christians would rather side with assad than risk Al Qaeda/Islamist militias.

268 Targetpractice  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:20:47pm

re: #257 Kragar

Hey now. Pitch Black was a decent sci-fi movie.

It was. Hollywood just made the mistake of thinking everybody went to see it because they wanted to spend 2 hours listening to Vin Diesel grunt one-liners.

269 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:21:46pm

re: #263 Carlos Danger

I was chatting with a friend in Istanbul and she even pointed out that they simply don’t have the infrastructure to adequately support an Olympic Games. Like she said, maybe in 2024 or 2028, but 2020 is too soon.

270 BongCrodny  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:22:30pm

re: #261 Killgore Trout

Damn hippies!
Sioux Falls Protesters Against U.S. Intervention In SyriaNAWAPA!

On the other hand, Larouchies really do scare me.

271 Carlos Danger  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:23:25pm

re: #268 Targetpractice

If I wanted to watch Vin Diesel grunt for two hours, I’d just watch Iron Giant

272 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:25:13pm

re: #269 Dr Lizardo

I was chatting with a friend in Istanbul and she even pointed out that they simply don’t have the infrastructure to adequately support an Olympic Games. Like she said, maybe in 2024 or 2028, but 2020 is too soon.

You mean they aren’t going to make the bull run an Olympic event?

273 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:25:16pm

re: #270 BongCrodny

On the other hand, Larouchies really do scare me.

What scares me is my intelligent President finds himself on the wrong side against so many idiots, nutcases and teapartiers—though I repeat myself.

275 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:28:56pm

re: #272 b_sharp

You mean they aren’t going to make the bull run an Olympic event?

Heh. Nah, Istanbul is a great city, but I really can’t see the Olympics there. That’s just me.

It reminds me of the time the ex-mayor of Prague wanted to host the Olympics there; Prague is a small town when you get down to it. I asked my ex where are they gonna put the facilities, and she said with that mayor, he’d just propose tearing down Prague Castle because, you know, it’s just old crap.

276 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:29:46pm

re: #274 Pavlovian Hive Mind

Very good, though the ‘Left’ map needs a touch of Vietnam and Cambodia.

277 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:30:26pm

re: #274 Pavlovian Hive Mind

Image: MiddleEast-NickAnderson.jpg


278 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:31:08pm

re: #275 Dr Lizardo

Heh. Nah, Istanbul is a great city, but I really can’t see the Olympics there. That’s just me.

It reminds me of the time the ex-mayor of Prague wanted to host the Olympics there; Prague is a small town when you get down to it. I asked my ex where are they gonna put the facilities, and she said with that mayor, he’d just propose tearing down Prague Castle because, you know, it’s just old crap.

Was thinking—Istanbul still has most of a hippodrome…

279 Carlos Danger  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:31:21pm

re: #272 b_sharp

I’m still kind of bummed they depreciated wrestling as a Olympic sport.

Image: File:07Athletengrab.jpg

280 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:32:21pm

Had to feed the dogs and stuff.

Did I miss anything?

281 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:32:28pm

re: #279 Carlos Danger

I’m still kind of bummed they depreciated wrestling as a Olympic sport.

Image: File:07Athletengrab.jpg

Yah, that one is weird considering it’s one of the original Greek events.

282 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:32:53pm

re: #280 FemNaziBitch

Had to feed the dogs and stuff.

Did I miss anything?

Not that I saw.

283 Targetpractice  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:32:55pm

An emoprog just buried the needle on my BS-o-meter. He declared that the US is responsible for everybody that Assad has killed. Why? Because we’re supporting the rebels with money, resources, and training when a home-grown rebellion would have already been quelled right now.

It’s what amuses me in a dark way about all this, that the situation in Syria is such that the only option if you believe that supporting the rebels is wrong is to take the side of a murderous dictator. Oh hell, what am I saying, many of these folks are the same nuts who thought Saddam was a great guy and wear Che t-shirts without the least bit of irony.

284 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:33:31pm

re: #281 b_sharp

Yah, that one is weird considering it’s one of the original Greek events.

But they’re letting pros back in—no one takes Hulk Hogan.

285 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:34:30pm

re: #284 Decatur Deb

But they’re letting pros back in—no one takes Hulk Hogan.

The Rock!

286 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:34:37pm

re: #283 Targetpractice

“These are not the rebels we are looking for.”

287 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:35:00pm

re: #273 Decatur Deb

What scares me is my intelligent President finds himself on the wrong side against so many idiots, nutcases and teapartiers—…

…and you…?

288 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:35:39pm

I don’t understand all the hype around the TV show “Orange Is The New Black.” It seems dumb and kinda racist. Am I supposed to empathize with this gut-wrenchingly stupid WASPish main character? She’s named “Piper”, FFS. I hope she gets shanked and/or hit by a car.

289 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:36:31pm

re: #287 wrenchwench

I’m where I was when the Prez was in grammar school in Kenya.

290 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:37:06pm

re: #289 Decatur Deb

I’m where I was when the Prez was in grammar school in Kenya.


back to the bikes….

291 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:37:22pm

re: #283 Targetpractice

An emoprog just buried the needle on my BS-o-meter. He declared that the US is responsible for everybody that Assad has killed. Why? Because we’re supporting the rebels with money, resources, and training when a home-grown rebellion would have already been quelled right now.

It’s what amuses me in a dark way about all this, that the situation in Syria is such that the only option if you believe that supporting the rebels is wrong is to take the side of a murderous dictator. Oh hell, what am I saying, many of these folks are the same nuts who thought Saddam was a great guy and wear Che t-shirts without the least bit of irony.

The US is responsible for all the badness in the world becuz:

3-The Gong Show
4-Miley Cyrus
5-Gloria Steinem
6-Bush II
7-Charles Darwin

292 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:38:08pm

Chronicles of Riddick the game for the PC was awesome.

293 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:38:36pm

I liked all Vin’s movies because, well, VIN!!!

294 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:38:45pm

re: #292 Amory Blaine

Butcher Bay

295 Targetpractice  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:39:49pm

re: #291 FemNaziBitch

The US is responsible for all the badness in the world becuz:

3-The Gong Show
4-Miley Cyrus
5-Gloria Steinem
6-Bush II
7-Charles Darwin

You know how it goes, the US is always wrong. Either we didn’t take action, we took action but waited too long, we took action but didn’t do so with the permission of the right people, we took action with permission but not the action the locals wanted, we got permission and we played nice with the locals but we didn’t leave soon enough, so on and so forth.

When you start from the position that America is always wrong, the excuses write themselves.

296 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:40:44pm
297 BongCrodny  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:41:36pm

re: #291 FemNaziBitch

The US is responsible for all the badness in the world becuz:

3-The Gong Show
4-Miley Cyrus
5-Gloria Steinem
6-Bush II
7-Charles Darwin

I don’t see libtards on that list.

298 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:42:02pm

re: #296 NJDhockeyfan

[Embedded content]

Caption: “We’ve nearly completed our stealth emigration from your world and YOU ARE FUCKED!”

299 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:44:31pm

Looks like you can buy an autographed photograph of Nick Searcy on Amazon for the ridiculously low price of $119.99

Only one left! Act Now!

300 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:44:33pm
301 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:45:02pm

With all the drug and medical devices that have been recalled lately, this is just a WTF.

15 patients in 3 states possibly exposed to fatal brain disease


A friend of mine contracted MRSA at a local hospital, and while he was being treated, a tech drew 120ccs of blood, causing a bubble, and almost killed him. I try to avoid having any invasive procedures anymore. I’m just going to live (not without some self-care, though).

302 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:46:36pm

re: #301 Justanotherhuman

With all the drug and medical devices that have been recalled lately, this is just a WTF.

15 patients in 3 states possibly exposed to fatal brain disease


A friend of mine contracted MRSA at a local hospital, and while he was being treated, a tech drew 120ccs of blood, causing a bubble, and almost killed him. I try to avoid having any invasive procedures anymore. I’m just going to live (not without some self-care, though).

Yeah, almost makes not want to have plastic surgery


Seriously, surgery is scarier and scarier.

303 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:48:36pm

re: #302 FemNaziBitch

Yeah, almost makes not want to have plastic surgery


Seriously, surgery is scarier and scarier.

Much prefer the good old days when bleeding was the most invasive a surgery you could expect.

304 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:48:56pm
305 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:49:09pm

re: #302 FemNaziBitch

Yeah, almost makes not want to have plastic surgery


Seriously, surgery is scarier and scarier.

Haha, I never have had elective surgery of any kind. But I have had a type of skin cancer that required surgery.

306 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:49:41pm

re: #303 b_sharp

Much prefer the good old days when bleeding was the most invasive a surgery you could expect.

going under full anesthesia is serious stuff. The more you know, the less you wish you knew.

307 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:54:15pm
308 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:55:05pm

re: #307 Gus

[Embedded content]

Grayson really is a horse’s ass.

309 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:55:10pm

re: #304 Gus

[Embedded content]

Useful idiots

310 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:55:47pm

re: #304 Gus

[Embedded content]

Ah, that just made my day. Much thanks!

311 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:56:03pm

re: #307 Gus

[Embedded content]

Unuseful idiot

312 Carlos Danger  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:56:32pm

re: #288 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

I don’t understand all the hype around the TV show “Orange Is The New Black.” It seems dumb and kinda racist. Am I supposed to empathize with this gut-wrenchingly stupid WASPish main character? She’s named “Piper”, FFS. I hope she gets shanked and/or hit by a car.

I thought the show was about Boehner.

313 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:57:31pm

re: #307 Gus

[Embedded content]

I’ve been paying a lot of attention to Grayson lately. I’m not quite sure what his deal is but I suspect he has a lesson to teach us about what not to be.

314 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:59:45pm

re: #306 FemNaziBitch

going under full anesthesia is serious stuff. The more you know, the less you wish you knew.

Been there more than once.

Even though it can be dangerous, our modern medical system is way ahead of any time in the past so while we’re taking precautions to safeguard our health appreciating the care given by health workers seems a good idea.

315 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 3:59:54pm


“I don’t want to see Syria turn into another Libya,” said Andrew. “If I had a hand big enough to squash the US tanks then I would. Democracy is America’s deadliest export, they use it as an excuse to destroy countries.”

316 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:01:24pm


317 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:03:31pm

Cool new feature in the Media Library - if you post a tweet containing an image or photo, the info area for the tweet will have a button labeled “Large image,” that pops up the largest version of that image Twitter has on file.

But wait, there’s more! It also automagically creates a slideshow out of the large images, with thumbnail images at the bottom of the screen and playback controls at the top.

It just started recording the large image data yesterday, so only the first couple of pages will have them right now. It’s a pretty cool way to look through the images in tweets posted at LGF.

Also, unregistered visitors can now see the Media Library too. Since everything in it was posted publicly by an LGF user, I didn’t see any reason for a registration wall.

If you’re registered and logged in you get some extra features, like being able to show only your media, add tags to your own media, and delete them from the library. (Deleting doesn’t delete the actual media, since it’s hosted somewhere else — just deletes the entry referring to it from the library.)

318 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:06:30pm
319 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:12:50pm
320 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:15:53pm

re: #318 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Bringing his own lunch.

321 Targetpractice  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:16:57pm

re: #319 Gus

[Embedded content]

Cameron must be so fearful of public backlash that he’s going so far as to deny us use of British military assets in any fashion in order to prosecute strikes on Syria.

322 Amory Blaine  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:18:46pm

re: #318 Charles Johnson

Lazy democrat taking a free ride from a true patriot!


323 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:19:03pm

re: #321 Targetpractice

Cameron must be so fearful of public backlash that he’s going so far as to deny us use of British military assets in any fashion in order to prosecute strikes on Syria.

Or more of an F-U to Obama for making him hold an immediate vote while Obama has time to twist arms.

324 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:19:10pm
325 Carlos Danger  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:19:19pm

re: #321 Targetpractice

Cameron must be so fearful of public backlash that he’s going so far as to deny us use of British military assets in any fashion in order to prosecute strikes on Syria.

The UKIP is echoing the rhetoric we hear from our right, which is probably no small part in his decision.

326 Carlos Danger  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:20:13pm

Heh… I wonder what Churchill would have done.

327 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:20:35pm

How many Gods do Sarah and Grayson think we have?

328 b_sharp  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:21:59pm

re: #327 b.d.

How many Gods do Sarah and Grayson think we have?


329 Targetpractice  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:22:15pm

re: #327 b.d.

How many Gods do Sarah and Grayson think we have?

Depends, do you consider Talos to be a god or not?

/(Geek moment)

330 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:22:32pm
331 dog philosopher  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:27:09pm

dear mr nick searcy

i have one question for you

who are you?

332 dog philosopher  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:29:43pm

famous old hollywood joke

The Four Stages Of An Actor’s Career

1. who is Rock Stone?
2. get me Rock Stone!
3. get me a young Rock Stone
4. who is Rock Stone?

333 Carlos Danger  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:29:52pm

Sometimes, when you think the dudebro/teabags are too extremist and absolutist, an example like this comes up…

United Red Army

In the winter of 1971-1972 the United Red Army was hiding in the mountains in Gunma Prefecture. They established camps and trained for military purposes. The leaders of the United Red Army encouraged their fighters to examine their weaknesses in criticism and self-criticism, and these sessions turned into lynchings. The group purged itself one by one of members deemed not sufficiently revolutionary. Many of the twelve victims died tied to posts in the open, exposed to the elements, but others were beaten to death or slaughtered with knives. The first died on 31 December and the last on 12 February. The United Red Army leaders later did not admit that they had killed, but called it death by defeatism (敗北死 Haiboku shi?).

334 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:30:06pm
335 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:34:02pm

re: #334 Gus

[Embedded content]




336 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:36:09pm

re: #335 b.d.




They’re taking over! //

337 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:38:30pm

Image: starbucks-fail-van-perfect-timing.jpg

And 49 more…

The 50 Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever


338 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:38:52pm

re: #318 Charles Johnson

Hate to nitpick, but that staircase appears absolutely nowhere in Yellowstone. National Geographic screwed up.

It is lovely, but totally inconsistent with the park.

A better Yellowstone photo.

339 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:40:00pm

re: #245 Carlos Danger

Wow, they are really doubling down on stupid over there.

341 PhillyPretzel  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:43:12pm

re: #337 Justanotherhuman

#50 was cute.

342 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:45:15pm

re: #340 Killgore Trout

Not Alan Grayson’s problem…
Obama’s shocking case for striking Syria: Gruesome series of videos taken in aftermath of gas attacks that White House is using to persuade Senators and Congressmen to back US air strikes
(warning: Dead children)

The only solution for a bad leader with dead children is a good leader with dead children.


343 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:48:05pm

re: #341 PhillyPretzel

#50 was cute.

Oh yeah, the kittehs… : )

344 Stanley Sea  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:49:25pm

re: #337 Justanotherhuman

Image: starbucks-fail-van-perfect-timing.jpg

And 49 more…

The 50 Most Perfectly Timed Photos Ever


#7 had me for a minute!

345 b.d.  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:50:47pm


346 Stanley Sea  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:52:03pm
347 Carlos Danger  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:52:27pm
348 andres  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:53:50pm

re: #304 Gus

[Embedded content]

Human shields against whom? I have no doubt the Syrian Government would use them against everyone, especially the rebels.

349 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 4:54:34pm

More GG preening…

Glenn Greenwald ‏@ggreenwald 6h

There still is a lot more RT @zunguzungu It’s kinda awesome that Greenwald wasn’t blowing smoke when he said there was a lot more coming.

350 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:09:04pm

re: #338 klys

Hate to nitpick, but that staircase appears absolutely nowhere in Yellowstone. National Geographic screwed up.

It is lovely, but totally inconsistent with the park.

A better Yellowstone photo.

I think you’re right - it’s actually from the Butchart Gardens in British Columbia. Also see: plus.google.com

351 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:10:44pm

Google Images to the rescue again.

352 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:13:52pm

re: #351 Charles Johnson

I just spend far too much time (by normal people standards) in Yellowstone and that looks absolutely nothing like anything there.

353 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:14:49pm

re: #351 Charles Johnson

Google Images to the rescue again.

What search terms?

354 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:16:33pm

Spend a few minutes hanging out with the beebee orangutans.

Youtube Video

355 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:16:51pm

re: #353 Gus

What search terms?

You can upload an image and search for matches. Works amazingly well. Click the little camera icon on the Google Images home page.


356 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:17:33pm

re: #355 Charles Johnson

You can upload an image and search for matches. Works amazingly well. Click the little camera icon on the Google Images home page.


Ah, was thinking if they had one of those.

357 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:17:57pm

re: #340 Killgore Trout

Here’s a playlist.

Youtube Video

Every one of these (except the first one, in which nothing happens) is the worst thing you’ve seen all day, and there are over 170 of them.

358 Iwouldprefernotto  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:18:34pm

re: #352 klys

I just spend far too much time (by normal people standards) in Yellowstone and that looks absolutely nothing like anything there.

Only the really cool people know about the staircase in Yellowstone. It leads to the unicorn garden where the beer is free (and everyone knows your name).

359 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:18:52pm
360 Pavlovian Hive Mind  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:19:44pm

re: #359 Gus



361 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:19:44pm

Google Images is kind of amazing. For that staircase image it also returns several images from different angles that look pretty danged different. That’s an impressive matching algorithm.

362 Gus  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:20:46pm

re: #360 Pavlovian Hive Mind


Be afraid.

363 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:21:12pm

re: #358 Iwouldprefernotto

Only the really cool people know about the staircase in Yellowstone. It leads to the unicorn garden where the beer is free (and everyone knows your name).

I am clearly not cool enough.

Just stupid enough to sit and wait for Fan and fucking Mortar.

364 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:22:21pm

re: #342 Decatur Deb

The only solution for a bad leader with dead children is a good leader with dead children.


I actually kind of agree with Grayson on Syria but he states his case is such a callous and heartless manner. He makes it worse by trying to claim the moral high ground. The real moral decision here is to remove Assad and create a stable democracy with a free and open society to replace him. Nobody’s talking about doing that. It might not even be possible and I have serious doubts we have the political/social balls to make that happen. I don’t there’s any workable plan to shorten the civil war, minimize the loss of lives or improve Syria’s future prospects. I do believe in the “you break it, you bought it” rule of foreign intervention and I still think Obama lost confidence in his own plan so I don’t see much reason for me to have confidence in it.

365 Iwouldprefernotto  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:24:50pm

re: #363 klys

I am clearly not cool enough.

Just stupid enough to sit and wait for Fan and fucking Mortar.

oh Yellowstone. I thought you said Jellystone. My boo boo

366 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:25:00pm

re: #364 Killgore Trout

Copyright Concern Troll TM

367 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:25:20pm

re: #364 Killgore Trout

1945: “Never again!”

1946-2013: “Well, maybe THIS time, but then never again after that!”

368 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:25:40pm

Bah, Charles, subscript works but not superscript?

Amended because Saturday.

369 Stanley Sea  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:25:46pm

re: #354 wrenchwench

Spend a few minutes hanging out with the beebee orangutans.

[Embedded content]


370 Backwoods_Sleuth  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:26:31pm

re: #306 FemNaziBitch

going under full anesthesia is serious stuff. The more you know, the less you wish you knew.

10+ years ago, I had an ovarian cyst the size of a grapefruit removed.
Before I went in, I wrote up a quick & simple will and had it witnessed and notarized where I worked at the time.
Everyone at work freaked out.
I said, if I survive, that will be great but ya never know…

371 Pavlovian Hive Mind  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:27:55pm

re: #368 klys

Bah, Charles, subscript works but not superscript?


372 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:28:10pm

re: #357 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Here’s a playlist.

[Embedded content]

Every one of these (except the first one, in which nothing happens) is the worst thing you’ve seen all day, and there are over 170 of them.

War footage with combatants doesn’t usually bother me. The civilians and kids is really hard to see.

373 Decatur Deb  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:28:13pm

Extensive article in Foreign Policy on applying the Powell Doctrine to the possible war in Syria. These are the consensus ideas that were crafted to ensure we would not again find ourselves in an unwinnable, morally ambiguous war facing the overwhelming resistance of the American people.

The fact that Powell himself abandoned it in the rush to our triumph in Iraq does not invalidate the doctrine. If anything it makes it more pertinent.


Note: you might have to work around the FP masking advert.

374 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:29:18pm

re: #371 Pavlovian Hive Mind


I am taunted

375 Pavlovian Hive Mind  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:31:46pm

re: #374 klys

I am taunted


376 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:37:01pm

re: #375 Pavlovian Hive Mind


/goes back to enjoying Saturday

377 RealityBasedSteve  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:45:06pm

re: #354 wrenchwench

Spend a few minutes hanging out with the beebee orangutans.

[Embedded content]

OHHHH…. If I had won the powerball tonight I’d love to be an orangutan. Freak the kitties out however.


378 EPR-radar  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:46:31pm

re: #345 b.d.

Sirota may be a fool, but this point is valid. Why install someone as Fed Chair who has the kind of lousy track record that Summers does (i.e., personally abrasive and wrong on policy)?

379 palomino  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 5:55:48pm

Searcy is an aging white guy from rural North Carolina. His right wing views are thus par for his life course.

He probably saw CJ as an internet ally at one point, and thus has especially strong hatred in his heart for a “traitor” (maybe he just recently learned that CJ broke away from the right years ago.)

And like other RW Hollywood celebs, he probably has a persecution complex about the overall liberal nature of the entertainment industry. His pool “argument” suffers given the fact that the Hollywood left has way more money than his ilk and thus many many more swimming pools.

380 palomino  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 6:03:55pm

re: #108 NJDhockeyfan

ANSWER signs!

And yet the real impediment to any military action is in Congress. On both sides, peaceniks on the left and knee jerk refuseniks on the right. ANSWER is a joke, with no real impact on policy. Put the blame where it belongs.

381 RealityBasedSteve  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 6:18:10pm

Has there really ever been a more complete collapse of a human being than what has happened to Charles Johnson?

Why does that phrase ring a bell with me? Wasn’t that part of some Malkin or Geller screech-fest?

Any of the the Senior Lizards help me out?


382 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 6:26:41pm

re: #381 RealityBasedSteve

Has there really ever been a more complete collapse of a human being than what has happened to Charles Johnson?

Why does that phrase ring a bell with me? Wasn’t that part of some Malkin or Geller screech-fest?

Any of the the Senior Lizards help me out?


My short answer so far is no, but Google’s search algorithms scare me.

383 RealityBasedSteve  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 6:28:18pm

re: #382 klys

My short answer so far is no, but Google’s search algorithms scare me.

Yea, I googled it myself, but DAMN it sounds familiar. It may must be my multi-dimensional time slips kicking in again. Hate it when that happens.


384 BroncD  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 6:29:51pm

Damn, and he’s so good on that show.

385 klys  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 6:32:26pm

re: #383 RealityBasedSteve

Yea, I googled it myself, but DAMN it sounds familiar. It may must be my multi-dimensional time slips kicking in again. Hate it when that happens.


My dreams last night involved breaking beer bottles from the concession stand to put out the fire on a church window bus where the interior has pews.

Nothing fazes me anymore.

386 palomino  Sat, Sep 7, 2013 7:58:03pm

re: #384 BroncD

Damn, and he’s so good on that show.

In real life he’s an old guy from rural North Carolina. On the show he’s a good ole boy sheriff in rural Kentucky. Not much of a stretch.

He is good on Justified, and I like the show…mainly because of Timothy Oliphant and the writing, but he deserves credit for his small contribution to the show. I just never realized before that he was essentially playing himself.

387 boredtechindenver  Sun, Sep 8, 2013 2:40:52am

re: #199 Amory Blaine

I hated Moonlighting.

re: #201 Gus

Heard about it.

My favorite Moonlighting scene

Youtube Video

388 Flavia  Mon, Sep 9, 2013 9:05:54pm

re: #35 sattv4u2

Yeah. give him the attention he’s looking for. THAT will teach him!! {sigh}

Yes - I think Charles should never dignify these idiots with any attention at all!! They are sad, sorry individuals who at best need help - certainly not fuel for their ridiculousness!

389 Flavia  Mon, Sep 9, 2013 9:12:02pm

re: #364 Killgore Trout

I actually kind of agree with Grayson on Syria but he states his case is such a callous and heartless manner. He makes it worse by trying to claim the moral high ground. The real moral decision here is to remove Assad and create a stable democracy with a free and open society to replace him. Nobody’s talking about doing that. It might not even be possible and I have serious doubts we have the political/social balls to make that happen. I don’t there’s any workable plan to shorten the civil war, minimize the loss of lives or improve Syria’s future prospects.

You have succinctly articulated pretty much my every thought/belief/opinion on the matter.

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