Breaking: Capitol on Security Lockdown

Shots fired outside US Capitol
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1 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:26:24am
2 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:26:43am
3 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:27:03am
4 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:27:25am

With all the bullshit rhetoric flying around, something like this was bound to happen.

5 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:28:19am
6 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:28:32am

After following LNYHBT for a while I forgot how completely fucked up TGDN is.

7 erik_t  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:28:42am

Because we didn’t yet look sufficiently meth-cowboy whack-a-doodle to our esteemed friends and acquaintances abroad.


8 blueraven  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:28:55am

Luke Russert claims he heard three or four distinct…boom, boom, booms

9 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:29:07am

I just don’t even know anymore.

10 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:29:26am
11 Snarknado!  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:29:29am

re: #3 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Given their demonstrated competence in other areas, a roomful of congresscritters with guns would end up shooting one another.

12 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:29:34am

re: #4 Kragar

With all the bullshit rhetoric flying around, something like this was bound to happen.

It’s just a conspiracy to keep the GOP from holding pressers on the front steps.

13 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:30:08am

re: #6 Vicious Babushka

After following LNYHBT for a while I forgot how completely fucked up TGDN is.

[Embedded content]

I thought it was because they were an ocean away, and the French were harassing the English, so it became economically unfeasible to continue the war.

14 Charles Johnson  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:30:17am
15 erik_t  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:30:30am

re: #13 Kragar

I thought it was because they were an ocean away, and the French were harassing the English, so it became economically unfeasible to continue the war.


16 Carlos Danger  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:30:54am


17 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:30:54am

re: #6 Vicious Babushka

An AR-15 would be about as effective as a musket against the US military. WTF? Do these people expect the feds to allow howitzers and tanks for everybody?

18 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:30:55am
19 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:31:09am

re: #13 Kragar

I thought it was because they were an ocean away, and the French were harassing the English, so it became economically unfeasible to continue the war.

Look at the picture, the “patriots” have AR-15, that is obviously from a Harry Turtledove alternate fantasy, not from actual history.

20 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:31:22am

re: #17 Lidane

An AR-15 would be about as effective as a musket against the US military. WTF? Do these people expect the feds to allow howitzers and tanks for everybody?


21 Charles Johnson  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:31:28am
22 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:31:54am

Video games are behind this.

23 Charles Johnson  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:32:21am
24 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:32:38am

re: #13 Kragar

I thought it was because they were an ocean away, and the French were harassing the English, so it became economically unfeasible to continue the war.

And because the French provided our army with uniforms, muskets, powder and a navy to keep out the Royal Navy. But of course the militia was more important than that < rolls_eyes >

25 Bubblehead II  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:33:08am

The shooter was a deranged Muslim Democrat who voted for Obama 5 times.

/ only half

26 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:33:09am

re: #4 Kragar

With all the bullshit rhetoric flying around, something like this was bound to happen.

Too true. And as crazy as things are, it could be from someone with any and all or no political background.

Welcome to America.

27 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:33:12am

re: #17 Lidane

An AR-15 would be about as effective as a musket against the US military. WTF? Do these people expect the feds to allow howitzers and tanks for everybody?

Yes, the ones making that argument do believe that.

28 leftynyc  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:33:21am

re: #18 Justanotherhuman

[Embedded content]

I’m not seeing shooter caught anywhere. Is this tweeter reliable?

29 b.d.  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:33:44am

I have a mental image of what type of person would be doing this and why, I hope I am wrong.

30 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:33:52am

TGDN patriots are on it!

31 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:33:55am

re: #17 Lidane

An AR-15 would be about as effective as a musket against the US military. WTF? Do these people expect the feds to allow howitzers and tanks for everybody?

In their version of reality, the Armed Forces would join them en masse.

Because a volunteer force composed of citizens from across the nation will automatically side with the political groups in the region where they are stationed.

32 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:34:15am

re: #27 William Barnett-Lewis

Yes, the ones making that argument do believe that.

ROFL. Even a GOP administration wouldn’t be that stupid.

33 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:34:44am

re: #30 Vicious Babushka

TGDN patriots are on it!

[Embedded content]

There’s the Alex Jonesifcation of America. 1 + 1= Elephants with British accents conspiring with the Freemasons.

34 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:35:02am
35 b.d.  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:35:09am

[alex jones] False Flag!!!! [/alex jones]

36 Interesting Times  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:35:10am

re: #30 Vicious Babushka

TGDN patriots are on it!

[Embedded content]

Lame. If they had any imagination, they’d be repeating some variation of Bubblehead’s comment in all seriousness.

37 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:35:44am
38 Bubblehead II  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:36:02am

re: #30 Vicious Babushka

TGDN patriots are on it!

[Embedded content]

See #25

39 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:36:16am

Rep Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) on MSNBC says they were just told to “shelter in place” in Cannon Bldg and other offices, given no other details.

Some entrances have been closed, but level of security from Capitol police is same as always.

Capitol police: Injured officers, but no confirmed numbers.

40 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:36:43am
41 Charles Johnson  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:36:46am
42 Charles Johnson  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:36:57am
43 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:37:06am

re: #40 Lidane

[Embedded content]


44 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:37:16am

re: #28 leftynyc

I’m not seeing shooter caught anywhere. Is this tweeter reliable?

She’s a national reporter for MSNBC, formerly w/WAPO.

45 Sionainn  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:37:28am

re: #40 Lidane

[Embedded content]


46 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:37:37am

Did Issa just sideswipe a cop?

47 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:37:43am

re: #40 Lidane

[Embedded content]

Issa acting like an asshole. Another day in our nation’s capital.

48 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:38:24am

re: #39 Justanotherhuman

Rep Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) on MSNBC says they were just told to “shelter in place” in Cannon Bldg and other offices, given no other details.

Some entrances have been closed, but level of security from Capitol police is same as always.

Capitol police: Injured officers, but no confirmed numbers.

We had a “shelter in place” drill here in the summer, basically it’s “hide under your desk until the all clear.”

The “shelter in place” instructions at the Job From Hell (which was a federal facility) was “lock yourself into the computer room.” Of course that would have sucked if the shooter knew the access code.

49 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:38:55am
50 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:39:03am

re: #47 HappyWarrior

Issa acting like an asshole. Another day in our nation’s capital.

Hey, there could be a new Obama scandal to mine here. Outta my way, I’ll get Obama out of here yet!


51 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:39:08am

re: #46 Kragar

Sounds about right. What, with his Arson and Grand Theft Auto before.

52 Bubblehead II  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:39:17am

re: #46 Kragar

Did Issa just sideswipe a cop?

If he in fact did, then he’s in some very deep shit.

53 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:39:24am

Too soon!

54 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:39:29am
55 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:40:21am

re: #40 Lidane

re: #41 Charles Johnson

The irony of seeing these two in juxtaposition.

56 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:40:36am
57 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:40:39am
58 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:41:00am

re: #49 Lidane

[Embedded content]

Holy shit, Con Avenue is where I’m going to be working.

59 Sionainn  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:41:28am

re: #48 Vicious Babushka

We had a “shelter in place” drill here in the summer, basically it’s “hide under your desk until the all clear.”

The “shelter in place” instructions at the Job From Hell (which was a federal facility) was “lock yourself into the computer room.” Of course that would have sucked if the shooter knew the access code.

“Shelter in Place” in the school district where I used to teach was to lock the classroom door and use masking tape to seal around the door (and windows if the room had them). Yes, I’m serious.

60 Belafon  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:41:48am

re: #29 b.d.

How do you have an image? Haven’t you learned that it’s kind of pointless?

61 Carlos Danger  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:42:33am

Not a good day to fuck with park rangers.

62 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:43:09am

re: #59 Sionainn

“Shelter in Place” in the school district where I used to teach was to lock the classroom door and use masking tape to seal around the door (and windows if the room had them). Yes, I’m serious.

I work in a secure room. In an active shooter event, we can dead lock the doors, so we’ll either be perfectly safe, or all dead if he starts shooting in here first.

63 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:43:10am

The insanity just gets ratcheted up a notch, along with the paranoia, delusions, and conspiracy theories - especially coming from the usual suspects on the right and the moronic convergence.

I really hope that this was an accident, and not someone who was really intent on doing harm, but at least one member of the Capital Police is injured as a result of actions taken.

64 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:43:11am

re: #61 Carlos Danger

Not a good day to fuck with park rangers.

Or Capitol police.

65 Carlos Danger  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:43:42am

re: #56 Kragar

[Embedded content]

2 Fast 2 Furious

66 Sionainn  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:45:00am

re: #62 Kragar

I work in a secure room. In an active shooter event, we can dead lock the doors, so we’ll either be perfectly safe, or all dead if he starts shooting in here first.

The students would probably be okay if someone was shooting outside. The masking tape thing was in case there was a chemical spill or something along those lines. They only announce “shelter in place.” They don’t tell the teachers what’s going on.

67 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:45:06am

Capitol police confirm shots were fired.

It’s not hard for me to imagine some crazy motherfuckers might think “the revolution” is on because of what’s happening in the House.

68 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:45:38am

re: #67 Justanotherhuman

Capitol police confirm shots were fired.

It’s not hard for me to imagine some crazy motherfuckers might think “the revolution” is on because of what’s happening in the House.

Yeah, unfortunately not at all. I got a bad feeling about this. Relieved no one was killed but still.

69 EmmaAnne  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:46:12am

re: #44 Justanotherhuman

She’s a national reporter for MSNBC, formerly w/WAPO.

Which means she can be relied on not to make shit up, not that she can relied on to know what is going on.

24 hour rule, probably.

70 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:46:47am
71 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:47:16am
72 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:47:41am

re: #71 darthstar

[Embedded content]


73 Tigger2  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:47:49am

re: #30 Vicious Babushka

TGDN patriots are on it!

[Embedded content]

I read his name at first as Snarky Sharkerson not Sharky. lol

74 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:48:15am

re: #69 EmmaAnne

Which means she can be relied on not to make shit up, not that she can relied on to know what is going on.

24 hour rule, probably.

She’s been pretty well accurate, not speculative, if you want a timeline:

75 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:48:15am
76 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:49:07am
77 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:49:40am
78 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:50:31am

re: #77 darthstar

Just tweeted during lockdown. fuckin’ wingnuts

79 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:50:31am

re: #77 darthstar

[Embedded content]

WTF is this horseshit?

80 Charles Johnson  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:50:55am

Trying to ram through the White House gate. Whoa. This is wild.

81 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:50:59am

re: #75 Lidane

If that’s true, then we’re talking about a potential crime scene that runs the 1.5 miles from the WH to the US Capitol. Jeez.

82 AntonSirius  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:52:20am

re: #30 Vicious Babushka

83 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:52:44am

Okay…what the fuck?

84 urbanmeemaw  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:53:00am

re: #77 darthstar

Dear God.

85 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:53:01am
86 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:53:09am

Ritter is one of the newscasters at WABC in NYC. Still count as unconfirmed though.

87 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:53:18am
88 Charles Johnson  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:53:26am
89 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:53:28am
90 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:53:38am

re: #77 darthstar

Another Sedition charge,

91 erik_t  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:53:51am

If you try to ram through a major federal fence/gate with anything smaller than a MRAP, you are powerful dumb.

92 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:54:02am

re: #77 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Calling for the assassination of the President, buddy boy? I think the Secret Service will be paying you a visit soon, fuckwad.

93 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:54:10am
94 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:54:11am

I’m sorry, but the damn tweeting is allowing too many asses to be exposed. Matter of fact, the ass speaks louder and quicker than the mouth.

We were always told the mouth was connected to the brain.

WTF is the cell phone/tablet/computer hooked too? The asshole?

/ :Burning with frustration:

95 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:54:14am

Has Prudence Tweeted lately?

96 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:54:20am

re: #77 darthstar

[Embedded content]

What in the name of fuck.

97 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:54:38am
98 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:54:50am

re: #92 Dr Lizardo

Calling for the assassination of the President, buddy boy? I think the Secret Service will be paying you a visit soon, fuckwad.

The Mossad too.

99 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:54:53am

re: #88 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Female suspect, that’s interesting.

100 AntonSirius  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:54:58am

re: #75 Lidane

[Embedded content]

“Olympus has fallen! Olympus has… oh, no, never mind. We’re good.”

101 Ian G.  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:55:05am

re: #6 Vicious Babushka


Uh, no, Andrew. The principal reason the colonists won is because, despite the numerous ass-kickings handed to George Washington’s army by the British, they never were able to completely defeat him. Meanwhile, they suffered two costly, embarrassing defeats at Saratoga and Yorktown and the British public and Parliament got tired of fighting with no end in sight over there, so they sued for peace.

Kinda like Vietnam, in a way.

102 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:56:01am

re: #98 Vicious Babushka

The Mossad too.


Personally, I wouldn’t want a visit from the Mossad. Well, unless it was a job offer or something.

103 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:56:20am

re: #92 Dr Lizardo

Calling for the assassination of the President, buddy boy? I think the Secret Service will be paying you a visit soon, fuckwad.

The other thing is he’s inadvarently hopoing that Israel will do something that will validate some of the crazy conspiracy theories about Israel. Not that Israel would actually do such a thing. Bibi may be a bit of an ass but no ally of the US is bombing the White House because of a bunch of butt hurt American wingnuts not liking who’s in office.

104 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:56:35am

re: #92 Dr Lizardo

Calling for the assassination of the President, buddy boy? I think the Secret Service will be paying you a visit soon, fuckwad.

Asshole tweeted it during the current crisis. And apparently he’s CEO of a company…until the board hears about this:

SofTel CEO † @jeffersonparty Chairman † 2016 Prez? † Econ Prof † MBA † ENFJ † Empty Nester (all grads now) † Young Grandpa † 11th Gen American ✡ #Israel

105 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:56:40am
106 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:56:58am

re: #102 Dr Lizardo


Personally, I wouldn’t want a visit from the Mossad. Well, unless it was a job offer or something.

or an offer to go out and drink. After reading about how they got Eichmann, they ain’t someone to fuck with.

107 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:57:25am

re: #77 darthstar

[Embedded content]

And Lizards on Twitter, forward that Tweet from that douchecanoe to the Secret Service.

108 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:57:33am

Photo of the car in question that was involved in the incident.

109 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:57:42am

re: #104 darthstar

Asshole tweeted it during the current crisis. And apparently he’s CEO of a company…until the board hears about this:

His grandchildren must be so proud that Grandpa’s jacking off on Twitter asking for the WH to be bombed.

110 Interesting Times  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:58:10am

re: #99 HappyWarrior

Female suspect, that’s interesting.

white widow!!1!

(seriously though, I’m going to go with mental illness until the 24-hour rule says otherwise. But the fact she targeted the White House first pretty much proves this repub congressman is even more full of fail.)

111 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:58:37am

re: #91 erik_t

If you try to ram through a major federal fence/gate with anything smaller than a MRAP, you are powerful dumb.

Sure as hell anyone trying this can’t be too smart. But crazy is as crazy does.

112 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:59:30am

re: #106 HappyWarrior

or an offer to go out and drink. After reading about how they got Eichmann, they ain’t someone to fuck with.

Heh. Yeah, Mossad can be great friends…..but not someone you’d want as an enemy.

113 sagehen  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 11:59:56am

re: #102 Dr Lizardo


Personally, I wouldn’t want a visit from the Mossad. Well, unless it was a job offer or something.

If the agent they send looks like Eyal Levin (Oded Fehr’s character on “Covert Affairs”), my door is always open, I’ll lay on some nosh…

114 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:00:08pm

re: #112 Dr Lizardo

Heh. Yeah, Mossad can be great friends…..but not someone you’d want as an enemy.

Yeah Adolf Eichmann can vouch for the latter heh. I read an incredible book about how he was hunted down in Argentina. Just incerdible stuff.

115 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:00:51pm
116 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:01:03pm

As of eight minutes ago, the Senate was still on lockdown:

117 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:01:07pm
118 celticdragon  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:01:14pm

re: #6 Vicious Babushka

After following LNYHBT for a while I forgot how completely fucked up TGDN is.

[Embedded content]

If I’m reenacting and I see someone on the other side has an AR-15, I will:

1. Call him a Farb.
2. Point and laugh.
3. Suggest he go find the Vietnam reenactors.

119 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:01:29pm
120 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:01:35pm

Teabagger takes advantage of situation to blame Obama during incident.

121 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:01:41pm

What’s it going to take for certain lawmakers to realize that we need to have a discussion about guns.

122 Targetpractice  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:02:05pm

Think what’s surprising to me is that the shooter is reported as female. Don’t think I can recall any past instance of a female shooter engaged in something like this.

123 Joanne  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:02:20pm

re: #91 erik_t

If you try to ram through a major federal fence/gate with anything smaller than a MRAP, you are powerful dumb.

Not to mention powerful dead, apparently.

124 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:02:20pm

re: #120 darthstar

Teabagger takes advantage of situation to blame Obama during incident.

[Embedded content]

violent rhetoric? You of the party who talked about “second amendment solutions.” Fuck you fool.

125 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:02:30pm

re: #121 HappyWarrior

What’s it going to take for certain lawmakers to realize that we need to have a discussion about guns.

One of their own dead, that’s what it’ll take. Sad but true.

126 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:02:57pm

re: #125 Dr Lizardo

One of their own dead, that’s what it’ll take. Sad but true.

Indeed sigh.

127 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:03:25pm

re: #122 Targetpractice

Think what’s surprising to me is that the shooter is reported as female. Don’t think I can recall any past instance of a female shooter engaged in something like this.

Like V_B asked, anyone heard from Prudence lately on Twitter?

Any Freepers unaccounted for?

128 Patricia Kayden  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:03:27pm

re: #125 Dr Lizardo

Reagan almost died so I don’t think that will make any difference.

129 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:03:28pm

re: #118 celticdragon

If I’m reenacting and I see someone on the other side has an AR-15, I will:

1. Call him a Farb.
2. Point and laugh.
3. Suggest he go find the Vietnam reenactors.

You have never seen real combat till Ren Fair geeks get invaded by Trekkers.

130 leftynyc  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:03:48pm

re: #113 sagehen

If the agent they send looks like Eyal Levin (Oded Fehr’s character on “Covert Affairs”), my door is always open, I’ll lay on some nosh…

I was thinking Gabriel Allon (Daniel Silva). I’m a sucker for green eyes.

131 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:04:10pm

re: #121 HappyWarrior

What’s it going to take for certain lawmakers to realize that we need to have a discussion about guns.

Really? They aren’t discussing anything right now. Guns would be so far down the list. They can’t even be responsible for themselves.

132 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:04:14pm

As of right now, we don’t know if the person in the vehicle being chased had fired a weapon or if the chase began because the vehicle attempted to crash the WH perimeter.

From what I’m seeing thus far, it appears that the shots were fired by LEOs trying to stop this person from doing further damage after the attempted breach at the WH and injuries to cops along way.

133 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:04:17pm

re: #128 Patricia Kayden

Reagan almost died so I don’t think that will make any difference.


134 Interesting Times  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:04:32pm

re: #120 darthstar

Teabagger takes advantage of situation to blame Obama during incident.

[Embedded content]

Did someone tell this blithering idiot the shooter targeted the White House first? Yeah, exactly something an Obama supporter would do 9_9

135 jaunte  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:05:08pm
136 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:05:44pm

In the day of truck bombs and IEDs, trying to drive thru a barricade to get to a government building is grounds for using lethal force.

137 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:05:50pm

re: #128 Patricia Kayden

Reagan almost died so I don’t think that will make any difference.

Gaby Giffords, too.

138 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:05:52pm
139 GOPHostage#25698724  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:05:53pm

So was this guy in DC to shut down the Government? Kinda picked the wrong day.

140 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:06:07pm

re: #127 Dr Lizardo

Let’s not count out Medea Benjamin.

141 jaunte  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:06:21pm

Oh good, Ted’s safe.

142 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:06:25pm

WTF, America? O_o

143 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:06:33pm
144 erik_t  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:06:44pm

re: #137 makeitstop

Gaby Giffords, too.

I’m not certain House Republicans would count her as one of their own, for multiple reasons.

I want to go puke, or something.

145 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:06:46pm

re: #140 ProTARDISLiberal

Let’s not count out Medea Benjamin.

She’s a kook but I don’t think of her as the type that would target people. She’s stupidly naive not violent.

146 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:07:03pm

re: #140 ProTARDISLiberal

Let’s not count out Medea Benjamin.

Or for that matter, Pamela Geller.

147 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:07:07pm

re: #122 Targetpractice

Think what’s surprising to me is that the shooter is reported as female. Don’t think I can recall any past instance of a female shooter engaged in something like this.

Squeaky Fromme trying to shoot Ford is one.

148 kerFuFFler  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:07:10pm

re: #77 darthstar

“I wonder if #Israel would be a friend and bomb the White House for us.” Ron Wallace

There’s a show of patriotism for ya!

149 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:07:31pm

re: #135 jaunte

[Embedded content]

life-threatening? God-fucking-damn-it. Get well, get well.

150 celticdragon  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:07:36pm

re: #24 William Barnett-Lewis

And because the French provided our army with uniforms, muskets, powder and a navy to keep out the Royal Navy. But of course the militia was more important than that < rolls_eyes >

The militia had to do a lot of the heavy lifting in the Carolinas after the Continental Army surrendered at Charleston and Gates got his ass kicked at Camden.

151 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:07:42pm

re: #146 Dr Lizardo

Or for that matter, Pamela Geller.

Pamela just Tweeted 3 minutes ago.

152 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:07:46pm

re: #134 Interesting Times

Did someone tell this blithering idiot the shooter targeted the White House first? Yeah, exactly something an Obama supporter would do 9_9

‘Shooter’ may not be the correct term here. She tried to ram the WH gates and was shot when she got out of her car.

She may not have even have had a gun.

153 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:07:59pm

re: #145 HappyWarrior

She supports people like Qaddafi. I won’t count her out. She had no problems with his acts of Mass Murder.

154 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:08:01pm

re: #147 William Barnett-Lewis

Squeaky Fromme trying to shoot Ford is one.

True, but that’s about the last one I can recall in my lifetime.

155 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:08:06pm

re: #141 jaunte

Oh good, Ted’s safe.

[Embedded content]

Phew! He was my first concern as soon as I heard about it. //

156 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:08:07pm

re: #122 Targetpractice

Think what’s surprising to me is that the shooter is reported as female. Don’t think I can recall any past instance of a female shooter engaged in something like this.

Well, there was speculation (now fact?) that there was female involvement in the Kenyan Mall terror attack. Once an old adage or belief is broken, it seems you can expect more of it in the future.

/// Women’s liberation ///

157 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:08:13pm

re: #125 Dr Lizardo

One of their own dead, that’s what it’ll take. Sad but true.

Nope. That’ll just be one one of those tragedies you have to live with to them. Seriously.

158 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:08:30pm

re: #151 Vicious Babushka

Pamela just Tweeted 3 minutes ago.

Ah OK. So, she hasn’t totally lost it yet then.

159 Targetpractice  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:08:42pm

re: #154 Dr Lizardo

True, but that’s about the last one I can recall in my lifetime.

Just what I was thinking, Squeaky was ages and ages ago. This sort of thing is usually angry white guy territory.

160 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:08:55pm

re: #140 ProTARDISLiberal

Does she own a black Infinity?

161 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:09:04pm

Oh good. I was worried he’d be rational:

162 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:09:35pm

re: #153 ProTARDISLiberal

She supports people like Qaddafi. I won’t count her out. She had no problems with his acts of Mass Murder.

Medea is just an attention queen, she doesn’t care if she supports dictators or whoever, as long as she gets in the spotlight.

She is kind of like Glenn Greenwald, but with more balls.

163 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:09:46pm

Lockdown has been lifted.

164 Targetpractice  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:09:54pm

re: #161 Lidane

Oh good. I was worried he’d be rational:

[Embedded content]

In other news, Pope confirmed as Catholic and bears proven to shit in the woods.

165 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:09:56pm

re: #159 Targetpractice

Just what I was thinking, Squeaky was ages and ages ago. This sort of thing is usually angry white guy territory.

I was a kid when that happened; I barely remember it. I remember the attempt on Reagan more, as that happened when I was 10 or 11.

166 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:09:58pm

re: #127 Dr Lizardo

Like V_B asked, anyone heard from Prudence lately on Twitter?

Any Freepers unaccounted for?

Ha. When Vicious B made that comment at first I didn’t get it. Now…

167 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:10:11pm
168 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:10:17pm

re: #161 Lidane

Oh good. I was worried he’d be rational:

[Embedded content]

Well, that was the most predictable thing I’ve seen all day.

169 Lidane  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:10:51pm
170 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:10:55pm
171 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:11:06pm

Right on schedule.

172 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:11:10pm

re: #162 Vicious Babushka

Medea is just an attention queen, she doesn’t care if she supports dictators or whoever, as long as she gets in the spotlight.

She is kind of like Glenn Greenwald, but with more balls.

Right. I think she’s more less a publicity junkie than someone who would resort to actual violence.

173 jaunte  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:11:24pm

re: #161 Lidane

Alex Jones is already calling shots at the U.S. Capitol a false flag attack

I suspect it’s more of a mental illness flag.

174 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:11:34pm

re: #171 Vicious Babushka

Right on schedule.

[Embedded content]

My surprise, my shocked face, etc., etc.

175 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:11:56pm

re: #150 celticdragon

The militia had to do a lot of the heavy lifting in the Carolinas after the Continental Army surrendered at Charleston and Gates got his ass kicked at Camden.

They only accomplished anything though once Nathanael Greene used them appropriately - stand once, fire, run like hell and let real soldiers spring a trap. Even then you can argue he never won a battle just never lost too badly.

176 blueraven  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:12:34pm

Please, those of you doing so, stop speculating as to who this woman might be.

It is most likely someone we have never heard of.

177 Ian G.  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:12:49pm

re: #171 Vicious Babushka

“jehads”? Not a parody account?

178 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:12:52pm

re: #134 Interesting Times

Did someone tell this blithering idiot the shooter targeted the White House first? Yeah, exactly something an Obama supporter would do 9_9

Probably thought Boehner and McConnell were still there pow-wowing with the pres. Plus, all them DC buildings look the same.


179 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:13:39pm

re: #176 blueraven

Please, those of you doing so, stop speculating as to who this woman might be.

It is most likely someone we have never heard of.

Isn’t it obvious?

Its someone who plays GTA way too much.

God damn video games.

180 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:13:44pm

re: #176 blueraven

Please, those of you doing so, stop speculating as to who this woman might be.

It is most likely someone we have never heard of.

Just some gallows humor. You’re right in that it is most likely some unknown person.

181 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:14:36pm

And it gets worse…

Other ABC News outlets reporting only that child was in vehicle, not specifying injuries:

182 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:14:57pm

re: #151 Vicious Babushka

Pamela just Tweeted 3 minutes ago.

On her way to hell?


183 Tigger2  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:15:06pm

re: #171 Vicious Babushka

Right on schedule.

[Embedded content]

No one has to do that you all have done that pretty well yourselves.

Label the tea party as terrorists, extremists jehads!

184 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:15:11pm
185 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:15:26pm

re: #181 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

And it gets worse…

Oh god damn it all man. Godfucking damn it.

186 Internet Tough Guy  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:16:20pm

re: #181 lawhawk

Oh what the fuck. I don’t even have words for this.

187 AntonSirius  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:16:24pm

re: #181 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

And it gets worse…

Let’s hope this is CNN-level reporting… fuck

188 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:17:31pm

I hope this is false….

189 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:18:03pm
190 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:18:13pm

Pete Williams of NBC (who’s pretty reliable) says woman got out of her car and started shooting at cops and fire was returned. Cop who was injured was not shot.

Woman tried to ram WH gate on the Treasury Bldg side and pursued to Capitol area.

191 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:18:36pm

Keep it classy, TGDN

192 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:19:11pm

re: #181 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

And it gets worse…

I’m hoping that’s just horrible phrasing and the child isn’t dead.

193 blueraven  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:19:30pm

re: #180 Dr Lizardo

Just some gallows humor. You’re right in that it is most likely some unknown person.

I know that, but it is grist for the mill.

194 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:19:33pm

re: #176 blueraven

Please, those of you doing so, stop speculating as to who this woman might be.

It is most likely someone we have never heard of.

Some of this may a big off-color, but damn…stress relief.

195 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:19:53pm

re: #191 Vicious Babushka

Keep it classy, TGDN

[Embedded content]

Fucking typical right wing crap.

196 William of Orange  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:20:05pm

My god…. Now everyone inhere is speculating about what happened.
CNN reported that a woman in a black car, also with a child present in it, hit a police car so hard that it had it’s airbag deployed. She fled the scene and the posse started….

A lot of parallels with that motor cycle gang that chased a Range Rover in New York if you ask me. My guess (damn, I’m speculating again…) is that the woman panicked being chased by the police. I think it will turn out that the only fire exchanged is that of police officers.

197 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:20:12pm

re: #195 HappyWarrior

Fucking typical right wing crap.


198 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:21:19pm

re: #196 William of Orange

See my 63.

199 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:21:36pm

A dialog!

200 celticdragon  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:21:48pm

re: #175 William Barnett-Lewis

They only accomplished anything though once Nathanael Greene used them appropriately - stand once, fire, run like hell and let real soldiers spring a trap. Even then you can argue he never won a battle just never lost too badly.

1. You are leaving out King’s Mountain and Ramsour’s Mill, which were militia victories (and at King’s Mountain they defeated…massacred actually…regulars)

2. General Daniel Morgan invented the “two lines” concept which put milita in front to fire two shots…at Cowpens.

3. Greene tried this at Guilford Courthouse (I give lectures to the public and school children several times a week on this) but used three lines instead of two and put them too far apart to really support each other. He also did not place continental veterans to the rear of the militia to stiffen their spines as some suggested he should.

201 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:21:50pm

re: #197 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

Yeah well fuck the right wing douchestranauts. Fuck them. Fuck them for using a tragedy to point their fat fingers at the left all the fucking time.

202 celticdragon  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:22:38pm

re: #185 HappyWarrior

Oh god damn it all man. Godfucking damn it.

yep. :(

203 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:22:59pm

re: #181 lawhawk

child in car with woman killed in capitol shooting.

oh, for a comma, or some clarity.

204 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:23:57pm

NBC Wash DC just reported she is dead….

205 erik_t  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:23:57pm

re: #203 Rev_Arthur_Belling

oh, for a comma, or some clarity.

English: you are a shitty language. Please improve.

206 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:24:04pm
207 jaunte  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:24:38pm
208 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:24:48pm

re: #196 William of Orange

Oh, and there’s more stuff coming out about that motorcycle - Range Rover incident in NYC that doesn’t cast either the cyclists or the driver of the Range Rover in a good way. Lots of road rage, stupidity, reckless driving, and negligence at a minimum.

And then there’s reports that another group of motorcyclists similar to those involved in the range rover incident were caught on video driving on sidewalks at high speed, doing wheelies, and causing mayhem on side streets in Manhattan. Cops are looking into that as well.

209 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:25:01pm

re: #200 celticdragon

Should mention that King’s Mountain was in response to “Tarleton’s Quarter” in the Battle of Waxhaw Creek.

210 blueraven  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:25:21pm

Pete Williams reports woman was going up to 80mph before jumping out and shooting.

Do not know condition of shooter and child.

211 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:25:22pm

Glad the kid is okay. I hope he/she never has to remember what their mom or whoever this woman was in relation to the child did or was.

212 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:26:20pm

re: #210 blueraven

Pete Williams reports woman was going up to 80mph before jumping out and shooting.

Do not know condition of shooter and child.

NBC Washington DC just obtained tape of part of the car chase
Live feed—>

213 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:26:33pm

re: #200 celticdragon

1. You are leaving out King’s Mountain and Ramsour’s Mill, which were militia victories (and at King’s Mountain they defeated…massacred actually…regulars)

2. General Daniel Morgan invented the “two lines” concept which put milita in front to fire two shots…at Cowpens.

3. Greene tried this at Guilford Courthouse (I give lectures to the public and school children several times a week on this) but used three lines instead of two and put them too far apart to really support each other. He also did not place continental veterans to the rear of the militia to stiffen their spines as some suggested he should.

I”m probably getting Cowpens & Guilford confused then. I need to re-read on that campaign obviously.

214 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:26:59pm

Pete Williams reporting that witnesses say that a child was taken from woman’s car after shooting; doesn’t know condition of woman or child.

It was the injured cop who was transported by Park Police helicopter; he appeared to be injured from being hit by car, not shot.

215 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:28:10pm

re: #214 Justanotherhuman

Considering the condition of the police car, I am not surprised.

Police Cars are built to be tough, and that car was wrecked.

216 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:29:38pm

If you want to be an asshole and go out in a blaze of “glory,” fine, but don’t bring your kids into it. Geez. Glad the kid was (apparently) unharmed.

217 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:29:55pm

Does anyone know if Michelle Bachmann owns a black car?

218 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:30:11pm

re: #216 Rev_Arthur_Belling

If you want to be an asshole and go out in a blaze of “glory,” fine, but don’t bring your kids into it. Geez. Glad the kid was (apparently) unharmed.

That means it was a liberal because liberals hate children.//

219 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:30:59pm

If I’m left alone, I can pull everything I need for the reports for my job in 2 days.

Instead, Brainchildren in management want daily tracking updates and reporting, meaning I have to take out time to answer their requests using the official reporting guidelines. This means the time it takes me to generate the actual work gets delayed and it ends up taking closer to 4 days to provide them with the end product.

Then, they want to know why it takes so long to finish the reporting cycle.


220 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:31:42pm

That Lexus isn’t a cheap car. I wonder what that says about the person involved. Add a child was in the car too…just wow. This may break new ground.

221 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:31:46pm

Photo of cop car:

222 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:32:30pm
223 celticdragon  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:32:41pm

re: #209 ProTARDISLiberal

Should mention that King’s Mountain was in response to “Tarleton’s Quarter” in the Battle of Waxhaw Creek.

Things got real rough at King’s Mountain…and “Tarleton’s Quarters” certainly played a part. I had at least one direct ancestor who fought there.

The British commander, Ferguson, had also made some…em…impolite suggestions on what he was going to do to the colonial opposition.

In retaliation, they stripped his body, urinated on him and otherwise desecrated his corpse.

A number of advanced Ferguson rifles were captured from dead British soldiers (they were honest to God flintlock breechloaders!) and several were used in the early days of the Civil War. All surviving examples of Ferguson rifles in the US today can be traced to a known Confederate soldier whose Granddad had presumably taken it as a war prize at King’s Mountain.

224 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:33:21pm

re: #221 Justanotherhuman

Who rammed who?That is amazing that the Cop Car was that mangled.

I hope the cop is okay.

225 William of Orange  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:34:07pm

re: #208 lawhawk

Oh, and there’s more stuff coming out about that motorcycle - Range Rover incident in NYC that doesn’t cast either the cyclists or the driver of the Range Rover in a good way. Lots of road rage, stupidity, reckless driving, and negligence at a minimum.

And then there’s reports that another group of motorcyclists similar to those involved in the range rover incident were caught on video driving on sidewalks at high speed, doing wheelies, and causing mayhem on side streets in Manhattan. Cops are looking into that as well.

I believe that’s the very same group. The posted of the video showing the incident tried to delete other videos from his stream, but he was too late. I have absolutely no sympathy for the victim that was hurt by the Range Rover, no matter how sympatric his family tries to paint him.

226 leftynyc  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:34:31pm

re: #224 ProTARDISLiberal

Who rammed who?That is amazing that the Cop Car was that mangled.

I hope the cop is okay.

I read somewhere (sorry, don’t remember where) that the cop car was damaged when electronic barriers came up - it came up under the car and tipped it over.

227 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:34:31pm
228 piratedan  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:34:44pm

just sad, regardless of political affiliation, that someone felt compelled enough with their child in the car to run a barricade and engage with law enforcement in a running gun battle. Tragic that anyone could feel that desperate and hopeless in that this seemed like a plausible/good decision.

229 William of Orange  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:34:44pm

re: #221 Justanotherhuman

Photo of cop car:

[Embedded content]

And another Crown Victoria bites the dust…

230 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:34:46pm

re: #224 ProTARDISLiberal

given the positioning of the tire I bet the cop was hit.

231 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:35:02pm

re: #223 celticdragon

Things got real rough at King’s Mountain…and “Tarleton’s Quarters” certainly played a part. I had at least one direct ancestor who fought there.

The British commander, Ferguson, had also made some…em…impolite suggestions on what he was going to do to the colonial opposition.

In retaliation, they stripped his body, urinated on him and otherwise desecrated his corpse.

A number of advanced Ferguson rifles were captured from dead British soldiers (they were honest to God flintlock breechloaders!) and several were used in the early days of the Civil War. All surviving examples of Ferguson rifles in the US today can be traced to a known Confederate soldier whose Granddad had presumably taken it as a war prize at King’s Mountain.

Kings Mt not far from here; I’ve visited the battleground years ago. Nathanael Greene is allegedly an ancestor on my maternal grandmother’s side, but I’ve never bothered to check. Could be family lore, for all know. : )

232 Ian G.  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:35:19pm

OT, but I’m still fuming about this:

Youtube Video

I really, really respect Park Rangers and the job they do. Every time I visit a National Park, I think of all the potentially lethal situations that a dumbass person who thinks a wild environment is the same thing as Disneyworld could find him/herself facing, and how Park Rangers are the ones who have to rescue said dumbass.

They’re heroes as much as any police officer, firefighter, or military servicemember, and yet they don’t get the same recognition.

And here, they get berated by the human eqivalent of raw sewage: a teabagging Congressman. If I were there, I might have decked him in the jaw.

233 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:35:53pm

Capitol police getting ready to hold presser:

234 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:36:11pm
235 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:37:02pm

re: #223 celticdragon

A number of advanced Ferguson rifles were captured from dead British soldiers (they were honest to God flintlock breechloaders!) and several were used in the early days of the Civil War. All surviving examples of Ferguson rifles in the US today can be traced to a known Confederate soldier whose Granddad had presumably taken it as a war prize at King’s Mountain.

I do wish I could buy a repro for a sane price. At least making them now isn’t as difficult as cutting those threads were then.

236 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:37:26pm

re: #228 piratedan

just sad, regardless of political affiliation, that someone felt compelled enough with their child in the car to run a barricade and engage with law enforcement in a running gun battle. Tragic that anyone could feel that desperate and hopeless in that this seemed like a plausible/good decision.

That anyone would do something like that - with a child in the car no less - is a sign of profound mental disturbance, ideological bend notwithstanding.

237 chadu  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:37:32pm

re: #190 Justanotherhuman

Woman tried to ram WH gate on the Treasury Bldg side and pursued to Capitol area.

I was figuring: that’s the only straight shot down PA Avenue to the Capitol Building.

Crapcakes — that intersection’s on my commute home route. (Also, fun fact: get stopped there a lot by Presidential motorcades.)

238 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:37:38pm

re: #227 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Does this guy ever listen to how stupid he sounds? Where’s his outrage at Mike Lee thinking he should still be paid or better yet where’s his praise for the Dem representative who proposed that no one in Congress should be paid during the shut down but I forgot Bryan, you’re a pathetic little man
who just wants to bitch and fucking bitch President Obama for having the nerve to exist in the same world you do.

239 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:37:51pm

Capitol police: Isolated incident.

240 celticdragon  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:38:52pm

re: #235 William Barnett-Lewis

I do wish I could buy a repro for a sane price. At least making them now isn’t as difficult as cutting those threads were then.

I think it is something like a two year wait and a couple grand for a repro. I know where to get them…but I don’t have that kind of cash laying around.

241 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:38:53pm

re: #237 chadu

I was figuring: that’s the only straight shot down PA Avenue to the Capitol Building.

Crapcakes — that intersection’s on my commute home route. (Also, fun fact: get stopped there a lot by Presidential motorcades.)

Actually, as it turns out it wasn’t the gate (there’s a checkpoint there) but she hit a bollard before the checkpoint.

242 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:38:53pm

What a mess. Sounds like Capitol PD isn’t entirely sure what happened yet.

243 KiTA  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:39:32pm

So the nuts have finally decided to openly try and murder the president? Or what, were they just going to do doughnuts on the lawn?

Mark my words: This shutdown is a coup attempt. A nonviolent, nonmilitary coup, but still an attempt to overturn the democratically elected government of the United States.

Hell, Ted Cruz even looks like a villain in a bad action flick. (As played by Rowan Atkinson.)

244 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:40:14pm
245 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:40:19pm

re: #242 CuriousLurker

What a mess. Sounds like DCPD isn’t entirely sure what happened yet.

You mean that after an hour, there are still unanswered question?



246 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:40:43pm

re: #236 Dr Lizardo

That anyone would do something like that - with a child in the car no less - is a sign of profound mental disturbance, ideological bend notwithstanding.

I know what you are saying, but anymore it seems outright blind rage can occur and mental stability goes right out the window. Is that considered a true mental illness? Or, are people just running around pre-pissed off about anything and everything and they just go off?

247 wrenchwench  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:41:28pm

re: #233 CuriousLurker

Capitol police getting ready to hold presser:

Will be back in 30 minutes with more.

248 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:41:56pm

re: #244 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Tweeted out of emotion? No, you didn’t you asshole. You wanted to point the fingers at President Obama, Senator Reid, and Congresswoman Pelosi because you know how much your base loves that shit. Losing emotion would be a profanity laced rant. What you did was you exposing yourself as a man who cares more about pointing the finger at political leaders your base hates so you could distract from what a failure as a congressman you are.

249 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:42:05pm

re: #245 Kragar

You mean that after an hour, there are still unanswered question?




250 Internet Tough Guy  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:42:18pm

re: #244 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Cool story, bro.

251 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:42:33pm

re: #239 Justanotherhuman

Capitol police: Isolated incident.

I noticed that too. Everyone who ever knew this woman should prepare to get visits from federal officers.

252 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:42:40pm

re: #249 GeneJockey


I heard Michelle Obama once knew someone who owned one of those two cars,.//

253 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:42:45pm

NBC Wash DC just had a live shot of the car. Looks like a late model Lexus.

254 Bubblehead II  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:43:29pm

re: #243 KiTA

So the nuts have finally decided to openly try and murder the president? Or what, were they just going to do doughnuts on the lawn?

Mark my words: This shutdown is a coup attempt. A nonviolent, nonmilitary coup, but still an attempt to overturn the democratically elected government of the United States.

Hell, Ted Cruz even looks like a villain in a bad action flick. (As played by Rowan Atkinson.)

Your beginning to sound like the Cell phone is a Illuminati Hot Line guy :-)

255 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:44:17pm

re: #244 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Since he admits acting like a 2-year old, let’s grab him and wash his mouth out with soap. Idiot.

These are the people that are representatives of America?

We are in deep deep trouble.

256 chadu  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:44:17pm

re: #241 Justanotherhuman

Actually, as it turns out it wasn’t the gate (there’s a checkpoint there) but she hit a bollard before the checkpoint.

Gotcha. Still, see it every weekday.

257 AlexRogan  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:44:41pm

re: #243 KiTA

So the nuts have finally decided to openly try and murder the president? Or what, were they just going to do doughnuts on the lawn?

Mark my words: This shutdown is a coup attempt. A nonviolent, nonmilitary coup, but still an attempt to overturn the democratically elected government of the United States.

Hell, Ted Cruz even looks like a villain in a bad action flick. (As played by Rowan Atkinson.)

Hold up a minute there, pardner…I’d give this at least the 24-hour rule, because we don’t know jack shit right now about much of anything.

258 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:44:45pm

re: #243 KiTA

So the nuts have finally decided to openly try and murder the president? Or what, were they just going to do doughnuts on the lawn?

Mark my words: This shutdown is a coup attempt. A nonviolent, nonmilitary coup, but still an attempt to overturn the democratically elected government of the United States.

Hell, Ted Cruz even looks like a villain in a bad action flick. (As played by Rowan Atkinson.)

Maybe not a real coup attempt, but not for lack of egging on recently by the likes of Glenn Beck and that TV evangelist and even Ted Cruz (who was warning about a citizens uprising or something).

259 The Mountain That Blogs  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:45:58pm

Griffin was one of the guys appointed as an interim US Attorney after his predecessor was dismissed during that time back in 06-07 when Bush and Alberto Gonzalez fired the attorneys who weren’t prosecuting enough democrats, and then he went to Congress in the tea party wave of 2010. Seems like a real winner.

260 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:46:10pm

re: #246 ObserverArt

I know what you are saying, but anymore it seems outright blind rage can occur and mental stability goes right out the window. Is that considered a true mental illness? Or, are people just running around pre-pissed off about anything and everything and they just go off?

I see a lot of “pre-pissed off” people these days—and a lot of them are on the internet.

261 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:46:39pm

re: #246 ObserverArt

I know what you are saying, but anymore it seems outright blind rage can occur and mental stability goes right out the window. Is that considered a true mental illness? Or, are people just running around pre-pissed off about anything and everything and they just go off?

True; I suppose blind rage doesn’t constitute mental illness. There’s a lot of pissed-off folks running around there. As I’ve said before, I’m surprised there hasn’t been an OKC-type attack thus far.

262 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:46:41pm

re: #255 ObserverArt

Since he admits acting like a 2-year old, let’s grab him and wash his mouth out with soap. Idiot.

These are the people that are representatives of America?

We are in deep deep trouble.

And you see how I changed from idealistic circa this time in 2003 to a fully blown cynic a decade later. But really,, this wasn’t a tweet out of emotion, this was him pandering to his base because he knows they eat shit like his rant for breakfast. Now if he personally apologizes to each of those three, I may cut some slack but just saying “Oh I tweeted out of emotion” is a load of horse piss.” Your party is always lecturing Americans on personal responsibility, Rep. Griffin, why don’t you own up and take some yourself. Funny how that famed conservative personal responsibility is always directed at others but never within.

263 wrenchwench  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:46:46pm

re: #244 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Everybody has emotions. Not everyone uses them as an excuse to be a dumbass.

264 EPR-radar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:47:38pm

re: #257 AlexRogan

Hold up a minute there, pardner…I’d give this at least the 24-hour rule, because we don’t know jack shit right now about much of anything.

The tea party is agitating for political violence. Whether or not that had anything to do with this event remains to be seen.

265 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:50:38pm

re: #264 EPR-radar

The tea party is agitating for political violence. Whether or not that had anything to do with this event remains to be seen.

Teaparty’s been saying variations on “”Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” since 2008. I’m only surprised there haven’t been more incidents like this one.

266 AntonSirius  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:50:45pm

re: #243 KiTA

Hell, Ted Cruz even looks like a villain in a bad action flick. (As played by Rowan Atkinson.)

No, Ted Cruz looks like Pat Buchanan’s illegitimate son.



Tell me I’m wrong.

267 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:51:01pm

re: #264 EPR-radar

The tea party is agitating for political violence. Whether or not that had anything to do with this event remains to be seen.

If it did, this will, of course, be either a False Flag, or a Lone Wolf. Nothing at all to do, in any way, with the rhetoric delegitimizing the President, accusing him of Treason, of being an enemy of the US, a secret MOOOZlim trying to destroy the America I Grew Up In.

Nope, nothing to see here. Move along.

268 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:51:34pm

The Lexus has a front license plate. Can’t tell what state though: Image: Black Lexus.jpg

269 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:51:48pm

re: #266 AntonSirius

No, Ted Cruz looks like Pat Buchanan’s illegitimate son.



Tell me I’m wrong.

It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

270 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:52:46pm

re: #266 AntonSirius

No, Ted Cruz looks like Pat Buchanan’s illegitimate son.



Tell me I’m wrong.

Yeah bad action movie villain. As already said. He does though. I never noticed.

271 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:53:19pm

Very good photo of scene.

272 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:53:23pm

re: #269 Dr Lizardo

It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

Well if Pam Geller can speculate that Malcolm X is Obama’s real father, certainly we can speculate that Pat Buchanan went Canadian and went back.//

273 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:53:38pm
274 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:54:03pm

re: #268 Dr. Matt

The Lexus has a front license plate. Can’t tell what state though: Image: Black Lexus.jpg

That’s an Infiniti G37 coupe.

275 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:54:08pm

re: #268 Dr. Matt

The Lexus has a front license plate. Can’t tell what state though: Image: Black Lexus.jpg

Yeah very hard to tell but of the local states and DC. I’d wager Virginia.

276 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:54:20pm

Please don’t let this woman be black or muslim.

277 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:55:10pm

re: #274 GeneJockey

That’s an Infiniti G37 coupe.

Is there a difference? :)

278 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:55:56pm

re: #275 HappyWarrior

Yeah very hard to tell but of the local states and DC. I’d wager Virginia.

Impossible to make a clear determination but it looks like it could be this style here.

279 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:56:19pm

re: #276 Eclectic Cyborg

Please don’t let this woman be black or muslim.

Or a black Muslim woman for the trifecta.

280 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:56:37pm

re: #278 Eclectic Cyborg

Impossible to make a clear determination but it looks like it could be this style here.

Right, I see that plate quite a bit obviously living in the commonwealth a bit.

281 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:57:27pm

re: #274 GeneJockey

That’s an Infiniti G37 coupe.

Blue letters/numbers on a white background could be DC, but there are lots of others.

282 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:57:48pm

re: #277 Dr. Matt

Is there a difference? :)

Sure! One’s a Datsun, the other’s a Toyota!

283 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:58:40pm

You don’t want to look at the comments for the Fox News post on this story.

You really, really don’t.

284 Bubblehead II  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:59:02pm

re: #271 Justanotherhuman

Very good photo of scene.

ABC and NBC news asked if they could use it.

Hi - this is Jennifer with ABC News in New York. Did you take this photo? Can we reuse this photo with credit on all platforms/partners? Stay safe!

Hello, this is Stephanie from NBC News. We’d love to use this image online and on broadcast with credit. Please let me know if we can!

Didn’t offer her any money, Just credit.

285 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:59:13pm

re: #283 Eclectic Cyborg

You don’t want to look at the comments for the Fox News post on this story.

You really, really don’t.

Not only do I not want to see them, I don’t want ot think about them so time for some Pogues.

286 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:59:17pm

What in the hell…

287 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:59:18pm

Looks like Pennsylvania, with the dark blue band at the top.

288 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:59:24pm

re: #274 GeneJockey

That’s an Infiniti G37 coupe.

Oops, I originally thought it was a Lexus too. And I’m a car guy. Points off for me. But a $50,000 car. No ordinary wacko.

289 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 12:59:35pm

re: #279 Dr Lizardo

Or a black Muslim woman for the trifecta.

Or a black Muslim woman who is a registered Democrat for the trifecta. If she had Kenyan heritage…

290 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:00:15pm

re: #289 CuriousLurker


291 Internet Tough Guy  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:00:30pm

re: #283 Eclectic Cyborg

You don’t want to look at the comments for the Fox News post on this story.

You really, really don’t.

Does the Secret Service?

292 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:00:46pm

With all the speculation of who and why, this incident reminds me of an experience my youngest son had while stationed at Rhein Mein (ETA, this was in 1985), where he was head of a security team. It was shortly after the car bombing there and one day a black Mercedes crashed through the gate.
Son was first one to reach the car and was ready to open fire on the woman driving when she refused his command, when he noticed two terrified little kids in the back seat.
Turned out it was the pissed off wife of one of the officers on the base.
There’s much more to the story’s aftermath (fortunately, no one was injured), but I’ll just leave it at that.

293 erik_t  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:00:55pm

re: #283 Eclectic Cyborg

You don’t want to look at the comments for the Fox News post on this story.

You really, really don’t.

Yeah, like that narrows it down.

294 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:01:19pm

re: #291 Internet Tough Guy

I would say probably yes. There already 1700 of them and rising very fast.

295 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:01:26pm

re: #289 CuriousLurker

Or a black Muslim woman who is a registered Democrat for the trifecta. If she had Kenyan heritage…

Oh, lordy.

296 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:01:52pm

I got a slightly better screen shot of that front plate on the G37: Image: Black_G37.jpg

297 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:01:57pm

re: #289 CuriousLurker

Or a black Muslim woman who is a registered Democrat for the trifecta. If she had Kenyan heritage…

Make it worse. She has to be a lesbian too.

298 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:02:00pm

re: #282 GeneJockey

Sure! One’s a Datsun, the other’s a Toyota!

Ha, Haven’t seen the Datsun name used for quite some time. An older brother had a ‘67 Datsun 1600. Great little car. That car made me wonder what everyone was meaning when they were running around calling everything Japanese junk.

299 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:02:00pm

re: #294 Eclectic Cyborg

I would say probably yes. There already 1700 of them and rising very fast.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

300 erik_t  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:02:37pm

re: #296 Dr. Matt

I got a slightly better screen shot of that front plate on the G37: Image: Black_G37.jpg



301 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:02:59pm

re: #296 Dr. Matt

I got a slightly better screen shot of that front plate on the G37: Image: Black_G37.jpg

Looks like it goes from blue to yellow to white.

302 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:03:15pm

re: #296 Dr. Matt

I got a slightly better screen shot of that front plate on the G37: Image: Black_G37.jpg

From that I can say I’m pretty confident it’s a Virginia tag.

303 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:04:03pm

re: #300 erik_t



It’s the best my 800 baud modem can muster.

304 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:04:10pm

re: #301 Dr Lizardo

Looks like it goes from blue to yellow to white.

That actually sounds like West Virginia but it’s too vague so I take back what I said. I’d wager WV. No offense to anyone from there or with family there meant but those look like the colors on the typical WV plate.

305 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:04:52pm

re: #302 Eclectic Cyborg

From that I can say I’m pretty confident it’s a Virginia tag.

Is that a dead guy I see in it?

306 kerFuFFler  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:05:29pm

re: #120 darthstar

Teabagger takes advantage of situation to blame Obama during incident. “Stop the violent rhetoric President Obama, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. #Disgusting

What exactly did Obama ever say that is considered “violent rhetoric”?
What a smug, lying, posturing fool Tim Griffin is.

307 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:05:35pm

re: #300 erik_t




Youtube Video

308 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:05:38pm

re: #298 ObserverArt

Ha, Haven’t seen the Datsun name used for quite some time. An older brother had a ‘67 Datsun 1600. Great little car. That car made me wonder what everyone was meaning when they were running around calling everything Japanese junk.

Ever seen a Subaru 360?

309 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:06:50pm

re: #306 kerFuFFler

What exactly did Obama ever say that is considered “violent rhetoric”?
What a smug, lying, posturing fool Tim Griffin is.

I looked at the whole thing. He was implying that the shooting itself was Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. Someone called him out on it and he doubled down saying that he’s been saying “this for days.” So Griffin is actually a bigger shit sandwich than I thought he was.

310 AntonSirius  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:06:57pm

re: #272 HappyWarrior

Well if Pam Geller can speculate that Malcolm X is Obama’s real father, certainly we can speculate that Pat Buchanan went Canadian and went back.//

Hmmm… where was Pat in the early months of 1970, anyway?

Oh, wait, he was writing speeches for Nixon.

OK, where was Ted’s mom in the early months of 1970? Did she take a business trip to DC, perhaps?

311 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:07:13pm

Judging by the damage of the cop car, I would conclude the G37 is built like a tank.

312 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:07:20pm

re: #306 kerFuFFler

What exactly did Obama ever say that is considered “violent rhetoric”?
What a smug, lying, posturing fool Tim Griffin is.

He was just tweeting out of emotion while he was hiding in a cloakroom. Nice to know that Republicans have emotion.

313 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:07:35pm

re: #310 AntonSirius

Hmmm… where was Pat in the early months of 1970, anyway?

Oh, wait, he was writing speeches for Nixon.

OK, where was Ted’s mom in the early months of 1970? Did she take a business trip to DC, perhaps?

I didn’t realize Cruz was that young. Thought he was more like 46 or so. Gen X but earlier Gen X.

314 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:07:38pm

re: #309 HappyWarrior

I looked at the whole thing. He was implying that the shooting itself was Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. Someone called him out on it and he doubled down saying that he’s been saying “this for days.” So Griffin is actually a bigger shit sandwich than I thought he was.

It’s violent rhetoric if you say “No” to a Teabagger.

315 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:07:40pm

re: #302 Eclectic Cyborg

From that I can say I’m pretty confident it’s a Virginia tag.

The blue looks too dark for the ‘scenic’ tags.

316 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:08:02pm

So, the suspect isn’t dead? NBC is reporting that the woman is being treated - while also reporting Pete Williams saying the woman was shot dead.

Capitol police would neither confirm nor deny.

317 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:08:11pm

re: #314 GeneJockey

It’s violent rhetoric if you say “No” to a Teabagger.

Yeah apparently so.

318 Interesting Times  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:08:21pm

re: #310 AntonSirius

Hmmm… where was Pat in the early months of 1970, anyway?

Oh, wait, he was writing speeches for Nixon.

OK, where was Ted’s mom in the early months of 1970? Did she take a business trip to DC, perhaps?

Heh. I noticed the same thing you did a few weeks back:

319 erik_t  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:08:26pm

re: #308 GeneJockey

Ever seen a Subaru 360?

Not without my reading glasses.

(squints harder)

Oh, there it is!

320 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:08:36pm

re: #308 GeneJockey

Ever seen a Subaru 360?

Looks like a Fiat 500!

321 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:08:58pm
322 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:09:20pm

Where’s mah CSI fancy picture enhancing softwarz???

323 AntonSirius  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:10:01pm

re: #313 HappyWarrior

I didn’t realize Cruz was that young. Thought he was more like 46 or so. Gen X but earlier Gen X.

Weirds me out too. He’s only 14 months older than me.

324 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:10:18pm

re: #320 makeitstop

Looks like a Fiat 500!

I think you could put one in the back seat of a 500. The ORIGINAL 500.

325 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:10:22pm

CNN (I know) had another perspective on the car here.

326 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:11:11pm

MSBNC just said it’s Connecticut license plates on the car.

327 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:11:11pm
328 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:11:28pm

re: #325 klys

CNN (I know) had another perspective on the car here.

Speculation mode on!

329 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:11:30pm

re: #322 Varek Raith

Where’s mah CSI fancy picture enhancing softwarz???

Government shutdown. Sorry.

330 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:12:18pm

re: #327 darthstar

[Embedded content]

I think there’s also the OTHER 24 hour rule….

331 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:12:33pm

re: #308 GeneJockey

Ever seen a Subaru 360?

No. What year is that? I’ll be checking it out. From the image, it too looks like it is built and finished very well. Being in Ohio, there were not a lot of Japanese cars running around back in those days. I think being in an auto building state and one down from Michigan figured in.

Funny story, I had an uncle living in a small racist little town (no blacks…they’d be encouraged to move away…it was the 60s) and when my brother went to visit him one day, he threw a fit, said he fought in the war against those people and asked him to move the Datsun out of his driveway. My brother got in the car and moved it alright. Right on down the street and back home. He never really went back either. That particular uncle was a real piece of work. When Archie Bunker came out in “All in the Family” I couldn’t laugh at Archie. I already knew his character in real life.

332 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:12:53pm

No worries. Segway tours continue at the Capitol.

333 lockjawcanbefun  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:13:24pm

re: #283 Eclectic Cyborg

How bad could it be?

She had just picked up her arizona watermelon tea and skittles from “semm lemm” and was on the way home to her baby daddy’s house when she was profiled by police. She rammed them because she was “askairt koss a krakuh kop” was following her.

That’ll learn me.

334 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:13:32pm

re: #323 AntonSirius

Weirds me out too. He’s only 14 months older than me.

Yeah insane. 17 years than me fwiw but still. He’s the same age as Ryan, Jindal, and Rubio though which goes to show you that the GOP new blood has the same bat shit in the GOP old blood. Hell after reading about Barbara Bush and George H.W Bush being witnesses to a lesbian couple’s wedding, I’d even suggest that the new blood is more insane. I can’t see any of those four doing that and that’s what scares me about the OGP’s future. Their younguns are even moer insane.

335 AntonSirius  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:13:52pm

re: #318 Interesting Times

Heh. I noticed the same thing you did a few weeks back:

Independent sources. VERIFIED!!!

336 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:13:53pm

re: #326 Backwoods_Sleuth

MSBNC just said it’s Connecticut license plates on the car.

Connecticut!? Then IS HAS TO BE a librul!!!!

337 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:14:13pm

re: #326 Backwoods_Sleuth

MSBNC just said it’s Connecticut license plates on the car.

Now I suck. Thought it would be Virginia, West Virginia, or even Pennsylvania.

338 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:14:27pm

re: #311 Dr. Matt

Judging by the damage of the cop car, I would conclude the G37 is built like a tank.

Didn’t one of the reports say the DC cop car ran into some of the protection barriers in the chase sequence? The way the cop car was bent, I can see that being the case.

339 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:14:35pm

re: #326 Backwoods_Sleuth

MSBNC just said it’s Connecticut license plates on the car.

My speculation was right!

340 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:14:59pm

re: #337 HappyWarrior

Now I suck. Thought it would be Virginia, West Virginia, or even Pennsylvania.

From the first images posted in here I was thinking NY, because the gradient wasn’t clear. The image at CNN had the gradient much clearer.

341 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:15:11pm

re: #322 Varek Raith

Where’s mah CSI fancy picture enhancing softwarz???

It’s in the unlit lab, where people work with human tissue and saw through bones without spatter shields. You know, where the little desktop centrifuge gives you a full STR profile on a hair follicle instantly? Where people use a big, transparent computer monitor with nothing light behind it for contrast, and pretend they can see anything?

342 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:15:23pm

Oh the irony…Connecticut “The Constitution State”…

343 Patricia Kayden  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:15:24pm

re: #248 HappyWarrior

Tweeted out of emotion? No, you didn’t you asshole. You wanted to point the fingers at President Obama, Senator Reid, and Congresswoman Pelosi because you know how much your base loves that shit. Losing emotion would be a profanity laced rant. What you did was you exposing yourself as a man who cares more about pointing the finger at political leaders your base hates so you could distract from what a failure as a congressman you are.

I’m surprised he’s even backtracking on his tweet. Nasty attacks on President Obama and other Dems are par for the course in rightwing politics.

344 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:16:21pm

re: #338 ObserverArt

Didn’t one of the reports say the DC cop car ran into some of the protection barriers in the chase sequence? The way the cop car was bent, I can see that being the case.

They had to cut the cop out of the car, so take that into consideration while viewing the damage.

345 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:16:27pm

re: #331 ObserverArt

No. What year is that? I’ll be checking it out. From the image, it too looks like it is built and finished very well. Being in Ohio, there were not a lot of Japanese cars running around back in those days. I think being in an auto building state and one down from Michigan figured in.

Funny story, I had an uncle living in a small racist little town (no blacks…they’d be encouraged to move away…it was the 60s) and when my brother went to visit him one day, he threw a fit, said he fought in the war against those people and asked him to move the Datsun out of his driveway. My brother got in the car and moved it alright. Right on down the street and back home. He never really went back either. That particular uncle was a real piece of work. When Archie Bunker came out in “All in the Family” I couldn’t laugh at Archie. I already knew his character in real life.

Late 60s. They were REALLY, REALLY small. As in, you didn’t so much get into them as put them on.

346 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:16:31pm

re: #343 Patricia Kayden

I’m surprised he’s even backtracking on his tweet. Nasty attacks on President Obama and other Dems are par for the course in rightwing politics.

I am too but whatever, he’s a classless ass.

347 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:17:13pm

Also, that’s a pricey looking car.

348 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:17:30pm

And, Senate has adjourned for the day…

349 AntonSirius  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:17:32pm

re: #334 HappyWarrior

Yeah insane. 17 years than me fwiw but still. He’s the same age as Ryan, Jindal, and Rubio though which goes to show you that the GOP new blood has the same bat shit in the GOP old blood. Hell after reading about Barbara Bush and George H.W Bush being witnesses to a lesbian couple’s wedding, I’d even suggest that the new blood is more insane. I can’t see any of those four doing that and that’s what scares me about the OGP’s future. Their younguns are even moer insane.

The theory goes that people get more right-wing as they get older…

350 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:18:26pm

Looks like all the shots were fired from LEOs at the person in the vehicle that was involved in today’s incident.

351 Patricia Kayden  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:18:34pm

re: #276 Eclectic Cyborg

Please don’t let this woman be black or muslim.

Or a Black Muslim!!!! Where’s the scary organ music?

352 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:18:45pm

re: #344 makeitstop

They had to cut the cop out of the car, so take that into consideration while viewing the damage.

Yeah the drivers side doors appear to have been removed, but the damage on the passenger side is very extensive. It looks like the whole frame is twisted, which probably means they couldn’t open the doors. That took some speed and a very firm object.

353 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:18:47pm

re: #349 AntonSirius

The theory goes that people get more right-wing as they get older…

Not me. I’ve become more Liberal. Then again, my job requires me to skeptically evaluate hypotheses, based on data.

354 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:19:03pm
355 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:19:10pm

re: #349 AntonSirius

The theory goes that people get more right-wing as they get older…

I think you’re right but it still alarms me that George H.W Bush and his wife are more progressive on LGBT issues than your average elected Republican in 201 some twenty years after the older Bush was last in office.

356 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:19:16pm

Another police briefing coming up shortly.

357 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:19:16pm

re: #351 Patricia Kayden

Or a Black Muslim!!!! Where’s the scary organ music?

What, you think Black Muslims have scary organs?

358 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:19:51pm

re: #357 GeneJockey

What, you think Black Muslims have scary organs?

Awaiting verification from CL….

359 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:20:28pm

re: #357 GeneJockey

What, you think Black Muslims have scary organs?

Akbar Mandingo!

(ETA my sincere apologies for that…)

360 Bubblehead II  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:20:54pm

re: #349 AntonSirius

The theory goes that people get more right-wing as they get older…

Then how do you explain people like me that have actually gotten more Liberal as we aged?

361 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:21:22pm

re: #359 Backwoods_Sleuth

Akbar Mandingo!

“…like a baby’s arm, holding an apple.”

362 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:21:22pm

re: #360 Bubblehead II

Then how do you explain people like me that have actually gotten more Liberal as we aged?

It’s a theory developed by conservatives. You know how good they are at science.

363 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:22:26pm

re: #362 klys

It’s a theory developed by conservatives. You know how good they are at science.

This also means it’s not only untested, but must be accepted without question. You know, like tax rate cuts increase tax revenues.

364 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:23:12pm

re: #362 klys

It’s a theory developed by conservatives. You know how good they are at science.

I was more conservative when I was younger.
Shit, I voted for Bush 2nd term and McCain…

365 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:23:29pm

re: #362 klys

It’s a theory developed by conservatives. You know how good they are at science.

Billo: You can’t explain that!!11!!

366 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:23:56pm

re: #364 Varek Raith

I was more conservative when I was younger.
Shit, I voted for Bush 2nd term and McCain…

I’m sort of curious how the crazy eyes on McCain’s running mate failed to scare you off.

367 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:24:08pm
368 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:24:22pm

re: #365 Backwoods_Sleuth

Billo: You can’t explain that!!11!!

Has anyone explained Billo?

369 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:24:56pm

re: #366 klys

I’m sort of curious how the crazy eyes on McCain’s running mate failed to scare you off.

About that…

370 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:25:15pm

re: #366 klys

I’m sort of curious how the crazy eyes on McCain’s running mate failed to scare you off.

She was HAWT, just so long as she kept her mouth shut…

371 erik_t  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:25:33pm

re: #367 darthstar

@mikemadden This whole thing is starting more and more to seem like an accident gone horribly, horribly awry:

Is this a comment about the DC collision/shooting or the 113th US Congress?

372 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:25:44pm

re: #362 klys

It’s a theory developed by conservatives. You know how good they are at science.

I was always told that I’d become a conservative the day I assumed a mortgage. And here I am, still arguing with the people who used to tell me that.

373 Targetpractice  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:25:46pm

re: #370 Backwoods_Sleuth

She was HAWT, just so long as she kept her mouth shut…

The naughty librarian look?

374 Ian G.  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:25:58pm

re: #349 AntonSirius

The theory goes that people get more right-wing as they get older…

There’s actually little truth to this. Most people actually have their politics solidified in their early 20s when they’re starting out in the world. Thus, the WWII generation, who suffered through the Great Depression, were steadfast backers of the New Deal until the end. Subsequently, those who came of age in the 70s or 80s are more right-wing.

How about the millennials, those who came of age during the disastrous Iraq War and the worst economic crisis since the 1930s? Well, they’re the most left-wing generational cohort yet. Some polls suggest they overall view socialism more favorably than capitalism (which is probably just a reflection of the GOP screaming that everything they dislike is “socialism”, rather than an actual affinity for a planned economy).

Congrats, GOP. Your insanity and stupidity has created a generation that will finally usher in the Scandinavian social democracy model to this country.

375 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:25:58pm


376 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:26:07pm

I thought Obama would be bad at FP.
Get off my back!

377 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:26:32pm

re: #371 erik_t

Is this a comment about the DC collision/shooting or the 113th US Congress?

Collision. I thought it was about the shutdown myself until I followed the link.

378 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:26:33pm

re: #367 darthstar

This whole thing is starting more and more to seem like an accident gone horribly, horribly awry:
— Mike Madden (@mikemadden) October 3, 2013


Ugh. I really hope that isn’t an accurate account…….

379 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:26:42pm

I think it ultimately depends on the person. And I have to admit while I’ve always been more or less left of center, I was more left wing in Bush’s first term than I’ve been since his second and Obama’s presidency. I chalk most of that up to not really moving to the center but becoming a realist in my mindset.

380 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:26:54pm

re: #372 makeitstop

I was always told that I’d become a conservative the day I assumed a mortgage. And here I am, still arguing with the people who used to tell me that.

My mother-in-law has espoused the “more conservative as you get older” shit at me.

I sort of just nod and move on, because the last time we had serious political discussions I swore that off forever.

381 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:28:01pm
382 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:28:39pm

re: #378 Dr. Matt

Ugh. I really hope that isn’t an accurate account…….

Me too. To think it was a woman who simply panicked and gunned her car makes it all the more tragic.

383 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:28:41pm

re: #374 Ian G.

There’s actually little truth to this. Most people actually have their politics solidified in their early 20s when they’re starting out in the world. Thus, the WWII generation, who suffered through the Great Depression, were steadfast backers of the New Deal until the end. Subsequently, those who came of age in the 70s or 80s are more right-wing.

How about the millennials, those who came of age during the disastrous Iraq War and the worst economic crisis since the 1930s? Well, they’re the most left-wing generational cohort yet. Some polls suggest they overall view socialism more favorably than capitalism (which is probably just a reflection of the GOP screaming that everything they dislike is “socialism”, rather than an actual affinity for a planned economy).

Congrats, GOP. Your insanity and stupidity has created a generation that will finally usher in the Scandinavian social democracy model to this country.

I still don’t get why Gen-X became so conservative. I mean they came of age after integration and I’d imagine that things that were much more taboo to the boomers were less so to them like sexuality. But then again the Reagan years fed a lot of false shit down people’s throat.

384 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:29:29pm

re: #380 klys

My mother-in-law has espoused the “more conservative as you get older” shit at me.

I sort of just nod and move on, because the last time we had serious political discussions I swore that off forever.

I’m a vulture. I just keep circling the centre position.

385 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:29:59pm

re: #382 darthstar

Me too. To think it was a woman who simply panicked and gunned her car makes it all the more tragic.

Sadly, that makes more sense considering she had a child in the car.

386 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:30:03pm

It has to do with U.S. culture I think. Almost all the Canadian gen-Xers I know (who grew up with me) are moderately to very liberal. I suspect the same is true of Europe and Asia.

387 erik_t  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:30:17pm

re: #383 HappyWarrior

I still don’t get why Gen-X became so conservative. I mean they came of age after integration and I’d imagine that things that were much more taboo to the boomers were less so to them like sexuality. But then again the Reagan years fed a lot of false shit down people’s throat.

I know my fair share of Gen-X’ers, and none of them are particularly conservative. Maybe conservative in the Bob Dole sense, but nothing like the current frothing teabaggery nonsense.

So y’know, I still don’t get it either. I don’t know where these voters came from.

388 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:30:27pm

re: #383 HappyWarrior

I still don’t get why Gen-X became so conservative. I mean they came of age after integration and I’d imagine that things that were much more taboo to the boomers were less so to them like sexuality. But then again the Reagan years fed a lot of false shit down people’s throat.

Stress and fear push people to the right.

389 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:30:28pm

The thing about the millenials though is definitely this. This is a socially liberal group and if the GOP thinks running the same religious right nonsense that worked for them in the 80’s will work with us, they’re in for a rude awakening. Even many outside the religiously fanatic, a lot of self described conservatives I know are more less okay with choice, weed, and gay sex.

390 RealityBasedSteve  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:30:34pm

I was active in college republicans when I was a youth, even got to drive in the motorcade when Dole came to town on a campaign swing. After I got out and got into the real world my views over the years have mellowed and now I would be considered moderately left of center in most places. Of course here in Tennessee I’m hanging out at the end of the bell curve.


391 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:31:03pm

Pretty good photo gallery of DC Capitol scene (and the cop car—jeeez!).

393 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:31:17pm

re: #367 darthstar

[Embedded content]

I just saw a short video and she was one scary driver…like right out of Dukes of Hazard with the spin turn right in the middle of the freakin street with cop cars everywhere.

394 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:31:31pm

If the authorities do eventually declare it was just an unfortunate accident the conspiracy nuts will go into overdrive:

So, some woman just happens to panic and take out a police car IN D.C. DURING a government shutdown? A bit too convenient, don’t you think?

395 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:31:42pm

re: #387 erik_t

I know my fair share of Gen-X’ers, and none of them are particularly conservative. Maybe conservative in the Bob Dole sense, but nothing like the current frothing teabaggery nonsense.

So y’know, I still don’t get it either. I don’t know where these voters came from.

Well obviously not all Gen-Xers are like that. Most of my Gen-X first cousins are more closer to me but still it’s something I’ve noticed that contrasts them with my generation and the boomers. The Republicans seem to get their highest votes not with the elderly but with the 40-50 bracket.

396 chadu  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:32:43pm

re: #383 HappyWarrior

I still don’t get why Gen-X became so conservative. I mean they came of age after integration and I’d imagine that things that were much more taboo to the boomers were less so to them like sexuality. But then again the Reagan years fed a lot of false shit down people’s throat.

Speak for yourself, mang. Gen-X and liberal over here.

397 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:33:04pm

NBC in DC just reported that she was born in 1979 (34 yrs old).

398 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:33:39pm

re: #392 Kragar

Rep. Stockman Fundraising Letter Claims Democrats Are ‘Curb-Stomping Veterans’

It’s just a good thing I’m not crazy as a bed bug. That is all.

Stockman is filth.

399 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:33:51pm

re: #397 Dr. Matt

Gen-Xer. How about that?

400 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:33:52pm

Woman born 1979, dead. Child about 18 mo. old, okay. Def CT plates, but not sure if woman was from there.

401 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:33:57pm

re: #396 chadu

Speak for yourself, mang. Gen-X and liberal over here.

In my 20s, I was involved in the now-defunct Socialist Labor Party.

402 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:34:00pm

re: #388 b_sharp

Stress and fear push people to the right.

As does delightedly wallowing in self-imposed ignorance that bolsters their fears, because FACTS are just propaganda….

403 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:34:29pm

re: #396 chadu

Speak for yourself, mang. Gen-X and liberal over here.

I know, I know. Sorry guys who are in that generation. I know not everyone is not like that but I just don’t understand why on paper at least many Gen-X voters are more drawn to conservatism than the millenials or eevn the boomers.

404 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:35:13pm

re: #397 Dr. Matt

NBC in DC just reported that she was born in 1979 (34 yrs old).


405 lawhawk  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:35:24pm
406 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:35:48pm

re: #404 Justanotherhuman


Sniped ya! :P

407 Decatur Deb  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:37:24pm

re: #312 darthstar

He was just tweeting out of emotion while he was hiding in a cloakroom. Nice to know that Republicans have emotion.

They do ‘fear’ with boundless professionalism.

408 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:37:29pm

I did some stuff with the young Dems in high school. Didn’t do anything political in community college and my first couple years of GMU. Last year or so at Mason I got involved again. Now, I’m pretty much retired from political activism. I mean, I like to help out some charities and make small talk with the college volunteers for things when I’m on my way to D.C. I had a HRC volunteer tell me that she loved my signature when I agreed to contribute 10 bucks on the spot. I already had a membership due to another time talking to one of their workers but that was cool. Gave some money to a UN group helping refugees the other day. I’m not anti-activism but activism and me are done at this point.

409 LGF Subscription: Breathes Like Egyptian Cotton  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:37:34pm

re: #244 darthstar

Yes, apparently THE ENTIRE Republican party is suffering from some kind of mass Tourette’s syndrome.


410 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:38:19pm

From Scientific American

‘Psychologists have found that conservatives are fundamentally more anxious than liberals, which may be why they typically desire stability, structure and clear answers even to complicated questions. “Conservatism, apparently, helps to protect people against some of the natural difficulties of living,” says social psychologist Paul Nail of the University of Central Arkansas. “The fact is we don’t live in a completely safe world. Things can and do go wrong. But if I can impose this order on it by my worldview, I can keep my anxiety to a manageable level.”

Anxiety is an emotion that waxes and wanes in all of us, and as it swings up or down our political views can shift in its wake. When people feel safe and secure, they become more liberal; when they feel threatened, they become more conservative. Research conducted by Nail and his colleague in the weeks after September 11, 2001, showed that people of all political persuasions became more conservative in the wake of the terrorist attacks. Meanwhile, in an upcoming study, a team led by Yale University psychologist Jaime Napier found that asking Republicans to imagine that they possessed superpowers and were impermeable to injury made them more liberal. ‘

Age seems to have little to do with it.

411 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:38:21pm

Video of the incident

412 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:39:24pm

re: #405 lawhawk

I’m glad the child wasn’t hurt.

I think that’s probably the only thing I’m going to be able to say about that. There was some pretty clear decision making to escalate the situation on the driver’s part.

413 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:39:37pm

re: #402 Backwoods_Sleuth

As does delightedly wallowing in self-imposed ignorance that bolsters their fears, because FACTS are just propaganda….

That goes to the seeking safety/consistency/comfort issue.

414 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:40:05pm

re: #395 HappyWarrior

Well obviously not all Gen-Xers are like that. Most of my Gen-X first cousins are more closer to me but still it’s something I’ve noticed that contrasts them with my generation and the boomers. The Republicans seem to get their highest votes not with the elderly but with the 40-50 bracket.

I think, if your first memories of America and politics didn’t include Vietnam and Watergate, and only included (maybe) the highly ineffectual Carter, followed by the ‘boom’ of the Reagan years, your understanding of the world might be skewed. You might buy into things like ‘Reagan won the Cold War’ or ‘We’d have won Vietnam, too, if it weren’t for you meddlesome kids and your stupid dog’.

415 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:42:10pm

Cell phone video of the cop car hitting the barricade.

416 Bubblehead II  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:42:18pm

Cop hit a barricade during the chase

417 EPR-radar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:42:37pm

re: #395 HappyWarrior

Well obviously not all Gen-Xers are like that. Most of my Gen-X first cousins are more closer to me but still it’s something I’ve noticed that contrasts them with my generation and the boomers. The Republicans seem to get their highest votes not with the elderly but with the 40-50 bracket.

I’m in the 40-50 age bracket, and the biggest reason I tended to vote Republican until the election of 2004 was my perception of the Carter years as an unmitigated disaster brought about by the Democrats.

The first term of GW Bush was enough to show me what an unmitigated disaster truly looks like, and the second term just drove the point home further.

418 Bubblehead II  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:43:01pm

re: #415 Dr. Matt

Beat me by 8 seconds.

419 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:43:13pm

re: #414 GeneJockey

I think, if your first memories of America and politics didn’t include Vietnam and Watergate, and only included (maybe) the highly ineffectual Carter, followed by the ‘boom’ of the Reagan years, your understanding of the world might be skewed. You might buy into things like ‘Reagan won the Cold War’ or ‘We’d have won Vietnam, too, if it weren’t for you meddlesome kids and your stupid dog’.

I guess so. I’m actually curious to learn more about the patterns and such of the Lost Generation. Everyone talks about the Greatest- the children of the Lost but the Lost fascinates me. These are the men who had to see as young men and women America pushed to global war for the first time truly and then had the Depression to deal with often as parents. I’m kind of weird since even though I’m only 26, I had great grandparents born in the 1870’s. Call that a product of being a son of a slightly older father who was in turn the youngest child of six to a mother who was in turn the youngest of five.

420 erik_t  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:44:07pm

re: #410 b_sharp

From Scientific American

‘Psychologists have found that conservatives are fundamentally more anxious than liberals, which may be why they typically desire stability, structure and clear answers even to complicated questions.

Holy hell, there’s a group of people out there MORE anxious than us?

I don’t even understand how that is possible.

421 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:44:21pm

Oh shit….more video from the start of the chase. ugh. I think this is indeed of just a bad decision made by the driver. She freaked out and sped off.

422 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:44:21pm

re: #416 Bubblehead II

Cop hit a barricade during the chase

He hit it going fast too. No wonder there was so much damage.

423 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:44:23pm

re: #417 EPR-radar

I’m in the 40-50 age bracket, and the biggest reason I tended to vote Republican until the election of 2004 was my perception of the Carter years as an unmitigated disaster brought about by the Democrats.

The first term of GW Bush was enough to show me what an unmitigated disaster truly looks like, and the second term just drove the point home further.

Thanks. I guess I can see that. I can see why Carter would have painted a dark hole on Democratic leadership in the WH and it didn’t hurt how Reagan was able to sell himself as both candidate and president.

424 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:44:57pm

MSNBC is saying female suspect was killed.

425 Decatur Deb  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:45:10pm

re: #417 EPR-radar

I’m in the 40-50 age bracket, and the biggest reason I tended to vote Republican until the election of 2004 was my perception of the Carter years as an unmitigated disaster brought about by the Democrats.

The first term of GW Bush was enough to show me what an unmitigated disaster truly looks like, and the second term just drove the point home further.

Last Republican I liked was Ike. First Republican I spurned was Ike.

426 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:45:14pm

re: #414 GeneJockey

I think, if your first memories of America and politics didn’t include Vietnam and Watergate, and only included (maybe) the highly ineffectual Carter, followed by the ‘boom’ of the Reagan years, your understanding of the world might be skewed. You might buy into things like ‘Reagan won the Cold War’ or ‘We’d have won Vietnam, too, if it weren’t for you meddlesome kids and your stupid dog’.

My first American political memories are the McCarthy hearings.
Kinda shaped my political leanings at a very early age that some people in politics are just evil and, in my older years, those early impressions haven’t changed.

427 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:45:34pm

re: #380 klys

My mother-in-law has espoused the “more conservative as you get older” shit at me.

I did go through a conservative phase, but I grew out of it.

I have also been assured that I would fall desperately in love with football and would be overwhelmed with a burning need to have children before I hit 25 (which was during the Clinton administration).

Image: AeasBFu.png

428 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:46:13pm

re: #415 Dr. Matt

Cell phone video of the cop car hitting the barricade.

You know after watching that, I’m not so sure what this was. The way the vehicle was moving seems like a really bizarre panic reaction to me. Why gun it like that with all the cops around? Panic or not wouldn’t a person be inclined to stop?

429 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:46:28pm

re: #420 erik_t

Holy hell, there’s a group of people out there MORE anxious than us?

I don’t even understand how that is possible.

Now it becomes clear why the right spends so much energy on painting the blackest picture they can.

430 LGF Subscription: Breathes Like Egyptian Cotton  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:46:29pm

re: #410 b_sharp

This is exactly why my Mother in law thinks it is a bad idea to have a happy or confident population. She said when life was rough most people were devout Christians, like the dark ages, but now that everyone is “spoiled” they seem to think they don’t need Jesus. Pisses her off.

431 EPR-radar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:47:12pm

re: #423 HappyWarrior

Thanks. I guess I can see that. I can see why Carter would have painted a dark hole on Democratic leadership in the WH and it didn’t hurt how Reagan was able to sell himself as both candidate and president.

My earliest recollections of politics were the very tail end of Watergate. My take away from that was that Nixon was bad news, but that the GOP of that time knew how to take out the trash.

Yet another point on which today’s GOP fails miserably in comparision with its own past.

432 Stephen T.  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:47:30pm

As a member of Generation X (I’m 44) I can say that I don’t think I ever had any conservative streak.

I remember Carter and Reagan and I remember not liking Reagan much and that Carter got a raw deal. I still think that, but those ideas started at a very young age.

433 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:47:53pm

re: #430 LGF Subscription: Breathes Like Egyptian Cotton

This is exactly why my Mother in law thinks it is a bad idea to have a happy or confident population. She said when life was rough most people were devout Christians, like the dark ages, but now that everyone is “spoiled” they seem to think they don’t need Jesus. Pisses her off.

Pisses her off?

434 Eclectic Cyborg  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:48:22pm

re: #427 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

I did go through a conservative phase, but I grew out of it.

I have also been assured that I would fall desperately in love with football and would be overwhelmed with a burning need to have children before I hit 25 (which was during the Clinton administration).

I’m 32 and to be honest, I’d thought I’d have kids by now. Infertility can be difficult. At this point, I have more or less accepted the fact that I may never have biological children. My wife and I are still hoping to adopt at some point though if we can ever afford it.

435 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:49:35pm

Video: Capitol police surrounded her car, they drew their guns, she freaked out, backed out, drove off, they started shooting at her……

436 thecommodore  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:49:47pm

There is speculation on right wing blogs that the woman is African American, or “one of Obama’s daughters,” as they put it.


437 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:49:56pm

re: #432 Stephen T.

As a member of Generation X (I’m 44) I can say that I don’t think I ever had any conservative streak.

I remember Carter and Reagan and I remember not liking Reagan much and that Carter got a raw deal. I still think that, but those ideas started at a very young age.

Gen X, Gen Y. You guys have wussy labels.

Baby Boomers. Now there’s a label fit to strike fear in the souls of money managers.

438 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:50:45pm

re: #427 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

I did go through a conservative phase, but I grew out of it.

I have also been assured that I would fall desperately in love with football and would be overwhelmed with a burning need to have children before I hit 25 (which was during the Clinton administration).

Image: AeasBFu.png

We have avoided permanent steps to avoid children because it’s possible my biological clock might kick in at 30.

Although I think hormones are a shitty reason to decide I want a kid.

re: #434 Eclectic Cyborg

I’m 32 and to be honest, I’d thought I’d have kids by now. Infertility can be difficult. At this point, I have more or less accepted the fact that I may never have biological children. My wife and I are still hoping to adopt at some point though if we can ever afford it.

I am sorry to hear that. I hope that it does work out for you guys, because to be childfree by choice is much different than to be childless and want one.

439 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:50:49pm

My dad, boomer obviously said he was shaped by his parents pretty much. Like most Catholics of the time, my dad’s parents were pretty rock in the wool Democrats. i don’t think either of them grew up poor and my paternal grandfather even managed to his bachelors while many in the rest of the country struggled during the Depression but I think my grandfather from what I know about him from family and his few friends I met was a man who saw that he was fortunate and wanted everyone to have a chance to succeed. He had a business degree but he always looked out for the little guy. My Dad’s often told a story of him scolding my father very angrily when he used a racial slur on my uncle when they were little kids. It was remarkable really. My grandparents were both native Pittsburghers but by the time my Dad was born and coming of age, they had moved here to Northern Virginia and this incident I imagine either took place in the late Eisenhower years or early years of JFK. Either way, long before integration really took off here and the just around when many whites pulled their kdis out of public school that followed Brown in ‘54. I never knew the man since he died in ‘79 but he more than any other person is someone I could say was my political role model. A liberal to me is having a sense of fairness, the ability to empathize with someone who’s got a much more tougher situation than you do, but is also able to have fun with life too. I am glad my parents gave me his name as my middle name.

440 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:50:50pm

re: #437 b_sharp

Gen X, Gen Y. You guys have wussy labels.

Baby Boomers. Now there’s a label fit to strike fear in the souls of money managers.

Another moniker for Gen X is the “Baby bust generation”. That hasn’t been used from quite some time, though.

441 Stephen T.  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:50:53pm

re: #437 b_sharp

My daughter is, apparently, a “millennial.” She was born 2004.

442 EPR-radar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:50:54pm

re: #430 LGF Subscription: Breathes Like Egyptian Cotton

This is exactly why my Mother in law thinks it is a bad idea to have a happy or confident population. She said when life was rough most people were devout Christians, like the dark ages, but now that everyone is “spoiled” they seem to think they don’t need Jesus. Pisses her off.

Even if society can be made to work reasonably well, there is always the Fires of Hell to ‘motivate’ people. “God-fearing” is the basis of the religious wingnut world view.

To be honest, if I believed in the psychopath God of the Wingnuts, I’d fear that SOB too.

443 Decatur Deb  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:51:07pm

re: #437 b_sharp

Gen X, Gen Y. You guys have wussy labels.

Baby Boomers. Now there’s a label fit to strike fear in the souls of money managers.

Pffftt. War Babies.

444 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:51:20pm

re: #441 Stephen T.

My daughter is, apparently, a “millennial.” She was born 2004.

I supposedly am as well.

Born in 1985.

445 Targetpractice  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:51:46pm

re: #444 klys

I supposedly am as well.

Born in 1985.

Same here, born ‘84.

446 Dr. Matt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:52:02pm

re: #436 thecommodore

There is speculation on right wing blogs that the woman is African American, or “one of Obama’s daughters,” as they put it.


I won’t be surprised if she was black…..a black woman freaking out when surrounded by men with guns. Not a huge stretch of the imagination today.

447 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:52:09pm

re: #436 thecommodore

There is speculation on right wing blogs that the woman is African American, or “one of Obama’s daughters,” as they put it.


One of Obama’s daughters? Stay classy assholes. Because every black person looks and acts alike.

448 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:52:25pm

re: #444 klys

I supposedly am as well.

Born in 1985.

I guess I would be too…

449 Decatur Deb  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:53:04pm

re: #445 Targetpractice

Same here, born ‘84.

My daily driver was 11 years old in ‘84. I love this game.

450 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:53:09pm

re: #430 LGF Subscription: Breathes Like Egyptian Cotton

This is exactly why my Mother in law thinks it is a bad idea to have a happy or confident population. She said when life was rough most people were devout Christians, like the dark ages, but now that everyone is “spoiled” they seem to think they don’t need Jesus. Pisses her off.

Yes, because misery builds character…


451 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:54:10pm

re: #444 klys

I supposedly am as well.

Born in 1985.

re: #445 Targetpractice

Same here, born ‘84.

Sheesh, my son was born in 1983. I’m officially a relic. *sniffle*

452 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:54:16pm

re: #436 thecommodore

There is speculation on right wing blogs that the woman is African American, or “one of Obama’s daughters,” as they put it.


but of course…


453 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:54:21pm

re: #449 Decatur Deb

My daily driver was 11 years old in ‘84. I love this game.

You probably walked your dino every morning, eh???

454 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:54:21pm

re: #449 Decatur Deb

My daily driver was 11 years old in ‘84. I love this game.

We play a game around the house called “find things my husband owns that are older than me.”

Thankfully none of them have been food items so far.

455 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:54:37pm

re: #451 CuriousLurker

Sheesh, my son was born in 1983. I’m officially a relic. *sniffle*

So was I. :P

456 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:55:06pm

re: #451 CuriousLurker

Sheesh, my son was born in 1983. I’m officially a relic. *sniffle*

Pfft, you’re not a relic until you have grandkids. And possibly great-grandkids.

Right, VB?


457 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:55:44pm

re: #428 Eclectic Cyborg

You know after watching that, I’m not so sure what this was. The way the vehicle was moving seems like a really bizarre panic reaction to me. Why gun it like that with all the cops around? Panic or not wouldn’t a person be inclined to stop?

Depending on mind set. If someone is suspicious of police they might just drive off. I have no idea what happened, but if your are led to believe all police are tools of the government or the government is nothing but evil, I can see someone panicking out of irrationality. Once you see guns drawn you would think a ‘normal’ person would cower and give up right away.

458 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:56:00pm

re: #456 klys

Pfft, you’re not a relic until you have grandkids. And possibly great-grandkids.

Right, VB?


I don’t know and have no opinion.

459 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:56:37pm

re: #458 Varek Raith

I don’t know and have no opinion.

Chicken. //

460 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:56:39pm

re: #453 Varek Raith

You probably walked your dino every morning, eh???

Some of my students marvel when I tell them of a world of rotary phones, 8-Track tapes and microcassettes, CRT computer monitors and when mobile phones were the province of the wealthy.

461 blueraven  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:56:40pm

Neil Cavuto on Fox…someone just tweeted “end the shutdown, pay the CP

He asked, would that have made a difference?

No you asshole, it probably wouldnt have and that is the point. These are dedicated people, working without pay. Congressional republicans needs to stop the BS.

462 wrenchwench  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:57:15pm

re: #454 klys

We play a game around the house called “find things my husband owns that are older than me.”

Thankfully none of them have been food items so far.

As of three years ago, I had spent half my life with Mr. w. In 2025, he will have spent half his life with me.

463 Bubblehead II  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:57:28pm

re: #444 klys

re: #445 Targetpractice

re: #448 Varek Raith



464 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:57:37pm
Spike: “Next time”, “we’ll make money”? Jet, is she saying what I’m thinking she’s saying, cause if she is…

Jet: I don’t know and I have no opinion.

Spike: Man, she’s taking a shower in our shower. That’s not OK, right?

Jet: Don’t know, I have no opinion.

Spike: …fine, I’ll go tell her myself.

Jet: Mmmm… huh?- Wait, Spike! [three gunshots are heard] Bad move, Spike-o!

465 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:58:33pm

World’s greatest Granddad

Father Disowns Homophobic Daughter in Epic Letter

I now have a fabulous (as the gays put it) grandson to raise, and I don’t have time for heart-less B-word of a daughter. If you find your heart, give us a call. - Dad.

466 Stephen T.  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:58:36pm

re: #460 Dr Lizardo

My daughter once described to me a picture she saw as “a phone, attached to the wall, that you have to put money in to make it work.”

I realized that she had never seen a payphone in real life. Now that I think about it, I don’t think she’s seen one yet.

467 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:58:41pm

re: #462 wrenchwench

As of three years ago, I had spent half my life with Mr. w. In 2025, he will have spent half his life with me.

I think we get to have our “socially acceptable” party in another 3 years. He’s done the math somewhere…

468 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:58:48pm

I’ll tell you this much. I knew I Was getting old in college when my classes started being dominated by people who were younger than my 1990 born brother.

469 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:58:50pm

re: #462 wrenchwench

As of three years ago, I had spent half my life with Mr. w. In 2025, he will have spent half his life with me.

I wasn’t told there would be math.

470 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:58:54pm

re: #449 Decatur Deb

My daily driver was 11 years old in ‘84. I love this game.

I was driving a ‘64 Mercury back then and had a 9 year old son & 7 year old daughter.

Fuck, I’m old.

471 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:59:04pm

re: #456 klys

Pfft, you’re not a relic until you have grandkids. And possibly great-grandkids.

Right, VB?


“Old” is always 15-20 years older than one’s current age, heh. Sixty no longer seems nearly as ancient as it did when I was 35-40.

472 Decatur Deb  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:59:08pm

re: #453 Varek Raith

You probably walked your dino every morning, eh???

re: #460 Dr Lizardo

Some of my students marvel when I tell them of a world of rotary phones, 8-Track tapes and microcassettes, CRT computer monitors and when mobile phones were the province of the wealthy.

We had ice-block delivery and horse-drawn produce wagons in a major US city. All the trains going past the house were steam.

473 LGF Subscription: Breathes Like Egyptian Cotton  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:59:16pm

This person could just as easily have been a democrat who was pissed at conservatives over all of their drama lately. We really don’t know.

It just seems too strange to me to be a political motive as of yet . Expensive car, Massachusetts, child in car.
Wingnuts usually have a gun or something that goes boom with them.
This doesn’t seem like it was thought through well enough to be a violent threat against the government.

474 wrenchwench  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:59:19pm

re: #463 Bubblehead II



I thought you were older than me. I was wrong.

475 Targetpractice  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:59:30pm

re: #464 Varek Raith

Still love that series, years later.

476 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:59:32pm

re: #453 Varek Raith

You probably walked your dino every morning, eh???

Just let mine out into the fenced in yard.

477 wrenchwench  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:59:47pm

re: #469 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

I wasn’t told there would be math.

Shit, I think there’s algebra in there.

478 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:59:49pm

re: #466 Stephen T.

My daughter once described to me a picture she saw as “a phone, attached to the wall, that you have to put money in to make it work.”

I realized that she had never seen a payphone in real life. Now that I think about it, I don’t think she’s seen one yet.

Amazingly, we still have oodles of them in the Czech Republic. There’s one about 50 feet from the front door of my apartment building.

479 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:59:55pm

re: #460 Dr Lizardo

Some of my students marvel when I tell them of a world of rotary phones, 8-Track tapes and microcassettes, CRT computer monitors and when mobile phones were the province of the wealthy.

Think about how many movies from the 60’s 70’s and 80s would have gone differently if someone had a cell phone.

480 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 1:59:57pm

re: #465 Kragar

World’s greatest Granddad

Father Disowns Homophobic Daughter in Epic Letter

Well let’s hear it for grandpa.

481 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:00:23pm

re: #477 wrenchwench

Shit, I think there’s algebra in there.

Last night, as I was finishing up my homework, I was missing the days math involved numbers.

482 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:00:57pm

re: #454 klys

We play a game around the house called “find things my husband owns that are older than me.”

Thankfully none of them have been food items so far.

Over half of my guitars are older than my wife. :)

483 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:01:13pm

re: #481 klys

Last night, as I was finishing up my homework, I was missing the days math involved numbers.

Ok, you need a drink.

484 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:01:15pm

re: #472 Decatur Deb

We had ice-block delivery and horse-drawn produce wagons in a major US city. All the trains going past the house were steam.

Something I found out yesterday, that seemed rather quaint. The local dairy - about 5 kilometers from where I live - still makes fresh milk deliveries daily if you want to sign up for it.

485 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:01:23pm

re: #462 wrenchwench

As of three years ago, I had spent half my life with Mr. w. In 2025, he will have spent half his life with me.

My wife and I are well past that already.

486 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:01:38pm

re: #479 Kragar

Think about how many movies from the 60’s 70’s and 80s would have gone differently if someone had a cell phone.


487 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:01:55pm

re: #472 Decatur Deb

We had ice-block delivery and horse-drawn produce wagons in a major US city. All the trains going past the house were steam.

I love steam engines.

488 sagehen  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:02:19pm

re: #441 Stephen T.

My daughter is, apparently, a “millennial.” She was born 2004.

I’m pretty sure your daughter’s generation won’t get a name until they’re voting age; the millenials were coming of age at the turn of the millennia.

489 Decatur Deb  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:02:24pm

re: #477 wrenchwench

Shit, I think there’s algebra in there.

“A bicyclist leaves the shop going 23 mph…”

490 Targetpractice  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:02:28pm

Still remember when “brick” cellphones were the province of stock traders on Wall Street and owning a car phone meant your family had wealth. And it was a sign you’d come into some money when you could afford one of those huge rear-projection TVs to watch the game on.

491 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:02:45pm

Few years back when facebook became accessible to everyone not merely high school or college kids, I contacted some old day camp counselors. And it just hit me as I caught up to them that I at that moment was older than they were when I was their camper. Hell I remember being 9 and going inside a local high school and it looking bit to me. I remember also reading a sci-fish book in 1995ish that was set in 1999 which at that time felt like another lifetime away. And now that time’s come and gone. I was writing one night and the term “Old future, new past.” IF that makes any sense at all.

492 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:02:46pm

re: #483 Varek Raith

Ok, you need a drink.

There was one, no worries.

493 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:02:50pm

re: #463 Bubblehead II



1941. I have 2 boomers myself. I forget what they called us. Losers, I think. : )

494 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:03:10pm

re: #466 Stephen T.

My daughter once described to me a picture she saw as “a phone, attached to the wall, that you have to put money in to make it work.”

I realized that she had never seen a payphone in real life. Now that I think about it, I don’t think she’s seen one yet.

I can remember as a small child having to turn the handle a certain number of times on my grandparents phone to reach specific people.

495 Targetpractice  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:03:24pm

re: #493 Justanotherhuman

1941. I have 2 boomers myself. I forget what they called us. Losers, I think. : )



496 wrenchwench  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:03:39pm

re: #489 Decatur Deb

“A bicyclist leaves the shop going 23 mph…”

I know! I know!

It’s the bike I just tuned up!

497 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:03:52pm

re: #471 CuriousLurker

“Old” is always 15-20 years older than one’s current age, heh. Sixty no longer seems nearly as ancient as it did when I was 35-40.

60 in 2 years. Sigh.

498 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:04:24pm

I;m almost at the end the Beach Boys’ When I Grow Up To Be a Man!

499 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:04:31pm

re: #472 Decatur Deb

We had ice-block delivery and horse-drawn produce wagons in a major US city. All the trains going past the house were steam.

We still had horse drawn milk delivery when I was 5.

500 Bubblehead II  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:04:45pm

re: #474 wrenchwench

I thought you were older than me. I was wrong.

12 years in the Navy and riding around in ships designed to sink tends to age you.

501 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:04:51pm

re: #499 b_sharp

We still had horse drawn milk delivery when I was 5.

Mommy, what’s a horse?//

502 The Mountain That Blogs  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:05:21pm

Thanks for making me feel young, folks. (27)

503 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:05:30pm

re: #482 makeitstop

Over half of my guitars are older than my wife. :)

Young wife.

504 kirkspencer  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:05:36pm

re: #463 Bubblehead II



1960, and it’s nice to know we’re not the real geezers here.

Though I betcha WW’s wheels beat my walker. ( pout )

505 Justanotherhuman  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:05:38pm

re: #495 Targetpractice



Yes, born 10 mos before Pearl Harbor, at that.

So, “pre-war”.

Get the hell off my lawn, whippersnapper. : )

506 LGF Subscription: Breathes Like Egyptian Cotton  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:05:38pm

re: #499 b_sharp
I remember when we use to get all of our milk delivered by the milk man, even chocolate!

507 Decatur Deb  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:05:43pm

re: #501 HappyWarrior

Mommy, what’s a horse?//

Something you don’t shoot up.

508 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:05:43pm

re: #503 b_sharp

Young wife.


509 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:05:44pm

re: #501 HappyWarrior

Mommy, what’s a horse?//

Why, it’s an organic car.

510 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:06:21pm

re: #497 b_sharp

60 in 2 years. Sigh.

Turned 60 a month ago.

No. Biggie.

511 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:06:35pm

re: #500 Bubblehead II

12 years in the Navy and riding around in ships designed to sink tends to age you.

I got to go into a sub at the Intrepid museum when I was a kid.
Couldn’t stand to be in it for 5 minutes.
Ya’ll are nuts to be in em for months at a time.

512 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:07:09pm

re: #456 klys

Pfft, you’re not a relic until you have grandkids. And possibly great-grandkids.

Right, VB?


hey, you…shut up!!!

513 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:07:10pm

re: #502 The Mountain That Blogs

Thanks for making me feel young, folks. (27)

Shut up.

514 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:07:14pm

re: #503 b_sharp

Young wife.

37. (Don’t tell her I told you.)

And some old guitars, as well.

515 Targetpractice  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:07:17pm

“Grandpa, what’s a ‘floppy disk’?”

516 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:07:17pm

re: #500 Bubblehead II

12 years in the Navy and riding around in ships designed to sink tends to age you.

Some video game the kids are playing has squids in it, so the kids go around singing “I’m a squid! I’m a squid!”

They don’t know why I keep asking “When did you join the Navy?”

517 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:08:00pm

re: #506 LGF Subscription: Breathes Like Egyptian Cotton

I remember when we use to get all of our milk delivered by the milk man, even chocolate!

Vico chocolate milk. Loved it.

518 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:08:11pm

re: #515 Targetpractice

“Grandpa, what’s a ‘floppy disk’?”

Why, I remember the days when the whole internet could fit on one!

519 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:08:17pm

re: #508 klys



520 Kragar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:08:32pm

re: #515 Targetpractice

“Grandpa, what’s a ‘floppy disk’?”

“That’s why I take these pills…”

521 urbanmeemaw  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:08:42pm

re: #471 CuriousLurker

I turn 64 today, my daughter is 40, one grandson is graduating high school next spring. Talk about feeling old, sigh. (Drooling Boring Boomer Alert): I remember when you picked up the phone, the operator said, “Number, Please”, and had to give her the number so she could make the call. Also, too, party lines. And dinosaurs carried the phone company installers to your house. Sigh.

522 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:08:49pm

LGF is a useful connection.

We young’uns provide you old folk with hope that the whole thing isn’t going to hell.

You convince us that we shouldn’t just jettison the senior half of the population as hopeless.

Everybody wins.

523 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:09:00pm

re: #520 Kragar

“That’s why I take these pills…”


524 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:09:01pm

re: #510 makeitstop

Turned 60 a month ago.

No. Biggie.

Wife turns 60 in Dec. She’s trying to hide that it bothers her.

525 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:09:13pm

re: #513 b_sharp

Shut up.

If it makes you feel better I need a cane.
Stupid lack of cartilage in stupid knees.

526 sagehen  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:09:57pm

re: #521 urbanmeemaw

I turn 64 today, my daughter is 40, one grandson is graduating high school next spring. Talk about feeling old, sigh. (Drooling Boring Boomer Alert): I remember when you picked up the phone, the operator said, “Number, Please”, and had to give her the number so she could make the call. Also, too, party lines. And dinosaurs carried the phone company installers to your house. Sigh.

Does your wife still need you, does she still feed you?

527 dog philosopher  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:09:59pm

re: #462 wrenchwench

As of three years ago, I had spent half my life with Mr. w. In 2025, he will have spent half his life with me.

so your husband is 15 years older than you

528 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:10:01pm

re: #462 wrenchwench

As of three years ago, I had spent half my life with Mr. w. In 2025, he will have spent half his life with me.

oooh! a word math problem!!!!

529 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:10:06pm

re: #519 b_sharp


Well, really, the best kind of wife is the wife you have.

Which in my husband’s case is a young wife.

530 Targetpractice  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:10:19pm

re: #522 klys

LGF is a useful connection.

We young’uns provide you old folk with hope that the whole thing isn’t going to hell.

You convince us that we shouldn’t just jettison the senior half of the population as hopeless.

Everybody wins.

Screw that! Off the tar pits with the lot of’em, I say!


531 EPR-radar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:10:28pm

re: #462 wrenchwench

As of three years ago, I had spent half my life with Mr. w. In 2025, he will have spent half his life with me.

Tease. Your husband is 15 years older than you, but there is no unique solution for your ages.

532 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:10:38pm

Poor Charles started a new thread and we’re all too busy having fun here instead.

533 dog philosopher  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:10:46pm

i’ll be 60 next year but as much as i wanted kids it never happened

534 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:11:05pm

re: #497 b_sharp

60 in 2 years. Sigh.

One for me. Born in ‘54.

I learned a long time ago not to worry about age. Not a damn thing can be done about it, so worry is a waste of time.

And since time is going to be shorter and shorter, I can’t see any reason to waste it.

The other thing, everyone gets old. Jokes on the younger! Hehe…

535 urbanmeemaw  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:11:07pm

re: #478 Dr Lizardo

Do you work in Bratislava by chance?

536 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:11:08pm

re: #532 klys

Poor Charles started a new thread and we’re all too busy having fun here instead.

He’s old too, so he’ll forget.

537 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:11:12pm

re: #533 dog philosopher

i’ll be 60 next year but as much as i wanted kids it never happened

You can adopt me, especially around Christmas.


538 abolitionist  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:11:16pm

re: #515 Targetpractice

“Grandpa, what’s a ‘floppy disk’?”

It’s one of the longest-lasting standards in modern computing. :)

539 Mattand  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:11:27pm

re: #510 makeitstop

Turned 60 a month ago.

No. Biggie.

My birthday’s next week. They’re no longer the joyous occasions filled with dancing ballerinas, kegs of beer and rabid camels that they used to be.

540 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:11:32pm

re: #521 urbanmeemaw

I turn 64 today, my daughter is 40, one grandson is graduating high school next spring. Talk about feeling old, sigh. (Drooling Boring Boomer Alert): I remember when you picked up the phone, the operator said, “Number, Please”, and had to give her the number so she could make the call. Also, too, party lines. And dinosaurs carried the phone company installers to your house. Sigh.

Happy birthday.
My grandson graduates next spring too.

Just remember, there is always somebody older than you,… that you can make fun of.

541 GOPHostage#25698724  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:11:36pm

re: #479 Kragar

Think about how many movies from the 60’s 70’s and 80s would have gone differently if someone had a cell phone.

In 1989 I was in South San Francisco at a hotel making appointment calls the moment of the earthquake. Knowing my wife back in L.A. would be very worried I grabbed a little cash and went out and found a couple cars with phone antennas. Cash in hand offering $20 plus dinner I knocked on doors and asked to make a call. 3 for 3 were freaking posers, antenna but no phone. I gave up.

542 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:11:57pm

My pc has a floppy drive.
Needed it for work.

543 Decatur Deb  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:12:00pm

re: #522 klys

LGF is a useful connection.

We young’uns provide you old folk with hope that the whole thing isn’t going to hell.

You convince us that we shouldn’t just jettison the senior half of the population as hopeless.

Everybody wins.

Uniquely American problem. Our town in Italy had a disco—Kids did hard rock in the basement cantina. The grandparents who came with them did ballo liscio on the first floor.

544 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:12:03pm

re: #522 klys

LGF is a useful connection.

We young’uns provide you old folk with hope that the whole thing isn’t going to hell.

You convince us that we shouldn’t just jettison the senior half of the population as hopeless.

Everybody wins.

Good points youngster.

545 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:12:07pm

re: #535 urbanmeemaw

Do you work in Bratislava by chance?

No, Ostrava, Czech Republic. Been to Bratislava once, though. Nice town, especially the Old Town. Like Prague, but without all the hordes of tourists and mafiosi.

546 darthstar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:12:15pm

re: #463 Bubblehead II



1964…turn 50 next March. Fuckin’ fifty. Oh well, it beats not making it.

547 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:12:27pm

re: #541 Political Atheist

In 1989 I was in South San Francisco at a hotel making appointment calls the moment of the earthquake. Knowing my wife back in L.A. would be very worried I grabbed a little cash and went out and found a couple cars with phone antennas. Cash in hand offering $20 plus dinner I knocked on doors and asked to make a call. 3 for 3 were freaking posers, antenna but no phone. I gave up.

Now when the earthquake hits none of them will work because the towers will be overwhelmed.

548 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:12:30pm

re: #502 The Mountain That Blogs

Thanks for making me feel young, folks. (27)

You’ll get yours!!!

549 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:12:51pm

re: #525 Varek Raith

If it makes you feel better I need a cane.
Stupid lack of cartilage in stupid knees.

That doesn’t make me feel better at all. It makes me sad that you have to go through that.

550 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:13:14pm

re: #543 Decatur Deb

Uniquely American problem. Our town in Italy had a disco—Kids did hard rock in the basement cantina. The grandparents who came with them did ballo liscio on the first floor.

America does have community building issues, especially in the modern age.

551 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:13:35pm

re: #549 b_sharp

That doesn’t make me feel better at all. It makes me sad that you have to go through that.

Eh, it’s been a problem all my life.
No big deal.
Now, if only I can get a sword cane….

552 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:14:01pm

re: #530 Targetpractice

Screw that! Off the tar pits with the lot of’em, I say!


That doesn’t scare us, we made the tar pits.

553 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:14:06pm

re: #521 urbanmeemaw

I turn 64 today, my daughter is 40, one grandson is graduating high school next spring. Talk about feeling old, sigh. (Drooling Boring Boomer Alert): I remember when you picked up the phone, the operator said, “Number, Please”, and had to give her the number so she could make the call. Also, too, party lines. And dinosaurs carried the phone company installers to your house. Sigh.

Happy Birthday! May you have many more.

554 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:14:12pm

re: #551 Varek Raith

Eh, it’s been a problem all my life.
No big deal.
Now, if only I can get a sword cane….

Just think of the TSA paperwork!

555 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:14:40pm

re: #521 urbanmeemaw

I turn 64 today, my daughter is 40, one grandson is graduating high school next spring. Talk about feeling old, sigh. (Drooling Boring Boomer Alert): I remember when you picked up the phone, the operator said, “Number, Please”, and had to give her the number so she could make the call. Also, too, party lines. And dinosaurs carried the phone company installers to your house. Sigh.

Yes, happy birthday!

556 EPR-radar  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:14:44pm

re: #521 urbanmeemaw

I remember feeling quite old when I realized, while still in graduate school, that I was then older than my parents were when they had me (a second child).

557 Mattand  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:14:46pm

re: #551 Varek Raith

Eh, it’s been a problem all my life.
No bid deal.
Now, if only I can get a sword cane….

Get a laser cane, like the Kingpin has in Marvel Comics.

Little punks will be off your lawn in a heartbeat.

558 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:15:03pm

re: #554 klys

Just think of the TSA paperwork!

Good thing I don’t trust planes.
Or elevators.
Or ladders.

559 Mattand  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:15:12pm

re: #521 urbanmeemaw

I turn 64 today, my daughter is 40, one grandson is graduating high school next spring. Talk about feeling old, sigh. (Drooling Boring Boomer Alert): I remember when you picked up the phone, the operator said, “Number, Please”, and had to give her the number so she could make the call. Also, too, party lines. And dinosaurs carried the phone company installers to your house. Sigh.

Happy Birthday!

560 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:15:38pm

re: #546 darthstar

1964…turn 50 next March. Fuckin’ fifty. Oh well, it beats not making it.

I wasn’t bothered by turning 30 or 40, but 50 kinda got to me.

561 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:15:44pm

re: #551 Varek Raith

Eh, it’s been a problem all my life.
No bid deal.
Now, if only I can get a sword cane….

You can find those online. There’s a company out of South Africa that makes them but they’re not cheap…..$500 and up.

562 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:15:51pm

re: #558 Varek Raith

Good thing I don’t trust planes.
Or elevators.
Or ladders.

I live in CA. My parents live in NJ.

I am expected to at least occasionally go home for Christmas.

…plus Japan is hard without planes or boats, and I haven’t found a reasonably affordable boat yet.

563 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:15:55pm

re: #524 b_sharp

Wife turns 60 in Dec. She’s trying to hide that it bothers her.

I do a lot of shows with guys literally half my age, and while it really should make me feel old it doesn’t. I like being the ‘grizzled veteran’ for some reason, and they don’t seem to mind me being around.

564 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:15:55pm

re: #534 ObserverArt

One for me. Born in ‘54.

I learned a long time ago not to worry about age. Not a damn thing can be done about it, so worry is a waste of time.

And since time is going to be shorter and shorter, I can’t see any reason to waste it.

The other thing, everyone gets old. Jokes on the younger! Hehe…

I feel sorry for my dad, he’s 82 and knows his life is about to end, yet the time must be going so incredibly fast for him.

565 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:16:06pm

Woman in DC didn’t fire any shot—it was only police who did.

566 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:16:15pm

re: #484 Dr Lizardo

Something I found out yesterday, that seemed rather quaint. The local dairy - about 5 kilometers from where I live - still makes fresh milk deliveries daily if you want to sign up for it.

I remember milk deliveries to our back door back in the early 60s…in glass bottles with a little cardboard cap/stopper. In winter, the cream that would rise out of the bottle would freeze. Ticked my mom off to end when we’d get to the milk bottles first and eat the frozen cream…

567 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:17:08pm

re: #566 Backwoods_Sleuth

I remember milk deliveries to our back door back in the early 60s…in glass bottles with a little cardboard cap/stopper. In winter, the cream that would rise out of the bottle would freeze. Ticked my mom off to end when we’d get to the milk bottles first and eat the frozen cream…

The best ice cream ever involves liquid nitrogen. The crystals are so small and so it’s so smooth…

568 blueraven  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:17:42pm

re: #565 CuriousLurker

Woman in DC didn’t fire any shot—it was only police who did.

Cant say as I blame them though with her behavior. Pretty damn crazy!

569 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:17:59pm

re: #536 Varek Raith

He’s old too, so he’ll forget.

That is damn funny.

What’s funny???

570 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:18:04pm

re: #529 klys

Well, really, the best kind of wife is the wife you have.

Which in my husband’s case is a young wife.

I’m a fan of young wives, because I haz one.

571 Bubblehead II  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:18:19pm

re: #521 urbanmeemaw

I turn 64 today, my daughter is 40, one grandson is graduating high school next spring. Talk about feeling old, sigh. (Drooling Boring Boomer Alert): I remember when you picked up the phone, the operator said, “Number, Please”, and had to give her the number so she could make the call. Also, too, party lines. And dinosaurs carried the phone company installers to your house. Sigh.

Happy Birthday. Raises a beer.

572 Dr Lizardo  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:18:19pm

re: #566 Backwoods_Sleuth

I remember milk deliveries to our back door back in the early 60s…in glass bottles with a little cardboard cap/stopper. In winter, the cream that would rise out of the bottle would freeze. Ticked my mom off to end when we’d get to the milk bottles first and eat the frozen cream…

That’s what the local dairy here offers; glass bottles, but with a metal cap. It’s pricey though; I can’t justify the cost, personally. It’s far, far cheaper for me to walk 150 feet to the supermarket and buy a carton of UHT milk.

573 abolitionist  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:18:27pm

re: #565 CuriousLurker

Woman in DC didn’t fire any shot—it was only police who did.

As I suspected. Wonder how long the news orgs will continue pushing the “gunfight” stories.

574 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:18:35pm

re: #562 klys

I live in CA. My parents live in NJ.

I am expected to at least occasionally go home for Christmas.

…plus Japan is hard without planes or boats, and I haven’t found a reasonably affordable boat yet.


575 urbanmeemaw  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:18:56pm

re: #526 sagehen

Oh, I’m a divorced female! But funny you should ask that. WKRP is one of my favorite all time comedies and on the first episode they played a commercial for “Shady Pines Nursing Home”, where the voice actor said, “Who will feed me”? I think of that line often and still laugh, because I feel like I need an answer now!

576 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:19:37pm

re: #563 makeitstop

I do a lot of shows with guys literally half my age, and while it really should make me feel old it doesn’t. I like being the ‘grizzled veteran’ for some reason, and they don’t seem to mind me being around.

Different world where people appreciate you for your ability.

577 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:19:48pm

re: #551 Varek Raith

Eh, it’s been a problem all my life.
No big deal.
Now, if only I can get a sword cane….

Damn, the stuff you don’t know about people you chat with every day.

I’ll see if I can get you a scimitar cane, maybe even one that has a genie-in-a-bottle handle.

578 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:20:19pm

re: #566 Backwoods_Sleuth

I remember milk deliveries to our back door back in the early 60s…in glass bottles with a little cardboard cap/stopper. In winter, the cream that would rise out of the bottle would freeze. Ticked my mom off to end when we’d get to the milk bottles first and eat the frozen cream…

Same memory.

579 urbanmeemaw  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:20:20pm

re: #545 Dr Lizardo

I worked with some folks in Bratislava (remotely). Some of the smartest, nicest people I’ve ever worked with. I miss them.

580 Decatur Deb  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:21:04pm

re: #567 klys

The best ice cream ever involves liquid nitrogen. The crystals are so small and so it’s so smooth…

Called “Dipping Dots” here in AL. The certified best icecream ever comes from this place in Florence, and involves rice. (Plug this place about once a year—should get a free bollo if I ever get back.)

581 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:21:35pm

re: #574 Varek Raith


The Rhino Party here promised to build a bridge to Japan from Vancouver.

582 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:21:51pm

re: #576 b_sharp

Different world where people appreciate you for your ability.

True. I love telling the kids in the audience that I’ve been playing guitar for over 50 years, it freaks them right out.

583 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:22:30pm

re: #577 CuriousLurker

Damn, the stuff you don’t know about people you chat with every day.

I’ll see if I can get you a scimitar cane, maybe even one that has a genie-in-a-bottle handle.

That would be so cool.

584 wrenchwench  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:22:50pm

re: #521 urbanmeemaw

I turn 64 today, my daughter is 40, one grandson is graduating high school next spring. Talk about feeling old, sigh. (Drooling Boring Boomer Alert): I remember when you picked up the phone, the operator said, “Number, Please”, and had to give her the number so she could make the call. Also, too, party lines. And dinosaurs carried the phone company installers to your house. Sigh.

Happy birthday!

Mr. w’s first phone number was one long and two short. That’s how the party line rang when it was for his house.

585 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:23:12pm

re: #582 makeitstop

True. I love telling the kids in the audience that I’ve been playing guitar for over 50 years, it freaks them right out.

Any arthritis in the fingers yet?

586 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:23:13pm

re: #577 CuriousLurker

Damn, the stuff you don’t know about people you chat with every day.

I’ll see if I can get you a scimitar cane, maybe even one that has a genie-in-a-bottle handle.

Also, cluster migraines.
Aren’t I a barrel of fun???

This is why I’m lighthearted. Too much worrying about stupid medical crap when I was a teen.
Life is good now.

587 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:23:52pm

re: #580 Decatur Deb

Called “Dipping Dots” here in AL. The certified best icecream ever comes from this place in Florence, and involves rice. (Plug this place about once a year—should get a free bollo if I ever get back.)

I’ve done the liquid nitrogen ice cream the scientist way, out on a back porch with the thermos we …borrowed… from the office.

588 wrenchwench  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:24:07pm

re: #527 dog philosopher

so your husband is 15 years older than you

re: #531 EPR-radar

Tease. Your husband is 15 years older than you, but there is no unique solution for your ages.

OK, I did the math wrong, because he’s 18 (almost 19) years older.

Joke’s on me.

589 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:24:37pm

re: #551 Varek Raith

Eh, it’s been a problem all my life.
No big deal.
Now, if only I can get a sword cane….

heh… I’ve got two or three sword canes.
One even has a flask…

590 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:24:47pm

re: #585 b_sharp

Any arthritis in the fingers yet?

Nope, none. And despite playing at ridiculous volume levels for my entire adult life, my hearing’s in pretty good shape, too.

Just don’t ask me to play a game of hoops. Knees are pretty shot.

591 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:24:49pm

re: #588 wrenchwench

OK, I did the math wrong, because he’s 18 (almost 19) years older.

Joke’s on me.

Math is evil.

592 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:25:19pm

Well time for me to go pick the wife up at work.
Later lizards of age.

593 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:25:25pm

re: #588 wrenchwench

OK, I did the math wrong, because he’s 18 (almost 19) years older.

Joke’s on me.

An even bigger age difference than mine!

It took my mom a while to come around to the idea, mostly because her baby brother is younger than my husband.

594 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:26:24pm

re: #568 blueraven

Cant say as I blame them though with her behavior. Pretty damn crazy!

Yeah, I’d assume I’d be shot at if I tried to drive thru a barrier protecting the WH or Capitol.

There was also mention of her having a history of mental health issues, which may explain the strange behavior & child being with her. If that’s the case, then it’s really sad and I hope it doesn’t get politicized all to hell & back.

595 Bubblehead II  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:26:45pm

re: #566 Backwoods_Sleuth

I remember milk deliveries to our back door back in the early 60s…in glass bottles with a little cardboard cap/stopper. In winter, the cream that would rise out of the bottle would freeze. Ticked my mom off to end when we’d get to the milk bottles first and eat the frozen cream…

Same here. Even remember the name. Harts dairy and yes, my mother also got pissed off when we siphoned off the cream.

596 b_sharp  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:27:30pm

re: #590 makeitstop

Nope, none. And despite playing at ridiculous volume levels for my entire adult life, my hearing’s in pretty good shape, too.

Just don’t ask me to play a game of hoops. Knees are pretty shot.

Good to hear.
Saw Long John a few years back just before he died and his fingers were horrible.

My brother’s hearing is getting bad from years of playing in a band. I didn’t play in a band for long so I’m fine.

597 Decatur Deb  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:28:16pm

re: #587 klys

I’ve done the liquid nitrogen ice cream the scientist way, out on a back porch with the thermos we …borrowed… from the office.

The process I know is surprisingly like the old method of making lead shot. The liquid is dropped through a screen from a height into the supercool medium—water in the case of shot towers, LN for the ice cream.

598 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:28:29pm

re: #583 b_sharp

That would be so cool.

I know, right? Damn, I wanna find one for myself first!

599 urbanmeemaw  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:28:58pm

re: #540 b_sharp

Thank you! But I crack myself up when I discover my left turn signal is still flashing long after I made the turn. I’m a living, breathing stereotype.

600 urbanmeemaw  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:29:48pm

re: #584 wrenchwench

Thank you!!! For both the birthday wishes and remembering “party lines”. I knew I had found “my people” on LGF!

601 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:29:50pm

re: #586 Varek Raith

Also, cluster migraines.
Aren’t I a barrel of fun???

This is why I’m lighthearted. Too much worrying about stupid medical crap when I was a teen.
Life is good now.

Shoot, now I’m even fonder of you than I was before. {{{VR}}}

602 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:29:52pm

re: #597 Decatur Deb

The process I know is surprisingly like the old method of making lead shot. The liquid is dropped through a screen from a height into the supercool medium—water in the case of shot towers, LN for the ice cream.

Cool! We did it the other way - mix your ingredients for the ice cream in a bowl, then pour in the liquid nitrogen. Wearing appropriate hand protection, of course. So it ends up more like traditional style ice cream, but so smooth.

It probably wouldn’t scale up very well though for an industrial process.

603 Varek Raith  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:29:54pm

re: #599 urbanmeemaw

Thank you! But I crack myself up when I discover my left turn signal is still flashing long after I made the turn. I’m a living, breathing stereotype.

Holy shit, you actually use a turn signal?!?!
Most drivers round these parts don’t.

604 GeneJockey  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:31:05pm

re: #541 Political Atheist

In 1989 I was in South San Francisco at a hotel making appointment calls the moment of the earthquake. Knowing my wife back in L.A. would be very worried I grabbed a little cash and went out and found a couple cars with phone antennas. Cash in hand offering $20 plus dinner I knocked on doors and asked to make a call. 3 for 3 were freaking posers, antenna but no phone. I gave up.

No shit? I was also in South City, over at Genentech.

605 makeitstop  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:31:07pm

re: #599 urbanmeemaw

Thank you! But I crack myself up when I discover my left turn signal is still flashing long after I made the turn. I’m a living, breathing stereotype.

I do that, too. My wife busts my chops so bad for that.

Happy Birthday!

606 CuriousLurker  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:32:35pm

re: #566 Backwoods_Sleuth

I remember milk deliveries to our back door back in the early 60s…in glass bottles with a little cardboard cap/stopper. In winter, the cream that would rise out of the bottle would freeze. Ticked my mom off to end when we’d get to the milk bottles first and eat the frozen cream…

OMG, how I remember those! As a matter of fact, I was thinking of them when whoever it was first mentioned milk delivery.

607 urbanmeemaw  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:32:37pm

re: #555 klys

Thank you!

608 abolitionist  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:33:01pm

re: #603 Varek Raith

Holy shit, you actually use a turn signal?!?!
Most drivers round these parts don’t.

If I ever used proper hand signals, I’d probably get arrested for making obscene gestures.

609 ObserverArt  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:35:43pm

Gotta run. It’s been both a tragic and then fun thread.

And Happy B-day urbanmeemaw! Enjoy today and many more.

610 Decatur Deb  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:35:56pm

We need ‘Bear’ in on this thread. He might be the oldest occasional poster—
a WWII vet If i read him correctly.

611 urbanmeemaw  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:35:58pm

re: #553 CuriousLurker

Thank you so much!

612 kirkspencer  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:37:06pm

re: #599 urbanmeemaw

Thank you! But I crack myself up when I discover my left turn signal is still flashing long after I made the turn. I’m a living, breathing stereotype.

Recently caught myself signalling right and turning left. sigh. I need a chauffeur.

613 urbanmeemaw  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:37:50pm

re: #559 Mattand

Thank you.

614 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:38:21pm

re: #612 kirkspencer

Recently caught myself signalling right and turning left. sigh. I need a chauffeur.

Where I live, no signals are needed.
Everybody knows where you’re going.

joys of backwoods living…

615 urbanmeemaw  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:38:59pm

re: #571 Bubblehead II

thank you.

616 Romantic Heretic  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:40:24pm

re: #17 Lidane

An AR-15 would be about as effective as a musket against the US military. WTF? Do these people expect the feds to allow howitzers and tanks for everybody?


617 urbanmeemaw  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:41:14pm

re: #603 Varek Raith

Irish Catholic girl raised in the 50’s. Must follow rules. Actually, I’m a firm believer in turn signals.

618 urbanmeemaw  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:42:07pm

re: #605 makeitstop

I am not alone! Thank you for the greetings.

619 klys  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:42:40pm

re: #617 urbanmeemaw

Irish Catholic girl raised in the 50’s. Must follow rules. Actually, I’m a firm believer in turn signals.

I am too, the problem is too many other people on the roads aren’t and then I have to read their minds.

620 You_Stole_Fizzy-Lifting_Drinks  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:52:39pm

*Comes in with metamucil and jello for some of the fellow lizards*

621 Decatur Deb  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 2:59:28pm

Many more, Meemaw. BBL

622 Romantic Heretic  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 3:10:17pm

re: #581 b_sharp

The Rhino Party here promised to build a bridge to Japan from Vancouver.

They also promised to tear down the Rocky Mountains and use the rubble to fill in the Straits of Labrador, thereby removing two major geographical barriers to Confederation. *Laughs*

623 Ojoe  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 3:18:28pm

re: #608 abolitionist

People don’t understand hand signals anymore.

624 No Country For Old Haters  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 4:08:12pm

re: #191 Vicious Babushka

625 No Country For Old Haters  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 4:13:28pm

re: #197 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

626 Weet  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 4:28:03pm

Look below for 7 pictures of Miriam Carey, who was a 34-year-old dental hygienist from Stamford, Connecticut. Originally from Brooklyn, New York, authorities say she may have suffered from mental health issues.


627 chadu  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 4:58:46pm

re: #515 Targetpractice

“Grandpa, what’s a ‘floppy disk’?”

“Great Uncle Chad, what’s ‘loading from cassette tape’?”

628 chadu  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 5:00:36pm

re: #522 klys

LGF is a useful connection.

We young’uns provide you old folk with hope that the whole thing isn’t going to hell.

You convince us that we shouldn’t just jettison the senior half of the population as hopeless.

Everybody wins.

In light of this comment, and vasty discussion of Gen-Xers (like me), I am prepare to ameliorate my disgust at the Baby Boomers.

629 chadu  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 5:01:09pm

re: #526 sagehen

Does your wife still need you, does she still feed you?

Upding for the Beatles!

630 chadu  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 5:01:49pm

re: #533 dog philosopher

i’ll be 60 next year but as much as i wanted kids it never happened

I’m 42, same deal.

631 chadu  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 5:03:40pm

re: #551 Varek Raith

Now, if only I can get a sword cane….

You’re welcome. ;)

632 chadu  Thu, Oct 3, 2013 5:06:12pm

re: #580 Decatur Deb

Called “Dipping Dots” here in AL. The certified best icecream ever comes from this place in Florence, and involves rice. (Plug this place about once a year—should get a free bollo if I ever get back.)

You need to check out Jeni’s, if you haven’t already.

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