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The Vicious Babushka  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:19:22pm


Aunty Entity Dragon  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:20:11pm

Reposted from downstairs.

The tune and lyric structure they use is similar to a Canadian folk song called “Breakfast in Hell”

Slaid Cleaves: Breakfast In Hell

HappyWarrior  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:20:56pm

This is brilliant. They should consider some serious music. They got great harmony together.

Aunty Entity Dragon  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:22:48pm

re: #3 HappyWarrior

This is brilliant. They should consider some serious music. They got great harmony together.

The female singer should consider Celtic music. She has a good voice for it.

Skip Intro  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:24:41pm

Be still my heart.

The Vicious Babushka  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:24:47pm

re: #2 Aunty Entity Dragon

Reposted from downstairs.

The tune and lyric structure they use is similar to a Canadian folk song called “Breakfast in Hell”

[Embedded content]


Young Gordon Lightfoot.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:25:29pm

Pretty decent.

thedopefishlives  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:25:36pm

re: #5 Skip Intro

From the image:

When Fiorina speaks, everyone listens…

Yeah, um. About that. Apparently most of America wasn’t listening.

Charles Johnson  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:25:46pm

re: #5 Skip Intro

Be still my heart.

Embedded Image

She’s wasting no time getting her grift on.

Targetpractice  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:26:12pm

re: #9 Charles Johnson

She’s wasting no time getting her grift on.

Probably got a shitload of campaign debt to pay off.

jaunte  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:26:38pm

re: #5 Skip Intro

“Everybody listened” because they thought they might get fired. And now here we are.

HappyWarrior  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:27:24pm

re: #4 Aunty Entity Dragon

The female singer should consider Celtic music. She has a good voice for it.

Yes lovely voice. I really wish I had a better voice and instrumentship because I love Celtic music. Luke Kelly is one of my favorite all time singers.

Aunty Entity Dragon  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:27:41pm

re: #9 Charles Johnson

She’s wasting no time getting her grift on.

Rubes to shill
Investors to fleece
Make hay while the sun shines

Skip Intro  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:28:01pm

re: #9 Charles Johnson

She’s wasting no time getting her grift on.

Three hours after quitting the race according to Michael Hiltzik.

HappyWarrior  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:28:22pm

re: #14 Skip Intro

Three hours after quitting the race according to Michael Hiltzik.

Sheesh that’s some mighty fine grifting.

thedopefishlives  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:28:47pm

re: #15 HappyWarrior

Sheesh that’s some mighty fine grifting.

Gotta strike before everyone forgets who the hell she is.

lawhawk  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:29:04pm

re: #5 Skip Intro

How much is she pulling per engagement? And what does she say at each of them?

Questions. We have questions.


Seriously. No one should care what a former CEO who nearly destroyed two iconic companies has to say, let alone someone who thought that that background meant they should run for the White House. I take it back. We should care. Because whoever is paying for this tripe is getting ripped off even if they got paid to host Fiorina speaking.

Aunty Entity Dragon  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:29:29pm

re: #15 HappyWarrior

Sheesh that’s some mighty fine grifting.

Those right wing think tanks won’t crank out ZombieReagan policy points without quality grift experience!

HappyWarrior  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:29:38pm

re: #2 Aunty Entity Dragon

Reposted from downstairs.

The tune and lyric structure they use is similar to a Canadian folk song called “Breakfast in Hell”

[Embedded content]


Hey I’ve heard of him. My brother and I were driving back to his place in Tahoe when I visited this summer and we both agreed we really liked the tune so I Shazammed it. I thought the name looked familiar. I really like his voice.

Charles Johnson  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:29:44pm

re: #10 Targetpractice

Probably got a shitload of campaign debt to pay off.

That’s why these people “suspend” their campaigns, so they can continue raising money and getting matching funds from the federal government.

Just one more way 1% politicians get things nobody else in America gets.

Aunty Entity Dragon  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:30:04pm

re: #16 thedopefishlives

Gotta strike before everyone forgets who the hell she is.

Demon sheep will never be forgotten.

EmmaAnne  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:30:11pm

re: #10 Targetpractice

Probably got a shitload of campaign debt to pay off.

Hopefully she bothers to pay off her campaign debt. Didn’t she stiff her people last time?

jaunte  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:30:45pm
The Vicious Babushka  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:30:51pm

re: #4 Aunty Entity Dragon

The female singer should consider Celtic music. She has a good voice for it.

She sounds like Loreena McKennit

Aunty Entity Dragon  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:31:31pm

re: #22 EmmaAnne

Hopefully she bothers to pay off her campaign debt. Didn’t she stiff her people last time?

Paying debt is for little people.
Little people

Aunty Entity Dragon  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:31:46pm

re: #24 The Vicious Babushka

She sounds like Loreena McKennit

Yeah, I thought so also.

HappyWarrior  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:32:22pm

I was really lucky to see Gillian Welch and Dave Rawlings play this fall. The two have lovely harmony together and they have a little fun too between songs.

Aunty Entity Dragon  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:32:33pm

BBL. Dinner time.

The alpuzzzzz from Wisconsin  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:35:08pm

re: #10 Targetpractice

Or something like this:

“…She sees the angle - which is you - and she plays it. She’s a grifter, just like her brother. They probably had grifter parents and grifter grandparents and someday they’ll each spawn little grifter kids.”

KerFuFFler  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:36:01pm

Regarding the Oregon standoff……Chuffed!!!! My new favorite word:

Full Definition of chuffed
: quite pleased : delighted

I was feeling rather chuffed with myself, having competed in a cricket tournament with some of England’s best.

lawhawk  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:36:03pm

re: #23 jaunte


Nyet  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:38:46pm

re: #5 Skip Intro

“I have such great admiration and empathy for Hillary Clinton,” Fiorina says in the video. “I have great admiration for her because I know what it takes in some small measure to do what she has done. She is obviously incredibly intelligent, focused, tough, determined, empathetic of all the tens of millions of people that she was trying to represent in her quest to become the first woman president of the United States.”


gocart mozart  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:40:27pm

Obama throws Rubio an anvil. latimes.com

And on the other hand, you got something like immigration reform, where we did actually do a — I stayed out of it so that I would not be polarizing. You had Republicans over in the Senate working with Democrats to negotiate something — Dick Durbin was involved with this; a young man named Marco Rubio was deeply involved in it — they get a bipartisan bill, it passed by a bipartisan vote, but then this reaction from the base that had been stirred up kills it. And that’s when we start taking executive action.

Charles Johnson  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:43:48pm

re: #33 gocart mozart

That’s some presidential-level trolling right there.

Emoprog Refugee  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:43:55pm

Charles, thank you so much for that! I was enraptured last night with the crazy live feed and feats performed by Assemblywoman Fiore. I was crazy busy today at work, so missed the whole surrender. I’m going to send this video to all friends and family; such a great summation of the whole saga.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:45:50pm

re: #30 KerFuFFler

And that is what species in Pantera (lions, tigers, panthers, jagurars) do when they get to know others and/or otherwise content-chuffing. It’s only done when they exhale.

Targetpractice  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:49:14pm

re: #34 Charles Johnson

That’s some presidential-level trolling right there.

I do so love “No Fucks To Give” Obama.

RandomMonster  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:49:51pm

Needed more bagpipes, clearly.

Stanley Sea  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:50:17pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:51:46pm
gocart mozart  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:54:20pm

re: #34 Charles Johnson

You don’t think Obama knows what he is doing, Obama knows exactly what he is doing. Amirite Marco?

jaunte  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:55:31pm

re: #41 gocart mozart

Can’t be said enough.

Tigger2  Feb 11, 2016 • 5:56:35pm

re: #41 gocart mozart

You don’t think Obama knows what he is doing, Obama knows exactly what he is doing. Amirite Marco?

Yep Obama knows exactly what he’s doing and a lot of the time it’s making the Republicans look like fools.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 11, 2016 • 6:00:22pm
gocart mozart  Feb 11, 2016 • 6:01:21pm

watching CNN live on my computer here.

Sophist: Domo Arigato, Marco Ruboto  Feb 11, 2016 • 8:02:56pm

re: #13 Aunty Entity Dragon

Rubes to shill
Investors to fleece
Make hay while the sun shines

Strike while the iron still remembers you exist.

Sophist: Domo Arigato, Marco Ruboto  Feb 11, 2016 • 8:04:15pm

re: #15 HappyWarrior

Sheesh that’s some mighty fine grifting.

Or a recognition that her 15 minutes might be literal.

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