The Always Amazing Tommy Emmanuel: “I’ve Always Thought of You”

Music • Views: 19,629


I will post any video Tommy Emmanuel does, because he’s always amazing.

This video was filmed in March 2020 just before the pandemic shutdown. It was filmed in the back of Tommy Emmanuel’s tour bus. This song appears on Tommy’s albums ‘Only” and the ‘Imagine’ EP. Listen to the ‘Imagine EP’ here:

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plansbandc  Jan 16, 2021 • 9:55:59am

The horned dipshit is also being called Dances With Kale. :D

mmmirele  Jan 16, 2021 • 9:58:49am

re: #1 plansbandc

The horned dipshit is also being called Dances With Kale. :D

I actually like that better. It impugns a deeply disliked vegetable instead of a lot of people who happen to be named “Karen.”

🌹UOJB!  Jan 16, 2021 • 9:59:27am

“Animal Print Karen”…I’m ROTFLMAO!

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:00:58am

He lives in DC so it probably never crossed his mind not to do this. Presidential Medal of Freedom coming up.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:03:07am

re: #208 Decatur Deb

It’s not TL;DR, and it actually says “Yes, but not like the Hollywood version.”

Pretty much. With the exception of a couple emperors making declarations of punishments, the overwhelming majority of people killed were by vigilantes, not the state.

Moreover, Nero’s persecutions were from the Great Fire. Christians were accused of starting it by him, but they weren’t killed for being Christians, they were killed for being arsonists. (There is no evidence Christians started that fire. They were a convenient scapegoat as a minority in Rome.)

I’m off to the general store. I need to see how many millions I won in the Lotto (lol) and get a few things like milk and smokes and rum and chips and other satisfirers of vice.

Teukka  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:05:25am

From downstairs:

re: #187 Nyet

[Embedded content]

Made it a series of tweets. Thanks for the heads-up, Sir.

still stpaulbear  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:06:57am

re: #3 🌹UOJB!

“Animal Print Karen”…I’m ROTFLMAO!

[Embedded content]

“She was eventually arrested and booked for trespassing and resisting arrest. BTW, it’s not the first time she’s been embroiled in controversy.

Falco-DiCorrado, a staunch Trump supporter, was forced to resign from her volunteer seat on the County’s Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board in 2017, following controversial remarks made during a meeting to designate Boynton Beach a sanctuary city.

Falco-DiCorrado allegedly told Black residents at the meeting, “You’re lucky we brought you over as slaves, or else you’d be deported too.” She later told the Palm Beach Post her comments were misinterpreted and she didn’t mean any harm.”

What a peach.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:07:10am

Damn it.
How the hell did I think there was a game at 1 PM?
Now I have to replan my eating schedule


🌹UOJB!  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:09:43am

Meanwhile, back at the Baked Alaska Follies…

Teukka  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:18:44am

re: #6 Teukka

From downstairs:

Made it a series of tweets. Thanks for the heads-up, Sir.

[Embedded content]

Changed the last tweet:

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:21:45am

re: #3 🌹UOJB!

“Animal Print Karen”…I’m ROTFLMAO!

[Embedded content]

Holy shit. That article. What a horrible person.

🌹UOJB!  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:24:17am

re: #11 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Holy shit. That article. What a horrible person.

Understatement. She’s a walking cesspool.

A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:25:23am

re: #5 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Well, there’s also this. No lions required.

Charles Johnson  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:28:10am
jaunte  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:31:37am
Barefoot Grin  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:31:58am

I heard a chattering head on one of the networks saying that Trump wants a red carpet and a 21-gun salute as he leaves the White House.

jaunte  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:32:49am
PhillyPretzel  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:33:50am

I do not know if this is the official website of the First Pets but it is funny as anything.

Jay C  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:34:01am

re: #13 A hollow voice says, 25th my ass, impeach!

Well, there’s also this. No lions required.

Wisdom of the ages: I was impressed by this bit from Emperor Trajan:

But anonymously posted accusations ought to have no place in any prosecution. For this is both a dangerous kind of precedent and out of keeping with the spirit of our age.

I wonder what Trajan would have thought if they had the Internet back then….?


this is my 10,000th LGF comment!
And it only took me 8 years and 11 months to get here!

Not sure whether I should be proud, or just marvel at how much time I’ve wasted effort I’ve put in?

Gonna go with “proud” for now.

TedStriker  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:34:17am

re: #3 🌹UOJB!

“Animal Print Karen”…I’m ROTFLMAO!

[Embedded content]

re: #7 stpaulbear

What a peach.

re: #11 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Holy shit. That article. What a horrible person.

re: #12 🌹UOJB!

Understatement. She’s a walking cesspool.

Falco-DiCorrado allegedly told Black residents at the meeting, “You’re lucky we brought you over as slaves, or else you’d be deported too.” She later told the Palm Beach Post her comments were misinterpreted and she didn’t mean any harm.”

No, those comments were as clear as fucking Waterford crystal.

Dangerman  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:37:15am

Trump will be the first president in the [modern] polling era to end his first term with an approval of below 40%, the first with a disapproval rating north of 50% and the first with a negative net (approval - disapproval) rating.


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:51:39am

I’m back from the store.


I bought a new lotto ticket, imagining what I will do with $840,000,000. Maybe help fund some worthy causes (LGF, Wonkette, our public library, Planned Parenthood, the USO).

Dangerman  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:51:48am

apropos of nothing

Trumps social media bans have drastically altered his ability to control the narrative and muddy the waters

He can no longer “take out” A republican With one tweet

There’s A good chance they’re become less afraid of him very quickly

And the media isn’t hanging on his every tweet or breathlessly waiting for the next one

PhillyPretzel  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:52:28am

re: #22 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Great. :)

Dangerman  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:54:00am

Charles Johnson  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:54:45am
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:56:05am

re: #23 Dangerman

apropos of nothing

Trumps social media bans have drastically altered his ability to control the narrative and muddy the waters

He can no longer “take out” A republican With one tweet

There’s A good chance they’re become less afraid of him very quickly

And the media isn’t hanging on his every tweet or breathlessly waiting for the next one

The trick is not to let Republican politicians get away with standing in defence of him and memory-hole him like they did with Geo. W. Bush.

Dangerman  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:56:46am

re: #26 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Done right in front of us …with the approval and permission of the Republicans

ericblair  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:57:10am

re: #16 Barefoot Grin

I heard a chattering head on one of the networks saying that Trump wants a red carpet and a 21-gun salute as he leaves the White House.

How about good ol’ Texas tar, the best goose down feathers, and lovely two-hundred year old seasoned American oak rail.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 16, 2021 • 10:59:29am

re: #3 🌹UOJB!

“Animal Print Karen”…I’m ROTFLMAO!

she should have been arrested much MUCH earlier by Joan Rivers’ Fashion Police.

Barefoot Grin  Jan 16, 2021 • 11:01:21am

This is pretty good. Having spent considerable time at my grandparents’ home in rural GA—about 30 minute drive to Alabama—it rings true. My mom used the old saying, “in the south white people don’t care how close Black people get as long as they don’t get above them, and in the north they don’t care how well they do, as long as they don’t get near them.” Simple sayings can’t cover the whole truth, but it was true growing up in Illinois that zoning laws and other methods were pretty efficient at keeping the populations segregated. I’ve said, though, many times that here where I am in New England the biggest MAGA folks are the McMansion people and not necessarily the poorer population. It’s so white here that race probably isn’t the first consideration except in some fever dreams about M-13.

Dangerman  Jan 16, 2021 • 11:01:48am

Taking no responsibility at all

Jenna Ryan, a Texas real estate broker who took a private jet to Washington to join the attack on the US Capitol, has pleaded with Donald Trump to pardon her after she was arrested by federal authorities.

After surrendering to the FBI on Friday, Ryan said: “We all deserve a pardon.”

“I’m facing a prison sentence,” she told CBS11 at her home. “I think I do not deserve that.”

Ryan said she had been “displaying my patriotism”, adding: “I listen to my president who told me to go to the Capitol

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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