
The people overseas who make your clothes are rioting…

The high cost of low price
176Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)
September 2013
re: #175 Political Atheist No, you're making up a strawman of my argument and attacking it, as you do far too often. Costs cannot be ignored. Higher production costs prompt a decision: Whether you want to raise the prices, shrinking ...

…and it’s not pretty: This is not a situation unique to Bangladesh. Similar unrest is occurring all over Asia in nations where exploitation of labor is common and more or less perfectly legal. Halfway around the world, the American desire for cheap everything is taking a high, high human toll …

2012 RNC ‘Presidential Platform’ Questionnaire Wants to Know How Much You Hate Obama

Would you like to take a survey?
127funky chicken
April 2012
I got this "survey" as well, and answered it as honestly as I could. I even wrote a couple of notes in the section that asked for comments. I sent it back with no donation (duh) and no real hope ...