
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton8/20/2009 8:17:26 am PDT

re: #616 calcajun

No, I don’t. Judging by the tone of all the town hall meetings, I think the overwhelming majority of Americans want some form of health insurance and tort reform-not for the government to be the largest employer in the country. If the Dems go against that, they risk being turfed out in a major loss next November.

The progressive are already setting themselves up for a major meltdown, this November and 2012. The party itself is split three different ways about these health care proposals. The socialist in the party are livid at the drug companies involvement, the Blue Dogs don’t like much about the bill and then the middle is fighting all of them.

Every plan that Obama has put in place is not coming close to living up to his promises.

Stimulus money is not getting out to the needed areas, and even where it has, it has not proven to have made much of a difference. Right here in Colorado, our governor is making 280 million in cuts, and the money he is getting from the feds is simply being used to shore up existing programs which has a null effect on any progress.

Cap and Trade and other energy proposals has fallen off the radar, and well so, since Obama is getting so much push back on health care, he doesn’t dare revive that issue right now, another large burden on every tax payer in the country.

There is not a single country who he offer a hand to that has unclenched their fist, for a matter of fact, they have mocked and ignored any of his overtures.

And there is not a single poll in regards to the president or his policies that is not headed in any direction but DOWN.

And should I mention “no cash for clunkers.” No, I won’t.

This is a failed president.