
'No Muslim' Parking Signs Come Down in Spring Branch, TX

theheat8/09/2013 4:53:54 pm PDT

I see such-and-such store parking only signs all the time. It means those spots are reserved for customers at such-and-such establishment. Perfectly understandable. These signs could have read “Westview Shopping Center Parking Only. Others Will Be Towed.” Others meaning anyone, Muslim or not, that were not patronizing that establishment and using their parking spaces.

But this means YOU PARTICULAR people can’t park here because US people don’t want you, especially when you’re being pesky around Ramadan. That’s a different tone entirely. And I would venture the mall owner never politely or discreetly asked anyone at the mosque to remind its attendees to please not take Westview Shopping Center parking spots. No, a snotty sign was more fun.