
Global Security Studies

palmerskiss4/11/2014 3:59:35 pm PDT

thank you for this resource - nuance is important!

Radicalization of Youth as a Growing Concern for Counter-Terrorism Policy

In Ireland - in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, they lobbied us pretty heavy against use of violence and terrorism. By this period they had a good handle on what was creating new recruits for all the many paramilitary groups operating in both the north and the south. Most of the programs used information and personal meetings to change the dynamic. Books on the conflict, including fiction (love and drama novels say between protestants and catholics were required reading in schools), school trips across sectarian lines replaced trips to “Waterford Crystal” and “Dublin Zoo”…

I am not really in a position whether to suggest it worked, how well it worked, what other factors came in to play, etc. I can give my own personal anecdotal experience that it helps, that it humanizes the other side, and that it de-radicalizes youth.

I can point to the tentative peace that is a decade old. And i can point to how the views and opinions of myself and my peers in regards to the troubles have changed over that decade.

i will be devouring this archive - so thank you :)