
Back-Alley Abortions in 2011: How Anti-Choice Zealots Force Women to Go to Dangerous Clinics Like Dr. Kermit Gosnell's

Escaped Hillbilly1/22/2011 12:03:52 am PST

Wait, that connection does not compute. I am pro choice. But this man was a for profit racketteer. He was not hurting for funds. He charged more than most other providers and billed Medicaid and private insurers, sometimes both, illegally. Poor women may have initially gone to him because they thought they could get cheap services, but they continued to go back because he offered very late term abortions that no one else would. That isn’t anti-choice. If anything their impact has been more direct in criminalizing late term abortion, which could be argued as morally and medically just. OR they could be guilty of reducing the amount of education and information out there so that women aren’t seeking abortions early on and are waiting until dangerously far along. But lack of financial ability to pay had NOTHING to do with their using this quack monster. Some were traveling from out of state and paying up to $3000, which is more than even local hospitals charged.