
Moulitsas, Olbermann Agree: 9/11 A 'Political Opportunity' For GOP

Scottish Dragon8/30/2011 8:07:58 pm PDT
The GOP doesn’t care about 3000 people who died on 9-11? Really?

That’s disgusting.

Uh huh.

Then they went straight out and used 9/11 to attack every dem they could. They accused Senator Max Cleland…a man who lost 3 limbs in Vietnam…of being an Al Qaeda sympathizer.


They accused an American war hero of being an Goddamned Al Qaeda sympathizer after 9/11, and they used 9/11 to question the patriotism and allegiance of every non-Republican in the country. They were not subtle about it.

I’m gonna go with Olbermann on this one. It was a national security wet dream for the neo-cons, and they made the most of it.

I am ashamed that I believed them at the time. I will not make that mistake again.