
In Mexico, Biden Rejects Drug Legalization Talk

EiMitch3/12/2012 9:14:50 pm PDT
Biden, who said he had spent “thousands of hours” at Senate hearings on the issue, said that while drug legalization could do positive things like reducing prison populations, it would lead to more drug use, health problems, and even more bureaucracies.

“It impacts on a country’s productivity. It impacts on the health costs of that country. It impacts on mortality rates,” Biden said. He added that legalization wouldn’t work “unless you are going to not only legalize but you are going to provide a government apparatus for the distribution of the drugs.”

First of all, is there a shred of evidence to support the notion that legalization would lead to more drug abuse? C’mon! One peer-reviewed study from a credible source is all I ask for.

Second, the statement “it impacts on a country’s productivity,” makes me ask the obvious question: what productivity? Lousy timing for that argument, in case you haven’t noticed VP Biden.

And third, I also challenge the notion that more bureaucracy for regulating legalized drugs is really worse than our ridiculously zealous drug enforcement. C’mon! I’d rather have more bean-counters than more Joes going away for minor offenses and emerging as hardened criminals.

I won’t even ask if the former is more expensive than the latter, because it doesn’t matter. Studies have shown that being “hard on crime” in general (not just with drug offenses) is expensive and counterproductive. Foregoing reform efforts for first-time offenders, in favor of punishing them, guarantees that nearly all of them go further down that dark path. Not to mention, for all of the negative things I could honestly say about having more bureaucrats, I can’t say that its a human rights violation. Whereas our prison system is chock full of abuse.

And that pales in comparison to the nightmare Mexico is suffering because of black market drug profits. So if you’re telling me that pennies are more important than that, then f*** you! I don’t care who you are, its a criminal (pun) attitude. Not to mention, after all the money we’ve spent on wars and subsidizing large corporations, including the ones that caused our economic collapse, its hilariously horrifyingly disingenuous to invoke our nations purse-strings to rationalize keeping drugs illegal.


If you say that legalizing drugs will make things worse, then I say “prove it or f*** off!” Too many people have died over this already.