
Inside the mind of a killer - did Aurora shooter have ADHD?

SanFranciscoZionist7/23/2012 10:58:11 am PDT

I’m going to be a mild jerk here. Calling shenanigans on this theory.

Joe Scarborough thinks Holmes is ‘on the autism spectrum’ because Scarborough’s son has Aspergers. He’s also bright, and socially inept.

People do not go on murder sprees because they have ADHD, or Aspergers, although I guess there is nothing stopping a person who’s going to go on a murder spree from also having ADHD or Aspergers. All this guy, and Scarborough, are doing is scaring the living daylights out of parents of children with these common conditions which are not linked to violence like this.

Let’s let an actual shrink look at this guy before we start putting our own personal diagnoses on him, based on nothing more than ‘he was real smart, and didn’t make friends easily’, which may not even be entirely correct, given the short amount of time we’ve had to figure out who he was.