
The Growing Threat of Christian Dominionism: How Christian fundamentalists plan to teach genocide of enemies to schoolchildren

EiMitch9/07/2012 4:21:40 pm PDT

Yes, today’s republican party is ridiculously extremist. Yes, SuperPACs are ruining our politics. And yes, the SCOTUS Citizens United ruling paved the way for Grover Norquist to hijack and monopolize an entire major political party.

Having said that, these two articles talking about the GOP planning mass murders is sensationalist Godwin bulls***! There are plenty of vital reasons to defeat the teabaggers and take back our elections from mega-corporations without having to resort to this agitprop crapola.

Just because somebody has the same enemies as you Destro, that doesn’t mean they’re trustworthy. Or do you only care about whether the ends justify the means?