
If You Think Waterboarding Isn't Torture, Watch Christopher Hitchens Get Waterboarded

Reality Based Steve11/22/2015 5:31:01 pm PST

I rarely cross-post, but since I put this in downstairs just before that thread died off, I feel ok doing it. (and I’ve added a reference)

I have one simple question for RW supporters of waterboarding, who maintain it’s not a torture. If it’s not a torture, why did we convict several Japanese after WW2 for it. In at least one case, one was sentenced to 15 years hard labor. We also court-martialed and convicted an American soldier of torturing a prisoner during Vietnam by waterboarding.

Here is a good piece on the history of waterboarding., and how it’s been considered a torture for a very long time now

I swear, if I see anything even suggesting that waterboarding is OK on my FB timeline tonight I’m going to start trimming my friends list with a hedge trimmer.