
The Ludicrous Right Wing 'Benghazi-Gate' Fake Scandal Gets Even More Ludicrous

researchok11/17/2012 11:45:32 am PST

Jennifer Rubin is emblematic of the current conservative/GOP mainstream.

They look in the mirror and refuse to see what is really there- and therein lies the problem.

You can’t fix what you refuse to see.

When you refuse to look at not only yourself but your ‘tribe’ mas well, you sow the seeds of your own communal implosion.

There is no other way to say it, but this is a kind of more than mild psychopathy.

AA and similar groups exist and thrive not because they deal with alcohol addiction (that is the easy part)- they succeed because they reach the individual and address his or her psychopathy- they are alcoholics, they are ill and they cannot ‘control; the booze.

All political groups have extremes- all- but the current GOP extreme is now mainstream.

Now, these are not bad people, they are not evil and they are not really even racists. What they are is blind and oblivious and will sign on to any belief which reinforces their worldview or ideology.- and therein is the biggest tragedy of all.

They just do not realize their beliefs are counter productive.

You can be conservative, progressive, religious or atheist- realists of all stripes adhere to each of those beliefs.

If you are not a realist however, you cannot be relevant.

There are enough ludicrous conspiracy theories out there- there is no need to contribute to the body of stupid and irrelevant thinking.

Benghazi and Libya are absolutely worth discussing and looking into.

Making it a political agenda will ensure the truth will never be the primary objective and that is the most un American reality of all.

This defines what is today an American political tragedy. We don’t want to ever silence relevant opposing views. We need to encourage healthy debate. Unfortunately, all we have to deal with now is silliness.

As someone right of center, I can assure you this is most disheartening.