
Hey rightwing gun nuts - arming slave victims would not have freed them because the gun trade actually fueled the slave trade

Destro1/19/2013 6:54:43 pm PST

re: #7 EPR-radar

These points were also valid in the Jim Crow era —- I’m sure blacks who owned guns had as much to fear from the KKK and other white mob violence as blacks who were unarmed.

In fact, by the time one is seriously considering a heavily armed citizen vs. a mob, civilization is a distant memory. The fact that this fantasy is front and center for wingnuts is a giant tell on their views of modern US society.

Blacks did own arms in the South during Jim Crow - for hunting, etc. But if they shot up a white man the man and probably his whole family would be targeted for death. Also, I want to thank Blacks for non-violent resistance against the evil the endured.

America would be a mess if the Black Southern population rose up and carried out a long term “Sandinista” like resistance against white rule.