
Video: Thailand, With an iPhone 4S

Dark_Falcon2/03/2012 7:55:32 pm PST

Well, Newt Gingrich finally went and made my shit list, with the following piece of bullshit:

Gingrich hammered the class-based themes again and again.

He attacked out-of-touch news media “elites” who reside in Manhattan high rises and “ride the subway” (perhaps unaware of who rides public transportation in New York City).

At one point, he even compared Romney to President Barack Obama, whom he has routinely described as a “food stamp president.”

Like Obama, he claimed, Romney wants Americans to live off food stamps instead of paychecks.

“Obama is big food stamp, he is little food stamp,” Gingrich said of Romney. “But they both think food stamps are okay.”

I’d point out that neither Barack Obama nor Mitt Romney “think food stamps are okay”, but rather they both see food stamps as a something that some families may sometimes need to survive and that thus it is societally and morally better therefore for food stamps to exist.

But of course such words would be wasted on a egomaniacal blowhard like Newt. As a consequence of this lie/dogwhistle Newt Gingrich just produced, he joins the list of candidate I will not vote for, period. If Newt Gingrich wins the Republican nomination, I will vote for Barack Obama.