
Jon Stewart on the Epic Fox News Election Night Meltdown

Rightwingconspirator11/08/2012 4:30:10 pm PST

re: #85 erik_t

Maybe so. New issues to think about. As soon as you try to provide fighter cover for a drone you may wind up with a nest of issues. The point of the things is to avoid all that. Risk a fighter plane & pilot protecting a drone and you kinda lost the point of using a drone to begin with.

Sheesh so much doctrine being written as we go. Drones are controversial on many levels. Tactical, civil liberties, costs. On and on. We need them but we better pioneer this right.

There is a morality issue IMO in shooting down a person to defend a toaster, uh, drone. Is it smart to kill over a camera robot when you are not at war? I’d say not. looking forward to seeing our policy unfold.