
New From Olbermann: The GOP Must Take Responsibility for Trump

Jay C6/02/2017 6:49:31 am PDT

OT, but I popped up to our summer palazzo house for the day (Berkshires, MA) and just saw a (?)young bobcat casually saunter across my front lawn. I’m guessing “young” because it was smaller and less-markedly-colored than one I saw last fall: it’s just odd that after having a house up here for 25 years or so, these two sightings are the only time I’ve seen bobcats (I had to Wiki it to be sure) - they were/are supposed to be fairly rare hereabouts. Though when I woke up this morning, I glanced out the window to see a pair of rabbits calmly munching away on the grass: I’m guessing their presence isn’t unrelated to Bob and his family hanging around….
I love being in the country…