
About Scott Terry - CPAC Slavery Defender and "Disenfranchised Whites" Illustrated

Dr Lizardo3/16/2013 12:44:46 pm PDT

re: #77 Mattand

Yeah, here’s the thing: as wonderful as this sentiment is, the lunacy has been building for nearly 40 years.

Reagan’s Cadillac-driving Welfare Queen.

The Willie Horton ad, courtesy of Lee Atwater.

The Birther movement.

Romney’s 47%.

And the CPAC clusterfuck that happened yesterday.

And that’s just the pandering to racists.

This is what Republicans have voting for these last 4 decades. This is the party you guys put into place. And it’s not changing anytime soon.

So if one wants to keep siding with the fundies, racists, and loons, by all means; keep voting GOP.

I know it would take far longer than ‘one year’ to sort out the political lunatic asylum that the GOP has become. Realistically, it might take as long as a couple of generations. That kind of insanity doesn’t go away….and indeed, it’s always been around since the beginning of the country. It pops up sporadically in different manifestations, like the Anti-Masonic Party, the American Party (Know-Nothings) or what have you. Perhaps its most extreme manifestation was the Secession Movement that led to the American Civil War.

In time, this will pass, and the loonies - after suffering some final and catastrophic and humiliating electoral debacle - will go dormant, like a spent volcano that has vented itself.

On the other hand, it might explode like Vesuvius, burying everything in its path and leaving nothing but death and ruin in its wake. That’s the outcome no sane person wants.