
Vick's Plant

Killgore Trout3/27/2010 4:06:05 pm PDT

re: #87 freetoken

The “food pyramid” correlates well with the business interests and political arrangements in this country. Coincidence?

I actually do notice a political angle on this. Lizards, for the most part, aren’t really into the Jaimie Oliver program but it’s very popular with Dkos, HUffpo and left wing blogs. Reason Magazine is producing articles and videos talking about what a douche Oliver is and that McDonald’s is really great. Malkin has written that the school lunch program by Mrs Obama is a leftist plot to empower the unions (not kidding). Zombie wrote an article for PJM attacking school garden programs.
Tonight is one of the Earth Hour events and winguts are advocating turning on all their lights and appliances in protest. Just like conservatives abandoned the environment because they think it’s only for lefties, they’re also going to fight against healthy eating and obesity campaign just out of spite. Republicans were forced to campaign against their own Healthcare reform ideas, simply because Obama endorsed them. It’s amazing how conservatives are so willing to campaign against their own interests.