
Darrell Issa Was Briefed on 'Fast and Furious' in April 2010, But Raised No Objections

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/08/2011 3:49:37 pm PDT

re: #97 Killgore Trout

It would hurt them a lot, give them less cash to play around with, certainly. They’d still be able to smuggle the harder stuff, but it’d take a lot of cash out of their pockets.

Mexico’s corruption makes it difficult to know what would happen for sure, since in many places local gangs control the economy beyond the drug trade, as well. They own whole towns down there. The Federal government in Mexico is fighting back— just indicted a bunch of mayors, I think, for being basically pawns of the drug kingpins. But if they got to concentrate on a weakened bunch of gangs that had just lost their marijuana money, they’d have a lot more oomph.

It’s all speculation, we seem pretty far from marijuana decriminalization. Personally I think that’s a bigger failing on Holder’s part than this is— but I don’t have any grounds for wanting him kicked out because of it.