
Breaking: Iran Reaches Nuclear Deal With Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia, the EU and the US

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN11/23/2013 7:02:10 pm PST

Germany would have had the Czech tanks anyway. Hitler knew that France wasn’t coming out from behind the Maginot Line. Why do you think the Rhineland was virtually ungarrisoned when he invaded Poland? In the research I did for this part of history, Both England and France faced labor strikes if they went to war against Germany. It’s easy for us to forget 90 years and 4000 miles away from just how horrific WWI was and how much worse everybody expected the next one to be. France was turning over governments like the changing of the seasons. England had hardly any air force, and its nave was more occupied with the Japanese than you would realize. The Far East colonies were very important to England. For England to intervene in Europe would have meant the abandonment of those interests. It ultimately lost them anyway, but they could not have defended both Czechoslovakia and the Far East. One more point is that most people thought of Czechoslovakia as an artificial nation, created by the Treaty of Versailles. So it ‘snot that simple.