
Seth Meyers' Hilarious Take on Trump's Response to Hurricane Irma and Steve Bannon's Interview

BeachDem9/12/2017 2:07:39 pm PDT

Well, this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy:

MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE—I am here today on an expedition to see a taxpayer-funded exercise in ratfcking American elections. Looking at the members of the Presidential Advisory Commission On Election Integrity—the cheaper the crook, etc.—we see Kris (Papers, Please) Kobach, Ken (Ohio For Bush ‘04) Blackwell, as well as both Hans von Spakovsky and J. Christian Adams; von Spakovsky is a veteran of the W administration’s corrupt attempt to fire U.S. attorneys who declined to participate in this very snipe hunt 11 years ago, and Adams is one of those nuts who pushed the New Black Panthers hoax into the mainstream. This was the most remarkable collection of vote-suppressors since the last time that Ross Barnett dined alone.

…on the day’s first panel of “experts,’ we heard from John Lott…Lott has the approximate intellectual credibility of a manhole cover.