
Midday Open Thread

jvic3/19/2010 8:21:54 pm PDT

Hi, Ice. Hope you’re well.

I’m interacting with somebody who rattled off a bunch of people who are supposedly the GOP’s future. Most of them are names I respect with the conspicuous exception of Bachmann.

I found Charles’ film clip of Bachmann describing how God told her to run for Congress, but if you have any other material I’ll certainly look at it.
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I have trouble putting it into words, but my sense is that an over-reliance on spiritual experience is much of what ails the religious right. I’ve seen perfectly intelligent religious bloggers, when they experience blowback from bad decisions, conclude that God is testing them and continue full speed ahead toward the rocks. Given that Bush was pretty much a washout until his conversion experience at 40, I conjecture that this explains much of the failure of his Presidency.