
The Josh Duggar Scandal Gets Worse; One of His Victims Was a 5-Year Old Girl

Scottish Dragon6/03/2015 1:44:21 pm PDT

re: #24 Mike Lamb

No…Caitlynn Jenner.

No Problem…Rod Dreher is right there for you in todays bird spattered issue of TAC:

My friend Damon Linker has a theory about why we religious and social conservatives are so unnerved by the Caitlyn Jenner freakshow. Excerpts:

Given all of this, panic and even a dose of anger on the right are perfectly understandable. Still, I worry that thoughtful conservatives are moving a little too rashly to denunciation, resorting to language about the triumph of “Autonomous Eroticized Individualism,” and writing about the advent of a new “diabolic age.” (Both phrases come from my friend Rod Dreher.)

Yes, something important in America’s moral culture has changed (with the change accelerating in recent years), but that change isn’t simply a triumph of “postmodern freedom.” (Also Dreher.) What we’re witnessing is the withering away of the morality of ends — including a vision of human flourishing rooted in Protestant Christianity — that once prevailed in American public and private life. This comprehensive moral vision is being supplanted by a much more minimalist (but no less absolutist) morality of rights that aims above all to protect individuals from various forms of harm.

Before I go further, it’s important to point readers to the essay in which I elaborated on what I meant by a “diabolic age.” I’m deliberately playing off the conventional meaning of “diabolic,” but deepening and broadening it by discussing that etymologically, “diabolic” is the antonym of “symbolic,” meaning that what is diabolic separates, tears in two, rather than unites and harmonizes. In that post to which I link, I talk about how modern globalized economics tears communities to bits, as well as how modern sexual ethics, built as they are on an ideology of the supremacy of individualism and eroticism. As a Christian, I see the hand of el Diablo in all of this, but you do not have to be any sort of believer to recognize the rapid and ongoing atomization of human solidarity with the past, with tradition, with each other, and with anything outside of the willed, chosen Self.

Those diabolic transgenders are all behind it.