
Flaw Found in Key Method for Protecting Data on the Internet

CuriousLurker4/08/2014 9:18:43 pm PDT

re: #99 William Barnett-Lewis

This is KT. He’s probably excited that someone, even kids, could get hurt. Just remember how happy he is every time he talks about people getting pepper sprayed.

He wants attention—negative or positive doesn’t seem to matter—and he gets it. As long as he keeps getting it, he’s not going to stop.

One of the things he counts on is that people will have knee-jerk reactions to whatever he posts without actually reading source, allowing him to make up whatever silly crap he wants and run with it, without anyone noticing.

It’s not adult behavior—it reminds me of the high school rebels & misfits who fancied themselves to be iconoclasts, but in actuality often turned out to be unhappy misanthropes with poor interpersonal skills.