
Cyberstalker Chuck C. Johnson Announces "Fake Rape" Website With Disgraced CTO Pax Dickinson

Scottish Dragon2/08/2016 1:23:24 pm PST


I just got back from the doctor about my sleep study tests.

My blood oxygen level at night is somewhere around “You are dying right now and this is an emergency” apparently.

I have had sleep apnea and snoring issues for over 20 years, but over the last couple of years I have been exhausted all day long every day, had headaches and a list of other issues.

The test confirmed that it is at life threatening levels now.

I do a CPAP test Friday night, and thank God for that socialized medicine which is going to help provide a CPAP machine which could save my life.

Oh, and a hearty fuck you to every GOP asshole who wants to shred that.