
Natalia Lafourcade - Aventurera

ckkatz12/05/2019 7:50:14 am PST

Uncle Blazer makes the excellent point that there is a lot more to discover. And also that the outlines are fairly obvious, but the details need to be found.

I think that there are several other reasons for not being in a rush that he did not mention…

1. It means that the Impeachment process keeps control of the new cycle rather than surrendering it back to the Republicans (Trump and Senate).

2. The Democrats still need to corner McConnell like a trapped rat so that he and the Senate Republicans will either do the right thing or will face severe consequences in November.

3. Continuing the impeachment process seems to be helping the Democratic candidates in National elections. Why surrender that without any sort of benefit from the Republicans.

I think that Ms Pelosi is going to pursue this as long it keeps bringing dividends. And good for her!