
New York Times Editorial Board: The Law Is Coming, Mr. Trump

Mattand4/11/2018 12:46:37 pm PDT

ABC: Comey compares Trump to mob boss

I really hope that Comey’s testimony and going public helps take Trump out. That said, I will go to my grave holding him as being a major factor in getting Trump elected, with his “I’m not saying Hillary’s a criminal, but…” October surprise bullshit.

A much better writer at Jezebel, I think, put it more succinctly than I did: Comey thought he could get a little bit pregnant with Trump and it blew up in his face. Show Donnie Babyfingers that he could be useful in a new administration, and then found out kind of fucking monster he was really dealing with.

And, yeah, I know about the Ashcroft standoff. I think the whiff of power that Trump presented him caused Comey to throw whatever fucking lessons he learned about that incident out the window.

In addition, the former Republican Whitewater prosecutor in Comey couldn’t give up the chance to fuck over Clinton when the opportunity presented itself.

I realize I’m the only who thinks this, but I can’t fucking stand this “St. Comey the Martyr” mantle everyone is putting on him, while ignoring the role he played getting us here in the first place.