
Doug Hoffman: The Glenn Beck Candidate

106 11:16:04 am PST

re: #95 tradewind

As for the controversial number four, it’s apparent to me that he means minor children are subject to the mores and tenets of their parents**, rather than the ones they may be exposed to in school that may conflict with what they are taught at home. This does not mean that parents are not subject to civil law.
** as long as this does not conflict with the civil law. For example, just because some whackjob parents believe that children can be beaten until black and blue does not mean that the state does not have the ability to prosecute them for child abuse…

Why does he have that as one of his priniciple? Has anyone said that children should NOT be subject to the influence of their parents?

Kids, heck, people, all of us, are exposed every day to things that conflict with our personal beliefs. Parents need to make sure they teach, including teaching by example, the values they want their children to hold.