
Van Jones: I Am Not a Truther

John Neverbend9/03/2009 6:57:13 pm PDT

re: #10 unrealizedviewpoint

I still want to hear him say: “I did not sign that petition.”
/Doesn’t matter though, he’s under the bus by Thursday morning.

I don’t think he’s going to make that statement. It would have been better to have made it today, but for some reason he chose not to. Perhaps he’s telling the whole truth, and then one can reasonably infer that if he didn’t agree with the petition, he certainly wouldn’t have signed it. Ergo and concordantly, the Truthers made it up. On the other hand, maybe he’s not telling the truth in which case the Truthers (unusually) are in the right this time. I simply don’t have enough information on which to make a judgement call.