
New From Olbermann: Why We Must Talk About Trump's Mental Health

Kragar9/06/2017 9:49:42 pm PDT

re: #100 Kragar

How the fuck does this man have a career peddling this shit?

Clyde Lewis

Lewis, talks about the possibility of numerous conspiracies and supernatural phenomena.[1] In a 2012 interview Lewis said beings from outer space have come to earth and “They are here to eat us…We are being farmed for our organs.”[2] He also believes the moon landing in 1969 was faked.[2] Lewis says President Barack Obama was born in Africa and is therefore not eligible to be president of the United States. He says that Obama “was conceived during a CIA operation” to infiltrate “communists” because “communists were black at that time.”[2] President George W. Bush was also a project of intelligence agencies, having been subjected to mind control in order to turn him into a “Manchurian candidate,” according to Lewis.[3] Lewis speaks positively of Russian President Vladimir Putin, as reflected on his Ground Zero website: “Vladimir Putin has been instrumental in rebelling against the hostile encroachment of the World Government and has challenged Barack Obama on his decisions to embrace the new World Order.”[4]

Lewis regularly cites weather control by the government or “rogue scientists” to manipulate global politics, once suggesting that Hurricane Sandy was created to help Obama by delaying the 2012 presidential election.[5] He says Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, “has every chance of being the Anti-Christ” and claims Men in Black once bombed his car “to scare him”