
Another Idiot Brings Guns to an Obama Rally

Cato the Elder9/15/2009 1:29:17 pm PDT

re: #102 experiencedtraveller

I’d bet charges are pending against the samurai…

Not yet, but they surely will be.

The kid will probably be prosecuted under Maryland’s asinine “sympathy for criminals” laws. Here in this godforsaken state, we have something called the “duty to retreat”. Do you guys know what that is? It means if your home is invaded by an intruder, and you have a gun, you are required to beat a retreat if doing so would get you to safety. Even if the intruder is armed or you suspect he might be.

So, if you’re in your first-floor bedroom, and fail to jump out the window, but instead shoot the guy, YOU can be prosecuted. This is one of the 132,687 reasons I will soon be moving away not only from Harm City but from Maryland altogether. I just shook hands on my new house last Friday.

I have no doubt the bleeding hearts will try to make an example of this student.