
Overnight Open Thread

Nyet7/23/2011 3:22:09 am PDT

Zombie quoted this from a Google translation of some page:


- To constantly be suspicion and rejection of a society does something to you, told Dagbladet’s Marte Michelet debate editor of a political workshop at Utya.

Michelet opened to a packed hall on integration and immigration policy. She used her own laws as an example of how it is to be an asylum seeker to come to a new country. She expressed concern about the increasingly living pure Islamophobia that will dominate the public immigration debate.

- Previously, the majority agreed with the AUF. Majority community must adapt so that minorities feel welcome. Today it is becoming more acceptable to blame the immigrants and argue that any lack of integration is their own fault.
In her introduction she also warned against the blbrune right parties that have gained considerable influence in European politics.

- After the Berlin Wall’s fall was Islamophobia the dominant form of European racism. The more unacceptable form of general racism, was linked to the Muslims. “They can not integrate. They lack manners. They’ll just exploit our welfare system. They are potential terrorists. ” All of this is found in the online debates in all matters relating to integration and immigration, she said.

Utya Labour Youth summer camp

Could it be that he targeted not simply left-wingers, but particularly anti-xenophobic activists?