
How to Find Great Deals and Support LGF at the Same Time

Vicious Babushka11/23/2012 6:48:07 am PST

re: #108 A Mom Anon

Nice holiday spirit and all that. I can think of not one single product that I would stand in line and/or fight over. I’d stand in line for food or medical treatment, but those are necessities. All those years working retail during the holidays took their toll on my holiday spirit I’m afraid. I hate the whole holiday season these days, it’s not at all about being kind or generous in spirit. Of course there are exceptions, all over the place, but the retail business and what it encourages turns my stomach.

I was in my last trimester of my 1st pregnancy working for KMart the year the Cabbage Patch dolls were introduced. The distribution center gave us 48 dolls. I wheeled them out on a big flatbed cart and got knocked down and stepped on. For a fucking doll. It was like I didn’t exist. Not one person stopped to ask if I was ok. I was in my early 20s and expecting my first child, I wanted Christmas to be awesome, that kinda changed my whole mindset. I’ve never been to a Black Friday sale as a shopper, only as a worker and I can tell you, the holidays bring out the monster in way too many of our fellow citizens.

The stores like to encourage these frenzies. They would encourage “Battle Royale” knockdown dragouts between customers for a $79 HDTV if they thought it would promote more sales.

Black Friday is one day of year that I will STAY AWAY from the stores.