
Return of the Texas Taliban: Schoolbooks Are Anti-Christian

MarkAM9/23/2010 9:43:23 am PDT

I’d call these folks Christian Stalinists.

“Judeo-Christianity” isn’t in my dictionary either. Is this clown suggesting that it’s an actual religion? (snark)

And as for what they find objectionable:

In the board’s official resolution, members cite textbook passages that call Christian Crusaders “invaders” and “violent attackers,” while claiming Muslims were “empire builders.”

Umm…hard to see what’s untrue in the above. Seems to me the European Crusaders were invading the holy land; the Muslims certainly built empires. As for violent attackers, well:

On a popular level, the first crusades unleashed a wave of impassioned, personally felt pious Christian fury that was expressed in the massacres of Jews that accompanied the movement of the Crusader mobs through Europe, as well as the violent treatment of “schismatic” Orthodox Christians of the east. During many of the attacks on Jews, local Bishops and Christians made attempts to protect Jews from the mobs that were passing through. Jews were often offered sanctuary in churches and other Christian buildings.[citation needed]
In the 13th century, Crusades never expressed such a popular fever, and after Acre fell for the last time in 1291 and the Occitan Cathars were exterminated during the Albigensian Crusade, the crusading ideal became devalued by Papal justifications of political and territorial aggressions within Catholic Europe.