
By semi-popular demand: I'm Curious to why any Jew (or the Israeli state!) Would Cozy up to Evangelical Christians.

Buck11/05/2011 10:25:26 pm PDT

Pat Robertson does not teach that the only aim for his church is to see all Jews betrayed by the Anti-Christ and then die horribly.

I understand that you all know the double secret reasons that he can’t share with anyone publicly, but somehow you found out.

However he makes a good speech, fooling the stupid Jews….

Here is good one.

Ladies and Gentleman, evangelical Christians support Israel because we believe that the words of Moses and the ancient prophets of Israel were inspired by God. We believe that the emergence of a Jewish state in the land promised by God to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was ordained by God.

We believe that God has a plan for this nation which He intends to be a blessing to all the nations of the earth.

Of course, we, like all right-thinking people, support Israel because Israel is an island of democracy, an island of individual freedom, an island of the rule of law, and an island of modernity in the midst of a sea of dictatorial regimes, the suppression of individual liberty, and a fanatical religion intent on returning to the feudalism of 8th Century Arabia.

We are with you in your struggle. We are with you as a wave of anti-Semitism is engulfing the earth. We are with you despite the pressure of the “Quartette” and the incredibly hostile resolutions of the United Nations. We are with you despite the threats and ravings of Wahabbi Jihadists, Hezbollah thugs, and Hamas assassins.

We are with you despite oil embargos, loss of allies, and terrorist attacks on our cities.

We evangelical Christians merely say to our Israeli friends, “Let us serve our God together by opposing the virulent poison of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism that is rapidly engulfing the world.”

Good stuff…. fools me….