
Mitt Romney's Energy Advisers Are Terrifying

researchok8/02/2012 6:24:18 pm PDT

I’d agree his energy advisers are lacking,to say the least.

As for Iraq, we’re a lot smarter with hindsight- and certainly The Nation has their own spin an agenda, also honed with hindsight and time.

John Bolton and some of the others are no prize to be sure but we are looking through a lens of time.

Lastly, the neocons can’t be painted with a single brush stroke.

The Arab Spring is proof of that and certainly in Iraq, Obama has not radically changed the agenda. He has moved things along- that was inevitable- but like Guantanamo, the Patriot Act and other national security matters Obama has continued to do what he deems necessary- and that is to his credit (and a very credible argument can be made that the President and the Justice Department have outdone Bush in prosecuting terror).

There is always the temptation to oversimplify things but in the end, we don’t have all the information and are not privy to the national security decision making process.

When all is said and done, Obama is very credible when it comes to foreign policy. Is he flawless? No? Would Romney be flawless? Also, no. I suspect notwithstanding campaign rhetoric (always entertaining) our foreign policy will remain consistent.

That has been the one constant.